109. Telegram 46847 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Brazil1

46847. Subject: Approach to GOB on Human Rights. Ref: (A) State 43532 (B) State 094917 [14917].

1. Reftel A requests addressees to assure that the host government is aware of the great interest in the United States in the international promotion of human rights, particularly as noted by the relevant provisions of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974, which were transmitted by reftel B.

2. The congressional attitude on human rights issues remains as described at January Chiefs of Mission meeting by members of congressional staffs. The Department is continuing to receive a steady flow of inquiries on the general human rights situation in Brazil as well as on specific cases of alleged human rights violations there. For example, Congressman Fraser has just asked whether the Embassy might make inquiries and express concern about the well-being of Ana Rosa Kucinski Silva and her husband. Inquiries of this sort are of course complicated by two factors: First, Minister Falcao’s assertion that Wilson Silva’s whereabouts are unknown and his wife has no record and is unknown to the authorities and second, the fact that according to our files we have never made direct official inquiries in Brazil regarding anyone who does not have a possible claim to U.S. citizenship. (Of course, in other countries we have inquired about the welfare of non-U.S. citizens.) We would appreciate your comments on Fraser’s request. Exchange of correspondence with Fraser being pouched.

3. With reference to para 1, however, we believe that it would be useful for you personally to alert Silveira to the atmosphere on human [Page 308] rights here in general and in the Congress in particular. You could cite cases of particular interest such as Paulo Stuart Wright and Ana Rose Kucinski and her husband. We leave entirely to your discretion the timing and style of your approach.

  1. Summary: The Department instructed the Embassy to deliver a démarche to Foreign Minister Silveira to inform him of congressional concern over human rights abuses.

    Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D750073–1045. Confidential; Immediate. Drafted by Watson; cleared by Zimmerman, Crunyon in L, and Lister; approved by Bowdler. In telegram 14917 to all diplomatic posts, January 22, the Department described Section 502B of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1974, which required the President to reduce or terminate assistance to any government which engaged in a consistent pattern of gross violations of human rights. (Ibid., D750025–0090) In telegram 43532 to all diplomatic posts, February 26, the Department informed posts in countries receiving U.S. security assistance that “human rights factors must, under existing Department of State policy, be carefully considered in planning and carrying out our Security Assistance Programs.” (Ibid., D750069–0367) Crimmins raised the cases of Kucinski and Wright in a meeting with Araujo Castro on April 25. (Telegram 7073 from Brasília, August 14; ibid., D750281–0294)