98. Telegram 3520 From the Embassy in Sri Lanka to the Department of State and the Mission to the United Nations1 2

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  • Maldivian Delegation to the 31st UNGA
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Musthapha Hussain, two-man Maldivian delegation to 31st UNGA called on Ambassador Reed morning September 17. Party plans to leave Colombo September 19 via Swissair flight to Zurich and continue on to New York by the next available connecting flight.
Ambassador again expressed appreciation for Maldivian support on Korea question and said he hoped this would continue. Gayoom made no commitment but indicated GOM continues to accept our arguments on issue. We feel we can again count on Maldivian support on Korea.
Delegates indicated some concern over difficulty in finding suitable housing and administrative requirements needed to re-establish “Permanent Mission.” In fact, we were told delegation will probably stay no more than six months. [Page 2] Plan to cover on regular basis only plenary and Committees I and II. We suggested that Moldavians get in touch with USUN if they had particular problems. Gayoom was grateful for this suggestion.
COMMENT: Embassy believes a little attention paid to Maldivian delegation could pay dividends on various issues other than Middle East. Moldavians are sensitive to slights or ridicule based on their country’s smallness. If at all possible, would recommend that Ambassador Scranton plan short meeting with Gayoom at mutually convenient time. We believe it would be ten minutes well spent. We are sending biographic information by septel.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 84, Colombo Embassy Files: Lot 80 F 29, Box 129, POL 3, Organizations and Alignments. Confidential. It was drafted by Kay (POL) and approved by Perkins. Telegram 4764 from USUN, October 26, reported that the Maldivian delegates had asserted their independence from Sri Lanka and India at the General Assembly, and while indicating support for the IOPZ, were interested in contact and economic aid from the United States, and viewed Diego Garcia as “a fact of life.” (Ibid.)
  2. The Embassy reminded USUN and the Department that attention paid to the small Maldivian delegation to the 31st General Assembly would likely pay dividends.