230. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Congo1
Washington, August 20,
1964, 2:50 p.m.
392. Joint State–Defense message. Re Embtel 632.2 There is full appreciation here for problem you face in finding and extricating Macfarlane, Dodds, and Rattan. We have full confidence in your judgment and you are authorized to use US helicopters and planes in search. Planes to be used in search need not be dearmed. However use of force to effect rescue is not authorized without advance clearance from Washington.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, POL 23–9 THE CONGO. Secret; Flash. Drafted by O’Sullivan; cleared by Fredericks, Vance, and Brubeck; and approved by Harriman. Repeated to CINCSTRIKE.↩
- In telegram 632 from Leopoldville, August 20, Godley stated that he believed that the United States had to be willing to use force if there were to be a serious rescue attempt. He pointed out that if the search aircraft were not allowed to be armed, this would merely condemn more brave men to uncalled-for hazards. (Ibid.) On August 22, Dodds and his two companions returned unharmed to Bukuvu.↩