- Aaron, David L., 721n , 762n
- ABMs. See Anti - ballistic missiles (ABM ) under Missiles.
- Abrams, Gen. Creighton, 558
- Ad Hoc Panel on Technical Aspects of Nuclear Test Ban Proposals (McMillan Panel), 285–286,313–314
- Adenauer, Konrad, 158, 242, 271, 299n
- AEDS. See U.S. Atomic Energy Detection System.
- Aerial overflights, 65, 69, 74–75, 81, 145
- Africa (see also Organization of African Unity), 18, 95, 97n , 167, 600, 715
- Agreements, multilateral (see also
Celestial bodies treaty; Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; Non -
Proliferation Treaty; Nuclear Test Ban
Treaty; Seabed treaty; Threshold Test Ban Treaty):
- Agreement between India and Pakistan for Withdrawal of Troops in Kashmir and Normalization of Diplomatic Relations, Tashkent, Jan. 1966, 297
- Antarctica Treaty of 1961, 59, 593, 613
- Cairo Resolution, July 1964, 100, 108, 116
- Cessation of Hostilities in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, Geneva, July 1954, 203
- Kellogg - Briand Pact, 159
- Latin American Nuclear Free Zone Treaty. See Treaty of Tlatelolco below.
- Law of the Sea Treaty, Mar. 1966, 594
- Strategic arms control. See Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems.
- Treaty on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Oct. 1967. See Celestial bodies treaty.
- Treaty of Tlatelolco, Mexico City, Feb. 1967, 488, 505, 549–557, 599
- Agreements, bilateral, with the United States:
- Additional Agreement for Cooperation with Euratom, 563–564
- Australian - U.S. agreement on use of IAEA safeguards, 365
- British - U.S. Agreement for Cooperation in the Civil Power Applications of Atomic Energy, July 1966, 327
- British - U.S. Agreement for Cooperation in the Civil Uses of Atomic Energy, June 1955, 327
- British - U.S. Nuclear Defense Systems Agreement, Nassau, Dec. 1962, 17, 20, 30
- German - U.S. treaty on nuclear issues, proposed, 462
- Soviet - U.S. Air Agreement, 136, 365n , 387
- Soviet - U.S. Consular Convention, 136, 387, 687
- Soviet - U.S. nonaggression pact proposal, 36
- Spanish - U.S. agreement on use of IAEA safeguards, 365
- Air Force, U.S., 285n
- Air Force Technical Applications Center, 335–337
- Aircraft, 18–19, 36, 660, 676, 710–711, 733
- Air-launched Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (AICBMs) (see also Missiles), 4–5, 12
- Akalovsky, Alexander, 83, 129, 135
- Albania, 214, 334n
- Alessandrini, Adolfo, 308
- Algeria, 558n , 769n
- Allison, Gen., 639
- Amchitka Island, 62, 72, 197n , 210, 346
- Anderson, Clinton P., 2, 8, 317n
- Anderson, Robert, 529n , 531
- Antarctica, 59, 610
- Anti - aircraft weapons, 660, 676, 710–711
- Anti - ballistic missiles (ABM). See under Missiles.
- Antyasov (USSR), 503–504
- Arab League, 418
- Arab - Israeli dispute, 18, 100, 112
- Arab - Israeli war, 1968, 748, 754
- Argentina, 384n , 551, 729, 763–764, 766
- Argonne National Laboratory, 29, 466
- Arms control and disarmament, 559
- ACDA draft message on, 191–194
- Activities of small countries, 90–92, 95–96, 293
- Agreements. See Agreements, multilateral; Agreements, bilateral, with the United States.
- British - U.S. talks on, 16–20, 194–196, 232, 289–291
- Development of U.S. program for, 216–217, 319–320
- French position, 17, 19
- General and complete disarmament (GCD), 246, 771
- JCS position, 292–293
- Proposals for Geneva meetings, 3–5, 8
- Soviet position, 732–738
- Soviet proposals, 215, 636, 654
- Soviet - U.S. talks on, 137–138, 151–152, 219–220, 224, 245–256, 333–334, 474, 717, 720–721
- Summaries, 9–13
- Swedish position, 771
- U.N. debates on, 141, 258
- Unilateral disarmament, 89–90, 92
- World Conference on Disarmament, proposal, 204, 214, 246, 257–258
- Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), 30n
, 217n
, 362n
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 239–240
- Documents, 4, 11, 23, 267, 282–284, 286–287, 334
- ACDA - 2915, 564–572
- ACDA - 2927, 608–614, 617–619
- ACDA - 2935, 633–634
- ACDA - 2936, 633–634
- ACDA - 3024, 691–695
- ACDA - 3548, 727–728
- Arms Control Considerations of a U.S. Anti-Ballistic Missile Deployment System, 496–499, 501
- Draft message on disarmament, 191–194
- Draft paper on non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 97–110, 112–117, 119–120, 216
- Programs to prevent nuclear proliferation, 127, 141–145
- Proposal on Strategic Offensive and Defensive Missile Systems, 466
- Report on modifying test bans to allow peaceful explosions, 357–361
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 21, 70–71, 74, 696
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 41, 65, 144, 152, 470, 564–567, 691–695
- General Advisory Committee on Disarmament, 364
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 64, 82, 90, 96, 400, 421, 557
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 58–60, 357–361
- Prototype testing, 65
- Seabed treaty, 560, 579–580, 585, 587–590, 593–597, 605–606, 608–614, 616–619
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 13–14, 328, 332, 621
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 335–336, 338, 342–343, 345
- Treaty of Tlatelolco, 554
- Uranium sales, 295
- Verification of arms control agreements, 23–25
- Army, U.S. Department of the, 13
- Army Corps of Engineers, U.S., 531
- Arnold, Hans, 435
- Aron, Raymond, 156
- Arrays, 227, 240
- Asbjornson, Mildred J., 454n
- Asia, 164, 542, 715
- Associated Press (AP), 183
- Atlantic Nuclear Force (ANF) (see also Multilateral Force (MLF)), 178–179, 192, 226n , 230, 235, 264–266, 372, 381
- Atlantic - Pacific Interoceanic Canal Study Commission, 363, 531
- Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 118, 362n
, 435n
, 665, 732n
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 238
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 1, 9, 21, 53, 730, 756
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 419, 458n , 471, 557
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 59–60, 358, 363, 532n
- Plowshare program, 6, 13–14, 62–63, 519, 556
- Secrecy restrictions, 10
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 72, 190, 209, 327–328, 346, 400, 493, 620–621
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty 335–337, 342, 344–345
- Treaty of Tlatelolco, 552
- Uranium/plutonium sales, 295, 562–564
- Verification Advisory Committee proposal, 12
- Atomic Industries Forum, 439
- Atoms for Peace Conference, 722
- Australia, 346, 365, 367, 384n , 715, 763, 767
- Austria, 763–764
- Bahr, Egon, 435
- Baker, Vincent, 454n , 512n , 524n
- Ball, George W., 120–121, 156–157, 159, 217n , 257, 297n
- Barber, Arthur W., 23n , 29, 65, 290, 397, 466, 471n
- Baruch, Bernard M., 147, 251, 332, 371, 435, 636–637
- Bator, Francis M., 305n , 393
- Beam, Jacob D., 93n , 262–263
- Beeley, Harold, 235, 291
- Belgium, 376, 460–461, 484, 525, 527, 534, 540, 772
- Berard, Armand, 600
- Bering Sea, 595
- Berlin, 140, 156, 164, 266, 601, 723, 739
- Biological warfare. See Chemical and biological weapons.
- Birrenbach, Kurt, 601, 651
- Blankenbecler, Richard, 357n
- Blough, Roger, 364
- Board of National Estimates, 411
- Bodnar, James S., 262n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 564–567, 568n , 573n , 590n , 713n , 747n
- Bombers:
- Borg, C. Arthur, 217n
- Bowie, Robert J., 396n , 397, 435
- Bowman, Col. Richard C., 282n , 313–314
- Brandt, Willy, 435–439, 446, 477, 488, 523, 539–540, 541n , 542, 601, 745
- Brazil (see also Brazil and Brazilian subheadings under other subjects), 251, 367, 530, 550, 551, 558n
- Brement, Marshall, 219
- Brezhnev, Leonid I., 141n , 303n , 407, 655
- Bridges, Peter S., 244n
- Bridges, Tom, 16, 19
- British Commonwealth of Nations, 158–159
- Brosio, Manlio, 524, 578
- Brown, Elizabeth A., 351n
- Brown, George, 393–394, 430
- Brown, Harold:
- Brown, Howard, 10n
- Bruce, David K.E., 16, 19, 194, 257, 302, 393
- Bruce, Robert L., 351n
- Brussels Treaty, Mar. 1948, 299n
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of the, 346, 621
- Buffum, William B., 772
- Bulgaria, 347, 768
- Bundy, McGeorge, 22n
, 43n
, 76n
, 118, 168n
, 186n
, 218n
, 239n
, 261n
, 270n
, 277n
, 282n
, 297n
, 301n
, 341n
- Arms control and disarmament, 3–5, 9, 16, 19–20, 91, 191, 216–217, 474
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 241–242
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, 224–228, 232, 292, 295
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 1, 21, 29, 36–37, 53, 74–75
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 29–30, 45, 88–89, 151–152
- Military budget levels, 95
- Multilateral Force, 264–267
- Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, 64, 120–121, 126, 172, 302
- Nuclear containment, 3–4
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 56
- Testing of nuclear weapons:
- Bundy, William P., 7–8
- Bunn, George, 235, 502–504, 524n , 592n
- Bureau of the Budget, U.S., 346, 621
- Butler, Richard A., 16–19, 90, 92
- Byelorussia, 764
- Caccia, Harold, 16, 19, 194
- Canada (see also Canada and Canadian subheadings under other subjects), 15n , 64n , 124–125, 236, 428, 530, 532, 556, 558n , 763–764
- Cancellario d’Alena, 562
- Caribbean, 140
- Carrillo Flores, Antonio, 599–600
- Carroll, Lt. Gen. Joseph F., 732n
- Carter, Gen. Marshall, 7–8, 10, 72, 732n
- Case, Eileen, 171
- Castro (Brazil), 766
- Celestial bodies treaty, 608–609, 613
- Australian position, 367
- British position, 405, 430
- Bulgarian position, 347
- China, People’s Republic of, position, 348
- Hungarian position, 347
- Italian position, 765
- Polish position, 347, 404
- Ratification of, 430–431
- Romanian position, 347
- Soviet position, 316, 347–348, 351–353, 384–385, 405, 430
- Soviet - U.S. talks on, 365–368, 383
- U.N. draft, 404–405
- U.S. position, 311–312, 316–318, 351–354, 405, 467, 593, 681
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
- Anti - ballistic missiles, 411–417
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 74
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 667, 747
- Intelligence Memoranda:
- Soviet approach to arms control, 732–738
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 190, 621
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty 340, 342n
- Verification Advisory Committee proposal, 12
- Chalfont, Lord, 230n , 232–235, 257–258, 289–291, 303n , 307–310
- Chapman, Gen., 687
- Chayes, Abram, 13–14
- Chemical and biological warfare (CBW), 35, 684, 733, 771–772
- Chile, 729, 762, 764, 766
- China, People’s Republic of (see also China, People’s
Republic of subheadings under other subjects; Sino - Soviet dispute):
- Development of nuclear weapons by, 97, 101, 105, 107, 111, 423, 650
- Disarmament, 214
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 17
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, relations with, 400
- Military budget levels, 252–253
- Military situation in, 238–239, 496, 507, 513, 589, 596, 641, 695
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 26, 79–80, 82, 99
- Nuclear war involving, 163
- Soviet nuclear aid to, 130–131, 155
- Soviet - U.S. talks on, 221
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 86, 120, 138–139, 161, 590
- United States, relations with, 166, 180, 204, 334
- U.S. policy toward, 427, 429, 500
- Vietnam Democratic Republic, relations with, 400
- China, Republic of, 558n
- Chou En - lai, 334
- Christmas Island, 346
- Clark, Joseph, 740
- Clarke, Bruce, 636, 639, 641
- Cleveland, Harlan, 124–125, 194, 307–308, 435, 512, 536, 538, 540, 641–644, 648
- Clifford, Clark M., 760n
- Clifton, Gen. Chester V., 72
- Cole, Capt., 348
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 177
- Committee on Nuclear Proliferation. See Task Force on Nuclear Proliferation.
- Committee on Nuclear Weapons Capabilities, 110–111, 118–120, 125
- Committee of Principals, 11–12, 61n
, 76n
, 200n
, 285n
, 357n
, 615n
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 237–243
- Disarmament, 191–192
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, 224–228
- Fissionable material production and sales, 626, 645, 730, 756
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 29–31, 41–42, 61, 466–467, 567
- Indian acquisition of nuclear weapons, 331
- Military budget levels, 93–94, 96
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 82, 111, 122–125, 558, 560
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 403
- Prototype testing, 65n , 77
- Seabed treaty, 579–580, 585n , 592–597, 605–614
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 170–171, 188, 190
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 282n , 284, 334–339, 342
- Common Market. See European Economic Community (EEC).
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 128, 143, 160–162, 176, 196
- British position, 289
- Canadian position, 289
- China, People’s Republic of, adherence to, 176, 242
- French position, 176
- JCS position, 282–283, 285–288, 313
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 360
- Soviet position, 204, 309, 324–325
- Soviet - U.S. talks on, 254–256
- Swedish position, 771
- U.S. position, 237–243, 644n , 645–646
- Verification of, 176, 196, 237–238, 240, 243, 258, 288–291, 324–325
- Conference of Non - Nuclear Weapon States, Geneva, 1968, 522, 658, 720–722, 724, 745, 758, 762–768,772
- Congress, U.S. (see also
Senate, U.S.):
- Acts of:
- Anti - ballistic missile deployment, 422, 431
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 8
- Freeze on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 78, 407
- House Foreign Affairs Committee, 551
- Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 2, 8, 363, 532, 550
- Multilateral Force, 105
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 394, 462, 465, 475
- Seabed treaty, 614
- U.S. arms sales, 293
- Containment, nuclear. See Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons.
- Control Data Corporation, 146
- Control post proposal, 11, 13, 193–194
- Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 531
- Cowles, John, 364
- Cratering, 57, 59, 211, 327, 362–364, 400, 480, 556–557
- Crawford, R.S., 194
- Cregar, William O., 732n
- Crowley, Edwin D., 576, 649n
- Crowson, Brig. Gen. Delmar L., 72, 211
- Cuba, 140, 145, 205, 438n , 770
- Curtis, Carl T., 550
- Cyprus, 769
- Czechoslovakia, 251, 364, 686, 739
- Davis, Jeanne W., 217n
- Davis, Richard H., 112n , 141n
- De Gaulle, Charles, 154–156, 160, 162, 164–166, 382, 483, 600, 650
- De Martino, John J., 112n
- Dean, Arthur H., 126, 158, 166, 182
- Dean, Jonathan, 317n
- Dean, Patrick, 229n , 231n , 257, 259n , 325n , 393, 430, 625
- Debre, Michel, 484
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 118, 193, 732n
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 71, 74, 756
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 65, 470, 759
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 419
- Nuclear - free zones, 267
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 13–14
- Seabed treaty, 580–583, 585–590, 593, 616–619, 622, 680–683
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 190, 209, 332, 493
- Uranium sales, 295
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 667
- Delivery systems. See Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems.
- Denmark, 558n , 772
- DePalma, Samuel, 272n , 547, 645
- Desalinization of sea water, 34, 40, 50, 55, 57, 66–67
- Diaz Ordaz, Gustavo, 549–550, 553–554
- Dirksen, Everett M., 472, 551, 740n , 741
- Disarmament. See Arms control and disarmament.
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 22n
, 46n
, 186n
, 196n
, 200n
, 201n
, 590n
- Arms control, 245, 247, 252, 333–334
- Celestial bodies treaty, 366, 430
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 255
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, 546–547
- Fissionable material production cuts, 31, 34, 38n
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 315, 476–477, 759
- Germany, Democratic Republic of, 29
- Military budget levels, 27–28, 168
- Multilateral Force, 26–27, 116, 132, 259–261, 264–267
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 129, 135, 278, 297–298, 447
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 217, 218n , 520–522, 598, 625, 720–721, 729
- Nuclear - free zones, 391–392
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 248
- Polish nuclear freeze proposal, 25–26
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 183n , 184, 189–190, 197–199, 202–204, 385–386
- U.S. - Soviet relations, 53
- U.S. - Soviet summit meeting, proposed, 716–717, 755
- Dominican Republic, 203, 215
- Donnelly, Gen., 72
- Douglas - Home, Alexander, 19–20, 40, 43, 48, 51–53, 160
- Dulles, Allen W., 126, 158–159, 161, 164–165, 182
- Dulles, John Foster, 271
- Eastern Europe, 734, 739
- Egypt. See United Arab Republic.
- Ehrlich, Thomas, 13n
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee (See also
Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons; Non - Proliferation Treaty), 435n
- British position, 115
- China, People’s Republic of, role in, 195
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 239–243, 286–287, 324–325, 645–646
- Expansion of, 720
- Fissionable materials production halt, 626–628, 645–646, 696n
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 45
- General and complete disarmament, 771
- Military budget levels, 94
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 64, 281, 402, 420
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 477–479, 494n , 502–504, 515, 537–538, 548–549, 566
- Polish proposal, 11–13
- President’s messages to:
- Resumption of talks, 212–216, 224–228, 232, 546–547
- Seabed treaty, 580, 612, 614, 616, 682, 715
- Soviet nine - point proposal, 636, 654, 732–733
- Soviet position, 12, 194–195, 198, 205, 212–213, 636
- Soviet - U.S. talks during, 83, 300
- U.S. position, 29, 301
- Vietnam conflict, effect on, 224–228
- Electromagnetic pulse, 87, 313, 582, 586, 589
- Erhard, Ludwig, 115, 160, 262, 264, 274, 280n , 299, 302, 305–307, 361–362
- Erler, Fritz, 157
- Eschauzier, H.F., 766
- Ethiopia, 558n , 767
- Euratom, 365
- Europe (see also Atlantic Nuclear Force; Multilateral Force; Euratom ; North Atlantic Treaty Organization):
- European Economic Community (EEC), 165, 515, 542, 557
- Evans, David W., 767
- Evans, Brig. Gen. Harry L., 153, 639
- Export controls, 125–127
- Faber, Richard, 90n , 152
- Falin (USSR), 129
- Fallout, nuclear (See also Radiation), 6, 14, 58–59, 530, 532, 556
- Fanfani, Amintore, 239, 241–242, 448, 463, 485–486
- Farley, Philip J., 512n
- Fedorenko, Nikolai T., 129, 198n , 245, 256, 316–317, 366, 369, 375
- Finland, 763–765
- Finletter, Thomas K., 11
- Fisher, Adrian S., 3, 5, 10, 22n
, 25n
, 61n
, 76n
, 118, 217n
, 218n
, 267n
, 398n
, 420n
, 432n
, 440n
, 468n
, 473n
, 512n
, 524n
, 529n
, 674n
, 696n
, 721n
, 758n
- Arms control and disarmament, 16–17, 257–258
- Arms control program development, 319–320
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 237, 241–243, 289–291, 644n
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, 224–225, 239–243, 547
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 7–8, 21, 68–69, 644n
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 470
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 124, 167, 370
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 80, 82, 396–397, 445–448, 548–549, 561
- Nuclear - free zones, 9, 244–245
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 401–402, 532
- Task Force on Nuclear Proliferation, 126
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 170
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty 240, 334–339
- Verification Advisory Committee proposal, 12
- Fissionable materials:
- British production of, 23n , 37n , 40, 43, 45
- British purchases of, 43, 327
- Energy production using, 37
- French production of, 44–45, 48–49, 51
- French purchases of, 145–146
- Germany, Federal Republic of, purchases of, 295–296
- Italian purchases of, 295–296
- Production cuts:
- British position, 23, 33–34, 40, 43–45, 48–49, 51–52
- French position, 33, 39, 54
- Linkage to freezes on strategic nuclear delivery vehicles, 13, 21, 30
- Soviet position, 21–23, 29, 31–34, 37–40, 47–53, 84–85, 94n , 193, 207
- U.S. position, 1–3, 7–9, 21, 36–40, 46, 53–55, 65, 94, 180, 645–646
- Verification issues, 68–71, 74–75, 628
- Production halt, agreement on, 626–632, 644n , 645–646, 696–699, 730–731, 756
- Reduction in use of, 1n , 4, 48
- Soviet production of, 37, 48, 51, 84–85, 207, 248
- U.S. sales to Euratom of, 561–564
- Use in multiple warhead missiles, 128
- Fleming, Robert, 316
- Ford Foundation, 267
- Formosa. See Taiwan.
- Fortas, Abe, 723
- Foster, William C., 3n
, 26, 70n
, 71n
, 97n
, 173n
, 200n
, 297n
, 342n
, 357n
, 382n
, 432n
, 494n
, 529n
, 533n
, 566n
, 573n
, 615n
- Arms control and disarmament, 90–91, 141, 152, 191–192, 194–196, 214–216, 220, 232, 293
- Celestial bodies treaty, 366
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 286, 289
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, 212–213, 224–228, 301, 323–325, 537–538, 546–547
- Fissionable material production and sales:
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 325
- Indian acquisition of nuclear weapons, 330–332
- Military budget cuts, 83
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 92, 110–112, 122–125, 127, 388, 390–391
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 301–302, 323–324, 361–362, 375, 379, 446, 494, 604, 625, 720, 769
- Nuclear - free zones, 267–268, 272–273, 391–392, 550
- Nuclear sharing, 262–263, 301–302
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 392, 723
- President’s message, Geneva, Jan. 1964, 10–11
- Seabed treaty, 559–560, 593–597, 608–610, 612–614, 616
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 170, 188, 197–199, 519, 556, 621
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 291, 334, 336
- Treaty of Tlatelolco, 552, 554
- Verification Advisory Committee proposal, 12
- Fowler, Henry H., 741
- Fractional orbiting bombardment systems (FOBS), 511
- France (see also France and French subheadings under
other subjects), 64n
, 435n
, 438n
, 558n
- Atomic Energy Authority, 145–146
- Control post proposal, 11
- Force de frappe, 156, 160, 355, 382, 650
- Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with, 147
- Nuclear facilities in, 527
- Permissive Action Links, 182
- Treaty of Tlatelolco, 551
- United States, relations with, 114–115, 164, 166, 179
- U.S. uranium sales to, 145–146
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile
systems, 4–5, 144
- Anti - ballistic missiles (see also under Missiles), 17, 76–77, 79, 81, 88, 314–316, 320, 509–511, 660
- China, People’s Republic of, position, 724
- Fixed - base systems, 144–145, 151–152, 180, 659–660, 674–675, 684–685, 705–706
- JCS position, 29, 41–42, 65, 82, 422, 466, 470
- Joint statement of objectives for, 758–761
- Linkage to fissionable materials cut, 13, 21, 30, 41–42
- Mobile systems, 660, 675–676, 684, 707–709
- Polish proposal, 11–13, 25–27
- Radar, 469
- Soviet position, 35–36, 143, 213, 309, 325, 518, 545
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT):
- ACDA recommendations, 466, 564–567
- Basic position paper, 704–713
- British role in, 713
- Canadian position, 724
- China, Republic of, position, 724
- Committee of Principals proposal, 666, 673–680
- Cuban position, 770
- Draft opening statements, 633–638, 644–646
- French position, 713, 770
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 724, 745
- Interagency Working Group proposal, 659–661
- Italian position, 745
- JCS position, 426–429, 509, 565, 584, 639, 641, 664, 666, 668, 674n , 687–688, 694, 739, 745
- Korea, Republic of, position, 724
- Multiple Individually - Targeted Re - entry vehicles (MIRVs), 663–665
- NATO consultative machinery, 642–644, 648–649, 741
- Non - nuclear states resolution on, 724
- Pakistani position, 724, 770
- Reductions in existing forces, 712–713
- Revision and withdrawal provisions, 661, 672, 676, 711–712
- Romanian position, 724
- Soviet position, 442–444, 601, 635, 653–657, 733–738, 747–754
- Soviet - U.S. messages, 424–425, 431–434, 440–441, 450–453, 568–572, 583–584, 590–592, 623–624, 652, 657–658, 727–728, 738–739
- Soviet - U.S. planning for (see also Summit meeting, possible below), 421–425, 432–434, 686–687, 716–719, 725, 742–743
- Studies for, 640–642
- Tactics for, 687–689, 704–705
- Technological improvements, 711
- Timing of, 651, 692
- U.N. position, 762
- U.S. position (see also Soviet -U.S. subheadings above), 453–454, 632, 659–661, 666–669, 691–695, 699–714, 740, 744–747
- Verification procedures, 639–640, 670–671
- Vietnam, Republic of, position, 724
- Yugoslav position, 724
- Submarines, 510
- Summit meeting, possible, 689–690, 716–719, 754–755, 757
- U.S. position, 16–20, 29–31, 45, 61, 142–143, 180, 314–316, 453–454, 466–470, 476–477, 547
- Verification of, 23–25, 65, 76–79, 81–82, 87–89, 92, 406, 467
- Freund, Richard, 90n
- Frosch, Robert A., 237–238, 240–241
- Fulbright, J. William, 171, 550
- Furnas, Howard, 112n
- Garcia Robles, Alfonso, 272, 598–599, 766
- Gardner, Richard N., 141n
- Garthoff, Raymond L., 112n , 118n , 141n , 150, 154n , 162, 167, 262n , 432n , 440n , 466, 468n , 470 Gaussen, Gerard, 272n
- Gean, Kirby, 663
- Geneva Conference. See Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee.
- George, Scott, 402n
- German reunification, 158, 160, 166–167, 179, 196, 271, 310
- Germany, Democratic Republic of:
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also
Germany, Federal Republic of subheadings under other subjects):
- Acquisition of nuclear weapons, 26–27, 79, 100–101, 103–105, 129–130, 139–140, 174, 179
- Agreement with the U.S. on nuclear issues, proposed, 462
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 241–242
- Control post proposal, 11
- France, relations with, 147
- Military situation, 271
- Multilateral Force, 157, 196, 225–226, 229–230, 264
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 117, 123–124, 298–300, 305–308, 372–373, 381
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 176, 298–300, 303–304, 361–362, 418–420
- Non - use of force, 768–769
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 768
- Soviet Union, relations with, 114n , 133–134, 266
- Tactical missiles in, 17
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty 342
- United States, relations with, 164, 266, 362, 435
- U.S. troop reduction in, 52, 55–56, 67
- World Conference on Disarmament, 258
- Ghana, 600
- Gilpatric, Roswell L.:
- Gilpatric Committee. See Task Force on Nuclear Proliferation.
- Ginsburgh, Bob, 666
- Glassboro Summit, 512, 517n , 739
- Gleysteen, Culver, 503–504, 524n
- Goa, 159
- Goldberg, Arthur J.:
- Celestial bodies treaty, 311–312, 316–317, 347–348, 351–352, 366–368, 383–385, 404–405, 430–431
- Fissionable materials production halt, 698
- Indian development of nuclear weapons, 331
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 369, 375, 379, 383–384, 559–560
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 245, 248
- Seabed treaty, 581
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 254
- Goldberger, Marvin L., 313n
- Goldstein, Mortimer D., 393
- Goldwater, Barry M., 137, 740
- Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 12, 213n
- Gomulka Plan, 213
- Goodpaster, Lt. Gen. Andrew J., 292–294
- Gordon, Kermit, 1, 72
- Gordon Walker, Patrick C., 160, 196
- Gore, Albert, 2, 472, 494, 752
- Gore - Booth, Paul, 257
- Goulding, Phil, 665
- Graybeal, Sidney N., 348, 566n , 592n , 608n
- Greenhill, Denis A., 16, 19, 257, 393
- Grinevsky, O.A., 446
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 687, 725n
- Celestial bodies treaty, 351, 352n , 365–368, 383
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 254–256
- Disarmament talks, 194–195, 258
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 18, 35–36, 468, 476, 507, 770
- Military budget levels, 27, 168, 222–223, 250
- Multilateral force, 90n , 132–135, 230, 259–260
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 129–132, 155, 245–250, 270–271, 274–275
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 256n , 308, 355–356, 362
- Nuclear - free zones, 391–392, 485
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 392, 403, 404n
- Soviet - U.S. relations, 135–140, 721, 755
- Gronouski, John A., 662
- Grudinin, Col. I., 656
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 126, 156–157, 165–166, 182
- Guantanamo base, 205, 268, 273
- Guinea, 438n
- Hadow, Michael, 16, 19, 194
- Halperin, Morton H., 524n , 568n , 638–642, 696n
- Harriman, W. Averell, 16, 19, 219–223, 388, 391–392
- Harris, John, 194
- Hassan, Abdel F., 255
- Healey, Denis, 745
- Hearn, Rear Adm. William, 608–610, 616
- Heckrotte, Warren, 357n , 358n , 360n
- Helium - 3, 632
- Helman, Gerald B., 317n , 348, 351n
- Helms, Richard M., 407n , 411–412, 466–467, 529n , 532, 597, 608–609, 612, 636, 663, 687, 694, 699
- Henderson, J.N., 16, 19, 194
- Henry, David H., 25
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 171, 472, 550
- Hinton, Deane R., 454n
- Hitch, Charles, 27, 29
- Holifield, Chet, 2, 74, 171, 472–473
- Hood, Viscount, 257, 393
- Hornig, Donald F., 13–14, 75n , 136, 173n , 239n , 473n , 529n
- Hosmer, Craig, 171
- Houdek, Robert G., 512n
- House Foreign Affairs Committee, 551
- Howard, William J., 13n , 72, 238, 357n
- Hughes, Thomas L., 141n , 732n , 747n
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 172, 224, 227–228, 242, 293, 294–295, 332, 337–339, 549n
- Hungary, 347, 558n , 768
- Hyderabad, 159
- ICBMs. See Missiles.
- India (see also India and Indian subheadings under other
subjects), 18
- Asian multilateral force, 148
- Assurances against nuclear attack on, 80, 111, 163–164, 166, 177, 333, 437, 481–483, 486, 522, 602, 769n
- China, People’s Republic of, development of nuclear weapons, effect on, 76n , 80, 99, 132–133, 158–159, 174
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 241
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 54
- Leadership role of, 215
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 370
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 176, 558n
- Safeguards clause, 419
- Nuclear weapons acquisition by, 79, 105, 123
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 349–350, 402, 530, 763
- Tashkent agreement, 297
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 290, 342, 344
- United States, relations with, 177, 498
- Indian - Pakistani conflict, 18
- Indonesia, 1, 250–251, 365n
- Inspections. See Verification of arms control agreements.
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 59
- Board of Governors, 494n , 544
- British - U.S. nuclear cooperation, 327
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 162n
- Fissionable materials production halt, 627–629, 697
- General Conference, 722
- Indian participation in, 119
- Israeli participation in, 119
- Japanese participation in, 120
- Latin America, role in, 273
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 102, 109–111, 118n , 125, 418–421
- Nuclear materials, supervision of, 4, 69, 71, 99, 106–107, 235–236, 244, 294
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 722, 762, 768
- Safeguards, 235, 488–489, 502–506, 508, 515–517, 520–529
- Swedish participation in, 119
- U.S. position, 166, 181, 772
- International Business Machines (IBM), 146
- International Commission on Radiation Protection, 59
- International Decade of Ocean Exploration, 715
- International Disarmament Agency (IDA), 336
- International Symposium on Fission Product Release and Transport under Accident Conditions, Oak Ridge, Apr. 1965, 197
- Interoceanic Canal, 530
- Ippolitov, Ivan I., 388, 391–392
- Iran, 384n
- Israel (see also Arab - Israeli dispute):
- Italy (see also Italy and Italian subheadings under other subjects), 160, 236, 767, 772
- Jackson, Henry M., 2, 13n 239
- Jakobson, Max, 767
- Japan (see also Japan and Japanese subheadings under other subjects), 100–101, 111, 123, 132, 148, 174
- Johnson, Charles E., 6, 13n , 21, 72, 210
- Johnson, Gen. Harold K., 337, 583
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 198n
, 214n
, 270, 280n
, 453n
, 541n
, 580n
, 724n
, 758n
- Arms control and disarmament, 4–5, 19, 216–217, 219–220, 224, 474
- Celestial bodies treaty, 311, 316, 347, 351, 404–405, 430–431
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 1–2, 21–23, 30, 36, 37n , 38–40, 46–55
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 314, 450–451, 454, 468, 760
- Glassboro Summit, 512, 517n , 739
- IAEA safeguards, 458, 628
- Indian acquisition of nuclear weapons, 330–332
- Military budget levels, 168
- Multilateral Force, 261, 264, 354
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 120–121, 168–169, 173, 186, 297–307, 376–377, 382–383
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 361, 477, 494, 520, 560–561, 625
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 10
- Nuclear - free zones, 549–554
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 364, 401–402
- Seabed treaty, 560, 615, 617, 680–681
- Soviet - U.S. messages, 623–624, 652, 657, 738–739
- Soviet - U.S. relations, 135–140, 390–391, 689–690
- Speeches and messages:
- Address on uranium production cuts, Apr. 1964, 46, 51, 53
- Annual budget message to Congress, 1966, 222
- Commencement speech, Glassboro State College, June 1968, 603–605
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, Jan. 1964, 5, 7, 9–11, 42, 74
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, Sept. 1964, 118
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, July 1965, 228, 232
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, Jan. 1966, 292–295, 301–302, 698
- General Conference of the IAEA, Sept. 1965, 244
- Johns Hopkins University, Apr. 1965, 252
- Message of Oct. 18, 1964, 163
- Nuclear reactor anniversary, Dec. 1967, 538
- “To Renew a Nation,” 596n
- Twentieth Anniversary of the U.N., San Francisco, June 1965, 216
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 6, 15, 62, 72–74, 189
- Bowline series, 620–621
- Crosstie series, 480–481, 557
- Flintlock series, 210–212
- Latchkey series, 327–328, 341
- Soviet testing, 170–171
- Survey of new sites for, 346
- Test - ban treaties and, 208–209, 645–646
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty 334n , 338–339, 342
- Treaty of Tlatelolco, 549–554
- U.S. troop reductions in Germany and, 55–56, 67
- Visit to Seoul, Oct. - Nov. 1966, 398n
- Johnson, Tom, 529
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 29, 56–60, 72, 167, 276, 325n , 358n , 362n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 292–293
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 238, 282–283, 285–288, 313
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 8–9, 30, 696–699
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 29, 41–42, 65, 82, 466, 470
- Memoranda:
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 182, 399–400
- Nuclear - free zones, 9, 267–268
- Prototype testing, 65
- Seabed treaty, 580–583, 585–590, 616–619, 680–683
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 65, 190, 313–314, 621
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 282–285, 287, 335, 342
- Treaty of Tlatelolco, 552, 554
- Verification of arms control agreements, 23–25, 53, 65, 293–294, 668
- Kaiser, Herbert, 430
- Kashmir, 159, 297
- Katz, Abraham, 524n
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 383n , 384, 398n , 407–409, 435, 440n , 466–467, 473 468n , 524n , 529n , 532, 541n , 560, 573–574, 621–622, 693–694
- Kavanagh, George M., 171
- Keeny, Spurgeon M., Jr., 3, 13n
, 261n
, 292n
, 329n
, 529n
, 699n
- Arms control and disarmament, 191–194
- Arms control summaries, 9–13
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, 224, 239
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 21, 36–37, 38n , 74n
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 29, 45, 76, 314n , 509–511
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 325n
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 236, 256–257, 603–605
- Soviet - U.S. talks, 151–152, 333–334
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 6, 72, 149, 346, 401, 519
- Kelly, John, 13n , 72
- Kennedy, John F., 6, 53, 68n , 70–71, 431n
- Kennedy, Robert F., 234
- Kent, Sherman, 417
- Kenya, 600, 724, 763, 767
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 431n
- Arms control, 5, 8
- Desalinization of sea water, 50, 57, 66–67
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 22, 31–34, 36–40, 46–54, 84–85, 94n , 193, 207
- Multilateral Force, 90, 92
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 104, 224
- Removal from power, 141n
- Sino - Soviet dispute, 54
- Troop reductions in Germany, 52, 55, 67
- Visit to the UAR, June 1964, 66
- Kiesinger, Kurt G., 435, 448, 462, 479, 523, 539, 541–543, 549, 601, 650, 745
- Kistiakowsky, George B., 119, 126, 148, 165–168, 182, 364
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 112n , 141n , 145–146
- Klein, David, 64–65, 192, 217n
- Klieman, Robert, 666
- Knappstein, Heinrich, 114, 158, 435, 649
- Knox, M. Gordon, 16, 19
- Kohler, Foy D., 104n , 219, 440n , 454n , 458n , 468n
- Kolo, Alhaji S.D., 767
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 400
- Kosygin, Alexei, 141n
, 198n
, 301n
, 303n
, 453n
- Economic situation in the Soviet Union, 752
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 314, 407, 468, 495, 760
- Glassboro Summit, 512, 517n
- Military budget levels, 168, 187, 222–224
- Nine - point disarmament proposal, 636, 654
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 186–188, 276–281, 297, 302, 307–309
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 307–309, 362, 398, 484–485, 625, 733
- U.S. - Soviet summit, possible, 689–690, 716–719, 754–755
- Vietnam conflict, 219–220, 222
- Kratzer, Myron B., 147, 458, 557, 562–564
- Krimer, William D., 245, 366, 369, 375, 728n , 729
- Kuznetsov, Vasily V., 547, 598–603, 654n , 721
- Labowitz, Allan, 29, 466, 524n , 645, 663
- Lachs (Poland), 404
- Ladakh, 159
- Lahusen, Karl, 724
- Laird, Melvin, 757
- Laos, 35, 187
- Large Aperture Seismic Arrays, 227, 240
- Latin America (see also individual countries; Treaty of Tlatelolco; under Nuclear - free zones), 598–599, 715, 724
- Lawrence Livermore Radiation Laboratory, 358
- Lebanon, 367, 384n , 769
- Leddy, John M., 217n , 257, 388, 390–391, 392–393, 435, 454n , 455–456, 458n , 463n , 512n , 541n , 557n , 573n , 576, 598, 723
- Lilienfeld, Georg von, 305, 435, 445n , 448, 479, 488, 576–577
- Long, Franklin A., 313n
- Luns, Joseph, 104
- Luxembourg, 525
- Macmillan, Harold, 68n
- Magalhaes Pinto, Juracy, 599n
- Malik, Yakov, 559, 581n , 596n , 622, 729, 750
- Mansfield, Michael J., 472, 686, 740n
- Marks, Leonard H., 332, 336, 338, 466, 611
- Mazurov, Kiril T., 750
- McCall, Sherrod, 398n
- McCarthy, Eugene, 665–666
- McCloy, John J., 126, 150, 157, 159–160, 162, 164–165, 182, 224, 364, 759
- McCone, John A., 75n , 173n , 189
- McConnell, Gen. J.P., 285n , 687
- McCormack, Richard L., 762n
- McCormick, Adm., 224
- McGhee, George C., 435, 445n , 448, 462, 539–540
- McIntyre, Stuart H., 129
- McKelvey, Vincent, 715
- McMillan, William G., Jr., 285n , 313, 357n
- McMillan Report, 285–286, 313–314
- McNamara, Robert S., 69n
, 173n
, 189, 225n
, 270n
, 279n
, 295n
, 297n
, 398n
, 432n
, 529n
- Arms control and disarmament, 3, 16–19, 193, 216, 320
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 240
- Economic situation in the Soviet Union, 752
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 1–3, 7–8, 21, 53–54, 70–71, 75
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems:
- Germany, Federal Republic of, nuclear capability, 157
- Indian development of nuclear weapons, 331
- Military budget levels, 93–95, 136–137, 223, 257–258
- Multilateral Force, 90–91, 159, 264–266, 354–355
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 123, 125, 394, 396n , 400
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 329, 339
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 10, 182
- Nuclear - free zones, 9, 267–268
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 15n , 72–73, 170–171, 314, 341
- Troop levels, 52n
- Verification of arms control agreements, 23, 88–89
- McNamara Committee. See Special Committee of Defense Ministers under North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
- McNaughton, John T., 36, 394–395, 398n , 420n , 466, 468n , 470
- Meeker, Leonard C., 14, 80, 112, 311n , 317n , 318, 348, 351n , 430, 609–610, 616, 715
- Mendelevich, Lev I., 83, 366, 369, 375, 518
- Messmer, Pierre, 156, 657
- Mexico, 95, 367, 549, 762
- Middle East, 164, 246–248, 258, 419, 512n , 590, 690, 716–719, 726, 742–743, 746
- Miki, Takeo, 517
- Military bases, foreign, 733, 770–771
- Military budget levels, 93–96, 250
- Mines, 684
- Missile launchers (See also Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems), 30, 42
- Missile sites, 144–145, 593, 611:
- Missiles:
- Anti - ballistic missiles (ABM) (see also under
Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive
missile systems), 19
- Casualty reductions from use of, 150
- Cold X - ray systems, 287
- Costs of, 163
- Gamma ray systems, 287
- Hot X - ray systems, 283, 287, 294, 493
- Nike - X, 150, 407n , 421–423, 427, 429, 510
- Sentinel, 645, 654, 695, 735, 751
- Soviet, see ABMs under Soviet Union below.
- U.S. deployment of, 407–409, 411–417, 495–502, 507–509, 512–515
- U.S. testing of, 287–288, 337–338, 344
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Fixed - base systems, 144–145, 180, 659–660, 674–675, 684–685, 705–706
- French IRBMs, 498
- Hardening and dispersal of launchers for, 30
- Minuteman, 422, 428, 496–497, 499, 513, 645, 654, 665, 678, 735, 751
- Mobile systems, 660, 675–676, 684, 707–709
- Nike - Hercules, 692, 695
- Nike - Zeus, 344–345, 423
- Pershing, 17
- Polaris, 17, 20, 167, 678
- Poseidon, 423n , 428, 511, 645, 654, 665, 678, 735, 751
- Soviet Union, 94, 208, 408, 413, 671
- Anti - ballistic missiles (ABM) (see also under
Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive
missile systems), 19
- Monnet, Jean, 115
- Moore, Adm., 687
- Moro, Aldo, 485
- Moroncew, 348
- Morozov, Platon D., 316, 317n , 347–348, 384n
- Morse, Wayne, 740
- Moser, G. William, 184n
- Moyers, Bill D., 7
- Multilateral Force (MLF)
(See also
Acquisition of nuclear weapons
Germany, Federal Republic of; Atlantic Nuclear Force), 17, 19–20, 643
[Page 790]
- British position, 104–106, 124, 196, 235
- French position, 154–156, 164–165
- German reunification as alternative to, 166–167
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 147–148, 157
- History and objectives of, 148–149
- Italian participation in, 105
- Missile launchers, 30, 42
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 26–27, 80–82, 91, 114–116, 129–135, 155–157
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 64, 142
- Soviet position, 90, 92, 99, 103–106, 132–135, 138, 187, 195, 230–231, 256–257, 259–261, 263–267, 372, 381
- U.S. position, 157–160
- Veto power in, 90, 92–93
- Multiple Independently - Targeted Re - entry Vehicles (MIRVs), 283, 360, 422, 423n , 427–429, 511, 647, 670
- Murphy, Robert D., 741–742, 755n
- Myrdal, Alva, 492
- Nasser, Gamel Abdul, 650
- National Intelligence Estimates (see also Special National Intelligence Estimates):
- National Security Action Memoranda (NSAMs), 173n , 332:
- National Security Agency (NSA), 732n
- National Security Council (NSC) meetings, 1
- National War College, 662
- Navy, U.S., 596, 666, 687
- Near East. See Middle East.
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 159
- Neidle, Alan F., 398n , 721n , 762n
- Netherlands (see also Netherlands subheadings under other subjects), 106, 376, 551, 763
- Nguyen Van Thieu, Gen., 638n
- Nigeria, 763, 767
- Nine - Power Conference, London, Oct. 1954, 299n
- Nitze, Paul H., 556–557, 584
- Nixon, Richard M., 625, 665, 686, 729, 738–739, 740n , 741, 746, 755, 757
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons (see also
Non - Proliferation Treaty (NPT)):
- Assurances to non - nuclear powers, 80, 111, 163–164, 166–167, 177, 333, 437, 481–483, 486, 522, 601–602, 768–770
- Belgian position, 484
- British position, 64, 92–93, 147–148, 154, 231–232, 325n , 376, 393–394
- British - German talks on, 139
- Chinese role in, 113
- Czech position, 323
- European clause (See also Multilateral Force (MLF)), 155, 218–219, 325–326, 354–356
- French position, 154–157, 176, 376
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 302, 305–307, 326, 435–436, 438–439, 445–446, 448–449
- Italian position, 64, 105, 233, 235–236, 294, 326, 448–449, 485–486
- Netherlands position, 484
- Non - aligned countries’ U.N. resolution on, 398–400
- Polish position, 323
- Sharing of weapons, 262–263, 274–275
- Soviet position, 26–27, 168, 175, 186–188, 224, 230, 276–281, 323–324, 397
- Soviet - U.S. talks on, 129–135, 160–161, 167–169, 245–252, 297–300, 333, 335, 368–384, 386–391, 448
- Swedish position, 119, 124
- Task force on, 121–123, 126, 145–150, 154–168, 172–182, 234
- U.S. position, 96, 111, 118n , 127–128, 474–475
- Verification of, 106–107
- Weapons technology, 178, 711
- Non - Proliferation Treaty (NPT) (See also
Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee;
Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons; Verification), 98, 109–110, 117, 142, 176
- Amending process, 544, 548–549
- Argentine position, 729
- Article III. See Safeguards article below.
- Article VI, 701, 770
- Assurances to non - nuclear powers, 80, 111, 163–164, 166–167, 177, 333, 437, 481–483, 486, 522, 601–602, 768–770
- Australian position, 767
- Belgian position, 460–461, 525, 534, 540
- Brazilian position, 522, 559, 561, 599, 729, 765–766, 768–769
- British draft, 217–218, 229–230, 233–237, 535
- German position, 230, 233–235, 535, 539
- Italian position, 233, 235–236, 535, 539
- British position, 225–226, 228–231, 236, 294, 325–326, 558, 625
- Canadian draft, 217n , 233–234
- Canadian position, 234–236, 326, 460, 764
- Chilean position, 729
- China, People’s Republic of, role in, 80, 82
- Duration of, 479, 522, 540, 544–545, 549
- European unification, effect of, 356, 445–446, 449
- Finnish position, 764–765, 767
- Four - nation draft, 235–236
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, effect of, 566, 569, 571–572, 584, 591, 635–636, 644, 742
- French position, 437, 475, 483, 600–601, 769n
- German - U.S. talks on, 362, 435–436, 438–439, 649–651
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 445–446, 448–449, 454–455, 458–465, 475, 477–479, 523–525, 536–538, 549
- IAEA safeguards on U.S. facilities, 447–448, 456, 465, 471–474
- Indian position, 401–402, 474, 478, 484, 500, 517, 522, 559–561, 602, 729, 766, 769n
- Israeli position, 740
- Italian position, 64, 233, 239, 294, 479, 536, 548, 560–561, 764–765
- Japanese position, 176, 460, 484, 517, 537, 601, 729, 765, 767
- Luxembourg position, 525
- Mexican position, 517, 547, 599, 762, 766
- Netherlands position, 460, 525, 535, 537, 540, 764, 766
- NATO Nuclear Planning Group, effect on, 573–574, 576–578
- Nuclear sharing (See also Atlantic Nuclear Force (ANF); Multilateral Force (MLF)), 262–263, 301–302, 307–308, 389, 393–394
- Pakistani position, 729, 764, 766, 769
- Romanian position, 602
- Safeguards article, 235–236, 294, 418–421, 454–464, 483–492, 502–506, 508–509, 515–518, 520–529, 533–544, 557–558, 564
- Seabed treaty, effect of, 581, 585, 588
- Signing and ratification of, 602–603, 625–626, 632, 693, 720, 723, 729, 733, 739–741
- South African position, 600
- Soviet drafts, 256–257, 261, 271, 398, 478, 490, 494n , 505–506, 515
- Soviet position, 204, 303–304, 323–324, 333, 355, 396n , 418
- Soviet - U.S. joint draft, 558–559
- Soviet - U.S. talks on, 268–271, 368–384, 386–391, 396, 474–475, 481–486, 516–517, 573, 598
- Swedish position, 517
- Tabling of, 477–479, 494–496
- Tanzanian position, 600
- Tests needed before implementation of, 492–494, 519–520
- UAR position, 176, 419, 517
- U.N. General Assembly resolutions on, 598–603, 762
- U.S. drafts, 217–219, 237, 269–270, 298, 302, 329–330, 335, 339, 394–397, 488–489, 494n , 528–529, 539
- U.S. position, 64, 81, 127, 301–302, 323–324, 361–362, 603–605
- Yugoslav position, 766, 768–770
- North Atlantic Council (NAC) (see also North Atlantic Treaty Organization):
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (see also
Multilateral Force; North
Atlantic Council):
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 77, 476, 741, 745, 757
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 181–182, 250, 373, 376, 389
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 217, 228, 461
- Non - aggression treaty with Warsaw Pact, 32
- Nuclear Defense Affairs Committee, 475n , 745
- Nuclear Planning Group (NPG), 475–476, 573–574, 576–578, 643, 649
- Meeting, Washington, Apr. 1967, 475n
- Select Committee, 225, 230
- Soviet position, 155, 165, 231, 269–271, 298–299
- Special Committee of Defense Ministers, 262–263, 265–266, 279, 361, 475n
- U.S. commitments to, 10–13, 437
- U.S. position, 164
- Novikov, Vladimir, 245
- Nuclear energy. See Peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
- Nuclear fallout. See Fallout, nuclear.
- Nuclear - free zones:
- Nuclear Planning Group (NATO), 475–476, 573–574, 576–578, 643, 649
- Nuclear reactors. See Reactors, nuclear.
- Nuclear sharing. See Sharing, nuclear.
- Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Moscow, Aug. 1963, 47, 66, 86, 175, 208–209, 613
- Nuclear testing. See Testing of nuclear weapons.
- Nuclear war (See also Assurances to non - nuclear powers), 163, 174, 656–657
- Nuclear weapons. SeeWeapons, nuclear.
- Ogiso, Motoo, 767
- Organization of African Unity (OAU), 97n , 100, 108, 113, 116–117, 124
- Ormsby Gore, David, 16–20, 37n
- Overflights, 65, 69, 74–75, 81, 145
- Owen, Henry D., 112n , 141n
- Pakistan, 18, 148, 174, 297, 438n , 558n , 729, 762, 764, 766, 769–770
- Palfrey, John G., 13, 29, 72
- Panama, 267–268, 310–311
- Panama Canal Zone, 267–268, 273
- Panofsky, Wolfgang K.H., 357n
- Paraguay, 558n
- Pardo, Arvid, 587
- Park Chung Hee, 398n
- Pastore, John O., 2, 8, 171, 294–295, 472–473
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy (See
Plowshare program):
- Brazilian position, 599, 762, 764
- British position, 350, 771
- Controlled fusion, 208
- Desalinization, 34, 40, 50, 55, 57, 66–67
- Finnish position, 763
- French position, 768
- Italian position, 762–764
- Japanese position, 350, 763
- Mexican U.N. resolution on, 762, 766
- Nuclear proliferation, effect on, 175
- Pakistani position, 762, 764
- Peaceful Nuclear Explosive Devices (PNEDS):
- Safeguards over, 294, 364
- Soviet electric power program, 206–208
- Soviet position, 349–351, 768
- Swedish position, 771
- U.S. position, 180–181, 345, 771
- Yugoslav position, 762, 764
- Pell, Claiborne H., 752
- Pen Aids, 511
- Penney, William, 43–44
- Perkins, James A., 126, 146, 160, 162, 166, 182
- Permissive Action Links (PALs), 182
- Petrosyants, Andronik M., 310n
- Philippines, 154, 166
- Phillips, Richard I., 16, 19, 194
- Pindown, 582, 586
- Pinera, Jose, 767
- Plowshare program (See also
Peaceful uses of nuclear energy), 6–7, 56–60, 128, 150, 152, 162, 167–168, 181, 210
- Benham test, 620–621
- Buggy test, 480–481, 556–557
- Gasbuggy test, 480
- International entity for, 348–351, 364
- Project Cabriolet, 211, 327–328, 362–364, 400–402, 480–481, 519–520, 529–532, 556–557
- Project Sulky, 13–15, 62, 153–154
- Schooner test, 620–621
- Soviet - U.S. talks on, 392–393, 401–404, 425–426
- Spartan project, 620, 637
- Stoddard test, 620
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 339
- Treaty modifications to permit, 357–361
- Vulcan test, 212
- Whetstone series, 62–63
- Plutonium (See also Fissionable materials), 1n , 4, 23n , 37, 43–45, 48–49, 51, 84, 128, 561–564, 630,731
- Poirier, C. Normand, 608n
- Poland, 11–13, 25–27 271, 307, 323, 347, 364, 404, 772
- Pollack, Herman, 519, 557n
- Pompidou, Georges, 132, 156
- Popper, David H., 112n , 317n , 384–385, 714n , 715
- Post, Tray, 364
- Povaliy, Col. Gen., 656–657
- Preparatory Commission for the Denuclearization of Latin America, 272–273
- Project Sulky, 13–15, 62, 153
- Proper, Datus C., 384n
- Prototype testing, 30–31, 42, 65, 77, 81
- Puerto Rico, 273, 550, 554
- Puhan, Alfred, 435, 649
- Rabi, I.I., 364
- Raborn, William F., Jr., 216, 224, 321n , 337–338, 340
- Radar, 469, 678, 694
- Radiation (See also Fallout, nuclear), 86, 385–386
- Rathjens, George W., 167, 237n , 243n
- Rattray, Alexander L., 229n
- Reactors, nuclear:
- Read, Benjamin H., 277n , 297n , 351–354, 362n , 554
- Reedy, George, 72
- Reichardt, Charles H., 732n
- Reis, Herbert K., 317n , 348
- Review Committee on Underground Testing of Nuclear Weapons, 6, 13n , 153, 210, 327, 480
- Rey, Jean, 483
- Reykjavik Declaration on Mutual Force Reductions, 643
- Rieger, Walter, 649
- Rivkin, Steven R., 64–65, 145n , 150n , 167
- Roche, John P., 690
- Rogers, William, 757
- Romania, 347, 438n , 602, 720, 724
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 253, 256
- Roshchin, Alexey A., 366, 369–370, 373, 375, 382n , 390, 397, 446, 502–505, 515, 520–521, 525–526, 537–538, 543–546, 558n , 634, 750
- Rostow, Eugene V., 649, 651
- Rostow, Walt W., 314n
, 329n
, 348n
, 362n
, 432n
, 454n
, 458n
, 463n
, 468n
, 481n
, 541n
, 672n
, 724n
, 744n
- Arms control, 333
- Celestial bodies treaty, 351
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 646
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 466–467
- Indian development of nuclear weapons, 330
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 147–148, 339, 386, 396–397
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 435, 494–495, 522–524
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 401
- U.S. - Soviet summit meeting, possible, 690, 754–755, 757
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 212, 313, 327–328, 346, 480–481, 519, 556–557, 620–621
- Rowan, Carl, 54, 216, 224
- Rowen, Henry, 148
- Ruina, Jack P., 227
- Rusk, Dean, 31n
, 75n
, 97n
, 118, 173n
, 189, 229n
, 297n
, 354n
, 420n
, 432n
, 448n
, 512n
, 515n
, 568n
, 590n
, 672n
, 717n
, 718n
, 725n
- Arms control and disarmament, 16–20, 194–196, 258, 474
- Celestial bodies treaty, 311–312, 347, 365–368, 430
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 237, 239–243, 254–256, 645–646
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, 224–228, 323
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 1–3, 7–8, 21, 69
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 25–26, 41, 758–759
- Anti - ballistic missiles, 77–79, 495, 501, 518, 591
- Multiple Independently - Targeted Re - entry Vehicles (MIRVs), 663–665
- SALT talks, 424, 431, 564–567, 584, 642, 648–649, 633–637, 644–646, 651, 677–680, 686–687, 692, 699, 713, 727, 738, 742–743
- Soviet position, 35
- Summit meeting on, possible, 754–755, 757
- U.S. position, 29–31, 314n , 315–316, 466–467
- Verification issues, 87–89
- German reunification, 158
- Military budget levels, 93, 95–96, 222–223, 257–258
- Multilateral Force, 90, 132–134, 155–157, 160, 259, 261
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 26–27, 64, 80–82, 109–110, 112, 121–125
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 362, 445, 477–479, 516–517, 548, 573, 625, 649–651, 741
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 10
- Nuclear - free zones, 9, 244–245, 391–392, 485, 549–554
- Nuclear Non - Proliferation Treaty, German - U.S. talks on, 90–91, 435–439
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 310–311, 362–364, 392, 401–404, 425–426, 437, 530, 723
- Seabed treaty, 593, 595–597, 608–616, 680, 714
- Sino - Soviet dispute, 162
- Soviet - U.S. relations, 720
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 15, 72, 170–171, 183n , 184, 189
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 240, 336–340, 342–345
- Uranium/plutonium sales, 295, 561–562
- Visits to Asia and France, Dec. 1966, 406
- Russell, Richard, 741
- SALT talks. See Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT) under Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems.
- Satellites, communications, 687
- Scandinavia, 160
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 557
- Schroeder, Gerhard, 196, 475, 745
- Schuldt, Fred, 13n
- Schultze, Charles L., 529n , 532
- Scoville, Herbert, Jr., 13n , 14, 76n , 87n , 122n
- Sea of Japan, 191
- Seabed treaty, 714
- Australian position, 715
- Japanese position, 715
- JCS/Department of Defense position, 580–583, 585–590, 616–619, 680–683
- Rio Session of U.N. Seabed Committee, 714–715
- Soviet position, 580–581
- U.S. position, 559–560, 579, 592–596, 605–616, 621–622
- Verification of, 582–583, 586–587, 589–590, 597, 607, 615, 683–685
- Seaborg, Glenn T., 10, 75n
, 173n
, 183n
, 200n
, 334n
, 420n
, 529n
- Anti - ballistic missiles, 294
- Arms control, 216
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, 224–227, 232
- Euratom, 162
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 1–3, 21, 36–38, 43–45, 53–54, 730–731, 756
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 79
- International Atomic Energy Agency, 244, 364
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 118–119, 123, 163, 295, 467
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, 471, 473, 557
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 55, 235–236, 401, 530–532
- Plutonium sales, 561
- Seabed treaty, 594–595, 610–611, 614
- Testing of nuclear weapons:
- Bowline series, 620–621
- Crosstie series, 480–481, 557
- Flintlock series, 210–212
- Latchkey series, 327–328, 341
- Niblick series, 6
- Palanquin, 199n
- Project Cabriolet, 519–520
- Project Sulky, 13–15, 153–154
- Soviet, 170n
- Survey of new sites for, 346
- Test ban treaties and, 188–189, 208
- Whetstone series, 62, 72–74
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 336–338
- Verification of arms control agreements, 238, 241–242, 294
- Seamans, Robert S., 79
- Second Special Inter - American Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 1965, 272
- Selin, Ivan, 663–664
- Semenov, Vladimir S., 135
- Senate, U.S., 89
- Appropriations Committee, Department of Defense Subcommittee, 423n , 494–495, 518n
- Armed Services Committee, 317n , 423n , 494–495, 518n
- Commerce Committee, 58
- Foreign Relations Committee, 59, 317n
, 430, 550, 625, 720
- Disarmament Subcommittee, 293
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 294–295, 419, 482, 559, 573–574, 602
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, ratification, 625, 693, 723, 729, 739–742
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 530
- Seabed treaty, 609
- Soviet - U.S. Consular Convention, 136
- Senegal, 558n
- Shahi, Agha, 764, 769
- Sharing, nuclear (See also Atlantic Nuclear Force (ANF); Multilateral Force (MLF)), 262–263, 301–302, 307–308, 389, 393–394
- Shaver, Thomas R., 351n , 358n
- Shaw, John P., 564n , 568n , 573n , 638–639, 641, 724, 747n
- Shaw, Patrick, 767
- Shullaw, J. Harold, 194, 257
- Shustov (USSR), 503–504
- Sianis, Maj. Gen. Pete C., 683
- Silveira da Mota, David, 766
- Sierra Leone, 365
- Singapore, 365
- Singh, Sardar Swaran, 370
- Sino - Soviet dispute, 54, 94, 141, 161–162, 216, 254, 271, 324, 748, 754
- Sisco, Joseph J., 112n , 311n , 351n , 383–385, 430, 714–715
- Sloss, Leon, 573n
- Smirnovskiy, M.N., 129, 135, 219, 430
- Smith, Bromley, 10, 62, 657n , 739n
- Smith, Gerard C., 148–149
- Smyth, Henry D., 420, 557
- Sohier, Walter D., 348
- Sokolovskiy, V.D., 657
- Solbert, Peter, 68–71
- Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 262n
- Sorensen, Theodore, 9–10
- SOSUS, 581, 583, 596, 612
- South Africa, Republic of, 111, 162, 600
- Southeast Asia, 187, 222–223, 252–253, 339
- Southwest Africa, 599–600
- Soviet bloc, 214, 715
- Soviet Union (see also
Sino - Soviet dispute; Soviet
Union and Soviet subheadings under other subjects):
- Agreements with the U.S. (see also United States, relations with below):
- Atomic energy program, 83–87
- Disarmament, 16–20, 215
- Downing of U.S. jet by, 12
- Economic situation, 417, 654–656, 735–736, 751–754
- Germany, Federal Republic of, relations with, 114n , 133–134, 266
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, relations with, 400
- Military budget cuts, 27–29, 656
- Military situation, 582, 586, 589, 630, 656–657, 706, 734–735, 750–751
- Permissive Action Links, 182
- Sweden, relations with, 161
- United States, relations with (see also Agreements with the U.S. above), 53, 135–140, 166, 180, 390–391, 417, 662–663, 689–690, 720, 724
- Verification of arms control agreements, 24, 176, 237–238, 344–345
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, relations with, 400
- Spaak, Paul - Henri, 561n , 562
- Spain, 365, 545
- Special National Intelligence Estimates (see also National Intelligence Estimates):
- Spiers, Ronald I., 217n
- Springsteen, George S., 454n , 524n , 642n , 648n
- Staats, Elmer, 1n , 3
- Staden, Berndt von, 435
- Star III, 612–613
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 129, 227–228
- Stewart, Michael, 194–196, 231–232, 257, 270, 393
- Stewart, Michael N.F., 194, 257
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 276, 317n , 318n , 393n , 468n
- Strategic Air Command (SAC), 160
- Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT). See under Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems.
- Strauss, Franz Josef, 523, 549, 601, 649–651
- Submarines, nuclear:
- Suitcase bombs, 150
- Sukhodrev, V.M., 129, 135, 219, 245, 366, 369, 375, 386, 729
- Summit Conference of Independent African States, May 1963, 108
- Sweden (see also Sweden and Swedish subentries under other subjects), 384n
- Switzerland, 131–133, 161, 251
- Symington, Stuart, 317
- Taiwan, 161, 254, 558n
- Tanzania, 600, 724
- Tape, Gerald F., 13n , 72, 242, 294, 403, 404n , 529n , 557n , 610–611, 687, 699
- Task Force on Nuclear Proliferation, 111, 121–123, 126, 145–149, 154–164, 166–168, 172
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 7, 25
- Taylor, Theodore B., 357n
- Taylor, Vice Adm. Rufus L., 732
- Tcherniakov, Yuri N., 598
- Testing of nuclear weapons (See also
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Moscow, Aug. 1963; Plowshare program; Threshold Test Ban Treaty
(TTBT)), 493
- Ad Hoc Panel on Technical Aspects of Nuclear Test Ban Proposals, 285–286, 313–314
- Ajax, 212
- Alluvium testing, 332
- Atmospheric testing, 208–209
- Bowline series, 620–621
- Charcoal event, 210
- China, People’s Republic of and, 86, 120, 138–139, 161, 590
- Costs of, 611
- Crosstie series, 480–481, 556–557
- Derringer test, 385–386
- Detection of, 60, 149, 170–171, 188, 206, 210, 227, 309, 385–386
- Effects tests, 210
- Faultless test, 481
- Flintlock series, 210–212
- France and, 44–45, 86, 161, 373, 590
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 519
- Greeley test, 328
- Indian position, 520
- Italian position, 519
- Kermet test, 211
- Kiwi - TNT, 170, 183–186, 196–197
- Latchkey series, 327–328, 341, 400
- Long Shot event, 62, 72, 197–199, 210
- Niblick series, 6–7
- Palanquin, 63, 199–204
- Puce test, 212
- Sepia event, 211
- Snaptran test, 185
- Soviet Union and, 84–87, 128, 170–171, 184, 188–191, 201–207, 284
- Spert test, 185
- Survey of new testing sites, 346
- Test bans and, 188–189, 208–209, 645–646
- United Kingdom and, 62, 210
- Weaknesses in U.S. program, 313–314
- Whetstone series, 62–63, 72–74, 153
- Thacher, Peter S., 348, 762n
- Thailand, 724
- Thant, U, 198, 316, 351, 352n
- Thermonuclear weapons, Soviet, 86, 207
- Third International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Aug. - Sept. 1964, 185, 197
- Thomas, Peter, 13n
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 31n
, 46n
, 168n
, 186n
, 196n
, 200n
, 217n
, 244n
, 261n
, 262n
, 297n
, 357n
, 564n
, 568n
- Arms control and disarmament, 192, 245, 249, 257
- Celestial bodies treaty, 366
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 240, 242
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, 224, 232
- Euratom, 162
- Fissionable materials production cuts, 21, 22n , 36–37, 38n
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 142–143, 151–152, 314n , 450–451, 453–454, 467–469, 476
- Multilateral Force, 157, 259
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 110, 112–120, 127–128, 397
- Nuclear - free zones, 391
- Peaceful uses of nuclear energy, 310, 349, 392, 404
- Sino - Soviet dispute, 161–162
- Testing of nuclear weapons, 170, 183n , 184, 202–203, 385–386
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty (TTBT):
- Timberlake, Clare H., 91n
- Timberlake mission, 11
- Toon, Malcolm, 388, 389n , 391–392, 440n
- Toumanoff, Vladimir, 262n
- Trans - isthmian canal, 310–311, 400
- Treasury, U.S. Department of, 177
- Tritium, 180, 630–632, 730–731
- Troop levels, 52, 67, 137, 193–194, 225n , 266
- Troyanovsky, O.A., 219
- Tsarapkin, Semen K., 29, 192, 203–205, 212, 224, 242, 261–263, 301–302
- Turkey, 772
- Tyler, William R., 16, 19, 22n , 29, 129, 194
- Uganda, 365, 724
- Underwater arrays, 227
- Union of South Africa, 111, 162, 600
- United Arab Republic (UAR), 18, 106, 112, 117, 119, 158, 174, 742
- United Kingdom (see also United Kingdom and British subheadings under other subjects):
- United Nations (see also Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee; U.N. Charter; U.N. Disarmament Commission; U.N. General Assembly), 739
- U.N. Charter, 122, 169, 399, 482, 650, 681
- U.N. Disarmament Commission (UNDC), 198–199, 204, 212–216, 272, 763–764, 769
- U.N. General Assembly:
- 18th Session, 272
- 19th Session, 68, 129, 187–188
- 20th Session, 213, 256, 278
- 21st Session, 352n , 353, 365, 368, 425
- 22d Session, 518n
- 23d Session, 600, 728, 760, 762–772
- 24th Session, 722, 763–764
- Ad Hoc Committee on the Seabed, 579, 587, 596n , 606, 608, 616, 622, 680n , 681, 714–715
- Arms control in small countries, 95
- Celestial bodies treaty proposal, 312, 316–317, 347
- Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, 311, 317, 347, 352–353, 366, 404–405
- Disarmament debates, 141, 258
- First Committee, 398n , 588, 603–604, 750n , 763, 769–770, 772
- Fissionable material production halt, 696n
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 758
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 100, 111, 309n , 503n , 515, 521–522, 524, 534, 548, 559–560, 584
- Resolutions:
- Uranium:
- U.S. Atomic Energy Detection System (AEDS), 240, 322
- U.S. Intelligence Board, 283, 679
- U.S. Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS), 581, 583, 596, 612
- Valenti, Jack J., 7, 72
- Vance, Cyrus R., 72, 76, 79, 80, 82, 409n , 411n , 422
- Verification Advisory Committee (VERAC), 12
- Verification of arms control agreements:
- Black boxes, 456
- Celestial bodies treaty, 467
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 176, 196, 237–238, 240, 243, 258, 288–291, 324–325
- Fissionable materials:
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 65, 76–79, 81–82, 87–89, 92, 406, 511, 570
- IAEA safeguards, 125, 418–421, 447–448, 454–465, 679
- JCS position, 23–25, 53, 293–294, 668
- Non - nuclear nations and, 106–107
- Seabed treaty, 582–583, 586–587, 589–590, 597, 607, 615, 683–685
- Soviet position, 29, 241, 628–629
- Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 283–284, 290, 324–325, 337, 343
- U.S. position, 241–242, 253, 646–648
- Vietnam conflict, 94, 267, 375n
, 686, 690,
739, 743
- Bombing pause, 264, 566, 747
- Celestial bodies treaty, 347
- Eighteen - Nation Disarmament Committee, effect on, 224–228
- Military budget increases for, 187, 222–224, 257–258
- Soviet position, 35, 187, 203, 215, 219–220, 222, 240, 474, 733
- Soviet - U.S. relations over, 324, 444, 512n , 716–719, 726
- U.S. position, 219, 293, 399, 746
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 187, 252, 400, 566, 742
- Vietnam, Republic of, 203–204, 305
- Virgin Islands, U.S., 273, 550
- Von Braun (FRG), 601
- Von Hassel, Kai - Uwe, 91, 115, 157, 280
- Vorontsov, Yuly M., 388, 391–392, 485
- Wagner, Adolf von, 576
- Waldheim, Kurt, 312, 316–318
- Walsh, John P., 268n , 389n , 402n , 432n , 440n , 463n , 468n , 520n , 524n , 723n
- Walske, M. Carl., 357n
- Warnke, Paul, 552, 554, 637, 663
- Warsaw Pact:
- Watson, Arthur K., 126, 157, 164, 182
- Weapons, nuclear (see also
Atlantic Nuclear Force (ANF); Multilateral Force (MLF); Non -
proliferation of nuclear weapons; Testing of
nuclear weapons):
- Banning from outer space of, 31–32
- British - U.S. cooperation in, 130
- Conversion to peaceful uses, 226, 248
- Elimination of, 49, 215, 733
- JCS position, 611
- No - first - use proposals, 156, 204, 334, 545
- Non - Proliferation Treaty, European clause, 155, 218–219, 325–326, 354–356
- Presidential authority over use of, 475–476
- Production of, 5
- Soviet capabilities in, 85–86, 206–207
- Threats from spread of, 173–174
- Transfer registration, 772
- U.S. policy, 181–182
- Webb, James E., 29, 216, 466
- Weber (FRG), 435
- Webster, William S., 126, 163, 182
- Weiler, Lawrence D., 217n , 334, 398n , 566n
- Wenk, Dr., 593, 596, 609, 611–612
- Werth, G., 358n
- Western European Union (WEU), 158
- Western Suppliers Group, 120
- Westmoreland, Gen. William, 687
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 151, 173n
, 189, 282n
, 285n
, 473n
, 529n
- Arms control, 216
- Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 160, 240–241, 288
- Fissionable material production halt, 696n , 699
- Freezes on strategic offensive and defensive missile systems, 89, 429, 466, 758–759
- SALT talks, 429, 635–636, 661–664, 666, 687, 699
- Non - proliferation of nuclear weapons, 163, 172
- Seabed treaty, 593, 612
- Test ban treaty proposals, 284, 313
- Weapons, nuclear, 611
- Wiggins, James R., 729, 740–741
- Williamson, Larry, 357n
- Wilson, George, 477
- Wilson, Harold, 133, 138n , 160, 225–226, 230, 233, 270, 302–304, 307
- Wise, Samuel G., 541n
- World Conference on Disarmament proposal, 204, 214, 246, 257–258
- World War II, 138–139, 253
- Wyle, Frederick S., 512n
- X - rays, 582, 586, 589
- Yarmolinsky, Adam, 282n
- York, Herbert F., 126, 146, 161, 166–167, 182, 364
- Yugoslavia, 214–215, 720, 724, 762, 764, 766, 768–770
- Zambia, 724
- Zinchuk, Alexander I., 318n , 388, 391–392
- Zorin, Valerian A., 83, 759