45. Memorandum From the Administrator of the Agency for International Development (Bell) to the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy)1
Washington, October 23, 1965.
This responds to your memorandum of October 6th regarding the world food situation and U.S. food aid policy.2
We agree with the guidelines and with the additions suggested by Secretary Freeman to points II.1. and II.2. to make them consistent with point I.5.
- Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Subject File, U.S. Food Aid Policy [2 of 2], Box 15. No classification marking. A handwritten note on the source text reads: “Francis: I seem to have got ahead of this last week (I promulgated a version not the one Ag suggests)—will you straighten out?” Attached to the source text are five additional documents; the first attachment is printed below. The second, not printed, an October 20 memorandum from Buddy to Secretaries Rusk and Freeman and Administrator Bell, states: “On October 6 I circulated to you a draft memorandum on the above subject. I have now heard from the Department of State that it is in complete agreement with these guidelines, and I have had no complaint from any other agency. Accordingly, I hope that we can all now agree to follow these guidelines until we get different instructions from the President.” A copy of the third attachment and its cover memorandum (the fourth attachment) are printed as Document 41. The fifth attachment, not printed, from Department of State Executive Secretary Benjamin H. Read to Buddy, is another covering memorandum to Document 41. It states: “The appropriate offices within the Department have reviewed your enclosed memorandum on the World Food Situation and US Food Policy. We are in complete agreement with the statement and the present guideline form.”↩
- Document 41.↩