288. Telegram 1302 From the Mission to Geneva to the Department of State1 2

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  • UNHCR - Iraqi Jews


  • Geneva 1098
UNHCR Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan invited MisOff to his office May 17 to discuss matter of publicity given to his recent efforts behalf detained Jews in Iraq.
This regard HCR read telegram he had just received from Iraqi News Agency, text of which follows: Quote Reference invited to a JTA dispatch datelined Washington May 3 implying that David M. Abshire Assist Secretary for Congressional Relations at the US State Department advised Senator Jacob K. Javits to the effect that the US had asked Prince Sadruddin Khan with UN Commissioner for Refugees to visit Baghdad and make personal enquiries and appeals to the President of Iraq in quest of the release of Jews held in Iraq. According to Abshire these approaches and others have succeeded to secure the release of arrested Jews. The Iraq News Agency which followed with keen interest the news of your visit to Iraq on mid-March 1971 had neither heard from you in person nor from those with whom you had conferred in Baghdad concerning the alledged intercession. As the question is of particular interest to Iraqi public opinion we should only be grateful if you would let us know the extent of truth to be found in the quoted JA news dispatch. Please accept our compliments. INA. Unquote.
HCR referred to unfortunate handling by REPIR Baghdad of information concerning his visit to Baghdad and possible intervention behalf Jewish detainees reported reftel and expressed concern over this further development which he considers most unfortunate publicity and which he feels may compromise his position vis-a-vis Iraqi authorities. HCR indicated that he may take matter up with Senator Javits directly.
HCR expressed belief that telegram quoted above while signed by Iraqi News Agency probably drafted by GOI. MinForAffairs said he intends base his reply on UNHCR’s fundamental concern for stateless persons and allude to possibility that among detainees there may have been some persons with this status.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL 29 IRAQ. Confidential. Repeated to USUN.
  2. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees conveyed his annoyance over the leak of information concerning his intervention in Baghdad, which had resulted in the release of imprisoned Jews.