214. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to Secretary of State Rogers and Secretary of Defense Laird1 2


  • Follow-up on the President’s Talk with the Shah of Iran

The President has considered the memorandum of the Secretary of Defense of July 5, 1972, “Follow-up on the President’s Talk with the Shah of Iran,” and has approved the following course of action:

F–14 and F–15 aircraft. Briefings should be offered as soon as possible to Iran by service teams on the capabilities of the aircraft and the training and logistics requirements associated with them. In order to allow sufficient grounds for comparison of the two aircraft, these initial briefings should be supplemented by appropriately spaced progress reports by service teams as each aircraft moves toward the operationally effective stage. The President has told the Shah that the US is willing in principle to sell these aircraft as soon as we are satisfied as to their operational effectiveness. Within that context, decisions on purchases and their timing should be left to the Government of Iran.
Laser-guided bombs. Briefings should be offered to the Iranians as soon as possible by a US Air Force team. It is understood that weapons deliveries could commence seven months after the Iranians place a formal order. The President has told the Shah that the US is prepared to provide this equipment to Iran.
Uniformed technicians. Requirements should be obtained promptly from the Embassy and the MAAG in Tehran, and team compositions, terms of reference and costs should be worked out with the Government of Iran as quickly as possible. The President has informed the Shah that the US will assign in Iran an increased number of uniformed military technicians from the US services to work with the Iranian military services.

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The Department of Defense, in cooperation with the Department of State, should proceed to implement the above as promptly as possible.

The President has also reiterated that, in general, decisions on the acquisition of military equipment should be left primarily to the government of Iran. If the Government of Iran has decided to buy certain equipment, the purchase of US equipment should be encouraged tactfully where appropriate, and technical advice on the capabilities of the equipment in question should be provided.

Henry A. Kissinger
  1. Source: Library of Congress, Henry Kissinger Papers, Box CL–152, Iran Chronological File, 28 May 1971–1 December 1972. Secret.
  2. Kissinger advised the Secretaries of the President’s decision as to how to implement his pledges to the Shah.