183. Letter From Director of Central Intelligence
Bush to the Chairman of the House Appropriations
Subcommittee on Defense (Mahon)1
Washington, March 18, 1976.
Pursuant to the Committee’s request of 16 March 1976, enclosed is a
rundown on the expenditures of Agency funds on the Angola program dating
from November to the present. There is also enclosed a paper relating to
the effect of the Tunney Amendment on this matter.2
If we can be of further assistance to the Subcommittee, please let me
[Page 462]
- Termination of the Angolan Covert Action Program—Key
Briefings, Decisions and Status of Funds
- 1.
- The total funds approved for the Angolan Covert Action Program
are $31,700,000. The final increment of [dollar amount not declassified] was approved by two
consecutive 40 Committee Meetings—14 and 21 November 1975—by the
President on 28 November 1975 and released by the Office of
Management and Budget on 4 December 1975. The CIA Comptroller allotted the
additional [dollar amount not
declassified] to the DDO on 10 December 1975.
- 2.
- Nine days later when the Tunney Amendment to the Defense
Appropriations Act of 1976 was passed by the Senate on 19
December 1975, a total of an estimated [dollar
amount not declassified] had been committed to specific
planned purposes leaving an estimated balance of uncommitted
funds (or funds for which no specific planned use had been as
yet decided) of [dollar amount not
- 3.
- By 27 January 1976, the date the House concurred in the Senate
Amendment, the estimated total of the committed funds was [dollar amount not declassified] leaving
an estimated balance of [dollar amount not
declassified] as uncommitted or not designated for a
specific purpose.
- 4.
- On 9 February 1976, the President signed the Defense
Appropriations Act for 1976 (Public Law 94–212) into law. The
total committed funds (computed as of 3 February for the 40
Committee meeting of that date) were still [dollar amount not declassified]leaving an estimated
balance of [dollar amount not
- 5.
- Subsequently, the CIA was
directed to propose a course of action to the Operations
Advisory Group, which was designed to terminate the operation
with a minimum amount of human suffering.
- 6.
- This included cancelling all airlift of ordnance in the
pipeline from the United States, terminating all third country
national recruitment, cancelling plans under consideration for
improved communications, discontinuing all requisitions for
military equipment, and terminating all other planned logistical
support facilities.
- 7.
- These funds have been redesignated to provide terminal
financial support to UNITA
and FNLA to include for
example purchase of food, clothing, shelter and resettlement of
their adherents. None of this involved further supply of U.S.
arms to Angola. The funds required for direct termination
purposes, total $3,849,964. This reformulation resulted in
identifying [dollar amount not
declassified] for return to the CIA Reserve Fund.
- 8.
- The CIA General Counsel and
the CIA Comptroller found the
proposed expenditure of the $3,849,964 contained in the OPAG Proposal for use in
termination of the Angolan Covert Action Program in no way
contravenes the Tunney Amendment. (See separate attachment for
details.)4 The plan has been approved by the