241. Telegram 313924 From the Department of State to the Embassy in India1 2


  • Letter to Prime Minister Gandhi From President-elect Carter

Please deliver the following message from President-elect Jimmy Carter to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi:


Dear Madame Prime Minister:

Your warm and friendly message has been gratefully received. It is a great encouragement to me as I prepare to assume the presidency.

I look forward to working with you to strengthen the ties of friendship between our two countries. It is true, as you noted, that our countries have had their differences in the past. Yet I have no doubt that the close relationship between India and the United States, dating back over the past thirty years, will endure and be strengthened, in a spirit of mutual respect.

It was deeply touching to read your reference to my mother’s volunteer work in India. She has, as do so many Americans, a great love for your country.

Mrs. Carter and I are most grateful for your cordial invitation to visit India. While we have no current plans for official visits abroad in the foreseeable future, we will bear your kind invitation in mind.

With best wishes,


Jimmy Carter.

End quote.

A signed original will follow via pouch.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy Files. Unclassified; Priority.
  2. President-elect Jimmy Carter acknowledged the greetings of Prime Minister Gandhi and expressed his hopes for the improvement of Indian-U.S. relations.