275. Telegram From the Embassy in Greece to the Department of State1

1747. For the Secretary and Dpty Asst Sec Davies (NEA). Subject: Signs of Constitutional progress in Greece. Ref: Athens 1342 and 1613.2

I wish to invite your particular attention to our telegram 1743 of April 103 reporting Prime Minister Papadopoulosʼ announcement that key Article 10 of Constitution on habeas corpus is now in force and laying down specific timetable for completion by end of year of laws necessary fully to implement the Constitution and thus open way for ultimate elections. This represents concrete response to one of points (Athens 1342, para e) I urged upon him in my confidential message of some weeks ago. It also reinforces validity of basic course of action recommended in my March 31 report on Greece for the President which you have doubtless already seen.4 As noted in my recent telegram no. 1613 of April 4, it further strengthens my conviction that we must not be deflected by temporary setbacks and aberrations arising from GOG actions from our central aim of pressing Papadopoulos to move ahead with implementing the Constitution. While I realize that this progress may be erratic and not always as clear cut as might be desired, we have no feasible policy alternative, in my view, but to continue along course of keeping the Governmentʼs nose firmly to the Constitutional grand-stone. The Prime Ministerʼs April 10 move encourages me to believe that ultimately we can be successful.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 593, Country Files, Middle East, Greece, Vol. I, Jan 69–Oct 70 Secret; Exdis. Another copy is ibid., RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL GREECE.
  2. In telegram 1342 from Athens, March 23, Tasca reported that Papadopoulos had told him that he might send a personal message to Nixon. (Ibid., POL GREECE–US) For the message, see Document 274. In telegram 1613 from Athens, April 4, Tasca reported he was having doubts about “this strange and inept government,” particularly in light of its prosecution and conviction of the publisher, editor, and managing editor of Ethnos. Tasca stated that this case, while not conclusive evidence of political retrogression, suggested that the United States should support Greek moderates and lean harder on the government to achieve constitutional progress. (Ibid., POL GREECE)
  3. Not printed. (Ibid., POL 29 GREECE)
  4. Document 273.