524. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson1
Attached are the figures you requested on U.S. economic and military assistance to the Congo:
[Page 766]—At Tab A is a breakdown of economic assistance since the Congo became independent, arranged by category of economic aid.2
—At Tab B is a breakdown of military aid.
—At Tab C is a summary of aid to the Congo from other nations.
The grand totals are as follows:
—U.S. economic and military assistance from FY 1960 to FY 1967: $543 million.
—Of this total, $349 million is economic and $194 million is military.
—Another $44 million in U.S. aid is planned for FY 1968.
—We have good figures for other donors only through FY 1966. As of the end of that year, other nations—bilaterally and through the U.N.—contributed a total of $574 million.