91. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Scowcroft) to President Ford1


  • Narcotics: Response to Letter from Mexican President Echeverria

President Echeverria has written you expressing concern over the illegal traffic in dangerous narcotics and proposing establishment of parallel Mexican and U.S. Commissions to deal with the broad problem of narcotics use and traffic (Tab B). President Echeverria’s letter followed a recent discussion on narcotics with Ambassador Jova and Congressmen Lester L. Wolff (D., N.Y.) and Benjamin A. Gilman (R., N.Y.).

President Echeverria proposes the establishment of twin national commissions that could undertake parallel studies of all aspects of the drug abuse problem, propose new lines of action and expand coordination between our two countries. He believes each national commission could be composed of officials of the executive and legislative branches as well as representatives of the mass communications media and the public. He further states that he is proceeding to establish a Mexican Commission along these lines.

In conjunction with the concerned Federal Agencies, the Domestic Council, OMB and NSC have begun a study of the Mexican proposal to determine how we can best take advantage of Echeverria’s initiatives and assure, to the greatest degree possible, Mexican cooperation in the struggle against illicit narcotics. We will soon forward to you our recommendations on how we can best use existing drug commissions to parallel the one being organized by Echeverria.

In the interim I recommend that you respond in a warm fashion to Echeverria’s letter. The suggested response at Tab A indicates that you [Page 295] have established a task force to consider ways in which we should organize ourselves to collaborate closely with the commission he is establishing. The proposed response also underscores the importance you attach to measures our governments are already taking, both separately and together.

The Domestic Council and OMB concur in this memorandum. Bob Orben’s office has cleared the text of the letter.


That you sign the letter to President Echeverria at Tab A.

  1. Summary: Scowcroft recommended a warm response from President Ford to Echeverría’s proposal for the establishment of parallel national commissions on the problem of illegal narcotics trafficking.

    Source: Ford Library, National Security Adviser Papers, NSC Latin American Affairs Staff Files, Country Files, Box 4, Mexico—Narcotics Problem (Operation Intercept) 2. Confidential. Sent for action. A note on the memorandum reads: “The President has seen.” Attached but not published is a February 6 letter from Ford to Echeverría welcoming the Mexican proposal. The letter from Echeverría described as Tab B was not attached, but the Embassy transmitted its text in telegram 629 from Mexico City, January 16. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D760017–0498) In a January 9 memorandum, Rogers and Ernst expressed their view that the proposal had merit. (Ibid., ARA/MEX Files: Lot 78D297, SOC 11–5–25, Proposal for Twin Commissions to Combat Drugs, 1976) The Department transmitted the February 6 letter from Ford to Echeverría in telegram 31837 to Mexico City, February 9. (Ibid., Central Foreign Policy File, D760049–0563)