382. Memorandum of Conversation0


  • Philippine War Damage


The President asked Vice President Pelaez if he had read the news stories of the Senate investigation into lobbying activities with respect of the Philippine War Damage Act.1

Vice President Pelaez said that he had; that the Philippine Government viewed this as an American domestic political matter and were not commenting on it in public. The President remarked that he thought this was a good attitude to take. Vice President Pelaez said that he was somewhat concerned over the possibility of an exchange of recriminating statements arising if the opponents of attempts to amend the War Damage Act in the United States Congress were to make comments unfavorable to the Philippines.

The President said we were unable to predict the outcome of the proposal to amend the Act in the House of Representatives.

  1. Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, Philippines, General, 1/63–6/63. Confidential. Drafted by Bell. The ending time of the meeting, which was held at the White House, is from the President’s Appointment Book. (Ibid.) The source text is labeled “Part III of IV”; for Parts I–II and IV, see Documents 380381 and 383.
  2. The stories charged that certain Filipinos lobbied Congress illegally to assure payment from the $73 million authorization of their individual war damage claims.