365. Memorandum on the Substance of Discussion at the State-Joint Chiefs of Staff Meeting0
[Here follow a list of those present at the meeting and the record of discussion of Berlin, West New Guinea, and Algeria.]
IV. The Philippines
Mr. Johnson stated that we are reasonably hopeful that a mutually acceptable agreement on criminal jurisdiction can be reached with the [Page 792] new Macapagal Administration which is demonstrating a desire to work more closely with the U.S. than did the Garcia regime. There is no pressure from the U.S. side to reach agreement since conditions under present arrangements are generally satisfactory. Mr. Johnson then said that we would like the views of the JCS on their future requirements for Philippine bases and an estimate of their strategic importance.
General Decker said that the JCS have fairly large Air Force and Navy base requirements in the Philippines and that Admiral Felt has a contingency plan for stationing one U.S. Army Division in the Philippines. However, this latter plan has considerable fiscal and political implications. General Decker pointed out that the Philippines offers an excellent strategic position for deployment of forces which might be required in the Southwest Pacific Area. In response to a question from Mr. Johnson, General Decker said that the military had large construction requirements in the Philippines and that sufficient areas appeared to be available although specific sites had not yet been selected. He also said that the division Admiral Felt was using in his planning was based in the ZI. Although the JCS had used Okinawa instead of the Philippines to meet an area stockpile base requirement, they hoped that the Philippines would be available for any additional U.S. forces which might be deployed to the area.
Admiral Anderson said that the Navy needed all of its present facilities in the Philippines and that any new agreements should provide for their expansion (after appropriate consultation). However, the Navy probably will not require any additional facilities in the Philippines for peacetime use. General Smith said that the Air Force may have to place additional units in the Philippines; and, accordingly, any further agreements should not contain restrictions on the number of USAF units which may be stationed at Clark Field. Admiral Anderson cautioned that we should not proceed too fast in our negotiations with the Philippine Government because internal political problems in which we could become involved might develop. He also emphasized that the military do not attach any urgency to early conclusion of a SOFA.
[Here follows the record of the brief discussion of U.S. forces in Korea.]
- Source: Department of State, S/P Files: Lot 69 D 121, State-JCS Meetings. Top Secret. A note on the cover sheet indicates that this was a State draft not cleared with the Department of Defense.↩