59. Telegram From the Station in the Congo to the Central Intelligence Agency1

0646 (In 32132). Supdata [COS] from [Identity 1] and [Identity 2].2 [Identity 3] advised [COS] 14 Jan that plans being made transfer Lumumba from Thysville [to] Baxwnga [Bakwangam]. Also [Identity 4] reported GOC planning move Lumumba. Filed 17164; report class Secret Noforn. [less than 1 line not declassified]3 Congo Republic. Subj: ex-premier Patrice Lumumba transferred from Thysville Military camp to prison in Bakwangam DOI 1 Jan 61. Pada Congo Republic, Leopoldville 17 Jan 61. Source: [less than 1 line not declassified] (B) [less than 1 line not declassified] (C) [1 line not declassified] (C). Apr 2.

  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency Files, Job 79–00149A, DDO/IMS Files, African Division, Senate Select Committee, Volume III, Box 23, Folder 2. Secret; Priority. Received at 2307Z.
  2. Unidentified CIA contract agent.
  3. Field Report No. [text not declassified], TDCS–3/462,509, January 17, also reported that various Congolese Government officials had indicated some uneasiness at having Lumumba imprisoned in a military camp so close to Leopoldville. (Central Intelligence Agency Files, Job 79–00149A, DDO/IMS Files, African Division, Senate Select Committee, Volume III, Box 23, Folder 2)