266. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission in Geneva1

GATT 2728. From Roth for Blumenthal and Tuthill. Second grains exporters meeting concluded today with wide divergence of views between U.S. and other grains exporters regarding proposals exporters would submit to GATT Cereals Group in World Grains Arrangement. Other exporters virtually served notice on U.S. it not worth their while to proceed to GATT Cereals Group until U.S. accepted other exporters’ objectives of minimum price for wheat higher than present IWA minimum. [Page 681] U.S. on its part finds a great unbalance between what other exporters desire in terms of minimum price objectives in WGA and what they are willing to indicate they will undertake in way of specific commitments on domestic production and marketing policies to achieve price objectives. It was agreed that we would make further effort to resolve these differences, recognizing this might not be possible to achieve between now and May 17.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, INCO–GRAINS GATT. Confidential; Limdis. Drafted by Irwin R. Hedges (STR) on April 20 and approved by William M. Roth (STR). Also sent to Brussels for USEC.