20. Telegram 169437 From the Department of State to All American Republic Diplomatic Posts1

169437. Inform Consuls. Subject: IA–ECOSOC and Alliance for Progress. Ref: Quito 1670.

1. Fourth OASGA in Atlanta, April 19 to May 1, adopted AG/Res 170 which revised system of representation on permanent executive committees of IA–ECOSOC, and CIECC. An immediate effect of the resolution, arising from an operative clause concerning certain transitory provisions of IA–ECOSOC statutes and OAS Charter, is to eliminate CIAP. Some have argued that elimination of CIAP implies elimination of Alliance for Progress as well.

2. U.S. position is that since neither Punta del Este Declaration nor Alliance Charter were discussed by General Assembly, GA Resolution cannot be taken as implying a decision on Alliance, but only on the narrow question of CIAP as the permanent executive committee of IA–ECOSOC. We continue to cooperate with the Latins to promote the general objectives and principles of cooperation for development which inspired the Alliance. Ref A, para. 3 reports Asst. Sec. Kubisch’s formulation of this position at March IA–ECOSOC meeting in Quito.

3. Fuller background and exposition of U.S. position follows by airgram. Posts may draw upon both cable and airgram, on if-asked basis, in responding to inquiries.

  1. Summary: The Department informed posts of its view that an OAS resolution eliminating CIAP did not necessarily imply that the Alliance for Progress had been terminated, adding that the United States continued “to cooperate with the Latins to promote the general objectives and principles of the Alliance.”

    Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D740212–0166. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Noonan; cleared by Schlaudeman, Donor Lion in ARA–LA, and in draft by Paul Montavon in ARA/USOAS; and approved by John Ford. Repeated to USCINCSO. In airgram A–6287 to all American Republic posts, August 8, the Department further explained the U.S. position regarding the OAS vote on the Alliance for Progress. (Ibid., P740084–1381) Telegram 1670 from Quito is dated March 14. (Ibid., [no film number])