342. Telegram From the President’s Deputy Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bator) to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (Roth)1
CAP 67348. Personal for Roth from Bator. Subject: Tactics on Positive List.
Recognize that your sense of tactical situation superior to any in Washington, but want to share with you my worries concerning tactics outlined in your message of yesterday.2
Basic question in my mind is utility of formal tabling of Alternative C: mini-package without chemicals. Understand your desire to shock your counterparts into realization that non-decoupage will result in birth of anemic mouse. Wonder, however, whether at political level in Brussels mini-package will appear not as threat but rather as opportunity for those who would prefer small bargain. Result could be EEC seizing on mini-package in industry with relief and turning energies to scaling down US demands in agriculture. By tabling mini-package as a formal alternative, we might appear to have handed EEC silver-platter opportunity to duck out of serious try for big package.
Alternative might be to table only larger Packages A and B, but to show mini-package to Rey as part of informal presentation. This might apply the threat to those susceptible—Rey and the Commission—without offering an attractive way out to those who prefer a small Kennedy Round and/or high chemical tariffs.
Again, defer to your judgement on this problem, but thought it might be of some value to you to know my concerns.
[Page 902]Your cable 33743 just arrived. What is risk that our British friends are about to spoil the party? Is there any way you and we might try to dissuade them? Would hope you might be able to take a crack at Richard Powell. Let us know if we can be of help on this end or in London.
Pending your return to Washington, prepared to cease fire on decoupage. Bring rifle, leave shotgun.
More seriously, please also come bearing latest statistics. We cannot go to President for decisions without them. Good luck.
- Source: Johnson Library, Bator Papers, Chron Box 5. Secret; Eyes Only; Limdis; Potatoes.↩
- Document 339.↩
- Document 341.↩