152. Memorandum of Meeting1 2

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  • The President
  • President Carlos Lleras Restrepo of Colombia
  • Alfonso Lopez Michelsen, Foreign Minister of Colombia
  • Ambassador Misael Pastrana, Ambassador of Colombia
  • Dr. Rodrigo Botero, Private Secretary to President Lleras
  • Mr. Charles A. Meyer, Assistant Secretary, Department of State
  • Ambassador Emil Mosbacher, Chief of Protocol, Department of State
  • Mr. Viron P. Vaky, NSC Staff


  • Farewell Call of President Lleras

PART 3—“Additionality”

President Nixon referred to “additionàlity” provisions in our loan programs which had been mentioned by President Lleras. He said that he was asking that steps be taken to eliminate the “additionality” provisions from our economic assistance programs, and that he wanted this to be announced at Trinidad. For that reason, he did not want to make any announcement now. He thought this an important step, and he asked that Mr. Meyer follow up on this.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–1969, POL 7 COL. Secret; Exdis. Part 3 of 5 parts. The meeting was held in the Oval Office. According to the President’s Daily Diary, the meeting lasted until 12:06 p.m. (Ibid., Nixon Presidential Materials, White House Central Files, President’s Daily Diary) According to an attached covering memorandum from Vaky to Davis, special distribution of the memorandum was made to the Departments of State and Defense.
  2. President Nixon told President Lleras Restrepo that Nixon wanted to eliminate the “additionality” provisions from U.S. economic assistance programs, and he wanted to announce it at the forthcoming IA–ECOSOC meeting in Trinidad.