155. Information Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Popper) to Acting Secretary of State Katzenbach1


  • Latest Developments on Outer-Space Treaty
  • Information Memorandum

Yesterday the Soviet Union gave Ambassador Goldberg an advance look at new space-treaty language which they will make public today.2 In summary, a few problems still remain, although the new Soviet proposals show significant movement towards a workable compromise.

With respect to specific provisions, the Soviets have accepted our compromise proposal on access to installations on celestial bodies. They have made only very minor changes in our proposal for reporting activities on celestial bodies, another major point. They have significantly qualified their request for third countries to grant tracking facilities to all parties on an equal basis, by recognizing that the actual tracking station [Page 385] arrangement has to evolve from bilateral negotiations between the countries concerned. The original Soviet demand caused concern to our friends, and we have asked them to seek instructions from their governments on the latest Soviet offer.

Ambassador Goldberg will be meeting at 3 p.m. today with the Soviet Representative to give him our preliminary assessment of the new proposals.

I understand that Mr. Sisco is telephoning you on this subject.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, SP 4. Confidential. Drafted by Datus C. Proper (IO/UNP). A handwritten note on the source text indicates that the “Acting Secretary saw.”
  2. Telegrams 1251 and 1252 from USUN, October 5, transmitted Soviet texts which Morozov gave Goldberg on that day with a view to disposing of outstanding issues in the negotiation of an Outer Space Treaty. (Ibid.) On the same day, telegram 1256 from USUN reported Goldberg’s reactions to the Soviet proposals in part as follows: “Morozov gave clear impression of Soviet readiness to proceed to reach agreement speedily on outer space treaty without reference to subjects lying outside space field. He indicated continuing desire to finish the job before outer space item is taken up in First Committee and Assembly.” (Ibid.) Goldberg’s consultation with the friendly fifteen (less Argentina, Australia, Iran, Lebanon, and Sweden) is reported in telegram 1264 from USUN, October 5. (Ibid.)