- Achilles, Theodore C., 82, 485n, 511n, 520n, 561n
- Air Force, U.S. Department of the, 479–480, 484
- Alexseyev, Aleksandr, 841
- Alianza para el progreso. See Alliance for Progress.
- Allen, Ward P., 1039n
- Alliance for Progress, 266, 326, 386, 392–393, 410, 473–474, 478, 521
- Alsop, Joseph, 424,426
- Alsop, Stewart, 613
- Alvarez Diaz, 81, 163
- Amadeo, Mario, 114, 207–208, 217, 223
- Amory, Robert, 666, 696–699
- Anderson, Adm. George W., 825–826, 961–962
- Anderson, Robert B., 2, 3n, 18, 851
- Anfuso, Victor L., 626
- Aragon, Ernesto de, 548, 617, 777
- Arango, August Guillermo, 1042
- Araujo (Colombia), 207
- Argentina (see also Latin American support), 29, 98, 657–658
- Mediation offer, 112–115, 160–162
- Aron, Raymond, 424
- Artime, Manuel, 49, 116, 164, 166, 561n
- Astor, David, 424
- Avance, 49
- Ball, George W., 406–407, 645, 647–648, 666, 863–864, 963, 968
- Balletti, Arthur James, 807–808
- Baraduc (France), 424
- Barbosa Da Silva, Edmundo, 642
- Barnes, C. Tracy, 32–33, 45–46, 82, 162, 554n, 657n
- Battle, Lucius D., 143, 265–271, 561n
- Bay of Pigs operation (see also
Cuba Study Group):
- Abandonment consequences/procedure, 94, 157, 177, 188–189, 192
- Administration reactions (see also In-progress planning modifications below), 309–310
- Airfields, 15–16, 21–22,84, 126
- Air support, 33–34, 39, 191, 227–229, 237n, 239
- CIA reports, 10–16, 55–56, 83–84, 99–107, 137–142
- CIA-State Department disagreements, 61–62, 66, 89–91, 107–108, 143, 439
- Concept, 40, 57–59, 71
- Cost, 51
- Cuban opposition leaders and, 80–81, 166–167, 225–226
- Cuban reactions, 228–230, 260n, 307, 608–610, 852
- Defense Department cooperation, 23, 53
- Defense Department evaluation, 26, 36–43
- Diversionary landing proposal, 141, 227
- Fall-back plans, 77, 83, 85–86, 160, 448
- CIA position, 102–103, 145–146
- Failure, investigation of. See Fall-back plans under Cuba Study Group.
- Force size, 2, 12–13, 21, 30, 35, 49–50
- Guantanamo base use, 50
- Indigenous support, 49, 83, 85, 96
- Infiltration, 90, 102, 105–108, 140, 185, 334
- Information security, 25, 27–28, 33, 131, 166, 348, 508
- In-progress planning modifications, 262, 273, 275–276, 284–291, 293–295, 298–302, 309
- Interdepartmental working, groups, 27–35, 41, 44–45, 51, 58, 63, 338
- JCS evaluations, 57–59, 67–78, 83, 90, 102, 119–137, 149–156
- Failure, investigation of. See JCS evaluations under: Cuba Study Group.
- Latin American participation, 21, 24
- Legal issues, 51, 96, 98
- Napalm, prohibition on use of, 333, 347n, 359
- OAS reactions, 308
- Overt U.S. support (see also
Rules of engagement
World public opinion
below), 29–30, 186–188
- Airfield use, 16, 21–22
- Cuban Revolutionary Council position, 225–226
- Defense Department evaluation, 37–40, 42–43
- Failure, investigation of, 337, 357, 413–414, 453, 457, 529, 543–545
- In-progress planning modifications, 235–237, 257–258, 272, 277, 279, 286–289, 291
- JCS evaluations, 68, 77
- Kennedy John F., position, 143, 177, 218, 221, 226, 234, 237n, 272, 529
- State Department position, 50–51, 53, 84–86, 96, 179, 235–237
- Stevenson position, 229, 236, 297
- Training sites, 4, 24, 38, 234
- U.S. contract pilots, 15, 331–332
- Preparation tasks, 168–174
- Presidential information/approval, 44, 54–56, 61–65, 90–91
- Prisoners, 308, 777, 780, 783
- Progress reports (see also In-progress planning modifications above), 224, 226–228, 232–235, 258–259, 263, 272, 278–280, 285, 291–292, 300
- Public line, 156–157, 199–201, 210–212, 308
- Rescue operations, 299, 309, 313, 371, 402, 411–412, 414–416
- Rules of engagement (see also Overt U.S. support above), 175–176, 181–182, 184–186, 190–195, 203–205, 218–220, 258, 262, 275–276, 284
- Soviet reactions, 264–265, 281–284, 296n, 324–325
- Special Group, 23–24, 26–27, 49, 52–53, 63
- State_Department position, 84–88, 95–99
- Timing, 34–35, 43, 49, 84–86, 90, 97
- Training programs, 2, 4–5, 30, 35, 49
- Trinidad plan, 57–58, 99–107, 137–142
- Failure, investigation of. See Trinidad plan under Cuba Study Group.
- UN reactions, 295–297
- World public opinion, 295–297, 307–308, 423–428
- Zapata plan, 145–148, 154–156, 158–160, 167
- Bearden, Leon, 634
- Beavan, John, 424
- Beerli, Col. Stanley W., 227–228, 233
- Beichmann, Arnold, 162 Bell, David, 304n, 305, 315, 481
- Bender, Frank, 166
- Berckemeyer, Fernando, 1042
- Berkaw, Ernest DeM., Jr., 1054–1055
- Berle, Adolph A., 66, 81–82, 108, 325n
- Berlin, Sir Isaiah, 424
- Berlin crisis, 801, 948, 954, 958, 1001–1002, 1019–1020
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 66n, 259n
- Berry, Michael, 424
- Beruff, Jorge, 163
- Betancourt, Romulo, 29, 62, 64, 98
- Bissell, Richard M., Jr., 2, 3n, 46, 55n, 87, 648n
- Blas Roca, 836
- Blesh, Capt. P. K., 203n
- Blockade proposals (see also Economic sanctions), 51, 101–102, 373, 385, 479–480
- Boggs, Marion W., 19
- Bogota, Act of, 178–179
- Bohemia, 49
- Bohlen, Charles E., 90, 108
- Bolivia (see also Latin American support), 834,842
- Bonesteel, Brig. Gen. Charles H., ,26, 31, 46, 51, 218n, 438n, 447n
- Bonsal, Philip W., 80–81
- Boonstra, C. A., 160n
- Boothby, Bob, 424–425
- Bosch, Pepin, 163
- Bawdler, William G., 230n, 511n, 740n, 1087n
- Bowles, Chester B., 46, 48, 50
- Boyle, Sir Edward, 424
- Braddock, Daniel M., 1–3, 167, 648n, 654n
- Brazil (see also Latin American support), 18, 46, 62, 64, 98, 842
- Breitweiser, Maj. Gen. Robert A., 274
- Bross, 696, 699
- Brown, Brig. Gen. George S., 424, 826n, 1035–1036
- Brubeck, William H., 1087
- Bruce, David K.E., 424
- Buchwald, Art, 424
- Bundy, McGeorge, 110, 144, 863n
- Bundy, William P., 81, 90, 143, 159, 177
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A. (see also Cuba Study Group), 55, 221n, 484n
- Burris, Howard L., 479n
- Cabada, Fernando F., Jr., 629–631
- Cabell, Gen. Charles P., 262n
- Cadon, Albert Charles, 634
- Campbell, R., 514
- Campos, Roberto de Oliveira, 1040
- Canada, 18, 329, 483, 487, 514–515, 744, 958–959
- Cannonading incident (Aug. 24, 1962), 973
- Cargo, William I., 189n
- Caribbean Security Arrangements, 316–317, 513, 641, 646, 1084–1089
- Caribbean Survey Group, 721–722, 736
- Carrillo, Justo, 116, 164, 216, 319, 548
- Carrillo Flores, Antonio, 1040
- Carroll, Nicholas, 424
- Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S., 958, 968, 972, 1033, 1049, 1052–1053, 1067n
- Castro, Fidel:
- Castro, Raul, 50, 79, 672, 678, 835, 840
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also under specific topics), 389–390, 526, 692–693
- Chayes, Abram J., 325n, 391n, 511n, 968
- Cheever, Bruce, 940, 1068
- Chibas, Raul, 116, 164
- Chile (see also Latin American support), 17–18, 29, 834, 842
- Church, Frank, 666
- Clark, Rear Adm. John E.:
- Cleveland, J. Harlan, 208n, 230n
- Clifford, Clark, 44
- Clifton, Chester V., 1007, 1023n
- Cline, Ray S., 1033–1034
- Coerr, Wymberley, 29–30, 82, 189–190, 208n, 654n
- Colombia (see also Latin American support), 46–47, 62, 64, 98
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 744
- Congress, U.S.:
- Acts of:
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (1954) (P.L. 480), 266
- Battle Act. See Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act below.
- Export Control Act (1949), 112
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act (1951), 477, 483, 487, 522–524
- Neutrality Act (1939), 212n
- Sugar Act (1948), 112, 689
- Trade Agreements Extension Act (1951), 108–110
- Trading With the Enemy Act, 18–20, 112, 394, 468, 477, 480–481, 486–487, 522, 615
- Bay of Pigs operation, reactions to, 185, 188, 197, 211
- Provisional government recognition proposal, 625–627
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 25
- Acts of:
- Connally, Jolm, 396
- Conte Aguero, Luis, 81
- Cook, Don, 424
- Costa Rica (see also Latin American support), 845, 853
- Cousins, Cmdr. R., 203n
- Coyne, J. Patrick, 616n
- Craig, Brig. Gen. William H.:
- Crankshaw, Edward, 424
- Crimmins, John H., 1039
- Critchfield, James, 686
- Crossman, Richard, 424, 426
- Crutchfield, Capt. R. P., 203n, 256; 410n
- Cuba (see also
Bay of Pigs operation; Blockade proposals; Cuban Revolutionary
Council; Economic sanctions; individual political parties; Operation Mongoose; Provisional
government; Soviet Bloc military aid;
Soviet missile site construction; U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies):
[Page 1104]
- Diplomatic relations, U.S.-Cuban, break, 1–4, 8–9, 17–18
- Economic situation, 640–641, 788
- Military capabilities (see also Intelligence under Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba), 33–34, 48, 417–420, 461, 671–672, 761
- Opposition leaders, 80–81, 104, 166–167, 225–226.
- Political situation, 47–50, 55, 78–79, 188, 308,
- Bay of Pigs timing and, 97
- Castro speech (Mar. 26, 1962), 781
- CIA-position, 14, 100
- Intelligence estimates, 399–401, 418–419, 421, 461–463, 669–670, 774, 781–782, 835–838, 893–894
- Uprising rumors, 827, 830–832, 845, 886–892, 997, 1043–1044
- U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies and, 392, 485, 555–556, 568–570
- Cuban Legion, 486
- Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC):
- Bay of Pigs operation, 147, 216, 225, 322, 348
- Dissension within, 661–663, 796–798
- Formation of, 91, 115–117, 138
- Miami agreements (Mar. 18-2, 1961), 163–166
- National Revolutionary Council and, 629–631
- Operation Mongoose, 763–764, 797–798, 812, 996
- Schlesinger position, 202
- UN hearing, 189–190
- U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies, 519–520, 530, 616, 627–628, 631–632
- Cuba Study Group, 318–324, 334–370, 387–389, 401–403, 410–417, 438–454, 493–510, 531–548
- After action reports:
- Air support, 354–356, 358–364, 368–370, 411,
- Beerli position, 342–343
- Bundy position,457
- CIA reports, 387–389, 431–432, 434
- Final report, 584–585, 587, 591, 593–595, 601–602
- Gray position, 448
- Hawkins position, 332–333, 339–340
- Kennedy, John F., position, 528
- Lemnitzer position, 531–532, 537–541
- McNamara position, 440–441
- Rusk position, 452–453
- State Department cancellation,332, 360–361, 369, 434, 452–453, 457, 505, 528, 541, 588–589
- Wheeler position, 443–444
- White position, 502–503, 505–506
- Bundy report, 455–458
- Concept 321–322, 324, 334, 337, 340–341, 351
- Cuban military capabilities, 341, 344–345, 365–366
- Cuban reactions, 608–610
- Eisenhower meeting, 612–614
- Fall-back plans, 444–445, 451, 456, 507
- Final report, 573–606
- Formation, 221n, 310, 318n
- Gray position, 349
- Hawkins memorandum, 330–333
- Indigenous support, 351, 366–367, 451, 506–507
- JCS evaluations, 344, 346, 440, 443–444
- Kennedy, John F., position, 526, 528
- Kennedy, Robert, comments, 686
- Preliminary report, 525–529
- Presidential information/approval, 347n, 354, 363, 365
- Rules of engagement, 363, 403, 596–599
- Training programs, 320–323, 339, 412–413
- Trinidad Plan (see also under Bay of Pigs operation):
- Cuban Task Force (interagency), 490–492, 645–647
- Cumming, Hugh S., 46
- Current Intelligence Memoranda:
- Curtis, E. Glion, 28n, 41n
- Czechoslovakia (see also Soviet Bloc relations with Cuba), 9n, 14, 54, 85, 302, 390
- Dantas, Francisco Clementino San Tiago, 792–793, 805
- Dasher, Maj. Gen. Charles, 321
- Day, J. Edward, 304n
- Deakin, William, 424
- Dean, Gen., 218n
- Dean, Arthur, 47
- Decker, Gen. George H., 54
- Declaration of Caracas (1954), 471
- Declaration of San Jose (1960), 471
- Declaration of Santiago (1959), 471
- Defense, U.S. Department of (see also under specific subjects), 28, 30, 734–735, 770
- Democratic Revolutionary Front. See Frente Revolucionario Democratico.
- Dennison, Adm. Robert L.:
- DeSeabra, Jose A., 654n
- Devine, Frank J., 28, 31, 34, 41, 610n
- Diallo, Telli, 217
- Diario de la Marina, 49
- Diefenbaker, John C., 958–959
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 304n, 315
- Diplomatic relations, U.S.-Cuban, break, 1–4, 8–9, 17–18
- Directorio Revolucionario (DR), 629
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 1045n
- Dodd, Thomas J., 197
- Dominican Republic (see also Latin American support), 23, 35, 46, 90, 93, 104, 156, 200
- Donovan, James, 842, 946, 949, 1094–1095
- Dorticos Torrado, Osvaldo, 678
- Douglas, James H., 3n, 23–25, 27–28
- Droller, G., 518–519
- Du Boise, Edward, 808
- Dulles, Allen W. (see also Cuba Study Group), 18, 49–50, 480
- Dungan, Ralph A., 265n, 798n, 1087n
- Earman, J. S., 696–699, 703
- Eastern Air Lines, 634–635
- Economic sanctions .(see also Blockade proposals; Economic sanctions under Operation Mongoose), 18–20, 28, 102, 394, 468, 689, 1028
- Ecuador (see also Latin American support), 17
- Eddleman, Gen. Clyde D., 232
- Edwards, Sheffield, 807–809
- Egan, Lt. Col., 412–417
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 6, 18–19, 25, 1095
- Eisenhower, Milton S., 561
- Elder, Walter, 827, 845–846, 939, 1067–1068
- Ellis, Frank, 476
- El Salvador. See Latin American support.
- Embargo proposals. See Economic sanctions.
- Erskine, Gen. Graves B., 28
- Escalante, Anibal, 781n, 835–836
- Esterline, J.D., 633n, 650–652
- Ewell, Col. Julian J., 1024
- Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 618–619
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 53
- Ferguson, Capt., 401n
- Figueres, Jose, 23, 28, 491
- Finletter, Thomas K., 424
- Fisher, John W., 1039
- FitzGerald, Dennis, 1066
- Fowler, Henry, 481
- France, 424, 426, 966
- FRD. See Frente Revolucionario Democratico.
- Freeman, Orville, 304n
- Freers, Edward L., 264–265
- Freitas-Valle, Cyro de, 207
- Frente Revolucionario Democratico .(FRD) (see also Cuban Revolutionary Council; Provisional government), 12, 27, 31–32, 80–81, 322
- Freyre, Ernesto, 794
- Frondizi, Arturo, 98, 113, 162, 657–658
- Fusca, James, 803
- Gaines, Lt. Col., 363
- Gaither, Lt. Gen. Ridgely, 321
- Gaitskell, Hugh, 424, 426
- Gates, Thomas S., Jr., 2, 3n, 18, 25, 28
- Gavin, James M., 424
- Giancana, Sam, 807n, 808–809
- Giles, Frank, 424
- Gilmour, Ian, 424
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., 863n
- Goldberg, Arthur, 304n, 305
- Goldwater, Barry, 479, 484
- Gonzalez Navarro, Jose, 853
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 3n, 6–7, 19n, 25, 54n
- Goodwin, Richard, 184, 511n, 561n, 703n
- Bay of Pigs operation, 82, 88, 314
- Operation Mongoose, 673, 745n, 757n, 766
- U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies, 384–387, 428, 479,
483, 684
- Castro approach proposal, 821–822
- Castro remoyal contingency plans, 659n
- Covert action, 554n, 562–563, 620
- Cuban exiles, policies, 529–530, 617
- Cuban reactions, 642–645
- Cuban Revolutionary Council, 519, 627–628, 650–653
- Cuban Task Force meetings, 490n, 645–647
- NSC meetings, 396–397
- Organization of American States and, 640, 740–742
- Gordon, Abraham L., 805
- Government in exile. See Cuban Revolutionary Council; Provisional government.
- Gray, Maj. Gen. David W., 28–29, 31–32, 41, 46, 82, 315
- Bay of Figs operation, 34–35, 108, 149n, 168, 191,
- Air support cancellation, 257–258
- Defense Department evaluation, 26, 41–43
- Indigenous support, 83, 349, 351
- In-progress planning modifications, 262n, 275–276, 293n
- Presidential information/approval, 177, 191, 213
- Progress reports, 232–235, 280, 291–292
- Trinidad Plan, 143, 345–349
- Zapata plan, 159–160, 167, 349–352
- Cuban military capabilities, 83–84
- Cuba Study Group, 319, 334, 338, 343, 345–354, 357n, 365n, 447–450
- Bay of Figs operation, 34–35, 108, 149n, 168, 191,
- Gray, Gordon, 2, 3n, 24–25, 27
- Green, Howard C., 514–515, 958
- Green, Maurice, 424
- Green Study Group. See Cuba Study Group.
- Guantanamo base, 7, 48, 50, 737–740, 841
- Guatemala (see also Latin American support):
- Gudeman, Edward, 304n
- Guevara Serna, Ernesto “Che”, 50, 79, 640, 642–645, 672
- Hadden, Capt. M. A., 638–639, 1035
- Hager, Eric, 6–7
- Hagerty, James C., 9
- Hailsham, Lord, 424, 426
- Haiti, 385–386, 472–473, 478, 481
- Harkness, Douglas S., 958
- Harris, Brig. Gen. Benjamin T., 864–872, 878n, 899n, 916–917, 924, 1036–1037
- Harvey, William, 745n, 764n, 769n, 778, 863n
- Hawkins, Col. Jack:
- Haya de la Torre, Victor, 491
- Healey, Denis, 424, 426
- Health, Education and Welfare, U.S. Department of, 571, 614
- Helms, Richard M:
- Henderson, Melvin D., 959–961
- Hennessey, Jaines, 548–549, 553
- Herter, Christian A., 2, 3n, 5, 6–9, 18–20, 25
- Hevia, Carlos, 81, 116, 163, 216, 548–549
- Hijacking incidents, 634–635
- Hilsman, Roger, Jr., 747–748, 963–966, 1014–1022
- Honduras (see also Latin American support), 18
- Hoover, J. P., 265n
- Houston, Lawrence R., 807n
- Hoyt, Henry A., 112–114
- Hurwitch, Robert A., 8n, 80n, 561n, 617, 618n, 624n, 648n, 650, 654n, 661, 677n, 777n, 793n, 811n, 826n, 833n, 863n, 921n, 969n, 1068n
- Cuban Revolutionary Council, 763, 797–798
- Operation Mongoose, 666, 736, 939n, 974n, 1087n
- Intervention contingency plans, 886n, 1062, 1063n
- Operational plan B, 899n, 908–910, 924, 926–928
- Post-Castro planning, 1059–1060
- Program review, 743–744
- Progress reports, 852–862, 878n
- Recommendations, 846–850, 885
- State Department position, 703–705, 937–938
- U.S. military intervention, 731, 757–763, 847–850
- IDB. See Inter-American Development Bank.
- Ignatieff, George, 514
- Information offensive. See Propaganda.
- Ingelido, Col. Michael J., 334, 347, 357n
- Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 308
- Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 474
- Inter-American Economic and Social Council (IA-ECOSOC), 474, 478, 640–641
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (see also Organization of American States), 20, 96, 261, 471, 480, 512
- International Red Cross, 308, 481, 483, 487
- Irwin, John, 27–30, 32
- Jamison, Edwaard A., 208n
- Jeanneny, Jean-Marcel, 424
- Jebb, Gladwyn, 424
- Jenkins, Roy, 424
- Johnson, Maj. Gen. Douglas V., 974n
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 61, 143, 159, 304–306, 488
- Johnson, Paul, 424
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 610n, 652n, 798n, 863n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) (see also specific names), 38, 54–55,
60, 1087
- Bay of Pigs operation, 2, 26, 313
- Evaluations, 57–59, 67–78, 83, 90, 102, 119–137, 149–156, 349
- Failure, investigation of. See under Cuba Study Group.
- In-progress planning modifications, 262, 275–276, 284–285, 290, 295, 299, 301–302, 309
- Progress reports, 226, 285, 291–292
- Rules of engagement, 181–182, 184, 352
- Zapata plan, 159, 349–350, 440, 443–444
- Operation Mongoose program review, 710n, 745n, 764n
- Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba, 1007–1013
- U.S. military intervention, 371–383, 405, 516–517, 606–608, 638–639, 732–733, 749–757, 767
- Bay of Pigs operation, 2, 26, 313
- Jones, John Price, 803
- Junta See Provisional government.
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 27, 614, 695
- Kangles, Constantine, 78–77
- Kaysen, Carl, 1007, 1010n, 1023, 1084, 1087, 1089, 1094n
- Kennedy, John F. (see also
Presidential information/approval
Bay of Pigs operation), 842n
- Administration transition, 44–45
- Bay of Pigs operation, 36n, 177, 237n, 308, 313n
- Cabinet meeting (Apr. 20, 1961), 305–306
- CIA-State Department disagreements, 66, 89–91, 107
- Force size, 54–55
- Infiltration, 108, 185
- In-progress planning modifications, 274–275, 309n
- Latin American support, 65
- Overt U.S. support, 143, 177, 218, 221, 226, 234, 237n, 272, 529
- Prisoners, 783, 793
- Reputation protection, 200–201
- Rules of engagement, 190–191
- Soviet reactions, 283–284
- Trinidad Plan, 143
- World public opinion, 92, 143, 156, 186, 196, 423
- Caribbean Security Arrangements, 1087n
- Cuba Study Group:
- Diplomatic relations, U.S.-Cuban, break, 3n
- Economic sanctions, 110, 479–481, 522, 615, 689
- Mexico visit, 833–834, 843–845, 853
- NSC meetings, 92, 314–315, 476, 479–481, 710
- Operation Mongoose, 737n, 744n, 771n, 798n, 944, 1023
- Propaganda, 118, 480, 490
- Provisional government, 54–55, 91n, 144, 162, 260
- Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba, 54, 302, 480, 1095
- Soviet missile site construction, 953–955, 957, 968, 1002, 1007n, 1010, 1025, 1038, 1081
- State of the Union address (1961), 62
- U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies, 310,
407, 634n, 640,
- Castro removal contingency plans, 660, 807n
- Cuban exiles, military training, 396, 571, 614, 734, 1049–1050, 1060
- Cuban Task Force meetings, 645, 647n
- Economic sanctions, 479–481, 522, 615, 689
- Latin American support, 481, 511n, 525, 654–658
- NSC meetings, 314–315, 476, 479–481,710
- Propaganda, 480, 490
- Provisional government, 628, 654, 662
- U.S. military intervention, 306–307, 405, 635, 638n
- White Paper, 144, 156, 162, 184–185
- Kennedy, Paul, 33
- Kennedy, Robert F (see also
Cuba Study Group), 46,
50, 79n, 315, 396, 480–481
- Bay of Pigs operation, 213, 221n, 275, 304n, 305, 313–314
- Castro removal plans, 807, 809
- Operation Mongoose (see also
Special Group (Augmented)), 703, 767n, 771n, 850,
899n, 944n, 1054
- Aug. 10, 1962 Special Group meeting, 895n
- Bay of Pigs prisoners, 842–843, 851, 946
- Caribbean Survey Group, 719–720
- Creation of, 664–667, 687–688, 700–701
- Lansdale committee, 685, 687
- Presidential briefings, 673–674, 684–685, 1094–1095
- Program review, 710n, 722–723, 745n, 769n
- Progress reports, 800
- Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba and, 947, 957
- U.S. military intervention, 731n, 886n, 949
- Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba, 302–304, 947, 957
- Kenscher, Capt., 410n
- Kent, Sherman, 53, 668–672, 696, 781–783
- Khrushchev, Nikita, 182–183, 264–265, 283, 324–325
- King, Col. J. C., 25, 45, 82–83, 518–519, 666, 687
- Kinnard, Gen. Douglas, 438n
- Kirkpatrick, Lyman B., 686, 972n
- Kohler, Foy D., 514
- Komer, Robert W., 638–639
- Kornienko, Georgi M., 282
- Kubitschek, Juscelino, 654–656
- Lamberty, Gerald P., 165–167
- Lambton, Lord, 424, 426
- Lansdale, Brig. Gen. Edward G.,
530n, 616n, 764n, 778, 824n, 863n
- Operation Mongoose, 703, 767–768, 826, 847,
895n, 953, 968,
- Alternate tracks, 766–767
- Caribbean Survey Group, 719–722, 736
- Castro removal plans, 924
- Creation of, 666–667, 685, 687–688, 690, 697
- Cuban exiles, policies, 768, 826n, 939–940
- Operational plan B, 897–917, 924–926, 928–936
- Phase II planning, 944n, 1037–1038, 1057–1058
- Post-Castro planning, 1059–1060
- Presidential briefings, 673, 684
- Priority operations schedules, 833, 974–975
- Program review, 710–718, 743, 745–747, 769
- Progress reports, 700, 795–796, 803, 822–823, 828, 831–833, 843–845, 852, 857, 864, 872, 878–884
- Propaganda, 896, 920–921
- Special Group meetings, 690–691, 695–696, 699–702, 728–730, 776, 804, 827, 940–941
- U.S. military intervention, 731, 886–892, 1062–1063
- U.S. personnel/equipment use, 768
- Soviet missile site construction, 922–923
- Operation Mongoose, 703, 767–768, 826, 847,
895n, 953, 968,
- Larretta, Horatio, 642, 645
- Lasaga, Jose, 796
- Latin American support (see also
Organization of American States; Propaganda; under
U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies), 18, 29, 118
[Page 1111]
- Argentine mediation offer, 112–115, 160–162
- Bay of Pigs operation, 38, 62, 77, 94, 98, 103–104, 296n, 307–308
- CIA position, 22, 24, 55–56
- Provisional government recognition, 3, 85–86
- State Department position, 46–47, 64, 85–86, 89, 91, 108
- UN resolutions, 17, 207–210, 217, 222–223, 296n, 312
- U.S. economic aid, 474–475, 488
- Lausche, Frank J., 197
- Lechuga, Carlos, 624–625
- Lee, Vice Adm. Fitzhugh, 203n
- Lee, Sir Frank, 424
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis, 232, 234, 398
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 46, 48–50, 60
- Bay of Pigs operation, 2, 24, 36n, 257n, 350
- Cuba Study Group, 531–548
- Force size, 50, 54, 63
- In-progress planning modifications, 274
- JCS evaluations, 57–58, 67, 119–120, 135–136, 149–150
- Preparation tasks, 168
- Presidential information/approval, 61, 62n, 177, 190–191, 213, 274
- Progress reports, 224n, 232–234
- Rules of engagement, 175, 181–182, 184–186, 190–193, 218–219
- Operation Mongoose (see also Special Group (Augmented)), 667, 771n, 895n, 944n, 947, 972
- Provisional government, 50, 54–55
- Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba, 947, 968
- U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies, 310, 567, 770
- Bay of Pigs operation, 2, 24, 36n, 257n, 350
- Levin, Bernard, 424
- Little, E.S., 1087
- Lleras Camargo, Alberto, 46, 62, 64, 98
- Lopez Mateos, Adolfo, 844
- Lora, Armando, 163
- Lora, Raul, 163
- Lynch, Grayston, 238–249
- Lyon, Cecil, 424
- Maceo (CRC), 216, 548–549, 552
- Mackenzie, Norman, 424
- Macleod, Ian, 424
- Macmillan, Harold, 191
- Macy, John, 304n
- Magill, R.N., 514n
- Maheu, Robert, 807–809
- Mallard, Col., 256
- Mann, Thomas, 2, 3n, 45, 81, 160n, 162
- Mansfield, Mike, 407–410
- Mariani, Clemente, 525
- Marquez Sterling (CRC), 618
- Martin, Edwin M., 792n, 821, 863n, 921n, 969n, 1087n
- Martin Elena, Col., 80
- Masferrer, Rolando, 27, 45, 191, 200, 212
- Maudling, Reginald, 424
- McCardle, J.J., 514
- McCauley, Cmdr., 401n
- McCone, John A., 772n
- Operation Mongoose, 703, 767n, 781, 786,
850, 899n
- Aug. 10, 1962, Special Group meeting, 895n, 923
- Bay of Pigs prisoners, 778–780, 842–843, 851, 946, 949
- Caribbean Survey Group, 696–699
- Castro removal plans, 924
- Creation of, 667, 684–688, 696–701, 719
- Guidelines, 771n, 791–792, 944n
- Presidential briefings, 1094–1095
- Program review, 745n, 764n, 769n
- Progress reports, 800–801, 806
- Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba and, 947–949, 955–956
- Special Group, 667, 699–701, 722–723, 729, 776–777, 779–780, 790–791, 940–941
- U.S. military intervention, 729, 731n, 783, 886n
- Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba, 947–949, 955–956, 1052–1053
- Operation Mongoose, 703, 767n, 781, 786,
850, 899n
- McDonnell, James, 618–619
- McElroy, Neil H., 224n, 279
- McGarr, Gen., 365n
- McGhee, George C., 315, 744
- McGovern, George, 113
- McGriffin, Capt., 410n, 411
- McGuire, Phyllis, 808
- McManus, George, 719
- McNamara, Robert S., 44, 46, 60
- Bay of Pigs operation, 28, 49, 159, 168, 274,
- Administration reactions, 304n, 309–310
- Cuba Study Group, 310, 438n, 439–442, 574
- JCS evaluations, 57, 67, 119, 135, 149
- Overt U.S. support, 177, 179, 218n
- Presidential information/approval, 61, 65, 90, 177, 185, 190–191, 213, 274
- Progress reports, 232–235
- Rules of engagement, 184–186, 190–191
- Trinidad Plan, 143
- Operation Mongoose, 666–668, 767n, 899n, 924, 974n
- Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba, 317–318, 947–948, 957, 1035–1036, 1081
- U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies, 317–318, 327, 330n, 529, 567
- Bay of Pigs operation, 28, 49, 159, 168, 274,
- McSweeney, John M., 281n, 973–974
- Meeker, Leonard S., 737–740
- Mendes-France, Pierre, 424, 426
- Menendez, Emilio, 116
- Menshikov, Mikhail A., 282–283
- Merchant, Livingston T., 2, 3n, 24–25, 45–47, 51
- Mestre, Goar, 163
- Mexico (see also Latin American support), 18, 98, 296n, 488, 744, 842
- Meyer, Cord, 779
- Middleton, Drew, 424–425
- Miro Cardona, Jose, 81, 166, 229, 286, 348, 827
- Mitchell, Cmdr. G. A., 184, 190, 192n, 193n, 194n, 258n, 275n, 276n, 284n
- Mitchell, William, 529–530, 548, 550–551
- Molina, Francisco, 561n
- Mongoose. Operation Mongoose.
- Monnet, Jean, 424
- Monroe Doctrine, 47, 51, 88, 1001, 1003
- Morales Carrion, Arturo, 529–530, 548–554, 617, 763–764
- Morrison, deLesseps, 689
- Mountain, Maurice J., 529–530, 548–554, 571n, 770n
- Movimiento Democratico Cristiano (MDC), 629
- Movimiento de Recuperacion Revolucion (MRR), 629
- Movimiento Revolucionario del Pueblo (MRP), 163–164, 166, 430, 519–520, 629–630
- Muller, Walter, 1042
- El Mundo, 49
- Murphy, Robert, 320
- Murrow, Edward R., 315, 396, 480–481, 485, 487–488
- Musich, Arnaldo, 112–114
- Nasser, Camal Abdʼel, 307
- National Estimates, U.S. Office of, 53n
- National Intelligence Estimates (see also Special National Intelligence Estimates):
- National Revolutionary Council (Cuba), 629
- National Security Action Memoranda:
- National Security Council (NSC), 92, 313–317
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 307
- Nicaragua(see also Latin American support), 562, 618
- Nickels, Herman, 424
- Nitze, Paul H., 46, 734n
- Nixon, Richard M., 18
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 485, 514–515, 785, 853, 969–971, 1042
- Nunez Jimenez (Cuba), 672
- OʼDonnell, James, 224n, 647
- OʼDonnell, Kenneth, 302n
- Olivares, Carlos, 1
- Operation Mongoose (see also
U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies):
- Alternate tracks, 766–767
- Bay of Pigs prisoners, 777–780, 783, 793–796, 803, 842–843, 851, 856, 946, 949
- Caribbean Survey Group, 696–699, 719–722, 736
- Castro removal plans, 923–924
- CIA papers, 675–677, 723–728
- CIA position, 703
- Concept, 692, 696, 698, 710–711, 723–724, 747–748
- Creation of, 664–667, 684–701, 719
- Cuban exiles, military training, 819, 825–826, 905, 960, 1049–1050, 1060–1062
- Cuban exiles, policies, 856, 939–940, 1068–1070
- Economic sanctions, 743–744, 795, 910, 931
- Guantanamo base and, 699, 737–740, 816, 818, 940
- Harvey appraisal, 786–792
- Intelligence (see also
Reconnaissance flights
below), 724–725, 787,
- Estimates, 668–669, 706–709, 772–776, 781–785, 798–800, 835–842, 893–894, 941–943, 950–953
- Operational plan B, 929–930, 947–948
- Priority operations schedules, 817–819, 989–992
- Program review, 711–712, 715, 745, 766
- Progress reports, 845, 852, 866–868, 874–875, 879–880
- Special Group discussions, 779–780, 791
- InterVention contingency plans (see also U.S. military intervention below), 681, 882, 1062–1063, 1090
- Latin American support, 826, 853–854, 909–910, 930
- NSC meetings, 1049
- Operational plan B, 897–917, 924–936, 947–948
- Operations Group, 826–827, 846–850, 899–900
- Organization of American States and, 704–705, 713, 740–743, 930
- Overflight program. See Reconnaissance flights below.
- Phase I guidelines, 771–772
- Phase I priority operations schedule, 810–820, 823, 833–834
- Phase II guidelines, 944–946
- Phase II priority operations schedule, 974–1000, 1037–1038, 1044–1045, 1057–1058
- Policy questions, 767–768
- Post-Castro planning, 998, 1059–1060
- Presidential briefings, 673–674, 684–686, 806n, 953–956, 1094–1095
- Program review, 710–718, 723–730, 743–748, 764–766, 769
- Progress reports, 700, 800–801
- Propaganda, 713–714, 717, 920–921, 937
- Recommendations, 846–850, 861–862, 868–872, 876–878, 885
- Reconnaissance flights, 779–780, 791, 806, 865–867, 1052
- Soviet missile site construction and, 947–958, 1029–1030, 1067–1068
- Special Group meetings, 667, 690–691, 695–696, 699–702, 722–723, 728–730, 776–777, 779–780, 790–791, 804, 827, 845–846, 940–941, 1049, 1057, 1066–1068 Aug. 10, 1962, 895, 921–924
- State Department position, 703–705, 885, 937–938, 1068–1070
- State Department staff study, 677–684
- U.S. base use, 767–768, 772
- U.S. military intervention (see also
Intervention contingency plans
above), 731, 771, 949,
- Cuban Revolutionary Council position, 763–764, 797–798
- Harvey appraisal, 786, 788–790
- Intelligence estimates, 783–785
- Kennedy statement, 1065–1066
- Recommendations, 847–850, 862, 868–872, 877–878
- Schlesinger position, 1043–1044
- State Department position, 748, 757–762
- State Department staff study, 679–684
- U.S. personnel/equipment use, 768, 772
- Oquendo, Wilfredo Roman, 634
- Organization of American States (OAS) (see also
Latin American support), 20, 29, 46,
144, 261
- Bay of Pigs operation and, 87–88, 103, 178–179, 308
- Foreign Ministers meeting (Punta del Este), 95, 704–705, 713, 740–743, 763–764, 775, 841–842, 852, 880, 1088
- IA-ECOSOC meeting, 474, 478, 640–641
- Operation Mongoose, 704–705, 713, 740–743, 930
- U.S. free elections demarche proposal, 144, 156
- U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies and, 328, 374, 395, 470–473, 640, 1029
- Ormsby Gore, David, 424, 426
- Padilla Nervo, Luis, 205–207, 209, 217
- Panama (see also Latin American support), 18
- Parrott, Thomas A., 27, 616n, 627–628, 631n, 663–664, 690n, 1037n
- Patchell, Maj. James, 719
- Paul, Norman S., 959–961
- Pawley, William D., 319
- Pazos, Felipe, 116, 163–164
- Pedersen, Richard F., 230n, 295n
- Pell, Claiborne H., 410n
- Peru (see also Latin American support), 18, 29
- Piad, Carlos, 80, 617, 777, 794–795
- Pinto, Bastile, 805
- Poland, 841
- Political Warfare Subcommittee of the Cuban Task Force, 490–492
- Polk, Brig. Gen. James H., 511n
- Pringle, John, 424
- Prio Socorras, Carlos, 661–662
- Propaganda (see also under Operation Mongoose and U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies), 32–33, 49, 56, 60, 118, 216
- Prouty, Col., 23–24
- Provisional government of Cuba (see also Cuban Revolutionary Council):
- Pryce, William T., 78n
- Quadros, Janio, 46, 62, 64, 98, 525
- Quigley, James M., 529–530, 548, 550
- Randall, Clarence B., 19
- Rapacki, Adam, 841
- Ray, Manuel 430, 492, 519, 548, 550–553, 618, 620
- Raymont, Henry, 308
- Rescate, 629
- Reston, Scott, 348, 425
- Reuther, Walter P., 561
- Reynolds, Maj. Gen. John M., 1011
- Ribicoff, Abraham, 304n, 481, 486
- Ricketts, Adm. Clyde V., 371
- Riley, Vice Adm. Herbert D., 801–802
- Rio Treaty. See Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance.
- Roa Garcia, Raul, 17, 113, 115, 189–190, 207, 211
- Robertson, William, 238, 245–246, 249–257
- Rodrigues Fabregat, Enrique, 207
- Rodriguez, Carlos Rafael, 837–838
- Roig Ortega, Pedro, 832
- Rojas Santamaria, Sergio, 164, 167, 491
- Romania, 296n
- Roosevelt, Eleanor, 561
- Rosselli, John, 808–809
- Rostow, Walt, 310–312, 327–330, 853, 1001–1002, 1025–1032
- Rowan, Dan, 808
- Rubottom, Roy R., Jr., 112–114
- Rusk, Dean,5, 47,325n, 511n, 634
- Argentine mediation offer, 115, 160–161
- Bay of Pigs operation, 50–52, 94–95, 143, 259–260
- CIA-State Department disagreements, 66, 91, 108
- Cuba Study Group, 447n, 450–454, 574
- Indigenous support, 49, 451
- In-progress planning modifications, 235–237, 274–275
- Overt U.S. support, 218, 235–237
- Presidential information/approval, 61, 65, 90, 159, 185, 191, 213, 274–275
- Prisoners, 793–795
- Soviet reactions, 281–283
- World public opinion, 90, 178, 191, 307
- Castro“socialism” speech, 404–405
- Economic sanctions, 108–112, 958–959
- Latin American support, 46–47, 65, 91
- Latin American U.N. resolution, 208–210
- Operation Mongoose, 737, 766, 767n, 899n, 953, 974n
- Provisional government, 50–51, 189, 480
- Soviet missile site construction, 947, 957, 959, 969–971, 1010n, 1014, 1039–1042
- U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies, 391n, 480, 485, 610, 633
- Russell, Adm. J.S., 218n
- Sakhalin incident, 1049
- Salazar, Guillermo, 167
- Salinger, Pierre, 1038
- Sanchez Arango, Arellano, 32, 618
- San Jose Conference (1960), 114
- San Roman, Jose Perez, 413
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 113, 118, 562n, 950
- Bay of Pigs operation, 157, 177, 225–226, 230n
- Political Warfare Subcommittee of the Cuban Task Force, 490–492
- Provisional government, 162, 260–261, 265
- U.S. post-Bay of Pigs policies, 314, 481, 490–492, 529, 620–621, 1043–1044, 1084–1086
- White Paper, 156, 162, 184
- World public opinion, 92–93, 157, 186–189, 196–203, 423–428
- Schweitzer, Daniel, 207
- Scott, Joseph W., 28–30, 41, 46, 616n, 634n
- Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques, 424, 426
- Shawcross, Hartley, 424
- Sheldon, 696, 698
- Shepard, Cmdr. Tazewell T., Jr., 309n
- Shoup, Gen. David M., 232, 398, 493–501
- Shuler, Col. Cecil W., 46, 319
- Sisco, Joseph J., 208n
- Sloan, Frank K., 1087
- Slonim, Capt. G. M., 203n
- Smathers, George A., 108–112
- Smith, Abbot, 785, 941–943
- Smith, Bromley, 315, 481
- Smith, Stephen E., 481
- Somoza Debayle, Gen. Anastasio, 84, 97, 562, 574, 618
- Sorensen, Theodore C., 314–315, 396–397, 481, 1045–1048
- Sosa Rodriguez, Carlos, 207–208, 222
- Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba, 325, 389–390, 419–420, 459, 621–623, 707, 839–840
- Aug.1962 increases. See Soviet missile site construction.
- Bay of Pigs timing and, 14, 54, 85, 97, 536–537
- Blockade proposals and, 180, 1082–1083, 1089–1090
- CIA reports, 14, 389–390
- JCS-State Department meeting, 398
- Kennedy, Robert, position, 302–304
- Monroe Doctrine and, 51
- NSC meetings, 480
- Public exposure plans, 317–318
- Rostow position, 311, 327–328, 1001–1002, 1025–1032
- U.S.-British correspondence, 969–971
- U.S.-Canadian discussions, 959
- Soviet Bloc relations with Cuba (see also Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba), 37, 47, 79, 101, 104
- Soviet missile site construction in Cuba, 824
- Berlin crisis and, 801, 948, 954, 958, 1001–1002, 1019–1020
- Bundy position, 1002–1006
- Defense plans, 1004–1006, 1036–1037
- Hilsman position, 1014–1022
- Intelligence, 923, 947, 950–953, 961–966, 968, 1033–1036, 1049–1052, 1063–1065, 1070–1080, 1083–1084
- JCS position, 1007–1013
- Kennedy statement (Sept. 13, 1962), 1038, 1096
- Latin American ambassadors meeting, 1039–1042
- McCone responses, 1052–1053
- NATO responses, 969–971
- Operation Mongoose and, 947–958, 1029–1030, 1067–1068
- Presidential briefings, 953–955, 957–958, 1081
- Rostow position, 1001–1002, 1025–1032
- Soviet statements, 1055–1056, 1095–1097
- State Department position, 922–923
- U.S.military intervention contingency plans, 1030–1031
- U.S.statement proposals, 973–974, 1001–1002, 1008–1010, 1026–1028, 1031–1032
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 1045–1047
- Bay of Pigs operation, 21–24, 26–27, 44–45, 49, 52–53, 63
- Diplomatic relations, U.S.-Cuban, break, 3–4
- of Pigs policies, 616–617, 631–634, 663–664
- Special Group (Augmented) (see also Operation Mongoose), 722–723, 731n
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Spore, Capt., 28, 30–31, 34–35, 41
- Stahr, Elvis J., 316n, 396
- Steakley, Col., 1049, 1066–1067
- Steeves, John M., 514
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 199
- Stevenson, Robert A., 80, 625n
- Sulzberger, Cy, 424
- Switzerland, 2, 8
- Symington, James, 1062n
- Szulc, Tad, 348, 624–625, 781
- Taboada, Diogenes, 113, 115, 161n
- Tarwater, Lt. Col. B. W., 143, 232, 234, 349, 387n
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D. (see also Cuba study Group):
- 30th of November Movement, 629
- Thompson, Herbert B., 1039
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., Jr., 182–183
- Trading With the Enemy Act. See under Congress, U.S.: Acts of
- Treasury, U.S.Department of, 18
- Trinidad plan., See under Bay of Pigs operation; Cuba Study Group.
- Trujillo, Generalissimo Rafael (see also Dominican Republic), 4, 23, 35, 93
- Turkey, 957, 1019
- 26th of July Movement, 78, 138, 618–619
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 545
- Tyerman, Donald, 424
- Udall, Stewart, 304n, 1047
- Uhlmann, Leon, 529, 548, 553
- Unidad Revolucionario (UR), 629–630
- United Kingdom, 191, 424
- United Nations, 189–190, 199, 231–232, 852
- Uruguay (see also Latin American support), 29, 842
- U.S.Information Agency (USIA) (see also Propaganda), 480, 483, 614, 694, 796, 832–833, 857–862
- U.S.Intelligence Board (USIB), 621–624, 706
- of Pigs policies (see also
Operation Mongoose):
- Alliance for Progress, 326, 386, 392–393, 410, 473–474, 478, 483
- Arms limitation conference proposal, 385
- Bombardment proposal, 479–480, 484
- Caribbean Security Arrangements, 316–317, 513, 641, 646, 1084–1089
- Castro approach proposal, 821–822
- Castro removal plans, 659–660, 672, 678–679, 807–809
- CIA meetings, 518–520
- CIA reports, 428–430
- Covert action (see also Operation Mongoose), 562–563, 616–617, 631–634, 646
- Cuban exiles, military training (see also Operation Mongoose), 316n, 374–376, 467–468, 530, 614–615
- Cuban exiles, policies (see also Cuban Revolutionary Council; Operation Mongoose; Provisional government), 480, 518, 529–530, 610–612
- Cuban reactions, 624–625
- Cuban Task Force, 417–422, 459–475, 479, 485, 627, 645–647
- Economic sanctions, 394, 468, 689
- Goodwin position, 384–387
- Intelligence estimates (see also under Operation Mongoose), 399–401, 417–420, 461, 482, 485, 567–570, 621–624, 668–672
- Intervention contingency plans (see also under Operation Mongoose), 306–307, 310, 404–406, 423, 477
- JCS-State Department meeting, 398–399
- Kennedy speeches, 308
- Latin American support:
- Argentine position, 657–658
- Brazilian position, 525, 654–656, 792–793, 805
- Circular telegrams, 325–326, 511–513, 520–522, 689, 863–864
- Cuban Task Force position, 469–470, 474–475
- Informal Foreign Ministers meeting, 1041–1042, 1088–1089, 1091–1094
- NSC meetings, 397, 477–478, 481, 483, 487–488
- Propaganda, 491–492
- State Department position, 392–395
- Mansfield position, 407–410
- NATO discussions, 485, 514–515
- NSC meetings, 313–317, 396–397, 476–488
- Organization of American States and, 328, 374, 395, 470–473, 640, 1029
- Propaganda, 386, 490–492, 632
- Reconnaissance flights, 480, 485, 972
- Rostow position, 310–312, 327–330
- Soviet Bloc military aid to Cuba and, 302–304, 311, 317–318, 327–328, 398
- Special Group meetings, 616–617, 631–634, 663–664
- State Department position, 391–396, 406–407
- U.S. military intervention (see also Intervention contingency plans above; U.S. military intervention under Operation Mongoose), 463–466, 476, 480, 482, 484, 551, 635
- Watch group, 475, 480, 483, 485
- World public opinion, 314, 480
- Vallon, Edwin E., 8n, 80, 625n, 654n
- VanDine, Col., 233
- Varona, Manuel Antonio de, 32, 80–81, 116, 163–164, 166, 216, 548, 550–552, 617–618, 763, 777
- Venezuela (see also Latin American support), 18, 47, 62, 64, 98
- Voice of America (VOA) (see also , Propaganda), 845, 858, 979
- Voorhees, Tracy, 37
- Wadsworth, James J., 5, 17
- Wellings, Rear Adm. Joseph H., 218n
- Wellman, Harvey R., 1039
- Wells, H. Bartlett, 652n, 661n
- Wheeler, Lt. Gen. Earle G., 371–372, 404
- White, Ivan B., 958n
- White, Lincoln, 25n, 404
- White, Gen. Thomas D., 502–510, 779
- Whiteman, Marjorie M., 511n, 625n
- White Paper (Apr. 3, 1961), 144, 156, 162, 184–185, 621
- Wiesner, Jerome, 304n, 314, 1089–1090
- Wilhide, Cmdr., 274–275
- Willauer, Whiting, 27–35, 28, 44–47, 50
- Williams, Haydn, 82, 90
- Wilson, Donald M., 710n, 745n, 769n, 830, 832–833, 878n, 1057n
- Wilson, Lt. Col. Sam, 826n
- Wintour, Charles, 424
- Wollam, Park F., 628–631, 648n, 650, 654n, 661n
- Woodward, Robert F., 645, 654n, 659–660, 703n
- Worsthorne, Peregrine, 424
- WRUL, 49
- Wyatt, Woodrow, 424
- Yarmolinsky, Adam, 489, 529–530, 552n
- Ydigoras Fuentes, Miguel, 45, 51, 84, 97, 104
- Yost, Charles W., 207–208, 217, 222–223, 295n
- Zapata plan. See under Bay of Pigs operation.
- Zorin, Valerian A., 229, 231
- Zuckert, Eugene, 396, 423