634. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon12

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  • Reconstruction Assistance for Flood Relief in Peru

Attached at Tab A is a memorandum to you from Secretary Rogers recommending that you make areas of northern Peru recently stricken by a major flood disaster eligible for US Government reconstruction assistance on the same basis as the area struck by the May 1970 earthquake. Under present policy guidelines, US economic assistance to Peru is limited to the area affected by the 1970 earthquake (and activities which were under way prior to the expropriation of the International Petroleum Company (IPC) in 1968).

The recent floods caused only limited loss of life but damage to the economy with its resulting hardships has been even more serious than that caused by the May 1970 earthquake. The areas affected by the flood are adjacent to those struck in 1970 and it would clearly be inconsistent for us to assist reconstruction efforts in the earthquake zone but not in the flood zone. No new funds are requested, but only a decision making the flood zone eligible for assistance under our existing program. Such a decision on your part should have a very positive effect on our improving relations with Peru as did your decision to undertake extensive relief measures in the earthquake zone.


That you approve making the major flood disaster area in northern Peru eligible for United States Government reconstruction assistance on the same basis as the May 1970 earthquake area.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 792, Country Files, Latin America, Peru, Vol. 3, January 1972–31 December 73. Confidential. Sent for action. Kissinger approved the recommendation for Nixon. Attached but not published at Tab A is an April 11 memorandum in which Davis informed Eliot of Nixon’s approval on April 19.
  2. Kissinger recommended making the flood zone in northern Peru eligible for U.S. Government reconstruction assistance.