201. Editorial Note

Representative to the United Nations Arthur J. Goldberg met with President Johnson at the LBJ Ranch on November 7, 1966. A November 9 memorandum from Nathaniel Davis of the NSC staff to Special Assistant Walt Rostow reports that Chinese representation was among the subjects Goldberg discussed with the President. (Johnson Library, National Security File, Agency File, United Nations, Vol. 5) A statement by Goldberg, released to the press by the White House Press Secretary’s office in San Antonio, Texas, on November 7, included the statement that the United States did not wish to increase the isolation of mainland China from the rest of the world but that it would not consent to “the demands of Peking that the Republic of China on Taiwan be excluded and the UN itself transformed, in order to pave the way for Peking’s admission.” For the text, see Department of State Bulletin, December 5, 1966, pages 851–855.