45. Telegram 3462 From the Embassy in Argentina to the Department of State1
3462. Subject: Request for Instructions.
1. In view of the general worsening human rights situation here, I believe the time has come for a démarche at the highest level. Hence, I request instructions to ask for an urgent appointment with the Foreign Minister.
2. I wish authorization to say to him the following: quote The US very much sympathizes with the moderate policies announced by President Videla and had hoped to be helpful to Argentina in her process of national reconstruction and reconciliation. We fully understand that Argentina is involved in all-out struggle against subversion. There are, however, some norms which can never be put aside by governments dedicated to a rule of law. Respect for human rights is one of them. The continued activities of Triple A-type death squads which have recently murdered Michelini, Gutierrez Ruiz and dozens of others and have just kidnapped a member of the Fulbright Commission, Miss Elida Messina, are damaging the GOA’s generally good image abroad. These groups seem to operate with immunity and are generally believed to be connected with the Argentine security forces. Whether they are or not, their continued operation can only be harmful to the GOA itself and cause consternation among Argentina’s friends abroad. End quote.
3. In view of the pace of developments, I would appreciate reply by immediate cable.
Summary: In view of the worsening human rights situation, Hill requested permission to deliver a démarche to the Foreign Minister to express the concern of the U.S. Government.
Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D760203–0109. Secret; Immediate; Limdis. In telegram 129048 to Buenos Aires, May 25, the Department concurred. (Ibid.) In telegram 3576 from Buenos Aires, May 28, Hill reported on his May 27 démarche to the Foreign Minister, noting that he had advocated “some sort of statement on part of GOA deploring terrorism of any kind, whether from left or right, and reaffirming GOA’s resolve to enforce law and respect human rights.” Hill added that while “Guzzetti indicated his understanding of the problem, I did not have the impression he really got the point.” (Ibid., D760208–0267)