109. Editorial Note

In telegram 3100 to the Central Intelligence Agency, February 5, 1962, the Station in Leopoldville reported that Joseph Mobutu had asked for financial aid, stating that he particularly needed funds now to try to win back Congolese National Army elements which were previously loyal to Antoine Gizenga and the Stanleyville regime. In requesting aid, Mobutu expressed embarrassment at constantly having to seek aid for various projects but added that he believed he would [Page 150] need aid on a continuing basis. The Station expressed its belief that CIA should continue to subsidize Mobutu as he remained “our anchor to windward” in the implementation of [cryptonym not declassified] objectives. (Central Intelligence Agency Files, Job 78–00435R, DDO/ISS Files, Box 1, Folder 9, [cryptonym not declassified] Operations) The CIA authorized the expenditure in telegram 40969 to Leopoldville, February 9. (Ibid.)

In telegram 3220 to the CIA, February 24, 1962, Leopoldville reported that Mobutu had requested financial support in connection with the military operation now launched against North Katanga. Mobutu was not happy about the situation, the Station commented, but he had no alternative other than to try his best with an army that was poorly officered, poorly trained, and badly organized. If Mobutu failed he would be wide open for attack by extremist enemies, as would be the Adoula government. It had also been learned from Justin Bomboko that the government intended to take over North Katanga administratively as well as militarily. Adoula was scheduled to visit the area soon in order to show the flag and set up an administration loyal to Leopoldville. In short, the Station stated, the government was wagering its existence on the North Katanga operation. Despite strong reservations about the advisability of the operation, the Station strongly recommended supporting Mobutu. (Ibid.) CIA telegram 43881 to Leopoldville, February 25, authorized the expenditure, on the assumption that it had been discussed with the Ambassador. (Ibid.)