354. Memorandum From the Acting Inspector General of Foreign Assistance of the Department of State (Faunce) to Secretary of Defense Laird1 2
Washington, August 3, 1971
Dear Mr. Secretary:
I am attaching a comprehensive report by Inspectors Briggs, Markey and Clark on their inspection of the MAP in Guatemala.
The lack of planning indicated by the failure to fill one important post for over seven months and the failure to provide an overlapping term in another post is most disturbing.
This and certain other findings suggest strongly that the backup support of what appears to be a good MILGP needs to be strengthened materially.
Please let me have your comments as soon as possible.
Sincerely yours,
- Source: Washington National Records Center, OASD/ISA Files: FRC 330–74A–0083, 19, Guatemala 1971 000.1. Confidential. In the attached July 29 memorandum to Acting Inspector General Faunce, inspectors William T. Briggs, Edward W. Markey, and Bruce Clark noted that the position of Chief of USMILGP/Guatemala had been vacant since December 18, 1970, because “the problem of terrorism in Guatemala City may have influenced the officers’ decision not to accept the assignment out of concern for the safety of their families.” The attached memorandum is not published.↩
- Faunce summarized a report on the U.S. Military Group in Guatemala, noting a disturbing failure to fill one important post for over seven months.↩