65. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the Station in the Congo1
Dir 22503 (Out 67110). Re Leop 0678 (In 34375).2
1. All factors in your recent cables concerning requests by [Mobutu] and [Identity 1] for funds were presented on 25 Jan to responsible levels including Idens A3 and B.4
2. KUBARK expressed the view that whereas money alone is not the cure-all it does appear that a quick and sizable contribution is required as a stop gap measure to buy time and slow the rate of general deterioration. KUBARK recognized that the matter of publicly announced increased pay for troops must be handled ultimately in an open and regularized way from whatever source.
3. Based on KUBARK recommendation it was agreed this message be sent asking you to consult with Ambassador and respond as best you can to following questions:
A. How convinced are you that the [cryptonym not declassified]5 are in fact in urgent need of funds.
B. Is it possible to state in a fairly precise way what the funds would be used for.
C. How much and how soon would you recommend we contribute.
4. Some of the questions here arise from a variety of opinions and reports on whether, what and how much is needed. For example [Identity 2] is persuaded that the [cryptonym not declassified]6 are not in urgent need now. [Identity 3] appears to tend the other way. The full nature and extent of the Belgian input is not clear. The [cryptonym not declassified]7 themselves seem to have been unable or unwilling to give sufficient facts with which to document a good case.
[Page 87]5. We recognize difficulties involved and assure you will use your answers to best possible advantage here.
End of message.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency Files, Job 78–00435R, DDO/ISS Files, Box 1, Folder 6, [cryptonym not declassified] Ops. Secret; Rybat; [cryptonym not declassified]; Priority. Drafted and authenticated by Fields (C/AF) and released by DD/P.↩
- [text not declassified] [Identity 1] made pitch to Devlin for ODYOKE support to pay and equip the troops. [Footnote in the original.] See Document 63.↩
- Under Secretary of State Chester A. Bowles.↩
- Ambassador at Large W. Averell Harriman.↩
- Moderate, anti-Lumumba leaders in the Congo supported by a CIA political action program called [cryptonym not declassified].↩
- See footnote 5.↩
- See footnote 5.↩