52. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State1

645. Cabot-Wang Talks.2 Deptels 557, 568, 581, 582.3

Wang opened by reminding me I had said at last meeting we were well aware of serious consequences which could come from extension war beyond borders South Vietnam and seek avoid it. Yet we had [Page 100] fabricated second Tonkin Gulf incident as pretext expand war in Indo China. US surprise attack against DRV had met head on blow and even so-called allies failed give US active support in Vietnam. This illustrative of isolation in which we find ourselves in world. Said virtually every day US aircraft, warships invaded territorial waters other nations in Far East and large reinforcements being sent South Vietnam. It is well known USG working on operational plan for North Vietnam in further expansion war. Particularly serious that on September 18 we concocted another alleged Gulf of Tonkin incident as excuse to expand war. CPR strongly supports serious warning already served US by DRV. Alleged trend of opinion in US assumed Chinese reaction to August 4 incident was not strong and so there was suggestion we could “try it again”. Debt of blood to DRV not yet repaid. Should we make another adventure, it could be said with certainty the situation in Vietnam and whole of SEA would be beyond repair. Mentioned recent serious warnings saying he directed to launch serious protest against such unscrupulous violation sovereignty of China. Mentioned increased support Taiwan and visits there of US “brass hats”. Said Secretary Rusk was calling white black when he said China and DRV must come to decision leave neighbors alone. Trick of thief shouting “stop thief” can fool no one. He said if we bent on war then Chinese people have no alternative but to keep us company to the end. Hoped USG would take note of this.
I said I shared hope he had expressed that peace could be reestablished in SEA but regretted say did not think his statements today had in any way contributed to that result. Spoke of detailed account first two incidents Tonkin Gulf as taken from log books American vessels involved. I gave facts of incidents and emphasized Hanoi should be made to realize its actions must inescapably involve other powers. Then restated at length our policies SEA adding our response would continue to be restrained but it was important his side not misread our intentions.
Wang repeated at length his accusations our words inconsistent with our deeds, saying Chinese knew true facts Tonkin Gulf incidents and futile for me try argue otherwise. Called second Tonkin Gulf incident “a lie” saying on August 4 DRV did not have single war vessel in waters where US ships were and whole world knows this attack never occurred. Announcements by US Defense Department officials contradictory and full of loopholes and description so called encounter contrary to elementary military sense. Spoke further of alleged intrusions and claimed US on 30 July shelled two DRV islands. Alleged USS Maddox on 2 August intruded into territorial waters DRV. Concocted incident September 18 was attempt repeat farce of August 4 with view creating fresh excuses expand aggression. Since we had not been able piece together coherent story how did we expect fool others. Repeated it was clear USG simply lying. Implied we could not [be] well aware serious [Page 101] consequences extending war as we had said since our recent actions appeared designed to expand war in SEA. Gave long tirade about alleged US aggressive action in Far East and whole world saying PRC supported national liberation movements in world because these movements are just ones. Communists have never tried to conceal their position. Had always stood by side with oppressed nations and people throughout world. This was honorable and no attack could ever check their determination. Spoke at length of the law of the development of history saying revolutions could neither be exported nor imported but it was also impossible for anyone to put down by force a genuine revolution. Said he thought it was a fraud when I said we would be restrained and would take limited action. Asked whether it could be said aggressive action became legitimate if limited.
I said I considered his remarks a deplorable contribution to our talks. I said Wang seemed imply that any US presence in Tonkin Gulf impermissible. I denied American warships had penetrated what we considered under international law to be territorial space or waters of any nation Wang mentioned. Certainly three incidents in Gulf all took place many miles from territorial waters. I then reviewed in greater detail facts first two incidents. Also denied US warship attack on islands. I referred to ChiCom Central Committee statements supporting liberation movements, saying could not see how this could be reconciled with support of five principles, one of which was noninterference internal affairs other countries. Fact was North Vietnam had interfered in both Laos and South Vietnam long before we extended help to either. Mentioned North Vietnam prisoners captured Laos and assured Wang North Vietnam Government was playing very dangerous game.
Wang then lectured on sovereign right establish territorial limits and launched into tedious but vitriolic repetition most of themes he had broached earlier, including pious lecture on nature of revolution in modern times, emphasizing theme it was international duty as well as a right for all fair minded people in world to support just cause (national liberation struggles).
I assured Wang that search lights, torpedos and automatic weapons aimed at our vessels were not imaginary and that second Tonkin incident was not “lie” as he alleged. Said must insist on right my government question excessive claims to territorial waters. Objected to Wang’s reference to “puppet regime” of South Vietnam, pointing out that government recognized by overwhelming number governments of world and if there is puppet regime in that area, it is Government North Vietnam, which he said at last meeting was closely connected to China as teeth and lips. Again spoke of unreconcilability support of liberation movements and support five principles. Mentioned confirmation North Vietnam troops in Laos according Peking Radio. Referred to his lecture on resistance [Page 102] to oppression and asked whether enormous numbers Chinese liquidated by his side did not constitute oppression.
Wang followed with long lecture of “facts” in South Vietnam situation centering around theme government there hated by broad masses South Vietnamese people. Alleged I had again referred to his government as a “regime”.
I denied I had used word regime in connection with his side in this meeting.4 (Wang was reading from prepared statement when he made this accusation.)
There followed several exchanges re Vietnam mostly tedious repetition on Wang’s part and I finally said his statements were so ridiculous I saw no reason to continue argument. Wang blandly stated difference was his statements were in accordance with facts, and facts are facts. I reviewed points on which we simply disagreed as to facts almost as much as we disagreed on conclusions to be drawn from them. Wang closed saying of course we held different views but USG should be held responsible for tensions SEA at present. Next meeting November 25.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL CHICOM-US. Confidential; Priority; Limdis. Repeated to Hong Kong, Taipei, Geneva, Moscow, and Stockholm.
  2. This was the 122d meeting of the Ambassadorial talks. Cabot reported the meeting in detail in airgram A–363 from Warsaw, September 28. (Ibid.)
  3. Telegram 557 to Warsaw, September 18, transmitted guidance for the meeting; telegram 568, September 19, and telegrams 581 and 582, September 22, provided supplementary guidance. (Ibid.)
  4. Telegram 557 to Warsaw suggested that since Wang seemed sensitive over Cabot’s use of the word “regime,” he should substitute “your side.”