152. Editorial Note
National Security Action Memorandum No. 322, the 46th and last NSAM issued during 1964, was issued on December 17. Used to notify agencies of Presidential decisions and to require follow-up action, NSAMs were issued far less frequently during the next 4 years. Sixteen NSAMs were issued during 1965, 18 during 1966, 10 during 1967, and 4 during 1968. NSAM No. 371, October 18, 1968, was the last of the 39 NSAMs issued during the Johnson Presidency. Copies of NSAMs and supporting material are located at the Johnson Library (National Security File, NSAMs). Copies of NSAMs and some follow-up reports are in the National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, S/S-NSC Files: Lot 72 D 316. Follow-up reports dated from June 20, 1961, through October 21, 1964, are ibid., Lot 70 D 264.