214. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Meyer) to the Under Secretary of State (Johnson)1 2

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  • Development of Radio Capability against Cuba

Attached is a memorandum to the 40 Committee that requests that the Committee approve continuance of medium-wave programs that are broadcast from three commercial stations in the Caribbean area and that are designed to influence Cuban audiences.

The project is consistent with Committee decisions in 1967 and 1968 that CIA should continue broadcasts to Cuba after the shutdown of Radio Americas on Swan Island in 1968. Programs are taped [text not declassified] reaching some eight countries in the Caribbean area, including Cuba. The programs, which are not attributed to the US Government, do not as yet deal with issues directly related to Cuba. The aim is to develop gradually an “eavesdrop” audience in Cuba that will be attracted and influenced by balanced, responsible comment on the economic and social problems in Latin America and on the progress being made in solving them by means other than those employed by the Castro regime.

The risks attending the project are not great. USG sponsorship of the programs is closely held, and exposure is unlikely. Such exposure, were it to occur, would discredit the programs, but would not cause the United States great embarrassment.

The estimated costs for Fiscal Year 1971 [text not declassified]


I recommend that in the 40 Committee you approve continuance of the radio broadcast program.

  1. Source: Department of State, INR/IL Historical Files, 40 Committee Reports, 1970–71. Secret. Attached but not published is a March 14 memorandum for the 40 Committee, which details the radio broadcast program. According to a March 30 memorandum for the record, during its March 25 meeting, the 40 Committee unanimously approved continuation of CIA’s radio broadcast capability against Cuba was unanimously approved. (Ibid.)
  2. Assistant Secretary Meyer forwarded a memorandum requesting that the 40 Committee approve a continuation of radio broadcasts to Cuba. Meyer recommended approval of the program.