144. Editorial Note
On May 23, 1963, Joseph Mobutu visited Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters for discussion and a luncheon. That same day, in telegram 7032 to CIA, the Chief of Station in Leopoldville spoke favorably of Mobutu while offering his last views before leaving the Congo. He said that he continued to regard Mobutu as their best insurance that the [text not declassified] effort would not fail, and thought he was the most sincere U.S. friend in the Congo. Although Mobutu had many weaknesses, the Chief of Station believed the United States should continue to bet on him, as there was no alternative with similar power. (Central Intelligence Agency Files, [text not declassified], Mobutu, Joseph Desire, Vol. II) While visiting Washington, Mobutu met with President Kennedy. For a memorandum of their conversation, see Foreign Relations, 1961–1963, volume XX, Congo Crisis, Document 423, pages 858–862).