- A-A, Afro-Asian Conference
- ABM, Anti-ballistic missile
- ADB, Asian Development Bank
- AEC, Atomic Energy Commission
- AID, Agency for International Development
- APD, High-Speed Transport
- ARVN, Army of the Republic of (South) Vietnam
- ASPAC, Asian and Pacific Council
- ASW, Anti-submarine warfare
- BN, Battalion
- BOP, Balance of payments
- CAS, Controlled American Source
- CCNE, Communist Chinese Nuclear Explosion
- CG, Commander General
- CHICOM, Chinese Communist
- CHIEFMAAG, Chief, Military Assistance Advisory Group
- CI, Counterinfiltration
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CIGOREP, Counter-Insurgency Communications Reequipment Program
- CINCPAC, Commander-in-Chief, Pacific
- CINCPACAF, Commander-in-Chief, Pacific, Air Force
- CINCPACFLT, Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet
- CINCUSARPAC, Commander-in-Chief, United States Army, Pacific
- COMNAVFORJAPAN, Commander, Naval Forces, Japan
- COMSEVENTHFLT, Commander, Seventh Fleet
- COMUSJAPAN, Commander, United States Forces, Japan
- COMUSKOREA, Commander, United States Forces, Korea
- COMUSMACV, Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
- CONCOM, Consultative Committee
- CONUS, Continental United States
- CRP, Civil Rule Party (Republic of Korea)
- C/S, Chief of Staff
- CT, Country Team
- CY, Calendar Year
- DA, Department of the Army
- DCM, Deputy Chief of Mission, United States Embassy
- DEPTEL, Department of State telegram
- DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency
- DIRNSA, Director, National Security Agency
- DMZ, Demilitarized Zone
- DOD, United States Department of Defense
- DOS, United States Department of State
- DPM, Deputy Prime Minister
- DPRK, Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea (North)
- DRP, Democratic Republican Party (Republic of Korea)
- DRV, Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North)
- DSP, Democratic Socialist Party (Japan)
- E, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
- EA, Office of East Asian Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- EA/J, Officer in Charge of Japanese Affairs, Office of East Asian Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- EAP, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State
- ECONCOM, Economic Committee, used with reference to U.S.-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs
- EMBTEL, Embassy telegram
- EPB, Economic Planning Board
- EURATOM, European Atomic Energy Commission
- EUSA, Eighth U.S. Army, Korea
- EXDIS, Exclusive distribution
- FBI, United States Federal Bureau of Investigation
- FE/IRG, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Interdepartmental Regional Group
- FRD, Formerly Restricted Data
- FROKA, Forces of the Republic of Korea, Army
- FRUS, Foreign Relations of the United States
- FY, Fiscal year
- FYI, For your information
- G, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
- G/PM, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs
- GA, General Assembly of the United Nations
- GARIOA, Government and Relief in Occupied Areas
- GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GOJ, Government of Japan
- GRI, Government of the Ryukyu Islands
- GRVN, Government of the Republic of Vietnam
- GVN, Government of (South) Vietnam
- HICOM/HICOMRY, High Commissioner of the Ryukyu Islands
- IAEA, International Atomic Energy Association
- IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
- IMAF, International Military Assistance Forces (to South Vietnam)
- INR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- INR/IL, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Office of Intelligence Liaison, Department of State
- IO, Bureau of International Organizational Affairs, Department of State
- IRG, Interdepartmental Regional Group
- IRG/EA, Interdepartmental Regional Group, East Asian and Pacific Affairs
- IRG/FE, Interdepartmental Regional Group, Far Eastern Affairs
- ISA, Office of International Security Affairs, Department of Defense
- JAEC, Japanese Atomic Energy Commission
- JCP, Japanese Communist Party
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JCSM, Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum
- JDA, Japanese Defense Agency
- JDO, Joint Duty Officer, Military Armistice Commission
- JFY, Japanese fiscal year
- JGLO, Japanese Government Liaison Office, Ryukyu Islands
- JSA, Joint Security Area
- JSDF, Japanese Self-Defense Forces
- JSP, Japanese Socialist Party
- KATUSA, Korean Augmentation to the United States Army
- KCP, Kim Chong-pil, South Korean Statesman
- KFX, Korean Foreign Exchange (South)
- KNP, Korean National Police (South)
- KPA/CPV, Korean People’s Army (North)/Chinese People’s Volunteers
- L, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- L/FE, Assistant Legal Adviser for Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- LDCs, Less-developed countries
- LDP, Liberal Democratic Party (Japan)
- LIMDIS, Limited distribution
- LOCs, Lines of Communication
- LST, Landing ship, tank
- MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group
- MAC, Military Armistice Commission, United Nations Command, Korea
- MACV, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
- MAP, Military Assistance Program
- MDL, Military Demarcation Line (Korea)
- MND, Minister/Ministry of National Defense (Republic of Korea)
- NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- NDP, New Democratic Party (Republic of Korea)
- NK, North Korea
- NNSC, Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission of the United Nations
- NODIS, No distribution
- NOFORN, No foreign distribution
- NOTAL, Not all
- NPG, Nuclear Planning Group
- NPS, Nuclear-powered ship
- NPSS, Nuclear-powered surface ship
- NPT, Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
- NPW, Nuclear-powered warship
- NSA, National Security Agency
- NSA/CSS, National Security Agency/Central Security Service Archives
- NSC, National Security Council
- OECD, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- OLDP, Okinawan Liberal Democratic Party
- OPP, Okinawa People’s Party
- OSD, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- OSD/ISA, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
- OSP, Offshore procurement
- PACOM, Pacific Command (United States)
- PM, Prime Minister
- POL, Political; politics; petroleum, oil, and lubricants
- POLAD, Political Adviser
- PRC, People’s Republic of China
- PRIMIN, Prime Minister
- QR, Quota Restriction
- RCT, Regimental Combat Team
- REFTEL, Referenced telegram
- REP, Representative
- ROC, Republic of China (Taiwan)
- ROK, Republic of Korea (South)
- ROKA, Republic of Korea, Army
- ROKFV, Republic of Korea Forces in Vietnam
- ROKG, Government of the Republic of Korea
- RVN, Republic of Vietnam (South)
- S, Office of the Secretary of State
- S/S, Executive Secretariat, Office of the Secretary of State
- SA, Supporting Assistance
- SC, Security Council of the United Nations
- SCC, United States-Japan Security Consultative Committee
- SEA, Southeast Asia
- SECDEF, Secretary of Defense
- SECTO, Series indicator for telegrams from the Secretary of State or his party to the Department of State
- SEPTEL, Separate telegram
- SIG, Senior Interdepartmental Group
- SOFA, Status of Forces Agreement
- SPECAT, Special Category
- SSN, Nuclear-powered submarine
- STA, Science and Technology Agency, Japan
- STAT, United States Statutes at Large
- SUBROC, Submarine missile (nuclear)
- SVN, South Vietnam
- TE or TOE, Table of Equipment
- TO/TD, Table of Organization/Table of Distribution (of military units)
- TOSEC, Series indicator for telegrams to the Secretary of State or his party from the Department of State
- U, Under Secretary of State
- UK, United Kingdom
- UN, United Nations
- UNCMAC, United Nations Command, Military Armistice Commission, Korea
- UNCURK, United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea
- UNGA, United Nations General Assembly
- USCAR, United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands
- USFK, United States Forces in Korea
- USFY, United States fiscal year
- USG, United States Government
- USIB, United States Intelligence Board
- USIS, United States Information Service
- USOM, United States Operations Mission
- USUN, United States Mission to the United Nations, New York
- UST, United States Treaties and Other International Agreements
- VC, Viet Cong
- VN, Vietnam
- WH, White House, Washington, D.C.