- Afghanistan, 521
- Africa, 108, 188–190, 234
- Afro-Asia-Latin American People’s Solidarity Organization, 313
- Afro-Asian Conference, Algiers, June 1965, 793
- Agency for International Development (AID), 37, 112, 126, 147, 159, 180n , 263, 303, 400n
- Agreements with the United States:
- Germany, Federal Republic of-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, 46n , 67–68, 74, 96, 99, 103, 175, 177
- Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, 92, 177n
- Pakistan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, 185
- Philippines-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, 67–68, 92, 176n
- ROC-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, 46n , 66–68, 73–74, 92, 177
- ROK-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty, October 1953, 88, 171–172, 355n , 364, 367, 371, 372n , 412, 421, 461
- ROK-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, 145–146, 176, 178, 185
- Agriculture, 183, 248–249
- Ainsworth, Thomas W., 801n
- Aircraft, ROK request for, 286, 305, 326n , 405–406, 519
- Alaska, 37
- Albania, 543–544
- Algeria, 545
- ANZUS meetings, 401n
- Armstrong, Oscar V., 713n
- Armstrong, Rodney E., 801n
- Asia, 84, 411
- Asian Development Bank, 189–190, 202, 798
- Asian People’s Anti-Communist League, 54n
- Australia, 185, 188, 199n , 449, 451
- Ayub Khan, Muhammad, 498, 510, 523n
- Bacon, Leonard L., 746n , 747, 751n , 758n
- Baird, Charles F., 401
- Baker, James E., 801n
- Ball, George, 94n , 401, 613–615, 767, 782
- Ball Committee, 562, 565, 574, 590–591, 613–615
- Ball Mission, 236, 388
- Bardach, Henry, 449
- Barnett, Robert W., 51–52, 101, 106, 125n , 758n , 776n , 790n , 791n
- Bates, William H., 574
- Bator, Francis X., 21n , 22
- Battle, Lucius D., 476
- Bay of Pigs, 575
- Beach, Gen. Dwight E., 111, 211n 262n
- Bean, Maurice, 256
- Belgium, 783
- Bell, David E., 88, 101, 165–167, 186
Berger, Samuel D., 156n
, 315n
, 371n
, 392n
, 466n
, 495n
, 537n
, 538n
, 547n
, 575n
, 576n
, 578n
, 594n
, 604n
, 622n
, 634n
- DMZ incidents, 225, 288
- DPRK infiltration into ROK, 256, 261, 270, 472, 487
- Economic stability in ROK, 38–39
- Japan-ROK settlement, 6, 751–753, 761–762
- Kim Chong-pil controversy, 20, 23–24, 33–34
- Kim Song-un visit to U.S., June 1966, 181n
- Korean unification, 192–196
- Military force reductions, 1–2
- Pueblo crisis, 468–470, 472, 475, 488, 505, 521, 523, 556, 628
- Pueblo negotiations, 582–584, 600–601, 616–617, 624–627, 628
- ROK student demonstrations and martial law, 18, 24, 26–28, 31–32
- U.S. military and economic aid to ROK, 148n , 271n , 289, 758, 759n
- Vance mission, 347–348
- Vietnam, 290, 394
- Vietnam War, 15–16, 167
- Berlin, 184, 463, 501–502, 619
- Bernstein, Joel, 82, 84, 125, 144
- Black, Robert B., 51
- Blouin, Adm. F. J., 741, 776n
- Blue House, attack on (January 1968), 309–311, 313–314, 329–330, 333, 386, 398, 425, 446, 461
- Bohlen, Charles E., 623, 628, 642, 652n , 666, 686–687, 693, 695
- Bolivia, 401
Bonesteel, Gen. Charles H., III,
333, 359, 386, 389–391, 400, 417, 618
- DMZ incidents, 225, 265–266
- DPRK infiltration into ROK, 261–265, 270, 272, 299, 370
- DPRK military posture, 313–315, 451–452
- Internal security in ROK, 278–281, 286, 395–397
- Pueblo capture, 463–464, 491
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 298, 300, 303, 327, 449–450
- U.S. military strength in ROK, 226n , 318–320, 452
- U.S.-ROK relations, 337, 341–342
- Vance mission, 349, 369–370, 373, 375, 385
- Vietnam War, 200, 211–214, 216, 219–220, 230, 233, 293, 404
- Boyes, Capt. Jon L., 110, 156n , 181
- Brazil, 498
- Breeches Buoy plan, 717, 739
- Brown, Carroll, 646n , 713n , 719n , 724n , 726n , 731n , 737n ,744n
- Brown, Gen. George S., 215n , 478, 560–561, 572
- Brown, James L., 620n
Brown, Winthrop G., 108, 160n
, 205, 207,
252, 289, 392n
, 657n
, 671n
, 701n
, 704n
, 707n
, 762n
- Election in ROK, 244–252
- Foreign Ministers Conference proposal, 43–44
- Foreign relations of ROK, 187–192
- Internal security in ROK, 278–282
- Japan-ROK settlement, 762–768, 772–774, 777n , 781, 785, 788–789, 790n , 793–795, 797–798
- Kim Chong-pil controversy, 55–56
- MAP transfer program, 121–124
- Military force reductions, 115–118
- Military pay levels in ROK, 83–84, 100, 121–124
- Pak visit to U.S., May 1965, 49–50, 100–101, 106, 109
- Pueblo negotiations, 651–653, 661–662, 668–669, 697–700
- ROK role in Vietnam War, 182
- Status of Forces Agreement, 45–46, 91–92, 99, 145–146, 175–176, 185
- UN Korean debate, 190, 202–204, 221–224
- U.S. defense commitment to ROK, 172
- U.S. economic aid to ROK, 104, 146–149
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 81–84, 146–149, 449–450
- U.S. military strength in ROK, 226–227
- U.S.-ROK relations, Joint U.S.-ROK working group
- Bucher, L. M., 459, 548, 651, 692, 736–737, 740–742
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of (BOB), 187, 433n
- Bunche, Ralph, 569, 573
- Bundy, McGeorge, 3n , 19, 21n , 25, 35n , 271n , 288n
Bundy, William P., 41n
, 49n
, 77n
, 174, 187,
, 208, 215n
, 269n
, 284, 404n
, 407n
, 414n
, 417n
, 447n
, 459n
, 464n
, 466n
, 593n
, 758n
, 790n
- DPRK infiltration into ROK, 180–181, 270, 272n , 392
- Japan-ROK settlement, 19, 760, 762, 772, 774–775, 782, 785, 797–798, 800
- Korean DMZ incidents, 225–226
- Political situation in ROK, 19, 244
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 285n , 302, 393n
- U.S. military strength in ROK, 226
- U.S.-ROK relations, 63, 101, 106, 128, 780n
- U.S.-ROK Status of Forces Agreement, 45, 73, 91, 175
- Vietnam War, ROK combat troops for, 75, 118, 129–130, 230–232, 252, 253n , 276, 291, 293n , 295n
- Visits:
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 295, 438
- Busby, Horace, Jr., 90n
- Cambodia, 443, 460
- Canada, 205, 228, 498
- Canberra, 623
- Carey, Hugh L., 622
- Carroll, Lt. Gen. Joseph F., 464n
- Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S., 464n , 743
- Central Intelligence Agency, ROK (KCIA). See under Korea, Republic of.
- Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. (CIA), 199, 209n , 257–259, 360, 400n , 431n , 555n , 575, 689n , 787
- Chae Myung-shin, Gen., 173–174, 269, 288, 413
- Chaffee, John, 742
- Chang Ch’ang-kuk, Gen., 80, 100, 342, 373, 385, 389
- Chang Ki-yong, 39, 83, 100, 170, 208, 267
- Chang Kyong-sun, 27
- Chang Sang Moon, 88, 101, 785
- Chang U-chu, Maj. Gen., 80
- Chang Wu-ju, 110
- Cheju-do, 403, 406, 752
- Chiang Ching-kuo, 188
- Chiang Kai-shek, 37
- China, People’s Republic of (see also PRC subheadings under other subjects), 4, 5n , 7, 22, 36, 170, 184, 198, 205, 221n , 225–226, 229n , 260 463, 748, 779
- China, Republic of, 43–44, 170, 205, 234, 498
- Cho Sang-ho, Col., 53, 106
- Choe Kyu-ha, 290, 372n , 388, 401n , 672n
- Ch’oe Yong-hui, 417–418, 421, 438
Chong Il-kwon, 40, 170, 260, 280, 377, 396, 425n
- Clifford/Taylor Mission, 267–268, 269n
- DPRK infiltration into ROK, 309, 311, 451n
- Japan-ROK settlement, 747, 758n , 761–762, 766, 781
- Pueblo crew release, 731, 735–736
- ROK participation in Vietnam War, 15, 85, 232–233, 287–288
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 284–286
- U.S–DPRK MAC talks, 331–334, 353–354
- U.S.-ROK relations, 50, 185, 287, 344–345
- Vance mission, 346, 370, 372n , 373, 375–376, 385–386
- Visits, 235–239, 284, 391, 401
- Chong Il-yong, 85
- Choson Ilbo, 129
- Christian, George:
- Church, Frank F., 502
- Churchill, Winston L. S., 355, 358
- Ciccolella, Richard G., 211n
- Clark, Gen. Mark, 562n , 565, 574, 590n , 613–614
- Clifford, Clark, 382, 384n , 395n , 407n , 412n , 433n , 640n , 642n
- Colby, William E., 174, 180, 225, 256, 262n
- Combs, Maj. Gen. Cecil E., 652, 662, 709
- Congress, Acts of, 526
- Congress, U.S. (see also Congressional subheadings under other subjects), 3, 42, 109–110, 280n , 287, 303, 438, 527, 790
- Cooper, Chester L., 156n
- Corfu Channel, 543–544
- Crane, Paul, 97, 100, 106
- Cuba, 331, 575
- Cuban missile crisis, 484–485, 501, 516, 522, 529, 549
- Cuthell, David C., 180
- Cyprus, 476, 481n
- Czechoslovakia, 530, 693n
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 91n
, 173n
, 196n
, 237, 294n
, 407n
, 433n
, 453, 463n
- Defense against DPRK actions, 431, 451–452
- Military force reductions in ROK, 35–36
- Offshore procurement, 127, 139, 159
- Pueblo crisis, 461, 466, 475, 560
- Pueblo negotiations, 655, 662
- ROK troops in Vietnam War, 131n , 413
- Status of Forces Agreement with ROK, 177n , 185
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 142, 148, 155, 305n , 406, 415, 457
- Defense Intelligence Agency, 196n , 274n , 459n , 463n , 480n , 555n
- Denmark, 498
- Denney, George C., Jr., 180n , 225n , 256n , 271n , 274n , 443–445, 464n , 796
- Depuy, Gen. William E., 450
- Dirksen, Everett McKinley, 508, 572
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 289n , 592n , 606, 623, 628, 636, 642–643, 645, 686–687, 693–696
- Dodd, Thomas A., 478
- Doherty, Edward W., 4n , 13n , 23, 81, 88–89, 337n , 583, 604n
- Dominican Republic, 101n , 107, 527–528, 550
- Donga Ilbo, 32
- Doo Sun Choi, 757
- Dulles, Allen, 575
- Dulles, John Foster, 389
- East Asia, 198
- Eastern Europe, 221n , 532
- Eaton Board, 615
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 527–528, 550–552, 568, 613n
- Emmerson, John K., 782
- Enthoven, Alain, 318–320, 326–327
- Ernst, Roger, 125n
- Ethiopia, 197, 498
- Europe, 7, 22, 189–190
- Evans, Allan, 180 n, 225n , 256n , 271n , 271n , 796
- Fahs, Burton, 801n
- Far East, 184, 431
- Farrior, John M., 801n
- Fearey, Robert A., 45n , 101, 106, 156n , 753n , 754, 758n , 776n , 782, 785, 790n
- First National City Bank of New York, 190
- Fleck, Benjamin A., 4n , 13n , 156n , 180, 225, 261, 274–275, 288, 404n , 466n , 701n , 797
- Fleming, Bob, 492
- Ford, Gerald, 572
- Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 615
- Foreign Ministers Conference (ASPAC), Seoul, June 1966, 43–44, 179, 184, 189–190, 229n , 799
- Forrestal, Michael V., 3n
- Foster, John, Jr., 299–300
- Fowler, Henry H., 186, 187n , 243, 492, 503
- Fowler, Joe, 454n
- France (see also France and French subheadings under other subjects), 5n , 201, 413, 498, 558
- Freedom Defense Volunteer Corps, 54n
- Friedman, Alvin, 130, 155n , 156n , 342
- Friedman, Lt. Gen. Robert J., 450
- Fulbright, J. William, 384n , 481, 527
- Gaither Report, 613
- Gallagher, Elizabeth, 801n
- Gardosik, Maria E., 348, 391
- Gaud, William S., 164–165, 167, 242
- Gendreau, Charles A., 459n
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 189, 287, 755
- Geneva Accords, 263, 414
- Geneva Conventions of 1949, 538–539
- Geneva Conventions of 1958, 624
- Gentner, Adm. William E., 73
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also German Federal Republic subheadings under other subjects), 7, 186, 201, 207, 558
- Ghana, 188
- Gladding, Capt. Everett, 742
- Glassboro Summit, June 1967, 259–260, 504
- Godley, G. McMurtrie, 693n
- Goldberg, Arthur, 221n , 234
- Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew A., 527–528, 550–552
- Gorton, John G., 420
- Green, Marshall, 25, 41n , 43n , 45n , 101, 105, 523n , 751n , 758n , 781n
- Greene, Fred, 464n
- Greenland, 461
- Greenleaf, Col. Abbott C., 348, 373, 375, 391
- Gromyko, Andrei A.:
- Gronouski, John A., 619
- Guam, 36, 463
- Guevara, Che, 313
- Habib, Philip C., 4n , 5, 15–17, 23, 256, 404n
- Hallstein doctrine, 188
- Hand, Lloyd G., 100–101, 106, 169
- Harriman, W. Averell, 169, 187n , 192, 206, 414, 751n
- Harris, Lt. Stephen, 593, 742
- Harvard University, 34
- Heinz, Adm. Luther C., 156n
- Helms, Richard N., 211n , 262n , 356n , 447n , 455n , 471, 549n , 555, 574, 622–623
- Hilliker, Grant G., 77n
- Ho Chi Minh, 268
- Hodges, Luther H., 6
- Hodges, Wayne D., 662–664, 672–673, 692
- Holt, Harold, 301n , 302
- Homme, Robert O., 693
- Hong Jong-chul, 101, 106, 373, 375, 385
- Honolulu Conference, 169
- Horner, Jack, 529n
- Horning, Donald F., 90n
- Hot line, U.S.-Soviet, 494–495, 549, 557, 566
- Houdek, Robert G., 368n
- House of Representatives, U.S., 284, 442, 478, 744
- Howze, Gen. Hamilton H., 41, 43n , 82, 84
- Hughes, Thomas L., 53, 180n , 225n , 256n , 271n , 274n , 445–447, 464n , 569, 796
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 63, 128, 149, 157, 181n , 260, 285–287, 380, 382–383
- Hungary, 498, 545
- Hyland, Adm. John J., 555n
- Ikeda, Hayato, 745, 751, 754, 769, 771, 774
- Im, Gen., 375
- India, 184, 498, 521
- Indonesia, 99, 188, 205, 238, 760n
- Institute for Technology and Applied Science, 109
- Intelligence gathering (see also under Pueblo crisis), 742–744
- Intelligence Memorandum No. 1620/66, 209–210
- Intelligence Notes:
- International Court of Justice (ICJ), 370, 543–544, 557, 565–568, 578–579, 641
- International Red Cross, 519, 531, 692n
- Israel, 396, 453, 481, 494, 527
- Japan (see also
Japan-Republic of Korea settlement), 43, 179, 184, 196, 205–206, 226, 228, 234, 296, 349, 457, 745
- Economic sanctions on DPRK, 490, 558, 566
- Korea Republic of, relations with, 8–10, 186, 770–773, 775–776
- Korean residents in, 6, 10
- Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), 745, 775, 781n , 795
- Logistical support for Vietnam Republic, 112, 122–123, 144
- Military force reductions in ROK, 3, 22
- Socialist Party, 746, 795
- Japan-Republic of Korea settlement, 39, 62, 133
- Draft treaty, initialing of, 784–785, 787
- Fishing, 128, 746, 754, 793n
- Japanese apology to ROK, 778, 784
- Japanese position, 751, 754, 774–775, 777–779, 782–783, 793n
- Japanese public opinion, 745, 769–771
- Kim Chong-pil return, effect of, 55–56
- Kim-Ohira memorandum, 769, 771–772
- Korean residents in Japan, 6, 10, 785, 793n , 795
- Limited normalization, 761–762, 766
- Martial law in ROK, effect of, 31, 756
- Pak visit to Washington, May 1965, 779–780
- Peace Line, 10, 747–749, 783
- Property claims payments, 5–6, 9, 769
- Prospects for agreement on, 19, 781
- ROK military role in Vietnam War, effect of, 15–16, 69–70, 86–87, 93, 113–114
- ROK position, 1, 5, 41, 52, 80, 754, 758, 763–764, 772–773, 774–775, 782, 788–789, 797–799
- Signing of treaty, 795, 800
- Student demonstrations in ROK against, 205, 756, 795
- Tok-to Island, 6, 10, 783, 792–794
- Treaty on Basic Arrangements, February, 1965, 784–785, 787, 791, 795–797, 800
- Tripartite meeting proposal, 767, 798
- U.S. position, 14, 95, 97, 750, 758–760, 764
- U.S. role in negotiations for, 39, 751–753, 758–759, 762–771, 776–777, 783
- Japanese Export-Import Bank, 800
- Jenkins, Alfred, 261–262, 433n , 583–584, 625n , 649–651, 697, 719n
- Jenkins, Walter, 230n
- Jessup, Philip, 544
- Johnson, Charles, 21n
- Johnson, Rear Adm. Frank L., 555, 742
- Johnson, G. Griffith, 782
- Johnson, Gen. Harold K., 211n , 262n
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 97n , 107
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 1n
, 90, 107, 278n
, 297n
, 343n
, 414, 447n
, 455, 464n
, 537n
, 547n
, 562, 576n
, 594n
, 620n
, 626n
, 631n
, 632n
, 640n
, 719n
, 722n
- Clifford/Taylor Mission, 267–269
- DPRK infiltration in ROK, 205, 311n , 322, 380, 427n
- Elections in ROK, 237, 241, 244n
- Glassboro Summit, June 1967, 259–260
- Humphrey visit to Seoul, July 1967, 260–261
- Japan-ROK settlement, 749, 757, 763–765
- Korean Reconstruction Bank loan, 424–425
- Messages:
- Military force reductions, 3, 21n , 22n , 116
- Pak visits to Washington:
Pueblo crisis, 376–377, 469n
, 509, 521, 524, 532, 578,
587, 613–615
- Capture of the Pueblo, 460–463, 476–477, 480, 507, 560–562, 591
- Confessions of the crew, 572, 593
- Congressional response to, 478, 502, 572, 574
- Diplomatic situation, 530–531
- Intelligence gathering, 531–532, 623
- Location of seizure, 479, 481, 524, 563–565, 573
- Military responses to, 323, 327, 493–494, 500, 509–519, 525–526, 560, 563
- Presidential speech on, 522, 528, 538n
- Release of the crew, 562, 740
- UN consideration of, 492–493, 498, 516, 523
- U.S. electoral implications of, 355–356, 375
Pueblo negotiations, 580n
, 618, 642n
- International Court of Justice role in, 543–544, 557, 566–567
- Letter from Pueblo crew, purported, 647–648, 661
- Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission role in, 545–546
- Receipt, signing of, 688, 704n , 707n , 709, 726, 727n
- Soviet intermediary role, 460, 499, 550
- Thant’s “good offices” initiative, 569–570
- U.S. strategies for, 540, 629n , 665
- ROK raids into DPRK, 380–381
- ROK view of, 410, 421
- ROK-U.S. relations, 150, 399, 402n
- ROK-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, 5, 73n , 99
- United Nations, 202, 234
- U.S. commitment to freedom, 202, 286
- U.S. economic aid to ROK, 97–99, 140n , 148n , 186, 187n , 242–243, 441–442, 453–454
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 148n , 303–306, 340–341, 378–379, 420
- Vance mission, 346, 348–349, 366, 383
- Vietnam War, 170, 239–241, 253, 281, 495
- Visits:
- Withdrawal from 1968 election of, 410–411, 421
- Yi Tong-won visit, March 1965, 63
- Johnson, Tom, 460n , 476n , 492, 494, 497n , 505, 514, 521, 571n , 572, 622
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 1n , 22n , 35n , 181n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) (see also JCS position under other subjects), 173n , 342n , 356n , 395n , 463n
- Joint Intelligence Committee, 575
- Joint Intelligence Team, 742
- Joint Reconnaissance Center Staff, 555n
- Joint Strategic Objectives Plan (JSOP), 42
- Joint U.S.-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs, 1n , 747n
- Joint U.S.-ROK Defense Meeting, May 1968, 400–401, 426
- Jorden, William J., 180, 186–187, 216n
- Kanazawa, Masao, 753, 782
Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 187n
, 371n
, 384n
, 392n
, 401, 404n
, 464n
, 471, 484n
, 485, 495n
, 537n
, 538n
, 547n
, 549n
, 557n
, 575n
, 576n
, 594n
, 604n
, 640n
, 642n
, 646n
, 657n
, 671n
, 680n
, 719n
, 724n
- Counterinfiltration equipment airlift, 327–328
Pueblo crisis, 469, 509, 514–515, 521, 524,
532, 668
- Capture of the Pueblo, 468, 487
- Congressional response to, 527, 568
- Diplomatic situation, 522–524, 530–532
- Intelligence gathering, 531–532
- Legal issues, 486, 578–579
- Location of seizure, 564–565
- Military responses to, 379, 472–475, 483, 489, 507–509, 515–516, 518–519, 525, 584n
- UN consideration of, 488, 505–506, 545
- U.S. policy, 401–402, 556
- Pueblo negotiations, 544, 555, 728–731
- U.S. policy toward ROK, 455–458
- U.S.-ROK relations, 390, 400–401
- Kennedy, Edward M., 572
- Kennedy, John F., 49, 95
- Kennedy, Robert F., 575
- Kennedy Round, 287
- Kent, Sherman, 259
- Khanh, Maj. Gen. Nguyen (Nguyen Khanh), 54
- Killen, James S., 13n , 39
- Kim Chong-kap, 100–101
- Kim Chong-O, 28, 55n , 57
- Kim Chong-pil, 47n , 141, 234
- Kim Chong-yul, 747–749, 754–756, 774–775, 778
- Kim Dong-bin, Lt. Gen., 182
- Kim Dong-jo, 288–289, 335n , 347–348, 772, 781, 790, 799
- Kim Hak-yol, 207n
- Kim Hyon-chol, 15
- Kim Hyong-uk, 370, 373, 375, 385
- Kim Hyun-chul, 56n , 129–130, 785, 797
- Kim Il Sung, 300, 357, 386
- Kim Kwang-hyop, 193
Kim Song-un, 28, 50, 170, 267, 331, 386, 412n
, 463
- DPRK infiltration into ROK, 275n , 330, 334, 463–464
- Internal security in ROK, 279, 294, 396
- Military force levels, 62n , 111
- Troop pay levels, 51, 82–84, 88, 108, 123n
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 41, 82–83, 110–112, 147, 155–156
- U.S. view of, 377, 388
- Vance mission, 370, 373, 374n , 375, 385–386
- Vietnam War, 182
- Visits to the United States:
- Kim Tong-cho. See Kim Dong-jo .
- Kimchi, 237–239, 302, 304
- Kishi, Nobusuke, 205
- Kissinger, Henry A., 34
- Kohler, Foy, 187n , 284, 289n
- Komer, Robert W., 776n
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (DPRK) (see also DPRK subheadings under other subjects), 188, 222, 262–263, 330, 428, 430, 576
- Attack on, possible, 312, 342, 356–358, 362, 372–373, 418
- Economic sanctions on, 528, 558, 566
- Fish-factory ships from the Netherlands, 719, 744
- Japan, relations with, 490, 800–801
- Military capabilities of, 7, 184, 387, 399, 432, 434, 440
- PRC, relations with, 7, 225, 389, 398, 429, 508, 551
- ROK view of, 279–280
- Soviet Union, relations with, 225, 289, 452, 471
- Threats of war by, 643–644
- UN role for, 204n , 443–445
- UNC-sponsored broadcasts to, 221n
- U.S. captive pilots, treatment of, 471
- U.S. recognition as a state of, 413, 567
- War preparation in, 428–429
- Korea, Republic of (ROK) (see also Japan-Republic of Korea
settlement; and ROK
subheadings under other subjects), 389–391, 449, 453
- Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA), 246–247, 252, 258, 265, 308
- Civil Defense Bill, 308–309
- Corruption in, 48, 242, 248–249
- Coup d’etat, possible, 47–49
- Democratization in, 13–14, 19, 25, 261
- Disaster aid to the United States by, 106–107
- DPRK military policies toward, 282–283, 397–399
- DPRK military threat to, 110–111, 218, 300
- Economic situation, 1, 38, 148, 158, 207, 238
- Europe, relations with, 190
- Exports, 39, 126–128, 144n , 147, 159, 189, 238, 287
- Fishery resources, 8–10, 128
- Foreign direct investment in, 190, 206, 236, 401
- Foreign relations of, 15, 43–44, 108, 187–192, 203, 238, 310
- Internal security, strengthening of, 278–282, 286, 294–295, 308–309, 388
- Japan, relations with:
- Japanese defense role in, 433–434, 436, 456
- Korean Logistics Service Corps, 290, 293, 306
- Korean National Police (KNP), 265, 271–272, 294, 412n
- Military budget levels, 183–184
- Military capabilities of, 383, 420–421, 432, 434
- Military force levels, 184, 649–651
- Military pay levels, 60
- Political situation, 33, 52, 383, 430, 800
- Assassinations, possible, 257–258
- Civil Rule Party, 59–60
- Combat troops for the Vietnam War, 69, 111, 114, 125, 131n , 138, 152, 217–220, 291–292, 307–308
- Democratic Party, 59–60
- Democratic-Republican Party, 27, 30–31, 59, 424
- Elections of 1967, 178, 226, 228, 242n
- Campaign strategies, 244–245
- Corruption as issue in, 242, 248–249
- Economic issues in, 248–249
- Election laws, 249, 251
- Japan-ROK relations, effect on, 228, 237
- National Assembly elections, 254–255, 262
- U.S. view of, 229, 241–242, 244–252, 433
- Vietnam combat role for ROK, effect on, 143, 151, 217–220, 228, 231–232
- Elections of 1971, 435, 457
- Kim Chong-pil controversy, 20, 23–24, 27, 756, 758
- Labor issues, 91–92
- Masses Party, 254
- New Democratic Party (NDP), 245, 260, 254–255, 423–424
- Opposition tactics, 1, 132–133
- People’s Party, 125, 171, 795–796
- Political opposition to Japan-ROK settlement, 8–9, 750, 756, 773, 787n , 788n
- Splinter parties (ROK), 246–247
- Student demonstrations, 17–20, 24–32, 40, 53, 58–59
- Vietnam War participation by ROK, 85–86
- PRC military threat to, 110–111, 218, 435
- Security conditions in, 257–259
- UN military role in, 195–196, 435
- United States, relations with, 139,
265, 324
- Bilateral annual ministerial meetings, 228–229
- Criminal jurisdiction, 45–46, 73–74, 102–103, 146n
- Defense ministerial meetings, 400–401, 426
- Exchange rates, 1, 6, 12, 14
- Joint U.S.-ROK working group, 289
- Pueblo crisis, effect on, 540–543
- ROK Aide-Mémoire, 4–13
- ROK lack of confidence in the United States, 203–204, 208, 331–336
- U.S. covert activities in, 52–53
- U.S. defense commitment to:
- U.S. economic aid to 6, 9, 39, 63, 94, 147, 162, 456
- Development Loan Fund commitment, 86–87, 89–91, 95, 102–105, 139, 140n , 149, 160, 162, 166, 242–243, 435
- Food, 95, 441–442, 453
- Korean Reconstruction Bank loan, 186–187, 424–425
- Merchant ship loans, 144n , 147
- Program loans, 160, 165–167, 454
- Reduction in, 183–184
- ROK request for, 99, 146–149, 207n
- U.S. position, 14, 95, 97–98, 109, 147–149
- U.S. military aid to (see also
Military Assistance Plan), 393, 401,
405, 456, 666
- Airfields, 378, 403, 406
- Ammunition and ammo production facilities, 158, 328
- Construction projects, 147, 306
- Counterinfiltration aid, 300, 325–328, 340–341, 350, 400, 428n
- Destroyers, 237, 284–285, 301, 303–305, 317, 328, 341, 405, 542
- Equipment modernization, 155–156, 158, 289
- Increases in, 378–379, 381, 390–391
- JCS position, 41–43
- Military budget support, 147, 435, 449–450
- ROK request for, 146–149, 378–379, 420–422
- ROK Vietnam War role, effect of, 71–72, 86, 95, 139, 143–145
- U.S. position, 271–272
- U.S.-ROK talks on, 80–84, 142, 420
- Vehicles, 285, 338, 450
- Weaponry, 285–286
- U.S. policy toward, 13–15, 144n , 191, 390, 433–436, 455–458
- Vietnam Republic, 39, 71, 81, 112–113, 123, 159, 162n
- Withdrawal of U.S. troops from, 375, 377, 379, 382
- Korea Herald, 417n
- Korea Republic, 160
- Korea Times, 120, 160, 417n
- Korean Armistice Agreement, 222, 279, 330, 594–595
- Korean Armistice Declaration, 310
- Korean Oil Corporation, 139n
- Korean Task Force, 412n , 530n
- Korean unification, 59
- Korean War, 76, 194
- Korean Working Group, 522n , 557n , 587, 625n
- Koren, Henry L.T., 180n
- Kornienko, Georgi M., 645
- Kosygin, Alexei N., 259, 494, 521
- Kuleiakin, Viktor S., 549–550
- Kuter, Gen. George, 590n
- Kuznetzov, Vasiliy, 462n , 470, 499n , 504, 520, 524, 535, 686–687
- Kyonghyang Sinmun, 451
- Lakeland, Albert A., Jr., 225
- Laos, 7, 180, 414, 763
- Las Vegas Review-Journal, 560n
- Lathram, L. Wade, 734–735
- Latin America, 188, 190
- Leddy, John M., 686
- Lee Nam-ki, 797
- Lee Tong Won. See Yi Tong-won.
- Leonard, James F., 447n , 622n , 704n , 713n , 719n , 724n , 731n , 737n
- Lim, John, 85
- Little Summit on PRC nuclear capabilities, 260
- Locke, Eugene M., 295–299
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 73, 235
- Luxembourg, 783
- McAfee, William, 225n
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 757n
- McCafferty, Arthur, 631n , 632n
- McCain, Adm. John S., Jr., 447–448
- McCone, John A., 21n
- McConnell, Gen. John P., 560
- McDonald, Adm. David, 562, 565, 567, 574, 590n
- McKee, Gen. Seth J., 262n , 529n
McNamara, Robert S., 1n
, 49n
, 63, 66, 100, 184, 274n
, 288n
, 295n
, 299, 315n
, 335n
, 380, 384n
, 390, 459n
, 495, 547n
, 555, 562,
- Kim Song-un visits, 110–113, 238
- MAP transfer program, 88, 102, 107, 112, 123
- Military force levels in ROK, 3, 21–22, 35–38, 318–320, 326–327
- Military pay levels, 108, 112
Pueblo crisis, 327, 469, 478, 488,
492, 505–506, 516, 521,
556, 562, 613, 622
- Capture of the Pueblo, 460–462, 468, 477, 479–480, 507, 529, 561
- Confessions of the crew, 481n , 572
- DPRK motives, possible, 464, 470–471, 476
- Intelligence gathering, 475, 491, 498
- Location of seizure, 479, 524, 563
- Military responses to, possible, 472–474, 483, 522
- Soviet prior knowledge of, 470, 518
- Pueblo negotiations, 540, 609, 655
- ROK role in Vietnam War, 129, 167n , 182–183, 216, 301
- Status of Forces Agreement with ROK, 66, 175, 185
- U.S. economic aid to ROK, 183–184
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 298, 328
- Visits:
- McNaughton, John T., 239n
- Macomber, William B., Jr., 384n
- McPherson, Harry C., Jr., 90n
- Malaysia, 43, 76, 99, 170, 180, 199n 205, 226
- Malik, Adam, 523n
- Malik, Yakov, 498
- Malitza, Mircea, 570, 573
- Manila Conference, October 1966, 188–189, 200–202, 205–206
- Mansfield, Mike, 370, 527, 544
- Marcos, Ferdinand, 188, 200
- Marks, Leonard, 479
- Media in Japan, 775
- Media in the ROK, 26, 32, 40, 247–248, 266, 285n , 738, 780
- Media in the United States, 468, 475, 492, 529
- Meehan, Francis J., 295
- Meeker, Leonard, 466n , 485–487, 538n , 544n , 576n , 578n , 594n , 604n , 713n , 731n
- “Meet the Press,” 609
- Mekong Valley development program, 202
- Middle East, 260, 470, 482n , 494, 516, 612
- Miki, Tadeo, 496, 523n , 782
- Military Armistice Commission (MAC)
meetings, 459, 467n
, 581–582,
, 597n
- Blue House attack discussion, 364, 462, 464, 466
- Open sessions:
- Senior Members meetings on Pueblo crisis:
- 1st (February 2, 1968), 571, 576–577, 580–584
- 2nd (February 4, 1968), 324, 593–603
- 3rd (February 5, 1968), 604–609
- 4th (February 7, 1968), 610n , 616
- 5th (February 10, 1968), 617n , 620–621
- 6th (February 14, 1968), 623–626, 628n
- 7th (February 16, 1968), 625n , 626–627, 630n , 674, 715
- 8th (February 20, 1968), 631–634, 636
- 9th (February 26, 1968), 635–636, 637n , 638, 640–642, 651, 656n
- 10th (March 4, 1968), 637n , 638, 646–649, 651–652, 654
- 11th (March 9, 1968), 654, 656–657
- 12th (March 21, 1968), 662, 665–666, 670–671, 676, 680
- 13th (March 28, 1968), 662, 671–677
- 14th (April 11, 1968) 678–679, 715
- 15th (April 22, 1968), 680–684, 685n
- 16th (May 8, 1968), 683–686
- 17th (May 28, 1968), 690–691, 715
- 18th (June 27, 1968), 691–693
- 19th (July 10, 1968), 693n
- 20th (August 29, 1968), 698, 700n , 701
- 21st (September 17, 1968), 700–701, 704n
- 22nd (September 30, 1968), 704–709
- 23rd (October 10 1968), 713–718
- 24th (October 23, 1968), 719–723
- 25th (October 31, 1968), 724–727
- 26th (December 17, 1968), 731–736
- 27th (December 19, 1968), 737–739
- 28th (December 22, 1968), 739–740
- 29th (December 23, 1968), 740
- ROK position, 579, 602, 616, 618n , 628
- U.S. instructions for, 538–539
- Military Assistance Plan (MAP), 3, 14, 39, 48, 112, 127, 776
- Military force levels, U.S., 226–227, 456
- Military situation on the Korean Peninsula (see
also Military Armistice Commission (MAC); Pueblo crisis), 2, 8, 221n
, 237, 256–259, 266, 367, 399, 440, 449, 475, 541, 622, 743
- Communications systems, improvements in, 389–391, 394, 400
- Counterinfiltration, 298, 300, 314–315, 325–328, 340–341, 350, 366, 371, 382, 386, 428n , 541
- DMZ incidents, 70, 205, 276, 283, 309
DPRK infiltration in ROK, 180–181, 241, 264,
295, 446
- Assassins, 256, 258–259
- Barrier system proposal, 300, 309, 328, 391, 400, 451
- Blue House attack, January 1968, 309–311, 313–314, 329–330, 333, 386, 398, 425, 446, 461, 478n , 486
- Boat landings, 314, 382, 388, 445–447
- Guerrilla bases, establishment of, 283, 398–399, 446–447
- Increase in, 262–263, 308
- Joint unconventional warfare group, 349–352
- Railroad line sabotage, 275n , 276
- ROK obsession with, 356–360, 370, 612, 644
- Seizure of territory, 427, 429
- Suicide teams, 314, 343n
- Training of operatives for, 264, 285, 387
- Ulchin raid, 446–447, 732
- U.S. position, 195, 261, 540
- Wonju conference on, 308–309
- DPRK intentions and capabilities, 282–283, 299
- Joint Defense Declaration, proposed, 374–375
- Martial law declaration, 26–27
- Military balance of power, 432, 434, 461
- ROK attacks on DPRK, 672n
- ROK fishing boat seizure by DPRK, 445n
- ROK Homeland reserve force, 395–397, 412n , 417n , 423–424, 449
- U.S. policy, 399–402
- U.S. reconnaissance activities, 389–391, 394, 400
- U.S.-ROK military exercises, Soviet position, 221n
- War, likelihood of outbreak, 312, 390, 402, 427–431, 436, 452n , 457, 469, 518
- Mills, Wilbur, 492, 503
- Min Ki-shik, Gen., 24, 26
- Ministerial Meeting for Asian and Pacific Cooperation (ASPAC), Seoul, June 1966, 43–44, 179, 184, 189–190, 229n , 799
- Monroney, Mike, 55
- Moon Sun-myung, 394–395
- Moorer, Adm. Thomas H., 479, 524, 561, 741
- Mun Hyong-tae, Lt. Gen., 182
- Mun Tok-chu, 5, 88, 101, 105–106
- Mundt, Karl, 478, 565
- Murphy, Edward R., 626n , 742
- Mutual Defense Treaty, ROK-U.S. See under Agreements with the United States.
- Myers, Ronald P., 235
- Na Yung-kyun, 26
- Nakagawa, Susumu, 782
- Nakashima, Nobuyuki, 800
- Nam Sung-in, Col., 182
- National Intelligence Estimate (NIE 42/14.2–65), 58–59
- National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) No. 298, 21–22, 35
- National Security Agency (NSA), 479, 555n , 741, 743
- National Security Council meetings, 474, 476–481
- Naval Court of Inquiry, 742
- Naval Security Group, 741
- Negotiations over the Pueblo crisis
(see also Pueblo
crisis), 540–541, 625, 649
- Apology demand by DPRK, 624, 626,
656, 665, 678
- Receipt, signing of:
- DPRK draft text, 684, 690n , 707–708
- DPRK position, 718–719
- Espionage admission, 709–710
- Release of crew simultaneously with, 699–701, 705–708, 710, 721n
- Signing of overwrite, 688–689, 697–700, 702–704, 710–714, 716, 717n , 718–729
- U.S. alternatives to, 709–713, 732–733
- U.S. proposal for text of, 577, 617, 673–674, 680
- U.S. refusal, 547, 576–577
- U.S. statement at time of signing, 734, 737–738
- ROK position, 657–658, 660–662, 672n
- U.S. responses to, 625, 638, 667, 728–731
- Receipt, signing of:
- British role as intermediary in, 636–637, 639, 645n
- Confessions of crew, 653–654
- Crew release, 532, 544, 562, 649, 652, 687, 697, 699–700, 731, 735–740
- Documents presented to U.S. delegate, 626–627, 640–641, 647–648, 655, 661
- DPRK negotiating tactics, 580n , 584, 616–618, 623
- Failure of, possible, 618–620, 653–654, 680
- Government-to-government talks, 598, 600, 602–603, 605, 607–609
- Helicopter case (1964), 576, 652, 658, 685n , 699, 709
- Impartial fact-finding committee, 530, 578, 586, 617, 635, 638, 641–643, 648, 651–652, 674, 695
- International Court of Justice role in, 543–544, 557, 565–568
- International law, emphasis on, 575
- Japanese role as intermediary in, 636–637, 639
- Military Armistice Commission meetings. See Senior Members meetings on Pueblo crisis under Military Armistice Commission (MAC) meetings.
- Names of casualties, 538, 581, 583, 599, 603, 607–608, 628
- Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission role, 530, 536–538, 542, 545–546, 570–571, 635–636, 638, 650, 652, 665–666
- Opening of, instructions for, 466–467
- Publicity for, 692, 717–718, 721n , 739
- Return of sailor’s body, 519, 531, 537
- Secrecy in, importance of, 340, 714–715, 718
- Soviet role as intermediary in, 472, 496n
- Thant’s “good offices” initiative, 484, 499, 569–570, 573
- U.S. instructions for MAC meetings, 466–467, 538–539, 576–577
- U.S. strategies and tactics for, 547, 585–586, 603, 654, 662, 665–666
- Apology demand by DPRK, 624, 626,
656, 665, 678
- Netherlands, 719, 744
- Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC), 211
- New York Times, 560, 741–742
- New Zealand, 43, 199n , 449
- Newman, George S., 267–270
- Newsweek, 563, 679
- Nguyen Cao Ky, 231, 240, 284, 287
- Nguyen Khanh, Maj. Gen., 54
- Nguyen Van Thieu, Gen., 284, 409–410, 413, 416
- Nickel, Edward J., 801n
- Nitze, Paul, 320n , 347, 384n , 399–402, 438–439, 452, 464n , 481n , 495n , 555
- Nixon, Richard M., 694, 731–732
- Norred, Christopher A., Jr., 101, 758n , 790n
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 7, 89, 129, 490
- Norway, 611
- Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT), 693
- Nuclear war, 551, 613n , 622
- Nuclear Weapons, 35, 37, 300, 313, 393, 452n , 460, 773
- O’Donohue, Daniel A., 192n , 348, 391, 781n , 791
- Office of National Estimates, 209n , 532n
- Office of Special Investigations (OSI), 401
- Offshore procurement, 126–128, 149
- Ogawa, Heishiro, 800
- Ohira, Masayoshi, 745, 750–751, 754–756, 769, 771
- Ohno, Bamboku, 23
- Okinawa, 403, 484
- Olympic Games, Tokyo (1964), 745
- Organization of American States (OAS), 485
- Pacific region, 198
- Pak Chong-hui, 108
- Assassination attempts on, 257, 259, 309–312, 322, 398, 463, 486–487, 592, 610
- Clifford/Taylor Mission, 267–270
- DPRK infiltration into ROK, 180, 272, 356–360, 370, 540
- Elections of 1967, 255
- Homeland reserve force, 395–397
- Inauguration of, 1967, 257–260
- Internal security in ROK, 278–282, 294, 308–309, 395–397
- Japan-ROK settlement, 182, 750, 761, 766, 781
- Johnson, personal relationship with, 414
- Johnson visit, October–November 1966, 200–201
- Kim Chong-pil controversy, 23, 33–34, 47n , 55–56
- MAP transfer program, 88, 102, 107
- Martial law, declaration of, 26–29, 31–32
- Messages from Johnson, 322–323, 337, 339–341, 365n , 505, 585n , 764–765
- Messages to Johnson, 360–361, 363–365
- Military force reductions, 1, 62, 111
- Pueblo crisis:
- Pueblo negotiations, 542, 593n , 708
- ROK attack on DPRK, 392, 450
- Rusk visits to ROK, 1n , 4–7, 185, 749n
- Status of Forces Agreement, 145, 178
- Student demonstrations, 24, 26–27
- United Nations, 202, 234
- U.S. defense commitment to ROK, 81, 412, 421
- U.S. economic aid to ROK, 146–149, 166, 243
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 237–238, 303–305, 401, 420–421, 540
- U.S. view of, 19, 95, 377–380, 382–385, 388
- U.S.-DPRK MAC talks, 330–332, 345, 353–354
- U.S.-ROK relations, 324, 385
- Vance mission, 347–349, 353, 355–356, 366, 368–372, 375–376, 384–389
- Vietnam War, 291, 420
ROK combat troops in:
- Anti-infiltration division, 215–216
- Decision to send, 69, 77–80, 87, 93, 113–114, 118–119
- Increases in, 129–134, 157, 165, 169, 174, 276, 413
- Opposition to increased numbers of, 297–298
- Political problems with, 273, 291–293, 307–308
- ROK position, 216–217, 230–233, 404, 408–409
- Timing for arrival of, 304
- U.S. funding for, 237–240, 276–278
- U.S. request for, 150–153, 199, 219, 252–254
- Withdrawal of, 338, 379
- ROK noncombat role in, 53–55, 60, 413, 437–438
- ROK role in settlement talks, 413–414
- U.S.-ROK talks on, 206–207, 259–260, 301–305
ROK combat troops in:
- Visits:
- Honolulu, April 1968, 409–416, 419–423, 680n
- Southeast Asia, February 1966, 132, 134, 145n , 151–152, 161, 165, 170
- Vietnam, February 1967, 232–233
- Washington, 1961, 49, 95
- Washington, November 1963, 49, 95
- Washington, May 1965, 49–50, 62, 69–70, 86, 93–109, 124, 779–780, 790–792
- Washington, proposed, 403, 419
Pak Chung Kuk, Gen., 467n
Pueblo negotiations:
- Apology demands, 624, 626, 638, 652, 656, 661–662, 684
- Expressions of regret, 660, 670–671
- Location of seizure, 581–582, 596
MAC Senior Members meetings,
- 1st, 581–582
- 2nd, 596–602
- 3rd, 605, 607–609
- 4th, 616n
- 5th, 620–621
- 6th, 624
- 7th, 674
- 8th, 631–634
- 9th, 641, 642n
- 10th, 647–649, 654
- 11th, 654
- 12th, 666, 670–671, 676
- 13th, 672–677
- 14th, 678–679
- 15th, 680–683
- 16th, 683–686
- 17th, 690–691
- 18th, 691–693
- 20th, 700n
- 21st, 700–701, 704n
- 22nd, 704–708
- 23rd, 713–718
- 24th, 719–723
- 25th, 724–725
- 26th, 732–733, 735–736
- 27th, 737–739
- 28th, 740
- 29th, 740
- NNSC involvement, 536–537, 635n
- Open MAC sessions, 542, 643
- Prisoner swap, 649
- Receipt, signing of, 698–701, 704–708, 710–716, 718–725, 737–738
- Release of crew, 708, 713, 717, 735–740
- Trial of crew, 597–598, 656–657
Pueblo negotiations:
- Pak Kun, 204, 228, 747
- Pak Song-chol, 643
- Pakistan, 498–499, 503, 523
- Paraguay, 498
- Peace Corps, 94
- Peace Line, 10, 747–749, 783
- Pearson, Drew, 574
- Petree, Richard W., 782
- Philippines, 36–37, 43, 67–68, 76, 226, 234, 401
- Pike, Otis G., 743
- Poage, W. R. “Bob,” 442
- Poats, Rutherford M., 101, 123, 156n , 758n , 790
- Poland, 480, 517, 530, 619
- Popper, David H., 797
Porter, William J., 252n
, 261, 285n
, 379, 389,
391, 394, 400, 414, 425–426
- DPRK infiltration into ROK, 270–272, 278–282, 286
- Internal security in ROK, 294–295, 397n
- Pak message to Johnson, 360–361, 363–365
- Pueblo crisis, 315–316, 459, 481–483, 488, 492, 509, 637–640, 740
- Pueblo negotiations, 597, 618, 653–654, 658n 672n , 698n , 708
- ROK military force levels, 417–418
- ROK role in Vietnam War, 273, 286, 291–293, 295, 298–299, 302–303, 307–308, 338n
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 305, 325–326, 340–341, 401
- U.S.-DPRK MAC talks, 330–331, 345
- U.S.-ROK relations, 323–324, 335, 336n , 422–423, 540–543
- Vance mission, 348–349, 366–367, 376, 385
- Public Law 480, 5, 8, 14, 147, 190, 435, 450, 454, 759
- Pucinski, Roman, 622
Pueblo crisis (see also
Negotiations over the Pueblo
crisis), 370, 402, 516, 569
- Aircraft deployment to ROK, 323, 343–344, 509–517, 551, 565, 574
- Blue House attack comparisons, 474, 481–482, 488, 492
- Capture of the Pueblo, 310, 459–461, 465–467, 533
- Classified equipment, recovery of, 506, 517, 558, 565
- Communications failure in, 389–391, 394
- Congressional authority for military action, 471, 502–503, 525–528, 568
- Congressional-Executive relations over, 478, 532, 554, 572, 574–575
- Counterinfiltration equipment airlift, 327–328, 350
- Crew, 471, 524, 629, 695, 741
- Diplomatic responses to, 492, 509–510, 516, 522
- Diplomatic situation, 522–524, 530–532
- DPRK actions, possible, 509–510, 515
- DPRK motives, possible, 479, 567 [Page 822]
- DPRK planning for, 476–477
- Intelligence gathering, 480n , 490, 498, 531, 623, 741
- Japanese role in, 402, 472, 483, 488–489, 496, 507, 510, 523
- Joint unconventional warfare group proposal, 340–352
- Legal issues, 475, 485–487, 519
- Location of seizure:
- Media relations, 468, 475, 500–502, 528–529
- Military responses to, 472, 475, 486,
499, 501, 507, 566, 574, 579–580, 614
- Attack to recover Pueblo, 473–474
- Blockade, 514, 518, 551, 558, 566, 588–589
- Bombers, deployment of, 496, 515–518
- Bombing of DPRK targets, 514, 551, 558, 566
- Callup of U.S. reserves, 470, 560, 563
- Cross-DMZ raids on DPRK, 558, 566
- Mining of Wonsan harbor, proposed, 489, 503, 514–515, 558, 565
- PRC position, 499, 501, 531–532
- Seizure of DPRK ships, 509, 514, 517, 557, 566–567, 589, 649
- Seizure of Soviet ship, 473, 490
- Seizure of Wonsan, proposed, 379–380
- Soviet position, 499, 501, 532n , 566, 619
- Timing for, 522, 528
- Tour of duty extensions, 483, 507–508, 525–526, 559
- Troop reinforcement, 472, 483, 488–489, 559
- Types of, 483, 550–551, 584n
- U.S. bombing practices in ROK, 559, 566, 568
- U.S. naval buildup, 483–484, 500, 503, 591–594 606, 623
- Movement of Enterprise task group, 338, 344
- Operational plan for Pueblo-type ships, 554–556, 590, 613–615, 623
- Organizational planning for crisis management in, 469, 475
- Possibilities for, 565–566
- PRC position, 478n , 569
- Public opinion on, 471, 510–511
- Replacement by USS Banner, 474, 489–491, 494, 514–515, 557, 565, 587–589, 669
- Soviet collusion with DPRK in, 470–472, 478, 480, 518
- Soviet position, 311n , 520–521, 524, 552, 569, 573, 593–594
- Soviet-U.S. contacts regarding, 390, 402
- Tactical Air Control Center deployment, 326–327
- U.S. courses of action, possible, 556–559, 563, 568, 587–589
- U.S. electoral implications of, 355–356, 375
- U.S. media response to, 468, 475, 492, 529
- U.S. policy, 356, 359, 361–362, 401–402
- U.S. reduction of tensions, 552, 573, 597–598, 600–601, 609–610
- U.S. restraint in, 357, 362, 393–394, 429
- U.S. troop reinforcement, Japanese bases for, 472
- U.S.-ROK coordination on, 316–318, 333
- Purcell, Graham, 442
- Pursely, Col. Robert E., 741
- Radio Pyongyang, 222
- Read, Benjamin H., 305n , 322n , 335n , 358n , 371n , 419n , 440n , 466n , 495n , 504n , 549n , 575n , 585n , 609n , 628n , 634n
- Reischauer, Edwin O., 77, 772n
- Rhee, Syngman, 20, 335, 345, 382–383, 425, 747
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 562
- Rivers, Mendel L., 527, 574–575, 614
- Robertson, Walter, 366
- Romania, 570
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 355, 358
- Ropa, Donald W., 179, 230n
- Rosa, Joseph, 4n , 13n
- Rostow, Walter W., 179, 187n
, 211n
, 257n
, 278n
, 295n
, 297n
, 302n
, 315n
, 316n
, 322n
, 327n
, 342n
, 343n
, 349, 355n
, 356n
, 358n
, 363n
, 366n
, 368n
, 369n
, 375n
, 382, 384n
, 395n
, 399n
, 402n
, 419n
, 422n
, 427n
, 433n
, 440n
, 447n
, 464n
, 466n
, 470, 538n
, 547n
, 555, 557n
, 576n
, 609n
, 626n
, 640n
, 642n
, 648n
, 665n
, 709n
, 719n
, 722n
- DPRK infiltration into ROK, 311n , 329
- Economic situation in ROK, 95, 98, 207
- Election in ROK, 241–242, 244n
- Korean Reconstruction Bank loan, 424–425
- Loans to ROK, 242–243
- Military aid to ROK, 305–306
Pueblo crisis, 471, 480, 492, 501,
514, 517, 521, 540, 572, 622
- Capture of the Pueblo, 460, 463, 468, 477, 529
- DPRK motives, possible, 469–470
- Intelligence gathering, 474, 491
- Location of seizure, 563–564
- Military responses to, 469n , 473, 475, 490–491, 509, 517, 566, 574
- UN consideration of, 485–486, 488, 497, 505–506, 523
- U.S. courses of action, possible, 556, 563, 587n
- Pueblo negotiations, 546, 565, 580n
- ROK role in Vietnam War, 216n , 252n , 291n , 301, 307–308, 413–414, 437
- ROK troop buildup, 649
- U.S. economic aid to ROK, 441–442, 453–454
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 411–412
- Rowen, Henry S., 41n , 43n , 156
- Roybal, Edward R., 450
Rusk, Dean, 187n
, 211n
, 234n
, 235n
, 295n
, 322n
, 342n
, 355n
, 356n
, 358n
, 384n
, 395n
, 407n
, 447n
, 464n
, 466n
, 495n
, 504n
, 547n
, 585n
, 606n
, 693n
, 704n
- China, Republic of, 66–68, 74
- Chung Il-kwon visit, March 1967, 238
- DMZ incidents, 288–289
- Dominican Republic, 101n , 107
- DPRK infiltration into ROK, 311, 380
- Elections in ROK, 228
- Humphrey visit to Seoul, July, 1967, 260–261
- Japan-ROK settlement, 39, 749, 751, 778n
- MAP transfer program, 88, 103
- Military force reductions, 3, 21, 22n , 62, 116
- Pak visit to U.S., May, 1965, 93–94, 101–105, 780n
Pueblo crisis, 491–492, 509, 528,
, 567, 569, 613, 740, 744
- Capture of the Pueblo, 459–460, 477
- Confessions of crew members, 479, 484
- Congressional response to, 478, 502, 527n , 572
- Legal issues, 461, 486
- Letters to Gromyko, 552–553, 563, 628, 636n , 642n
- Location of seizure, 564–565, 574
- Military responses to, 315–316, 489–490, 509–511
- UN consideration of, 484–488, 492–493, 505–507, 545
- U.S. courses of action, possible, 556, 587–589
- U.S. reduction of tensions, 600, 609–610
- Pueblo negotiations, 570, 609, 623, 655, 736
- ROK role in Vietnam War, 16, 69, 132, 216, 252, 291, 301, 404
- Status of Forces Agreement with ROK, 66–68, 73–74, 102–103, 186
- United Nations, 202, 204, 443
- U.S. economic aid to ROK, 9n , 103–105, 165n
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 289, 393n
- U.S.-ROK relations, 335–336, 540
- Vance mission, 368–369, 383
- Visits:
- Yi Tong-won visits to Washington, 63, 128
- Russell, Richard, 197, 478, 503, 527
- Salans, Carl F., 719n , 724n
- Sang Ho Cho, 97
- Sato, Eisaku, 93, 260, 292, 403 745–746
- Saunders, Harold H., 476n , 481n
- Scandinavia, 189
- Schultze, Charles L., 187, 243
- Senate, U.S., 412, 744
- Senegal, 498
- Seven Nation Meetings on Vietnam, 240, 401n
- Sharp, Adm. Ulysses S. Grant, 46, 196–198, 211n , 262, 272, 294n , 305, 313, 356, 395, 414, 417, 438, 618n
- Shiina, Etsusaburo, 767, 772–775, 777–779, 782, 784–787, 788n , 794, 799–800
- Shima, Shigenobu, 750
- Shimanouchi, Toshio, 750, 782
- Shostal, Pierre, 215n
- Sidney, Hugh, 529n
- Sin Xang-ch’ol, 57, 79
- Singapore, 180, 256
- Sisco, Joseph J., 484–486, 488, 544n , 556, 576n , 594n , 604n
- Six-day War, 482n
- Sixteen-Nation Declaration, 412–413
- Slutz, Robert F., 180
- Smith, Bromley K., 140n , 186, 230, 338n , 339n , 468n , 476n , 481n , 483n , 528, 680n
- Smith, Jack, 180, 225, 256, 262n , 274
- Smith, Rear Adm. John V.:
- Smith, Margaret Chase, 574
- Sneider, Richard L, 800
- So Min-ho, 246
- Solbert, Peter, 49n , 101
- South America, 285
- Southeast Asia, 3, 22, 36, 189, 527
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 185, 229n , 401n , 771
- Southwestern Research Society, 34
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet subheadings under other
subjects), 22, 574, 613n
, 687, 693n
, 748
- Intelligence-gathering ships, 463, 562
- Korea, Democratic Republic of, relations with, 225, 338
- United States, relations with, 234, 351, 750
- U.S. buzzing of Soviet vessels, 533–534
- U.S.-Soviet ship collision, 611–612
- Walker spy ring, 743
- War in Korea, possibility of, 390, 402, 428–429, 431, 452n , 518
- Special National Intelligence Estimates, 261–262, 266, 452
- Springsteen, George S., 693n
- Steadman, Richard, 215n , 267, 371n , 404n , 466n , 604n , 671n , 704n , 713n , 719n , 724n , 731n
- Steakley, Brig. Gen. Ralph D., 459n
- Stennis, John, 561, 574
- Stoneman, Walter G., 776n
- Strano, Angelo, 701
- Strategic Air Command (SAC), 431n
- Stuart, Richard K., 53, 180, 225, 256, 274, 796
- Sukarno, 99
- Sweden, 530
- Switzerland, 197, 530, 641
- Symington, Stuart, 135
- Syria, 443
- Takeshima. See Tok-to Island (Takeshima).
- Takeuchi, Harumi, 750
- Takeuchi, Ryuji, 750, 753–756, 778, 782, 799
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell B., 17, 383, 489
- Tcherniakov, Yuri N., 686
- Thailand, 43, 76, 170, 179, 189, 199n , 401, 413, 653
- Thanat Khoman, 179
- Thanom Kittikachorn, 420
- Thant, U, 468, 472, 507
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr.:
- Thomson, James C., Jr., 90–91, 94–96, 106, 784
- 303 Committee, 555
- Thurmond, Strom, 478, 614
- Time, 529, 563
- Tok-to Island (Takeshima), 792
- Toon, Malcolm, 549n , 584, 642n , 731n
- Tower, John, 495
- Trade, U.S.-ROK (see also Offshore procurement), 6, 11–12, 126, 147, 189 287
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 187, 424
- Trowbridge, Alexander B., 503
- Trueheart, William C., 180, 271n
- Turkey, 197
- Unger, Leonard, 225
- Unification Church, 394
- United Arab Republic (UAR), 482n
- United Kingdom (UK) (see also British subheadings under other subjects), 201, 413, 498, 543–544, 558, 773
- United Nations (UN) (see
also UN subheadings under other
subjects), 59
- DPRK role in, 204n , 443–445
- General Assembly, 193–194, 204, 221–224, 281, 552
- Korea debate, 96, 98, 228n
- PRC membership in, 59, 128
- Security Council, 223, 484
- Establishment of UN Unified Command by, 281, 602
Pueblo seizure, 484, 489, 579
- Consensus for Thant’s “good offices” initiative, 569–570
- DPRK position, 571, 573
- Pakistani position, 503, 523
- Risks of UN consideration of, 505–506
- ROK position, 488, 492, 495, 497, 541n
- Soviet position, 485, 531, 545, 569
- U.S. position, 310, 315n , 402, 463, 472, 484–488, 497, 516
- U.S. request for meeting on, 495, 497–501, 507, 522
- War threat as motive for action in, 513, 515
- Vietnam conference proposal, 194
- United Nations Charter, 443n , 484, 579
- United Nations Command (UNC):
- United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea (UNCURK), 193, 195, 203, 221
- U.S. Army Logistics Center Japan (USALCJ), 112
- U.S. Army Procurement Agency, 160
- U.S.-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs, 185
- U.S.-ROK Joint Study on Death Gratuities and Wounded-in-Action Benefits, 157
- Ushiba, Nobuhiko, 523n , 782, 799
- Valenti, Jack, 142, 169
- Vance, Cyrus R., 73, 401, 476
- DPRK infiltration into ROK, 628, 644
- Pueblo crisis, 554, 556, 566–567
- ROK role in Vietnam War, 419n , 623
- Special Envoy to ROK:
- Debriefing after mission of, 376–383
- Effect of mission, 392–394
- Instructions for, 355–356, 358–360, 368–369, 371–373
- Joint communiqué with Pak, 366, 371n , 375–376, 386, 389, 391
- Meetings with ROK officials, 369–371, 373–376
- Pak letter to Johnson, 361, 365n
- Post-mission recommendations, 390–391, 399, 401–402, 433n , 455
- Report on mission, 384–391
- ROK plans for visit, 366–367
- Selection of, 348–349
- Status of Forces Agreements
- U.S. defense commitment to ROK, 374–375, 381, 389, 411
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 388–391, 402, 420, 422
- Vettel, Thelma, 758n
- Viet Cong, 54, 169–170, 516
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 65, 170, 183, 256, 304, 480, 516
- Vietnam, Republic of, 7, 43 170, 183, 226, 234, 236, 240, 394, 401, 572, 653
- Vietnam War, 216n
, 286, 374n
, 407, 457,
516, 574–575, 612, 623
- Aircraft redeployment for Pueblo crisis, 511–512
- Australian military role in, 75n , 98–99, 206, 216n , 292, 303
- Bombing of Vietnam Democratic Republic, 267, 552
- Broadening of international support for, 53–54
- Callup of U.S. reserves for, 560, 563
- Clifford-Taylor mission, 266–270, 291, 296
- DPRK assessment of, 211–214, 275n , 314, 371–372, 406, 447–448, 482
- DPRK military role in, 65, 480, 531
- Japanese military role in, 76, 139
- Khe Sanh battle, 471, 474, 493, 554
- Manila Conference, October 1966, 188–189, 200–202, 205–206
- Mining of Haiphong harbor, 619, 665n
- Negotiated settlement in, 410, 413–414, 471
- New Zealand military role in, 75n , 98–99, 206, 216n , 292
- Philippine military role in, 64, 76, 98, 206, 216n
- PRC military role in, 64–65
- Prisoners of war, 669, 712
ROK military role in, 60, 65, 95, 149, 276, 304,
306, 420
- Combat troops:
- Anti-infiltration division, 215–220, 230–232
- Country Team position, 152–153
- Expansion in response to DPRK attacks, 372–373
- Increases in, 129–141, 143–154, 161–164, 292
- Light divisions, 297, 306, 405–406, 408–409, 413, 415–416, 419, 437, 439
- ROK position, 150–151, 170, 273, 402–404, 419–420, 422
- Tactics for U.S. request for, 252–254, 268–269, 295–296, 368n
- Troop numbers, 113–114, 129–130
- U.S. arming of, 120–121
- U.S. position, 68–72, 75–77, 157–160, 286, 404–409, 419
- Vietnam Republic request for, 413, 416
- Withdrawal of, 338, 359, 375, 379, 382, 389, 434
- DPRK position, 64–65, 151, 276, 469
- Field-hospital units, 16–17, 60, 95
- Hiring of Korean veterans, 208, 287–288
- Japan-ROK settlement effected by, 15–16, 69–70, 86–87, 93, 113–114
- Limits to, 167–168, 173–174, 199–200
- Noncombat forces:
- PRC reaction to, 64–65
- Proposals for, 15–17, 57
- Reserve troops, 181–182
- ROK opposition to increase in, 297–298
- ROK politics as factor in, 69, 111, 114, 125, 131n , 138, 152, 217–220, 291–292, 307–308
- ROK public opinion on, 141, 163–164, 177–178
- Secrecy concerns, 77–78, 80, 119–121
- Tai-kwon-do instructors, 16–17, 60, 95
- U.S. funding for, 148n
, 158, 236, 270, 293, 540
- Compensation for casualties, 112, 151, 157
- Helicopter pilot training, 237, 239
- Kimchi for troops, 237–239, 302, 304
- Negotiations over, 298–299
- Noncombatant/civilian projects, 239, 438–439
- Overseas allowances, 120–121, 153, 155, 158, 162–163
- Rifles, 239–240
- ROK position, 143–145, 152, 154, 298, 303
- U.S. position, 138–140, 157–160, 164–167, 253, 276–278
- U.S. position, 68–72, 89–90, 291
- U.S.-ROK talks on, 85, 87–90, 93, 97–98, 165–167, 301–305, 414
- Victory as motive in, 407–408
- Vietnam Democratic Republic reaction to, 64–65
- Vietnam Republic position, 78, 87, 93, 118–119
- Volunteer forces, 76, 217
- Combat troops:
- Thai military role in, 64, 76, 206, 216n , 292, 304
- Tonkin Gulf incident/resolution, 485, 495, 502, 508, 527–528, 561
- U.S. policy, 240, 410, 420, 524
- U.S. military strength in, 231, 394, 402
- U.S.-ROK talks on, 128, 169, 206–207, 229n , 259–260, 302–304, 785
- Voice of the UN Command (VUNC), 221
- Walker, John, 743
- Walker, Michael, 743
- Walsh, John P., 337n , 339n , 400n , 537n , 538n , 547n , 576n , 594n , 604n , 640n , 642n , 652n , 657n , 671n , 680n , 704n , 719n , 724n , 731n , 737n
- Walske, Carl, 439
- Warnke, Paul C., 327n , 337n , 407n , 412n , 450, 646n
- Watanabe, Makoto, 800
- Watson, Marvin, 207, 613
- West Berlin, 184
- Westmoreland, Gen. William, 119, 136, 169, 182, 206, 217, 493, 563
Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 49, 100, 181, 262n
, 342n
, 347, 349,
, 383, 384n
, 395n
, 471, 622
- DPRK military posture, 313, 447
Pueblo crisis, 316, 485, 505–506, 521, 572
- Aircraft deployment to ROK, 511–513, 515, 518, 525
- Attack to recover Pueblo, 473–474
- Capture of the Pueblo, 461–462, 468, 476–477, 529, 560–561
- Congressional response to, 478, 527, 554
- Intelligence gathering, 490–491
- Location of seizure, 524, 573
- Military responses to, possible, 472–473, 508, 514, 522, 531, 568, 574
- Replacement by USS Banner, 474, 489
- ROK raids into DPRK, 381, 491
- U.S.-ROK relations, 196, 383
- Vietnam War, 415, 419n , 493
- White, William S., 549
- Wickel, James, 782
- Wilson, Harold, 460, 488, 645
- Wirtz, Willard, 6
- Woodward, Brig. Gen. Gilbert H.:
- World War III, 241, 352
- Wyatt, Wilson, 760
- Yager, Joseph A., 640n , 642n , 646n , 671n , 680n
- Yang Yun-sae, 235
- Yasukawa, Takeshi, 782, 800
- Yi Hu-rak, 53, 56,
279, 388
- Clifford/Taylor Mission, 267–268
- Development Loan Fund, 89, 104–105, 109
- MAC meetings on Pueblo, 579–580
- Pak visit to Washington, May 1965, 100–101, 106, 779–780
- ROK combat troops in Vietnam War, 129–130, 137–138, 144–145, 150–151, 154
- U.S. economic aid to ROK, 147, 162
- U.S. military aid to ROK, 421–422
- U.S.-ROK relations, 170, 200
Yi Tong-won, 160n
, 170, 228
- Foreign Ministers Conference, Seoul, June 1966, 43–44, 179
- Japan-ROK settlement, 138, 766–767, 772–774, 781–782, 785–787, 788n , 790–791, 794–795, 797–799
- ROK role in Vietnam War, 69, 129n , 169–170
- UN Korea debate, 208, 224
- U.S. economic aid to ROK, 147
- U.S.-ROK relations, 50, 172, 185, 200, 228–229, 779–780
- Vance mission, 355, 375
- Visits:
- Yoshida, Shigeru, 757, 766–767, 770
- Yu Chin-o, 228, 245, 255
- Yum Suk Heun, 25n
- Yun, Brig. Gen. S. K., 110
- Yun Po-sun, 59–60, 228, 242, 244–246, 248, 250–251
- Yun Suk-heun, 101
- Zabalakas, K., 110
- Zurhellen, J. Owen, 799n , 800, 801n