317. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Congo1
1183. For Ambassador from Secretary. Following telegram contains text instructions jointly developed and agreed between Belgians and ourselves during Spaak visit here past two days.2
I know that you are fully aware of the deep concern which is felt at the highest levels of the Government with the safety of the American community at Stanleyville. Both Spaak and I are strongly convinced that the proposed program will, if accepted and vigorously implemented by Kasavubu and Tshombe, undercut the morale and disrupt the unity of the insurgents, enhance the possibility of a peaceful resolution of the Stanleyville problem and at the same time contribute to a better atmosphere in which to undertake the gigantic tasks of reconstruction and reconciliation which face the Congo.
We realize that with the military effort moving so satisfactorily, there may be a reluctance on the part of the Congo’s top leaders to temporize, however marginally, with the rebels. I know that you will make every effort, however, to overcome any such hesitancy, emphasizing the minimal nature of the government offers which are contemplated and the fact that they are intended to supplement and not supplant the continuance of a sustained military effort. While it is not our present intention to threaten or apply specific pressures on the GDRC in order to encourage acceptance of this program, you should not hesitate to make clear as necessary that our attitude towards future cooperation with the Congo will inevitably be affected by Kasavubu’s and Tshombe’s cooperation on a matter of such fundamental importance to us.
I know that we can count on you to press these proposals in coordination with your Belgian colleagues with all possible vigor and imagination.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, POL 23–9 THE CONGO. Secret; Exdis. Drafted and approved by Palmer in AF/CWG and cleared by Read and Harriman. Rusk is also listed as clearing the text.↩
- Presumably reference is to telegram 1182, Document 316.↩