594. National Security Study Memorandum 421 2

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  • The Secretary of State
  • The Secretary of Defense
  • The Secretary of the Treasury
  • The Director of Central Intelligence
  • The Administrator of the Agency for International Development
  • The Director of the U.S. Information Agency


  • Peru

The President has directed the preparation of a plan which (a) outlines the actions currently under way or contemplated to implement the policy decisions on Peru set forth in NSDM 11, and (b) outlines the actions designed to achieve a satisfactory resolution of the fisheries and overflight problems with Peru.

The plan should present alternative contingency actions to include an analysis of possible gains and risks in the event:

Satisfactory settlement of the IPC issue cannot be achieved and the United States must apply the Hickenlooper Amendments on or before August 6, 1969, or
Satisfactory settlement of the IPC issue is achieved and the Hickenlooper Amendments are inapplicable.

This plan should be prepared by the National Security Council Interdepartmental Group for Latin America and submitted to the NSC Review Group by April 22, 1969.

Henry A. Kissinger
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–36, Review Group, East-West Trade—Peru, 5/7/69. Secret. Annex 1 of the April 22 Study is published as Document 596.
  2. Kissinger transmitted President Nixon’s directive to the NSC to prepare a plan to implement NSDM 11 and to get Peru to agree to solve the fisheries and overflight problems in a manner acceptable to the United States. In addition, he requested alternative plans be drawn up that would assess the gains and risks for the United States in the event that the IPC controversy could not be resolved and in case of a resolution of the controversy.