241. Memorandum for the Record0


  • Minutes of Special Group Meeting, 29 June 1961


  • Messrs. Bowles, Gilpatric, Bundy, Dulles

[Here follows discussion unrelated to Cuba.]

2. Cuba

The State Department position on the official attitude that should be adopted vis-a-vis the Cuban Revolutionary Council was agreed to by the Group (i.e. that in effect the CRC not be treated as a U.S. instrument, exclusive channel, or point of approval). It was noted that the other three papers1 tabled at last weekʼs meeting (covering propaganda, depend-ency payments, and Radio Swan) were agreed between State and CIA, as the Group had requested, with the exception of the overall matter of financing.

It was recognized that the financing problem requires further detailed consideration, but that on the other hand certain activities must continue into the new fiscal year and CIA has no funds budgeted to cover them. It was thus agreed that CIA should continue funding dependency payments and certain essential CRC activities for the next month, using this time to try to work out an eventual solution.

On the subject of the projected 1962 budget for clandestine activities,2 Mr. Dulles said that he felt some items might be unduly expensive and that he wanted to examine them in further detail, consulting with Defense where appropriate. The Group agreed that the operations proposed in the categories of intelligence, counter-intelligence, covert political action and propaganda appeared to be generally acceptable but that [Page 617] the scope of the proposed paramilitary operations required further study. Mr. Dulles pointed out in the latter connection that although it is not necessary to embark at once on the new recruiting included in the budget, there are some agents on hand who will have to be supported and occupied. It was agreed that a monthʼs advance from the Bureau of the Budget for all these items less paramilitary should be sought at once.

These decisions were made subject to review by General Taylor next week.

[Here follows discussion unrelated to Cuba.]

Thomas A. Parrott3
  1. Source: Department of State, INR/IL Historical Files, S.G. 2, July 20, 1961. Secret; Eyes Only. Prepared by Parrott.
  2. Copies of these papers are ibid., S.G. 1, June 29, 1961.
  3. The budget for clandestine activities considered by the Special Group was outlined in an undated 8-page memorandum prepared for the Special Group by the CIA that detailed a program of covert action. The memorandum was supplemented by a 5-page annex that provided a breakdown of the proposed expenditures. On June 28, Thomas Parrott sent copies to J. Patrick Coyne at the White House, Joseph Scott at the Department of State, and General Lansdale at the Department of Defense, under cover of a memorandum that indicated that the Special Group would discuss the proposed program of covert action against Cuba at its June 29 meeting. (Ibid.) For the revised version of this paper, dated July 17 and considered by the Special Group on July 20, see the Supplement.
  4. Printed from a copy that indicates Parrott signed the original.