92. Memorandum From the Country Director for Japan (Sneider) to the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs (Bundy)1
Washington, August 10, 1967.
- Ryukyus/Bonin Reversion Memorandum
- 1.
- Dr. Halperin, ISA, has just informed me that Secretary McNamara has approved the draft action memorandum for the President on the Ryukyus/Bonins subject to review of the JCS position and several modifications in the recommendations.
- 2.
- He preferred that the advance commitments sought from the Japanese be
set forth in the following terms:
- (a)
- Japan will support our use of the Islands for our military purposes and support of our Pacific commitments;
- (b)
- Japan will agree to new special arrangements in which they will give us political support for conventional military and other activities in the Ryukyus;
- (c)
- To enlarge its regional political and economic role in Asia and provide over the next several years a substantially greater economic contribution to the development of Asian countries;
- (d)
- To agree to our retention of the whole island of Iwo Jima as a military base.
- 3.
- There is attached for reference purposes the text of the recommendations as set forth in the memorandum sent to Secretaries Rusk and McNamara.2
[Omitted here is a listing of the original recommendations.]
- Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, POL 19 RYU IS. Secret; Nodis.↩
- See Tab A to Document 91.↩