Tab A
Draft Action Memorandum for President Johnson
- Reversion to Japan of the Ryukyus, Bonins and other Western
Pacific Islands8
We are confronted by a clear cut Japanese request to resolve the Ryukyus
and Bonins question by 1970. They wish to commence discussions now
looking to an early return of the Bonins and other Western Pacific
Islands to Japanese civil administration and a subsequent return of the
Ryukyus to Japanese civil administration under special arrangements
maintaining our military bases and satisfying our military requirements.
The Japanese are vague on the specific arrangements which would be
agreeable to them.
Before going ahead with further discussions with the Japanese, we need
your decisions on whether to commence negotiations with Japan on the
reversion of both groups of islands to Japanese civil control, and on
what prior commitments are required from Japan to make certain that
reversion does not compromise our essential security interests and our
capability to conduct the Vietnam War.
I. Background
Okinawa, the principal island of the Ryukyus, is the most important U.S.
military base in the Western Pacific. Its value is enhanced by the
absence of any restrictions on our freedom of action. The availability
of the Okinawa base, close to potential theaters of operation, adds
substantially to overall U.S. capability and flexibility. The Bonins and
other Western Pacific Islands are of little or no importance militarily
but have been retained principally for contingency purposes.
At the present time, we exercise all civil and military authority on the
Japanese sovereignty over the Ryukyus and the other islands has been
recognized. The Japanese Government has cooperated up to now in keeping
reversionist sentiment in both Japan and the Ryukyus in check, but it is
under ever-increasing political and public pressure in both countries to
resolve this issue. Reversion is now the only major problem between
Japan and the United States.
[Page 192]
Foreign Minister Miki has presented
Ambassador Johnson with an Aide Mémoire proposing
three steps:
- 1.
- Examination of a formula for accommodation of Ryukyu reversion
and “the military roles which Okinawa should play”;
- 2.
- Agreement on interim measures for improvement of the
administration of the Ryukyus; and
- 3.
- Agreement on early return of the Bonins and other Western
Pacific Islands to Japan.
He has requested preliminary comments from Ambassador
Johnson prior to the Ambassador’s return to the
United States at the end of August.
Foreign Minister Miki proposes
discussions of the reversion issue during his visit to Washington in
September. This would be preliminary to your meeting with Prime Minister
Sato in November, when the
Japanese would apparently like a joint announcement agreeing to start
negotiations for the return of administration of these islands. They
have informed us that they want us to retain our military bases in the
Ryukyus and other islands, and that they are prepared in effect to
negotiate special arrangements which would enable us to meet our
military requirements and responsibilities in the area.
They would like the negotiations completed so as to permit the return by
1970. The date is significant. In that year the opposition will have its
first opportunity since 1960 to mount a campaign for the renunciation of
the Security Treaty and a repudiation of the Japanese-American alliance.
The opposition intends to make the U.S. occupation of the Ryukyus the
focal point of their attack.
II. The Alternatives9
We have examined two major courses of action:
- 1.
- Reject the Japanese request, on the grounds that we do not
believe it would be useful to begin discussions of reversion at
least until after the Vietnam war is over, or, more
indefinitely, that we do not believe that reversion will be
possible until there is a basic change in the security situation
in the Far East.
- 2.
- Inform the Japanese Government that we would be prepared to
enter into negotiations for return of the Ryukyus, Bonins and
other Article 3 islands, provided we obtain in advance
commitments by Japan:
- a.
- To agree to new special arrangements granting us broad
freedom of action for conventional military and other
activities in the
[Page 193]
Ryukyus and freedom to mount
military combat operations without consultation in
defense of Southeast Asia and Taiwan;
- b.
- To enlarge its regional political and economic role in
Asia and provide over the next several years a
substantially greater economic contribution to the
development of Asian countries;
- c.
- To agree to our retention of the whole island of Iwo
Jima as a military base.
III. Recommendations10
- 1.
- We recommend that you authorize the second course of
- 2.
- We also recommend:
- a.
- That we be prepared to withdraw our nuclear weapons from
the Ryukyus, if during the discussions with the Japanese
they insist on this point, and if they agree to make the
other commitments set forth in our first
- b.
- That, if you do not agree to enter into negotiations on
the Ryukyus, you authorize negotiations for return of the
Bonins and other Western Pacific Islands, provided that
Japan will agree to our retention of the whole island of Iwo
Jima as a military base.
- c.
- That, if you approve any of the foregoing recommendations,
you authorize us to consult with key Congressional leaders
prior to entering into future discussions with the
IV. The Alternatives Examined
Two major arguments are advanced for rejecting the Japanese request:
- First, there is no need to change the status quo since our
position there is still politically tenable.
- Second, the status quo is essential on military
These arguments and the advantages of early negotiations are discussed
below. We conclude that an effort to retain the current status of the
Ryukyus involves unacceptable and unnecessary risks. We also conclude
that it is timely and advantageous to enter into negotiations on return
of the Ryukyus and other islands provided the Japanese satisfy our
essential requirements, and in no way impair our freedom of action to
support the Vietnam War.
The Political Equation
U.S. administration of the Ryukyus and other islands has always
involved political risks. Until the present, these risks have
been acceptable because reversionist pressures have been
tolerable, and partially muted by effective U.S. administration
and by Japanese and Ryukyuan cooperation with us. The Japanese
Government has recognized up to
[Page 194]
now that Japan’s interests were best
served by permitting the U.S. full control and freedom of action
in the Ryukyus.
We could remain in the Ryukyus on the present basis for a time,
because reversionist pressures have not yet reached the boiling
point. In these circumstances, the Japanese Government would
reluctantly accede to our position, rather than force a major
confrontation with us. But, it cannot hold to this position for
Reversionist pressures are mounting in both Japan and the
Ryukyus. It is no longer a demand made solely by the opposition.
More and more of our conservative friends in both areas are
beginning to insist on it. The conservative leaders, therefore,
sense that it is timely, it is vital to their political
interests, and it is essential to Japan-American relations that
this issue be soon resolved. Furthermore, the Japanese
Government has concluded that security attitudes in Japan will
now permit an accommodation with U.S. military requirements
after reversion. An opportunity still remains for quiet
negotiations free from uncompromising public demands.
The longer we delay negotiations the greater the danger that an
explosive situation could develop.
We already face two potentially dangerous deadlines in the next
three years. In the 1968 Ryukyu elections, the slim conservative
majority could be lost and a far less cooperative left-wing
government could take over. In 1970, the Security Treaty debate
could bring irresistible pressures for reversion. The ensuing
debate on the Treaty and reversion would have considerable
bearing on the outcome of the next general election which must
take place by January 1971.
The Soviets are poised to exploit the reversion issue. They sense
the emotional content of the Ryukyu issue in Japan, and we have
reports that they plan to offer to return some of the northern
islands in order to put strains on Japanese-American
If we wait until events force us to change our policies in the
Ryukyus, and then reluctantly concede, we may gain a few more
years. But we also risk serious strains on our relations with
Japan, create difficulties for friendly Japanese Governments,
and could conceivably jeopardize our base position in the
U.S. Military Requirements
- 1.
The Current Status
We and the Japanese fully agree that retention of the
Ryukyu military bases for the foreseeable future is in
both our interests. The issue between us that will
require resolution is how much freedom of action for the
U.S. is essential in both our interests.
If the Ryukyus are returned to Japan under the terms of
our current security arrangements with Japan our freedom
of action would be
[Page 195]
restricted and the military value
of the Ryukyu bases be reduced. The principal
restrictions imposed by the present arrangements in
Japan proper are:
- a.
- the need to consult and obtain Japanese
consent prior to conducting combat military
operations from Japanese bases, except in the case
of the defense of Japan or Korea;
- b.
the need to consult prior to any storage of
nuclear weapons.
There would be other less important
restrictions as well as the inhibiting effect of
losing administrative powers over the Ryukyus. It
is worth noting that these restrictions have not
prevented effective use of U.S. military bases in
Japan for many activities also conducted in the
Ryukyus, and for the support of U.S. forces in
- 2.
Special Arrangements Needed
Applying the existing Treaty arrangements in Japan to the
Ryukyus would not therefore be adequate to our essential
military needs. New special arrangements would need to
be negotiated as the price of reversion.
- 3.
Military Combat Operations
The Japanese Government would have to agree to allow the
U.S. to mount operations in defense of Southeast Asia
and Taiwan without prior consultation. This is to be
certain that reversion will not in any way limit our
needed freedom of operations for Vietnam or other
possible contingencies.
During the Vietnam War, we have not mounted combat
operations directly from Okinawa except for several
instances when B–52s were forced by typhoons to seek
haven in the Ryukyus and subsequently launched missions
to Vietnam from there. As for the future, we would not
need to mount conventional combat operations directly
from Okinawa unless we wished to engage in conventional
bombing of the Chinese mainland, which is not
We are not certain that the Japanese Government is
prepared to grant us this freedom of action. But, this
right to use the Ryukyu bases without consultation is
important not only as a safeguard for contingencies, but
as a means of associating Japan with our efforts in
Vietnam, and making certain that there will be no
restrictions on essential combat operations for
- 4.
Nuclear Weapons
The issue of nuclear weapons on Okinawa is likely to be
the major obstacle to an agreement on special
arrangements. The Japanese have indicated serious
concern about the acceptability in Japan of permitting
nuclear weapons to remain on Okinawa after reversion.
The Department of Defense has studied the question of
the importance of maintaining nuclear weapons on
Okinawa. The Secretary of Defense
[Page 196]
has concluded that because
the U.S. arsenal of nuclear weapons at other locations
in the Pacific is sufficient for contingencies, and
because we could resupply speedily weapons from the U.S.
if necessary, there would be no significant degradation
of our capability if we removed all of our nuclear
weapons from Okinawa.
The nuclear issue has an additional aspect. There is an
outside possibility that some Japanese officials and
political leaders may yet be prepared to agree to
nuclear storage after reversion in order to accustom the
Japanese people to the presence of nuclear weapons, and
thus facilitate a Japanese nuclear weapons program
should they decide to undertake one. Our efforts to
discourage the Japanese from going nuclear would be
enhanced if we removed nuclear weapons from Okinawa
prior to reversion. This would still leave us with the
right to storage subject to consultation, as is now the
case in Japan itself. We are therefore prepared to
withdraw the nuclear weapons if the Japanese insist.
- 5.
Other Base Arrangements
There are certain other operations which we carry on from
Okinawa and not from Japan. These include the mounting
of clandestine operations and the maintenance of a VOA
transmitter. We believe that we can negotiate an
agreement that would give us greater latitude in these
matters on Okinawa than we have on the Japanese
mainland. These rights would be embodied in a special
base rights agreement to be negotiated at the time of
The Advantages of Early Negotiations
The timing is favorable. If we move now on reversion, we
demonstrate an American sensitivity to the concerns of our
allies, an ability to forge new and constructive relations with
our allies, and an ability to deal in advance with potentially
dangerous problems. We will have dealt, in a most timely manner,
with the only important and serious issue between ourselves and
It is our judgment that our bargaining position will never be better than
it is now. Sato’s political
position is strong enough to put across a deal favorable to us on the
Ryukyus. He is securely in power for the next few years, having survived
in January a major threat to his continued rule. If we begin
negotiations immediately, we have very good prospects for getting all
the special base rights that we need, plus a Japanese commitment to
greater regional responsibilities.
There is always the possibility that Sato will not be able to accept our conditions for
reversion. But, in this event, our proposal will place responsibility
for delaying reversion squarely on the Japanese Government.
Return of the Ryukyus will also act as a powerful incentive on Japan to
undertake broader responsibilities in Asia. The Japanese are
[Page 197]
already making an increasing
contribution, particularly to the economic development of the
non-Communist countries in the region. Return of the Ryukyus will by
itself draw Japan into an expanded regional role and inevitably
necessitate increased military activities for the defense of this area.
But, the Japanese should be urged to do substantially more. The Japanese
are not ready yet to play a military role in regional security and we
doubt whether most other Asian countries would welcome this at this
time. However, if we are going to carry most of the military burden,
they should carry a heavier economic burden. One of the prices paid by
Japan for reversion should be greater Japanese economic aid to East
V. The Special Problem of the Bonins and other Western
Pacific Islands
We consider that retention of these islands has little military
justification. The U.S. does not now maintain any major regional
installations on these islands and we have no current plans for any new
We propose to negotiate the return of these islands as a package with the
Ryukyus. However, if it is decided not to negotiate on the Ryukyus, we
should agree to a prior return of the Bonins in an effort to try to
stem, for a time, pressures for reversion of the Ryukyus.
VI. Congressional Considerations
Return of administration over the Ryukyus and other islands can be
accomplished, as was done with several Ryukyuan Islands in 1953, by an
Executive Agreement accompanied by a base rights agreement probably with
some secret annexes. We anticipate that there will be Congressional
opposition to reversion, particularly to return of Iwo Jima and, for
this reason, propose to retain the whole island as a military base.
However, we believe that there will be substantial support for this
action provided Japan makes the commitments recommended below and it is
clear that there will be no detrimental effects on our war effort in