304. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Secretary of Defense McNamara1
Washington, March 13, 1965.
- Shifting of Philippine Military Defenses to the Southern Islands (S)
- 1.
- Reference is made to:
[Page 670]
- a.
- A Memorandum for the Record by the Assistant Secretary of Defense (ISA), dated 6 October 1964, subject: “McNamara-Macapagal Conversation 6 October 1964 0915–1000 at Blair House,”2 which indicated that the United States would join with the Philippines in studying the deployment of Philippine military forces to the southern islands.
- b.
- A memorandum by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (ISA), I–28502/64, dated 13 October 1964,3 subject: “Visit of President Macapagal—Republic of the Philippines,” in which the Joint Chiefs of Staff were requested to implement the agreements reached during the 5–6 October 1964 meeting with President Macapagal.
- 2.
- The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with the views of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff on a CINCPAC study, contained in Appendix B hereto,4 which outlines steps that the United States
might take to assist the Government of the Philippines in shifting
its military emphasis to the southern islands in order to:
- a.
- Combat existing banditry, lawlessness, and smuggling.
- b.
- Prepare the Government of the Philippines to combat the real and active subversive threats to the southern Philippines from Indonesia.
- 3.
- The study recommends:
- a.
- A reorientation of the Philippine Armed Forces to a primary mission involving counterinsurgency and law enforcement within the context of the over-all American security system in the Pacific.
- b.
- That the Philippine military posture should now embrace new measures designed to meet the threat of subversive insurgency in the southern islands.
- 4.
- The Joint Chiefs of Staff concur with the basic concepts contained in the study; however, the study envisions a Military Assistance Program (MAP) of approximately $35 million in excess of the current FY 1966–1970 program. Therefore, priorities have been established in the Annex to Appendix B which show those items of equipment selected as the most essential (based on a $10 million MAP increase and spread over five years). These data and the CINCPAC study have previously been made available to the Chief, Joint US Military Advisory Group, Philippines.
- 5.
- The Joint Chiefs of Staff are of the opinion that the views of the
Country Team in Manila should be obtained regarding the study prior
to initiating conversations on the subject with Philippine
officials. They are also of the opinion that any increase in US
assistance which may
[Page 671]
required to shift the Philippine military defenses to the southern
islands should be made contingent upon:
- a.
- Reorientation of the Philippine Armed Forces and paramilitary establishments, as necessary, to a primary mission involving counter-insurgency operations.
- b.
- An increase in the Philippine military budget.
- c.
- Securing an arrangement with the Philippine Government whereby any new facilities constructed with US assistance in the southern Philippines would be available to the United States on a joint use basis.
- d.
- Availability of MAP funds in excess of current and projected world-wide programs.
- 6.
- Accordingly, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend that:
- a.
- A memorandum, substantially as contained in Appendix A, together with the study contained in Appendix B, its Annex, and the proposed State-AID-Defense message contained in Appendix C, be forwarded to the Secretary of State requesting his concurrence.
- b.
- Upon receipt of concurrence from the Department of State, the proposed State-AID-Defense message contained in Appendix C be dispatched to the American Embassy in Manila.5
- c.
- Upon receipt of Country Team submissions, the Joint Chiefs of Staff be afforded the opportunity to provide appropriate comments.
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OASD/ISA Files: FRC 70 A 3717, 381 Philippines. Secret.↩
- Not found. For Ambassador Blair’s account of the meeting, see Document 301.↩
- Not found, but summarized below.↩
- Appendixes A–C are attached but not printed.↩
- According to a memorandum from Vance to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, April 5, a “slightly modified version of your proposed joint message” was dispatched to Manila. (Washinton National Records Center, RG 330, OASD/ISA Files: FRC 70 A 3717, 381 Philippines)↩
- Printed from a copy that indicates Kirn signed the original.↩