Sources for the Foreign Relations Series
The 1991 Foreign Relations statute requires that the published record in the Foreign Relations series include all records needed to provide comprehensive documentation on major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant U.S. diplomatic activity. It further requires that government agencies, departments, and other entities of the U.S. Government engaged in foreign policy formulation, execution, or support cooperate with the Department of State Historian by providing full and complete access to records pertinent to foreign policy decisions and actions and by providing copies of selected records. Most of the sources consulted in the preparation of this volume have been declassified and are available for review at the National Archives and Records Administration.
The editors of the Foreign Relations series have complete access to all the retired records and papers of the Department of State: the central files of the Department; the special decentralized files (“lot files”) of the Department at the bureau, office, and division levels; the files of the Department’s Executive Secretariat, which contain the records of international conferences and high-level official visits, correspondence with foreign leaders by the President and Secretary of State, and memoranda of conversations between the President and Secretary of State and foreign officials; and the files of overseas diplomatic posts. All the Department’s indexed central files through July 1973 have been permanently transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration at College Park, Maryland (Archives II). Many of the Department’s decentralized office files covering the 1969–1976 period, which the National Archives deems worthy of permanent retention, have been transferred or are in the process of being transferred from the Department’s custody to Archives II.
The editors of the Foreign Relations series also have full access to the papers of Presidents Nixon and Ford as well as other White House foreign policy records. Presidential papers maintained and preserved at the Presidential libraries include some of the most significant foreign affairs-related documentation from the Department of State and other Federal agencies including the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Dr. Henry Kissinger has approved access to his papers at the Library of Congress. These papers are a key source for the Nixon-Ford subseries of the Foreign Relations series.
[Page XII]Research for this volume was completed through special access to restricted documents at the Nixon Presidential Materials Project, the Ford Presidential Library, the Library of Congress, and other agencies. While all the material printed in this volume has been declassified, some of it is extracted from still classified documents. In the time since the research for this volume was completed, the Nixon Presidential Materials have been transferred to the Nixon Presidential Library and Museum in Yorba Linda, California. The Nixon Presidential Library staff and Ford Library staff are processing and declassifying many of the documents used in this volume, but they may not be available in their entirety at the time of publication.
Sources for Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, Volume E–11, Part 1
The presidential papers of the Nixon and Ford administrations are the best source of high-level decision making documentation for U.S. relations with Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean from 1973 until 1976. At the Nixon Library, several collections from the National Security Council Files are relevant to research. The Country Files for Latin America provide the NSC staff’s perspective on relations with these countries. The Institutional Files (H-Files) contain records on high-level meetings, requests for studies, and presidential decisions. High-level correspondence between President Nixon and foreign heads of state are contained in the Presidential Correspondence files. These files contain minutes, memoranda, and related documentation on the deliberations of the National Security Council itself, the Senior Review Group, the Washington Special Actions Group, and other interagency committees; also included are records relating to National Security Council Study and Decision Memoranda (NSSMs and NSDMs), as well as similar decision-making documents.
Material at the Ford Library is organized into categories similar to those at the Nixon Library. The National Security Adviser file contains a number of useful collections for understanding U.S.-Latin American relations: Presidential Country Files, Memoranda of Conversation, National Security Council Staff for Latin America, Trip Briefing books, and the Presidential Agency File. The President’s Daily Diary is an invaluable resource for following the President’s work schedule. The Ford Library has separate NSC Institutional (H-Files), which contain minutes and related documents for NSC and Senior Review Group meetings. Also found in this collection are the Policy Paper files containing National Security Study Memoranda (NSSMS), National Security Decision Memoranda (NSDMs), and related documents.
At the National Archives and Records Administration at College Park, Maryland, the Department of State Central Files, 1970–1973, contains useful material on the countries of Latin America. Focused largely on cable traffic to and from posts, they contain analysis of events in [Page XIII] country that have a bearing on U.S. policy. The Central Foreign Policy Files covering the period from 1973 onwards yield important telegrams and memoranda of conversation.
The Kissinger Papers at the Library of Congress contain a significant amount of duplicate material found in other repositories. However, the Geopolitical File contains documents not found elsewhere, and the Memoranda of Conversations File is remarkably comprehensive in scope. At the Department of Defense, the Official Records of the Secretary of Defense, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the files of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs contain useful documents on U.S. relations with Latin America. The records of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Intelligence Files at the National Security Council contain valuable documentation for this volume.
Unpublished Sources
Department of State
- Central Files. See Record Group 59 under National Archives and Records Administration below.
- Lot Files. For lot files already transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration, see RG 59, National Archives and Records Administration.
- INR/IL Historical Files
- Historical files of the Office of Intelligence Liaison of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, in the custody of the Department of State, 1940s–1980s, including: Asunción, 1969–1979; Brasília, 1975; Kingston, 1963–1969; Lima, 1963–1979; Managua, 1969–1977; Montevideo 1962–79; San Salvador, 1963–1979; Santiago, 1963–1979; Uruguay 1973–1980; and ARA-CIA Weekly Meetings, 1976–1977.
FOIA Electronic Reading Room. This resource,
located at, provides access to various
collections of declassified Department of State records, including
the following relevant to the subject matter of this volume:
- Kissinger Transcripts
National Archives and Records Administration, College
Park, Maryland
- Nixon Presidential Materials
- National Security Council Files, Country Files, Latin America
- National Security Council Files, Institutional Files (H-Files)
- Senior Review Group Minutes
- NSC Meeting Minutes
- NSDM Policy Papers
- Nixon Tapes
- RG 59, Records of the Department of State
- Subject-Numeric Central Files. The subject-numeric system is divided into broad categories: Administration, Consular, Culture and Information, Economic, Political and Defense, Science, and Social. Within each of these divisions are subject subcategories. For example, the Political and Defense category encompasses four subcategories: POL (Politics), DEF (Defense), CSM (Communism), and INT (Intelligence). Numerical subdivisions specified in the Department Record Classification Handbook further define the subject of filed material. This filing system was in use from 1963 through 1973. The following are the principal central files consulted and cited in this volume.
- OAS 3: Organization of American States, general
- OAS 7: Organization of American States, political
- ORG 7 S: visits of the Secretary of State
- PER Leonhardy, Terrance: Terrance Leonhardy personnel file
- POL 1 BOL–US: general policy and background on Bolivian-U.S. relations
- POL 1 BRAZ–US: general policy and background on Brazilian-U.S. relations
- POL 1 COL–US: general policy and background on Colombian-U.S. political relations
- POL 1 GUYANA–US: general policy and background on Guyanese-U.S. political relations
- POL 1 NIC–US: general policy and background on Nicaraguan-U.S. relations
- POL 1 VEN–US: general policy and background on Venezuelan-U.S. relations
- POL 2 DOM REP: Dominican Republic, general reports and statistics
- POL 2 HAI: Haiti, general reports and statistics
- POL 2 NIC: Nicaragua, general reports and statistics
- POL 7 ARG: Argentina, visits and meetings
- POL 7 BOL: Bolivia, visits and meetings
- POL 12 NIC: Nicaraguan political parties
- POL 14 NIC: Nicaraguan national elections
- POL 14 UR
- POL 15–1 JAM: Jamaican heads of state, executive branch
- POL 15 UR
- POL 17 US–BAH: U.S. diplomatic and consular representation in The Bahamas
- POL 17 US–JAM: U.S. diplomatic and consular representation in Jamaica
- POL 23–8 MEX: demonstrations, riots, and protests in Mexico
- POL 23–8 UR
- POL 23–9 CHILE: rebellion and coups in Chile
- POL 23–9 DOM REP: rebellion and coups in the Dominican Republic
- POL 23–9 HAI: rebellion and coups in Haiti
- POL 29 BOL: political prisoners in Bolivia
- POL 29 CHILE: political prisoners in Chile
- POL 33–1 MEX–US: river boundaries between Mexico and the United States
- POL ARG–US: Argentine-U.S. political relations
- POL BRAZ–US: Brazilian-U.S. political relations
- POL CHILE–US: Chilean-U.S. political relations
- POL COL–US: Colombian-U.S. political relations
- POL CUBA–US: Cuban-U.S. political relations
- POL EL SAL–HOND: Salvadoran-Honduran political relations
- POL MEX–US: Mexican-U.S. political relations
- POL PERU–US: Peruvian-U.S. political relations
- POL VEN–US: Venezuelan-U.S. political relations
- Central Foreign Policy File. Part of the online Access to Archival Databases (AAD); Electronic Telegrams; P-Reel Index; P-Reel Microfilm; D-Reel Telegrams
- Lot Files. These are the decentralized files maintained within individual offices of the Department of State.
- ARA Files, Lots 73D115, 73D189, 74D467, 75D144, 75D219, 75D251,
75D476, 78D261
- Subject and country files of the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs and U.S. Coordinator, Alliance for Progress, 1964–1975
- ARA Files, Lots 73D319, 74D343, 76D86, 76D195
- Subject and country files of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Inter-American Affairs (Economic Policy), 1968–1975
- ARA Files, Lots 73D353, 73D395, 76D110
- Subject and country files of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 1969–1975
- ARA Files, Lot 81D183
- Subject files of the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 1975–1978
- ARA/AND/B Files, Lots 78D46, 78D459, 79D339
- Records of the Office of Andean Affairs relating to Bolivia, 1976–1978
- ARA/AND/CH Files, Lot 79D43
- Records of the Office of Andean Affairs relating to Chile, 1971–1976
- ARA/CAR Files, Lot 75D75
- Records of the Office of Caribbean Countries relating to regional matters, 1968–1973
- ARA/CAR Files, Lots 79D323, 79D341
- Country files of the Office of Caribbean Affairs, 1975–1978
- ARA/CAR Files, Lots 74D476, 75D463
- Records of the Office of Caribbean Countries relating to Jamaica and Guyana, 1972–1973
- ARA/CAR/BAH Files, Lots 73D48, 74D79
- Records of the Office of Caribbean Countries relating to The Bahamas, 1970–1974
- ARA/CAR/BAH Files, Lot 76D 84
- Records of the Office of Caribbean Countries relating to The Bahamas base negotiations, 1973
- ARA/CAR/G Files, Lots 73D94, 73D102, 76D462
- Records of the Office of Caribbean Countries relating to Guyana, 1961–1974
- ARA/CAR/H Files, Lots 73D12, 74D60, 74D495
- Records of the Office of Caribbean Countries relating to Haiti, 1963–1974
- ARA/CAR/J Files, Lots 73D46, 76D482
- Records of the Office of Caribbean Countries relating to Jamaica, 1967–1974
- ARA/CCA Files, Lots 73D191, 73D245, 74D437, 74D439, 77D344,
78D189, 78D289, 79D206
- Records of the Office of the Coordinator of Cuban Affairs relating to Cuban political affairs, 1957–1975
- ARA/CCA Files, Lots 74D438, 78D34, 81D19
- Records of the Office of the Coordinator of Cuban Affairs relating to Cuban economic affairs, 1967–1975
- ARA/CEN Files, Lots 73D439, 74D491, 75D469
- Records of the Office of Central American Affairs relating to regional matters, 1963–1973
- ARA/CEN/B Files, Lots 76D138, 76D139, 76D140, 78D112
- Records of the Office of Central American Affairs relating to Belize, 1972–1975
- ARA/CEN/CR Files, Lots 73D60, 74D36, 75D63, 76D290, 78D109
- Records of the Office of Central American Affairs relating to Costa Rica, 1967–1975
- ARA/CEN/ES Files, Lots 73D29, 74D96, 76D45, 77D56, 78D113
- Records of the Office of Central American Affairs relating to El Salvador, 1967–1975
- ARA/CEN/G Files, Lots 73D59, 74D26, 76D32, 76D33, 77D59, 78D110
- Records of the Office of Central American Affairs relating to Guatemala, 1967–1975
- ARA/CEN/G File, Lots 79D128, 81D322
- Records of the Office of Central American Affairs relating to Guatemala, 1976–1979
- ARA/CEN/H Files, Lots 73D30, 76D46, 77D58
- Records of the Office of Central American Affairs relating to Honduras, 1967–1974
- ARA/CEN/N Files, Lots 71D513, 73D58, 74D35, 76D179, 76D387, 78D69
- Records of the Office of Central American Affairs relating to Nicaragua, 1969–1975
- ARA/ECP Files, Lots 73D103, 73D178, 74D107, 74D340, 74D454,
75D130, 76D454, 77D123
- Subject and country files of the Office of Regional Economic Policy, 1969–1975
- ARA/ECP Files, Lots 78D409, 78D411, 78D412, 78D413, 78D414, 79D218
- Subject files of the Office of Regional Economic Policy, 1969–1977
- ARA/NSC-IG Files, Lot 75D224
- Subject and country files of the Staff Director of the NSC Interdepartmental Group, 1973
- ARA/PLC Files, Lots 73D5, 74D267, 76D298
- Subject files of the Office of Policy and Coordination, 1971–1973
- ARA/PPC Files, Lot 76D325
- Subject files of the Office of Policy Planning, Public, and Congressional Affairs, 1970–1975
- ARA/RPP Files, Lot 81D372
- Subject files of the Office of Regional Political Programs, 1969–1977
- ARA/MEX Files, Lots 73D106, 74D118, 74D487, 75D478, 77D264
- Records of the Office of Mexican Affairs relating to Mexico, 1962–1975
- ARA/MEX Files, Lots 77D57, 78D235, 78D297
- Subject files of the Office of Mexican Affairs, 1974–1976
- L/ARA Files, Lot 81D324
- Subject and country files of the Deputy Legal Adviser for Inter-American Affairs, 1965–1979
- Defense Attaché files, 1960–1981, Lot 94D501
- HA Files, Lots 77D391, 80D177
- Subject and country files of the Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, 1973–1977
- Records of Secretary of State Kissinger, 1973–1977, Entry 5403
- Transcripts of Kissinger Staff Meetings, Entry 5177
- Minutes of Secretary of State Kissinger’s staff meetings, 1973–1977 (formerly Lot 78D443)
- USOAS Files, Lot 74D255
- Subject files of the Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the United States to the Organization of American States, 1965–1973
- USOAS Files, Lots 75D304, 75D348
- Subject files of the Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the United States to the Organization of American States, 1969–1974
- USOAS Files, Lots 73D211, 77D215
- Subject files of the Economic Adviser, Permanent Mission of the United States to the Organization of American States, 1966–1975
- USOAS Files, Lots 74D360, 75D233, 75D345, 75D349
- Subject files of the Political Adviser, Permanent Mission of the United States to the Organization of American States, 1960–1975
- Record Group 84, Records of Foreign Service Posts
- Georgetown Embassy Files, Political Files, 1973, Lot 76F147
Washington National Records Center, Suitland,
- Record Group 330, Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense
- OSD Files: 330–78–0001, 330–78–058, 330–79–049, 330–85–4,
330–78–0002, 330–79–050, 330–78–0010, 330–78–0059
- Decimal subject files of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1973–1976
- OASD/ISA Files: 330–76–117, 330–76–129, 330–77–003, 330–77–54,
330–78–0038, 330–79–037, 330–80–0024, 330–80–0053, 330–76–187,
330–77–63, 330–78–92
- Decimal subject files of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, 1973–1976
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Ann Arbor,
- National Security Adviser Files
- HAK-Scowcroft West Wing Office Files
- Legislative Interdepartmental Group Files
- Memoranda of Conversation
- National Security Decision Memorandums and National Security Study Memorandums
- National Security Council Meetings Files
- NSC Latin American Affairs Staff Files
- NSC Staff for Planning and Coordination
- NSC Staff, Press & Congressional Liaison
- NSC Staff for Information Liaison with Commissions and Committees;
- NSC Staff for International Economic Affairs
- NSC Staff Secretary, Convenience File
- Office to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- Presidential Country Files for Europe and Canada
- Presidential Country Files for Latin America
- Presidential Subject File
- Presidential Transition File (Nixon-Ford, 1974)
- Scowcroft Daily Work Files
- Staff Assistant Peter Rodman Files
- Trip Briefing Books/Cables of HAK
- NSC Institutional Files (H-Files)
- NSC Meeting Minutes
- Selected Documents (1973;
- NSC “NS” Originals File
- Personal Paper Collections
- Cheney, Richard B.
- Hartmann, Robert T.
- Marsh, John O.
- Simon, William E.
- Wilson, James M.
- Ford Pre-Presidential
- Gerald Ford, Vice Presidential Files
- Gerald Ford, Congressional Papers
- White House
- Central Files, Subject Files
- Staff Secretary Convenience Files
- Special Files, Unit Files
- Records Office, Legislation,
- Other Collections
- Backchannel Files
- Cabinet Meetings, Memoranda of Conversations
- Outside the System Chronological File
- President Ford Campaign Committee Records
- Presidential Correspondence with Heads of State
- Presidential Handwriting
- Presidential Subject File
- National Security Adviser Files
National Security Council
- NSC Intelligence Files, New Executive Office Building
- 303/40 Committee minutes
- Subject and Country Files, NSC Intelligence Files
- NSC Intelligence Files, New Executive Office Building
Central Intelligence Agency
- Office of Current Intelligence Files
- Job 79T00861A
- Job 79T00863A
- Job 79T00865A
- Job 79R01099A
- Job 79R01042A
- Job 79R01012A
- Job 85T00353R
- DCI Files
- Job 80M01066A
- Job 80M01048A
- Job 80M01542A
- Job 80M00919R
- FOIA Electronic Reading Room,
- Office of Current Intelligence Files
- Library of Congress
- Henry A. Kissinger Papers
- Geopolitical File, 1964–1976
- Memoranda of Conversations, 1969–1977
- Telephone Records, 1969–1976
- Henry A. Kissinger Papers
Published Sources
- Kissinger, Henry A. Years of Renewal. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1999.
- United States. Department of State. Bulletin, 1973–1976.
- ______. National Archives and Records Administration. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Richard Nixon, 1973, 1974. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1975 and 1975.
- ______. National Archives and Records Administration. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Gerald R. Ford, 1974, 1975, 1976–1977, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1975, 1977, and 1979.