142. Editorial Note
The meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development was held in Paris November 30–December 1. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Eugene V. Rostow headed the U.S. Delegation. For text of Rostow’s statement on November 30, see Department of State Bulletin, December 25, 1967, pages 876–881. Text of the communique, December 1, is ibid., pages 881–883.
A summary and appraisal of this OECD meeting is in Current Economic Developments, Issue No. 794, December 5, 1967, pages 1–3. (Washington National Records Center, RG 59, E/CBA/REP Files: FRC 72 A 6248, Current Economic Developments) The evaluation of discussions on development and the world food problem is also in Issue No. 794, page 3.
Documentation on the meeting, which includes several briefing and talking papers, is in Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 68 D 453, CF 241; and Washington National Records Center, RG 286, DAC Material: FRC 70 A 5922, Meetings—OECD Ministerial November 30–December 1, 1967. A copy of the minutes of the 2-day meeting (C/M(67)21(Final), July 18, 1968), is ibid.