237. Memorandum for the Record1
- Minutes of the Meeting of the 303 Committee
- Mr. Bundy, Ambassador Thompson, Mr. Vance, and General Carter
- [name not declassified] was present for Item 1
- [2 names not declassified] were present for Item 2
- [name not declassified] was present for Item 3
[Omitted here is an item unrelated to the Congo.]
2. Congo
The CIA paper entitled “Request for Approval to Expand Covert CIA Participation in Congolese Tactical Air Program,” (in response to a meeting on 21 August 1964 chaired by Governor Harriman)2 asked for authority to expand support to Congolese air operations and for the money to embark on the expansion. The proposal was approved by the Committee. Mr. Vance said that the paper was unclear on some of the ordnance required, and he requested [name not declassified] to prepare a detailed shopping list which could be worked out with DOD. General Carter indicated that he would seek the release of the funds from the Bureau of the Budget. Mr. Bundy added that, if necessary, he could readily explain the desires of higher authority to the Director of the Bureau that this support be as covert as possible. He requested progress reports for the Committee from time to time on the recruiting and organizing efforts.
[Omitted here is an item unrelated to the Congo.]