344. Telegram 187819 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Guatemala1 2

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For Ambassador from Hurwitch, Acting

1. Department appreciates that capture of important FAR and/or Communist leaders could raise even higher existing risk to US personnel in Guatemala. We believe, however, that the information [text not declassified] if acted upon successfully, would significantly assist the GOG effort to crush elements dedicated to violent dissidence (including kidnapping). Accordingly, you should take immediate steps to make information available to GOG authorities you deem most appropriate. Bore concurs.

2. FYI. Department has been concerned over leaks to the FAR from within the GOG in the past. You should therefore consider bringing this information directly to the attention of President Arana expressing concern over past leaks. [text not declassified] End FYI.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 785, Country Files, Latin America, Guatemala, Vol. I. Secret; Nodis; Immediate. Drafted on November 16 Hurwitch; cleared in ARA/CEN, S/S–O, O, INR/DDC, and by Kissinger; approved by Johnson. A stamped notation on the telegram indicates that it was received in the White House Situation Room November 17 at 8:45 a.m.
  2. The Department of State instructed Ambassador Davis to take immediate steps to provide the Guatemalan Government with the location of Rebel Armed Forces (FAR) leaders.