45. Telegram From the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State1
4228. Subj: U.S. Presence in Bahrain. Ref: Jidda 4072; Jidda 3967.
1. Prince Fahd, Saudi Minister of Interior, asked me privately yesterday (July 20) during the Simon visit whether I had told you of his success in Bahrain. I said I had reported it immediately (reftels). He was very pleased.
2. He said the Kuwaiti attempts to bribe the Bahrainis not to annul the base cancellation order were not even in Kuwait’s own interest; Saudi Arabia was disturbed and could not understand why Kuwait took this position.
3. He said Saudi Arabia would give financial assistance to Bahrain, but it was important, per se, for the U.S. to pay more for its base rights than it is paying today. The Bahrainis could then see tangible, positive evidence of the American presence on the island.
4. I don’t know whether Fahd’s claim of being solely responsible for this positive development is correct. The Bahraini Emir’s backbone does seem to have firmed recently, and Fahd probably does bear some responsibility for it. But even if this is just another post hoc ergo propter hoc, could you send Fahd a short note of thanks on the line of “without whose help this wonderful achievement would not have been possible” as soon as the Emir delivers his promised letter?
Summary: Akins reported on a conversation with Prince Fahd regarding Saudi support for the retention of MIDEASTFOR in Bahrain.
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 631, Country Files, Middle East, Volume VI, Saudi Arabia, May 1974–. Secret; Cherokee; Nodis. Telegrams 4072 from Jidda, July 15, and 3967 from Jidda, July 10, are in the National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D740188–1027 and D740184–0358, respectively.