- Agricultural situation in Vietnam, 616, 622
- Aiken, Conrad, 391
- Air Force, Vietnamese, 46
- Algeria, 211, 417
- Alphand, Herve, 100, 388, 389, 601
- Alsop, Joseph, 217, 281, 294, 295, 296, 692–693
- Amnesty (Chieu Hoi) Program, 585, 670–671, 705
- An Truong Thanh, 567
- Anschuetz, Norbert L., 628, 650, 665
- Armed Forces Radio, 300
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN):
- Asbjornson, Mildred, 68n, 84n
- Asher, 143
- Assassination of Diem and Nhu.See under Coup against Diem.
- Ball, George W., 64n, 89n, 90n, 92n, 124n, 194n, 21n, 266n, 269n,
334, 335n, 354n, 456n, 457n, 549n, 564n, 663n
- Buddhist crisis, U.N. investigation of, 438
- Countercoup operations, 36n, 39n
- Counterinsurgency operations, 438, 607n
- Coup against Diem, 507n, 522n, 552n
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for, 40n, 431n, 433n, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 488n, 503n
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward, 14n
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Johnson-Lodge meeting, 635
- McNamara-Taylor mission, 281
- Minh, Harkins assessment of, 274n
- Neutral solution for Vietnam, 389, 695n, 710
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 571n
- Richardson’s transfer from Vietnam, 364–365
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 350
- Barnett, Robert W., 116, 290n
- Belair, Felix, 692–693
- Bell, David E., 161, 170, 217, 351, 357, 359, 540n, 541n
- Bemau, Phyllis D., 12n, 61n, 176n, 240n, 264n, 520n
- Berry, Lt. Col. Sidney, Jr., 284
- Blake, Lt. Gen. Gordon A., 505, 506, 511, 512, 545
- Bohlen, Charles E., 388, 389, 565, 568–569
- Bowles, Chester A., 114
- Breckon, M. Lyall, 651–652
- Brent, Joseph L., 206, 305, 379n, 540, 541
- Economic situation in Vietnam, 613–616
- Broomfield, William S., 378n
- Bruce, David K. E., 693–694
- Buddhist crisis:
- Buu Hoi’s assessment of, 333, 348, 349
- CIA assessment of, 147
- Communist influences, 194–195, 199
- Communist insurgency and, 320
- Concessions by government, 412
- Counterinsurgency operations, impact on, 247–248
- Diem’s assessment of; 18–19, 112, 319–320
- Government propaganda re, 142
- Military’s attitude toward, 154–158
- Minh’s assessment of, 327
- Negotiations to resolve, 75, 77
- Nhu’s assessment of, 126–127, 258
- Pagodas, raids on, 19, 147
- Political aspects, 186–187, 294
- Popular attitude toward government response, 293–294
- Provisional govemment and, 615, 681
- Reduction of tensions, 58
- Religious war, possible, 245
- Sanctuary for bonzes at U.S. Embassy, 125, 136–137, 519n, 548
- Suicides, 400
- Thuc’s role in, 348
- U.N. consideration of. See Buddhist crisis under United Nations.
- U.S. demands for ending, 376
- U.S. involvement, alleged, 416, 516
- Buffum, William B., 331n
- Bui Diem, 453, 456–457, 463, 503
- Bui Dinh Dam, Col., 509
- Bui Van Luong, 124, 140, 507, 598
- Bui Van Tinh, 238
- Bunce, William K., 269n
- Bundy, McGeorge, 12, 53, 64n, 68, 86n, 89n, 90n, 92n, 124n, 149n, 194n, 241n, 266n, 354n, 356, 358n, 368, 398n, 456n, 457n,
549n, 550n, 557n, 579n
- Buddhist crisis:
- Countercoup operations, 36n, 39n
- Counterinsurgency operations, 500, 607n
- Coup against Diem, 507n, 518, 519n, 522n, 523n, 552n
- Coup against Diem, Generals’ plan for, 40n, 431n, 433n, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 488n, 503n
- Coup against Diem, U.S.
policy toward, 14n
- Assurances of support for Generals, 28
- Contacts with alternative leaders, 379
- Contacts with Generals, 429, 430, 437
- Deniability concerns, 379, 429
- Instructions to Lodge (Oct. 29), 473–475, 484n, 499n, 500–502
- Meetings in Washington (Oct. 29), 465n, 468, 471
- “Not thwart Generals’ plan” policy, 367n
- Pros and cons of supporting coup, 3, 5
- Suspension of aid to encourage acoup, 29, 176, 556
- Suspension of coup, option for, 35n, 437
- U.S. forces, possible use of, 249n
- White House control of all communications, 467
- Government of Diem and Nhu:
- Govemmental reform in Vietnam:
- Congressional demands for, 192
- Evacuation of U.S. dependents and, 187, 192, 193
- Kennedy’s letter to Diem re, 287n
- Pressure on Diem, U.S. policy for, 187, 188, 189, 191, 199, 200, 201, 235, 252n
- Structure and composition of government, 308n
- Suspension of aid to Diem regime, 118, 174, 189, 290n
- U.S. disassociation from Nhu, 189
- U.S. negotiations with Diem, 75–76, 95–96, 108n, 110n, 120, 128n
- U.S. package of sanctions and demands, 371n, 437n, 496n
- Harkins, media attacks on, 593, 594
- Honolulu meeting, 608n, 623, 624
- Kennedy’s television interview, 81–83
- Krulak-Mendenhall mission, 146, 163
- Lodge, assessment of, 625
- Lodge-Harkins relationship, 479n
- Lodge’s resignation, 692–693
- Lodge’s U.S. visit at end of October, proposed, 397n
- Madame Nhu, silencing of, 191, 192
- McNamara-Taylor mission:
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 702n
- Media coverage of Vietnam, 216–217, 593, 594
- Minh, Harkins, assessment of, 274n
- Neutral solution for Vietnam:
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 28, 30, 31
- Provisional government of Vietnam, U.S. recognition of, 525n, 536n, 555–556, 565n
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 571n
- Strategic hamlet program, 623
- U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission, selection of, 665–666, 693–694
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 175
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 387
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Bundy, William P., 356, 358n
- Counterinsurgency operations, 607n
- Coup against Diem, 507n, 523n
- Coup against Diem, Generals’ plan for, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 488n, 503n
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward:
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Honolulu meeting, 615, 620
- McNamara-Taylor mission, 265–266, 284, 285, 286, 293n
- Neutral solution for Vietnam, 695n
- Provisional government of Vietnam, U.S. recognition of, 525n
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, Lodge’s plan for neutralization of, 656n
- Burchett, Wilfred, 85n, 296
- Burma, 210
- Buu Hoi, 18–19
- Cambodia, 91, 210
- Cameron, Ronald Brooks, 378n
- Can. See Ngo Dinh Can.
- Can Lao party, 223, 253, 264, 482–484
- Cao. See Huynh Van Cao, Brig. Gen.
- Cao Dai sect, 597, 612, 680, 717, 733, 736–737
- Cao Van Vien, Col., 45, 506
- Cao Xuan Vy, 545
- Carlson, Frank, 391
- Carroll, Lt. Gen. Joseph E, 707
- Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S., 1, 12, 26, 55, 70, 84n, 95, 100, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 484n, 488n, 500n, 503n, 507n
- Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. (CIA),
- Buddhist crisis, 400
- Communist insurgency:
- Countercoup operations, arrests of Generals, possible, 36–37, 39
- Counterinsurgency operations:
- Coup against Diem:
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for:
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward:
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Harkins, replacement of, 602–603
- Lodge assassination threats, 399
- Media coverage of Vietnam, assessment of, 278
- Nhu interview, report on, 124–127
- Nhu’s attempts to deal with DRV, 89–90
- Nhu’s meetings with Generals, 90–92
- Provisional government of Vietnam, assessment of, 648–649, 680–681, 711–713
- Richardson’s transfer from Vietnam, 205, 364–365, 384
- Station Chief in Vietnam, selection of, 651n
- U.S. policy in Vietnam and, 390–391
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, U.S. covert operations against, 699
- Chase, Gordon, 555
- Chiang Kai-shek, 186
- Chieu. See Pham Xuan Chieu.
- Chieu Hoi. See Amnesty (Chieu Hoi) programs.
- China, People’s Republic of, 85, 186
- Chuong. See Tran Van Chuong.
- Church, Frank, 129, 141n, 166–169, 258, 391
- CINCPAC (see also Felt, Adm. Harry D.), candidates for, 633
- Civil Guard, Vietnamese, 138–139, 621
- Civilian Irregular Defense Group (CIDG) program, 683
- Cleveland, Harlan, 333, 335–336
- Clifton, Maj. Gen. Chester V., 1, 9n, 26, 35n, 81n, 95n, 100, 161, 356, 387
- Cline, Ray S., 295n
- Colby, William, 70, 100, 117, 169, 188, 189, 199, 217, 516n
[Page 763]
- Cambodian sanctuaries, actions against, 701
- Countercoup operations, 55
- Coup against Diem, 1, 6–7, 431n, 433n, 468, 519
- Honolulu meeting, 624
- Madame Nhu, U.S. campaign against, 591
- McNamara-Taylor mission, 284, 285, 286, 339n
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 703
- Nhu and, 517 Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 54
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 684
- Commodity Import Program:
- Communist insurgency:
- Anti-aircraft capability, 648, 686, 709
- Buddhist crisis and, 320
- Cambodian sanctuaries, 439–440
- Casualties, 708
- CIA assessment of, 647–648, 681–682, 683–684
- Combat hamlets, 644–645
- Coup against Diem and, 523, 530, 544, 554
- Defections from, 100–101, 316
- Defections of South Vietnamese to, 245, 247, 248
- Demoralization within, 85
- Felt’s assessment of, 664
- Food supplies, 709
- Improved combat-effectiveness, 707–710
- Increased activity, 99, 419, 635–636, 648, 653, 659, 681–682, 683–684, 712
- Infiltration into Vietnam, 246, 324
- Intelligence system, 709
- Larger units, use of, 314–315
- Manpower, sources of, 708, 741–742
- Popular attitude toward, 271, 322–323
- Quasi-governmental activities, 642–645, 749–752
- Successes of, 291, 647–648, 722, 733
- Troop strength, 682, 741
- Weaponry, 682, 737, 742
- Communist surrender program. See Amnesty (Chieu Hoi) Program.
- Conein, Col. Lucien, 42, 79, 87, 240, 560
- Congress, U.S.:
- Conlon, Thomas F, 588n, 710n, 719n
- Cooper, Chester L., 217, 555, 680–684
- Cottrell, Sterling J., 704
- Countercoup operations:
- Counterinsurgency operations (see also
Strategic hamlet program; U.S. military assistance to Vietnam; U.S.
military involvement in Vietnam):
- Border security and surveillance, 606–607, 653, 661, 664–665, 702, 729–730
- Buddhist crisis, impact of, 247–248
- Cambodian sanctuaries, actions against, 439–440, 674–675, 701
- Chuong’s assessment of, 268–269
- CIA assessment of, 682–683
- “Clear and hold” operations, 677
- Command systems, 535, 549
- Coup against Diem and, 544, 554, 566–567, 575, 684
- Covert operations against DRV, 699, 702, 724–725, 729, 734
- Crop destruction and defoliation, 314, 448–449
- Deterioration of military effort, 422, 737
- Financial concerns, 621–622
- 500-pound bombs for, 316–317
- Government instability, impact of, 117–118
- Government of Diem and Nhu and, 145
- Governmental reform in Vietnam and, 179
- Harkins’ assessment of, 266–268, 612–613
- Helicopter attacks, 156
- Improvements demanded by U.S., 369–370, 375–376, 438
- Improvements in military posture, U.S. plan for, 677–678
- Intelligence operations, 676
- Intensification in critical provinces, 702, 703
- Kill ratios, 720
- Krulak’s assessment of, 154, 156, 158
- Laos, operations in, 639, 667–668, 699–700, 702, 724–725, 729, 734
- “Leadership by military leaders” issue, 722–723
- Lodge’s assessment of, 421–423
- Long An Province situation, 687–689, 714–715, 723
- “Losing military war” issue, 162–163, 164–166, 248–249, 260–261
- Martial law and, 9
- McCone’s assessment of, 738
- McNamara-Taylor mission recommendations, 337–339
- Media coverage of, 216–217
- Mekong Delta situation, 138–139, 165, 245–246, 422, 431, 667, 683, 722
- Minh’s assessment of, 272–273
- “Oil spot” type operations, 646
- Operational intensity level, 653, 660
- Sects, recruitment of, 597, 606, 646, 680, 717, 733, 736–737
- Summary reports, 98–99, 629–630
- Taylor’s assessment of, 328–330
- Training for Vietnamese, 338
- Waterways control, 725, 730, 734
- Coup against Diem
(see also Countercoup
operations; Coup against Diem, Generals plan for; Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward):
- Assassination of Diem and Nhu, 556
- Communist insurgency and, 523, 530, 544, 554
- Comparative forces lineup, 475–476, 508–510, 522
- Congress informed of, 520–521, 573
- Counterinsurgency operations and, 544, 554, 566–567, 575, 684
- Diem-Lodge conversation, 513–514
- Diem’s surrender, 525n
- Discussions in Washington re, 518, 519n
- Initiation of, 505
- Johnson’s assessment of, 636
- Lodge’s assessment of, 561–562
- McNamara-Taylor mission assessment of coup possibility, 343–344
- Media speculation about, 25–26
- Middle-grade officers’ plan, 282, 367
- Military commanders support of coup, 529–530
- Minh’s assessment of, 564
- Negotiations between Diem and Generals, 506, 507, 511, 512–513
- Oct. 26 attempt, cancellation of, 423–424n, 427
- Palace, attacks on, 511, 514, 522, 523, 534
- Performance of military personnel, 534–535
- Popular response, 526, 528–529, 543, 552–553, 556
- Prisoners taken, 506, 507
- Proclamation by Generals, 512
- Prof. “Smith’s” predictions, 293–295
- Propaganda efforts by Generals, 521
- Spontaneous coup, possible, 343–344
- Telegram for Lodge from unknown person, 1, 7
- Thai’s endorsement of, 114–115
- Thao’s attempt, possible, 428–429, 451, 453
- Times of Vietnam reports on, 123, 124
- U.S. foreign policy, implication for, 577–578
- U.S. guidance for Generals, 524
- U.S. nationals, threat to, 530, 544, 553–554
- U.S. role:
- Coup against Diem,
Generals plan for, 219
- Civilian involvement, 453, 457, 458–459, 462–463, 488–489, 492
- Dinh’s participation, 451, 453
- Dissident elements’ support for, 477, 503–504
- Government, plans for, 250–251, 489–490, 493
- Harkins’ assessment of, 23, 481–482
- Implementation of. See Coup against Diem.
- Inertia of Generals, 38, 400–401
- Interim planning, 273, 291–292
- Leadership group, 240, 420, 460–461, 492
- Lodge-Don meeting, 449
- Loyalties of units and commanders, 43-48
- CIA assessment of, 468
- McNamara-Taylor mission assessment of, 343
- Oct. 26 attempt, cancellation of, 423–424n, 427
- Positioning of military units, 461–462
- Postponement of coup (Aug. 31), 64–67, 86–88
- Security concerns, 456
- Stalemate, possible, 488
- Strategy meetings of Generals, 40–41
- Success, chances of:
- Thuan and, 138
- Troops’ support for, 273
- Units participating in coup, 2, 451–452
- U.S. involvement, avoidance of, 449, 450
- U.S. knowledge of various aspects, 491–493
- U.S. military, Generals contacts with, 419–420, 427, 431–432, 433
- U.S. policy toward. See Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward.
- U.S. to be provided with final plans before commencement of coup, 28, 29, 424n, 434, 435, 450–451, 455
- U.S. updated on planning progress, 39, 42, 291–292, 354–355, 365–367, 420, 450–452, 456–459
- Coup against Diem,
U.S. policy toward:
- Active encouragement of coup, 56, 261
- Assistance for Generals, 4–5, 8, 16, 22, 487
- Assurances of support for Generals, 21–22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 32, 42, 56, 65–66, 70–71, 79–80
- Contacts with alternative leaders, 379
- Contacts with Generals, 102–103, 106, 429, 430–431, 437
- Contingency planning, 49–52, 55–56
- Coordination between Saigon and Washington, 12–14, 17
- Covert operations, 30, 150–153
- Deniability concerns, 379, 393, 429, 435
- “Diem as best leader” issue, 6, 8–9
- Evacuation planning, 1–2, 7–8, 29, 32, 464
- Harkins’ meetings with Generals, 64–67
- Harkins’ position, 3, 11–15, 17, 22, 23–25
- Inertia of Generals, concerns re, 38, 53, 55–56, 63
- Instructions to Lodge (Oct. 29), 473–476
- Lansdale’s involvement, 205–206, 240–241
- Lodge’s authority over U.S. operations, 30, 460
- Meetings in Washington (Oct. 29), 468–473
- Military movements, 460, 464, 475
- “Not thwart Generals plan” policy, 393, 427, 464
- Propertied class, common cause with, 357–358
- Pros and cons of supporting coup, meetings on, 1–9, 468–473
- Public posture once coup is in progress, 465, 475, 502
- Suspension of aid to encourage a coup, 21, 28–30, 32–33, 176, 282–283, 556
- Suspension of coup, option for, 15–16, 22, 35–36, 437
- U.S. forces, possible use of, 29, 62, 165–166, 249–251
- U.S. military, Generals contacts with, 433n
- White House control of all communications, 467
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 388–390 Cronkite, Walter, 82, 93–95
- Crop destruction program:
- Cuu, 258, 263
- Dam Sy Hien, 399
- Dang Due Khoi, Lt. Col., 44
- Dang Van Sung, 453, 462–463, 488–490, 503
- Dao, Maj., 606
- Davis, Richard H., 59
- De Buzon, Gen., 601n
- De Gaulle, Charles:
- De la Boissiere, 409
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), 582
- Defoliant operations:
- Diem. See Ngo Dinh Diem.
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 4, 13, 26, 53, 100, 191, 217, 358n
- Dingeman, Maj. James W., 705
- Dinh. See Ton That Dinh, Maj. Gen.
- Dinh Thanh Bieh, Capt., 399
- Dinh Van Phat, Lt. Col., 315, 544
- Dirksen, Everett M., 167
- Do Cao Tri, Maj. Gen., 126, 147, 158, 247, 451, 461, 512, 562, 712
- Do Hai, Capt., 533
- Do Khac Mai, Lt. Col., 509–510, 543
- Do Mau, Col., 558
- Do Vang Ly, 18, 55n, 731
- Don. See Tran Van Don, Maj. Gen.
- D’Orlandi, Giovanni, 125, 140, 261n, 590, 656
- Du Phuoc Long, 503–504
- Dungan, Ralph, 175, 518, 593
- Duong Ngoc Lam, Col., 512, 529
- Duong Van Hieu, 399
- Duong Van Minh, Maj. Gen., 11,
91, 532
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam, reorganization of, 604–605
- Arrest of, possible, 36, 37
- Buddhist crisis, 327
- Cambodian neutrality issue, 697, 718
- Chief of State position, attitude toward, 717
- Counterinsurgency operations, 272–273
- Coup against Diem, 420, 451, 460, 492
- Don and, 65
- Government post under Diem, U.S. proposal for, 309
- Harkins’ assessment of, 274–275
- Inaugural address, 748
- Johnson’s letter to, 745–747
- Leadership qualities, 606–607
- Lodge, meeting with, 645–647
- Martial law, 273
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 716–719
- Ngo Dinh family, disposition following coup, 560
- Nhu’s attempts to deal with DRV, 239
- Popularity of, 545
- Province chiefs, reorientation of, 605–606
- Provisional government of Vietnam, 543
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces:
- Security for, 23
- Self Defense Corps, 718–719
- Strategic hamlet program, overhaul of, 597, 598, 604, 645–646
- Student protest movement, 273, 327
- Taylor, meeting with, 326–327
- Dutton, Frederick G., 167, 390–392
- Economic situation in Vietnam (see also Commodity Import Program):
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 692–693
- Elections in Vietnam, 253, 263, 303–305
- Diem’s assessment of, 314
- Evacuation of u.s. dependents. See under Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward; Governmental reform in Vietnam.
- Felt, Adm. Harry D., 63n, 64n, 66, 76n, 78n, 80, 84, 104n, 107, 108n, 109, 128n, 131, 137, 140, 194n, 195n, 203, 208, 222n, 225, 258, 274, 379n, 403, 409, 414, 424, 431n, 437n, 442, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 473n, 475n, 477n, 479n, 481, 484n, 488n, 496, 500n, 503n, 507n, 514–515, 535n, 549n, 564, 689n
- Ferguson, John, 693
- Flott, Frederick W., 311
- Forrestal, Michael V., 1, 12, 26, 53, 63n, 70, 76n, 161, 171, 185, 190, 199, 217, 269n, 356, 358n, 370, 398n
- Buddhist crisis, U.N. investigation of, 415
- Counterinsurgency operations:
- Coup against Diem, 518, 519n
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward:
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Harkins, media attacks on, 593, 594, 600n
- Honolulu meeting, 593–594, 608n
- International conference issue, 595
- Johnson’s letter to Minh, 745n
- Kennedy’s television interview, 81
- Lodge’s resignation, 693
- Madame Nhu:
- McNamara-Taylor mission, 284, 285,
- Diem’s perception of as sign of U.S. support, 256
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 700
- Media coverage of Vietnam, 216–217, 593, 594, 600n
- Neutral solution for Vietnam, 100, 601, 695n
- Special Group for Counterinsurgency, 704, 705
- Strategic hamlet program, 698–699
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam:
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 175
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, U.S. covert operations against, 699
- Vietnam visit, 698n
- Fraleigh, Albert S., 617, 622
- France (See also Neutral solution for Vietnam):
- Frelinghuysen, Peter H. B., 379n
- Friendly, Al, 283
- Fulbright, J. William, 351, 391, 520–521
- Galbraith, John Kenneth, 176
- Giang, 578–579
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., 1, 12, 69, 86n, 89n, 90n, 92n, 100, 117, 12n, 161, 169, 199, 217, 220n, 354n, 356, 358n, 456n, 457n, 557n
- Countercoup operations, 36n, 39n
- Counterinsurgency operations, 607n
- Coup against Diem, 507n
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for, 40n, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 488, 503
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward, 14
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 27
- Special Group for Counterinsurgency, 704
- Goburdhun, 125, 258
- Gore, Albert, 391
- Government of Diem
and Nhu:
- Bureaucracy’s attitude toward, 144–145
- Counterinsurgency operations and, 145
- Military’s attitude toward, 117, 118, 119, 130
- Popular attitude toward, 71–72, 73–74, 130
- Prof. “Smith,s” comments on, 293–295
- Thuan’s assessment of, 137–140
- Totalitarian measures, 294, 301, 302, 357–358, 392, 399–400, 402, 412, 494
- U.S. fact-finding mission re See Krulak-Mendenhall mission.
- World opinion on, 210–211
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Bureaucrats support for, 301–303
- Buu Hoi’s recommendations, 333–334, 348–349
- Chuong’s position, 268–269
- CIA proposal for, 201–202
- Congressional demands for, 113, 129n, 141n, 258
- Counterinsurgency operations and, 179
- Diem’s acquiescence to, 517
- Diem’s resistance to, 317–321, 398–399, 559–560
- Evacuation of U.S. dependents and, 173, 187, 192–193, 194, 200, 227
- Failure, consequences of, 117
- Generals in cabinet positions, 64, 66, 127, 239, 291–292, 355, 400
- Generals support for, 92
- Kennedy’s endorsement of, 93–94
- Kennedy’s letter to Diem, 192, 200, 231–234, 287–290
- Lodge-Diem meetings re, 140–143, 437–439, 441–446
- Lodge-Nhu meeting re, 84–85
- McNamara-Taylor mission meeting with Diem re, 317–321
- McNamara-Taylor mission recommendation, 338–339, 340–343
- Mecklin’s position, 149–150
- Political Consultative Council, proposed, 309, 310
- Political pressure weapons of U.S., 180–181
- Pressure on Diem, U.S.
policy for (see also U.S.
package of sanctions and demands
- Discussions in Washington re, 185–193, 199–201
- Hilsman’s proposal for, 221–222, 225–230
- Instructions for Lodge, 195–198, 202, 251, 252–254
- Krulak’s assessment of, 242–243
- Lodge’s assessment of, 203, 260–264, 265
- McNamara-Taylor mission assessment of, 345–346
- Presidential decision on, 235–236, 252–254
- Publicity re, 254
- Prime Ministership, creation of, 84
- Propaganda efforts by U.S., 300–301, 342, 359
- Psychological efforts by U.S., 340
- Reconciliation policy of U.S., 181–183, 219–220, 235–236
- Structure and composition of government, U.S. proposals for, 308–310
- Suspension of aid to Diem regime (see also
Congressional demands for
above), 104, 116, 118,
141, 152, 163, 164, 196, 357
- Backup distribution system, 189
- Cash resources for direct aid to provinces, 276, 307
- Control of suspensions given to Lodge, 215–216, 252–253
- Diem’s concerns re, 414, 515
- Diem’s response, U.S. speculation re, 356–357
- Hilsman’s proposal, 228, 229–230
- Impacts of suspensions, 306, 307, 368–369, 400, 403
- Lodge’s proposal, 108, 171–174, 176
- McNamara-Taylor mission recommendations, 338, 340–341
- Negative consequences, possible, 186, 363–364
- Programs to be affected, 261–262, 271–272, 275–277, 290–291, 299, 306–308, 340–341, 360–363, 373
- Resumption of aid, conditions for, 477–479, 482–484
- Supporting analysis re, 360–364
- Time needed for effectiveness, 305–306
- U.S. public statements on, 306, 351
- Suspension of paramilitary assistance, 341–342
- Tho’s position, 321–322
- Thuan’s position, 301–303
- U.S. disassociation from Nhu, 189
- U.S. negotiations with Diem:
- U.S. objectives, 177–180
- U.S. package of sanctions and demands (see also
Suspension of aid to Diem regime
- Congressional inquiries re, 378, 430, 446
- Development of, 345–346, 350–354, 356–357, 358–359
- Effects of, 576–578
- “Explosion” resulting from, McCone’s warning, 406–407
- Harkins’s assessment of, 481
- Instructions for Lodge, 371–379
- Lodge’s assessment of, 383, 385–386
- Lodge’s progress reports, 396–397, 401–403, 409–413, 423–424, 493–495, 575–578
- Lodge’s reports, Harkins’ contributions to, 496–498
- Military actions. See Improvements demanded by U.S. under Counterinsurgency operations.
- Political actions, 376–377, 385–386
- Presentation to Diem, 369–370, 374–375, 437–439, 441–446
- Public statements on, 370, 371, 378, 384
- Supporting analysis re, 360–364
- U.S. Vietnamese relations, 377
- Green, Marshall, 266
- Greene, Graham, 402
- Gregory, Ann, 123n, 124, 548
- Ha Van Vuong, 557
- Halberstam, David, 102, 112, 216, 218, 237, 277–278, 364, 444n, 593, 600n
- Hannah, Norman B., 538n, 704–705
- Harbin, William A., 749n
- Harkins, Betty, 523
- Harkins, Gen. Paul
- Buddhist crisis, 194–195
- Communist insurgency:
- Congressional attitude toward, 447
- Counterinsurgency operations:
- Assessment of, 266–268, 612–613
- Border security and surveillance, 661
- Cambodian sanctuaries, actions against, 439–440
- Command systems, 535, 549
- Coup against Diem and, 566–567, 575
- 500-pound bombs for, 317
- Government instability, impact of, 117–118
- Improvements demanded by U.S., 496–498, 500
- Mekong Delta situation, 431
- Operational intensity level, 660
- Summary reports, 99
- Country Team role, 381–382
- Coup against Diem, 505
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for, 24
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward:
- Diem-Harkins contact on military matters, 86
- Generals attitude toward, 593, 594, 600, 602
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Honolulu meeting, 612–613, 616–617, 618, 624
- Krulak-Mendenhall mission:
- Lodge, communication with, 455–456, 479–481, 732–733
- McNamara-Taylor mission, Diem’s meeting with, 311, 315, 317
- Media attacks on, 593, 594, 600
- Minh, assessment of, 274–275
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 10–11, 23–24, 25, 214
- Provisional government of Vietnam, 531
- Public works program, Vietnamese, 315
- Replacement, CIA assessment of, 602–603
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces:
- Strategic hamlet program:
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 652–653
- Harriman, W. Averell, 26, 64n, 69, 89n, 90n, 92n, 124n, 161, 190, 194n,
209, 266n, 269n, 335n, 356, 358n, 368, 456n, 457n, 549n,
564n, 663n
- Cambodian neutrality issue, 661
- Communist insurgency, 741
- Countercoup operations, 36n, 39n
- Counterinsurgency operations, 607n
- Coup against Diem, 507n, 519n, 522n, 523n, 552n
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for, 40n, 431n, 433n, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 488n, 503n
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward, 14n, 212n
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- International conference on Vietnam, proposed, 706n
- Krulak-Mendenhall mission, 146
- Lodge, meetings with, 633, 634, 665n
- Lodge assassination threats, 394, 395n
- Madame Nhu’s U.S. visit, 283
- McNamara-Taylor mission, 251, 256
- Minh, Harkins’ assessment of, 274n
- Neutral solution for Vietnam:
- Provisional government of Vietnam:
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 571n
- Special Group for Counterinsurgency, 704
- United Nations, political proposals re Vietnam, 331, 332n
- U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission, selection of, 665–666
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, Lodge’s plan for neutralization of, 634, 656
- Helble, John J., 130, 562–563
- Helms, Richard, 1, 7, 12, 64n, 70, 117, 266n, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 484n, 488n, 500n, 503n, 507n, 549n, 564n, 663n
- Henderson, Greg, 236
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 390–391, 586
- Hien. See Nguyen Huu Hien, Col.
- Higgins, Marguerite, 119, 168, 551, 560n
- Hightower, 103–104
- Hilsman, Roger, Jr., 2, 6–7, 12, 15n, 18, 26n, 32n, 33n, 63n, 64n, 78n, 85n, 86n, 89n, 90n, 92n, 117, 124n, 144, 194n, 266n, 335, 356, 358n, 406, 456n, 549n, 550n,
564n, 663n, 666
- Buu Hoi, meeting with, 332–334
- Cambodian neutrality issue, 641
- Congressional hearings on Vietnam, 113
- Countercoup operations, 36n, 39n, 49–52
- Counterinsurgency operations, 607n
- Coup against Diem, 507n, 519n, 522n, 523n, 552n
- Coup against Diem,
Generals plan for, 40n, 419n, 431n, 433n, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 488n, 503n
- U.S. knowledge of various aspects, 491
- Coup against Diem, U.S.
policy toward, 14n, 212n
- Active encouragement of coup, 56
- Assistance for Generals, 4, 8
- Assurances of support for Generals,
- 28, 56, 71, 79
- Contacts with Generals, 103, 106n
- Coordination between Saigon and Washington, 17n
- Covert operations, 30
- “Diem as best leader” issue, 9
- Instructions to Lodge (Oct. 29), 473n, 475n, 484n, 500n
- Meetings in Washington (Oct. 29), 459, 472
- “Not thwart Generals plan” policy, 367n
- Propertied class, common cause with, 357
- Pros and cons of supporting coup, 4, 5, 6
- Suspension of aid to encourage a coup, 282–283
- U.S. forces, possible use of, 29
- Economic situation in Vietnam, 720
- Government of Diem and Nhu, popular attitude toward, 71–72, 269–271
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Congressional demands for, 166–169
- Evacuation of U.S. dependents and, 200
- Kennedy’s letter to Diem, 231n, 287n
- Political pressure weapons of U.S., 180–181
- Pressure on Diem, U.S. policy for, 188–189, 190, 195n, 196n, 221–222, 225–230, 236, 251, 265
- Reconciliation policy of U.S., 219–220, 221–225
- Structure and composition of government , 308n
- Suspension of aid to Diem regime, 116, 118, 275n, 290n
- U.S. disassociation from Nhu, 189
- U.S. negotiations with Diem, 71–72, 75–76, 95, 97–98, 104n, 108n, 110n, 128n
- U.S. package of sanctions and demands, 371n
- International conference on Vietnam, proposed, 706n
- Johnson’s letter to Minh, 745n
- Kennedy’s television interview, 81
- Krulak-Mendenhall mission:
- Lodge, meeting with, 632–634
- Madame Nhu’s U.S. visit, 387
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 702n
- Minh, Harkins’ assessment of, 274n
- Neutral solution for Vietnam:
- Ngo Dinh family, disposition following coup, 560n
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 31, 54, 135, 334
- Provisional government of Vietnam:
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 571n
- Richardson’s transfer from Vietnam, 364n
- Strategic hamlet program, 642
- Tri Quang, exile for, 218
- United Nations, political proposals re Vietnam, 331–332
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam:
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 193
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 407, 640–641
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Ho Chi Minh, 60, 85, 296, 388, 642
- Ho Tan Quyen, Capt., 46, 506, 522
- Ho Tieu, Maj., 507
- Hoa Hao sect, 597, 606, 612, 646, 680, 717, 733, 736–737
- Hoang Van Lac, Col., 138, 163, 214, 246
- Hodges, 515
- Honolulu meeting:
- Hughes, Thomas L., 456n
- Huynh Van Cao, Brig. Gen., 48, 91, 138–139, 155, 550
- Huynh Van Lang, 40, 428, 558, 713
- Imhof, Johannes V., 59, 388, 565n
- India, 211
- International conference on Cambodia. See Neutrality issue under Cambodia.
- International conference on Vietnam.. proposed, 592–593, 595, 599–600, 706
- International Control Commission (ICC), 408–409, 655
- Janow, Seymour J., 116, 169, 189, 190, 217, 275n, 290n, 356, 358n, 540n, 541n, 620
- Japan, 622
- John XXIII, Pope, 348
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 1, 13, 53, 68, 368, 698
- CIA Station Chief, selection of, 651n
- Counterinsurgency operations, 419
- Coup against Diem, assessment of, 636
- Governmental reform in Vietnam, 74, 95
- Lodge, letter of support to, 744
- Lodge, meeting with, 627–631, 635–637
- Lodge’s resignation, 692
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 690
- Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, officers assigned to, 651, 679
- Minh, letter to, 745–747
- Neutral solution for Vietnam, 746
- Presidency, 627
- Provisional government of Vietnam, U.S. “braintrust” for, 650
- Social reforms in Vietnam, attitude toward, 636–637
- Truce in Vietnam, proposal for, 691
- U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission, selection of, 650, 693
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam, military man as Ambassador and military commander, 739
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 269n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) (see also Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D.), 119, 379n
- Joint Committee on Economic Policy, 667
- Jones, Col. Raymond, 326, 327n, 419–420
- Jorden, William, 687, 741–743, 753–758
- Karydakis, Mabel, 116n
- Kattenburg, Paul M., 18, 133n, 269n, 332n, 437n
- Kaysen, Carl, 175, 720
- Kennedy, John F, 32n, 33n, 66n, 398n
- Assassination, 627, 648
- Countercoup operations, 39n
- Counterinsurgency operations:
- Coup against Diem, 519n
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for, 43
- Coup against Diem, U.S.
policy toward:
- Assistance for Generals, 4, 8
- Assurances of support for Generals, 28
- Contacts with alternative leaders, 379
- Contacts with Generals, 103
- Coordination between Saigon and Washington, 12–14, 17
- Covert operations, 30
- “Diem as best leader” issue, 8
- Evacuation planning, 8, 29
- Harkins’ position, 13, 17
- Meetings in Washington (Oct. 29), 468, 469, 470, 471, 472–473
- Pros and cons of supporting coup, 2, 3, 4, 5
- Suspension of aid to encourage a coup, 28, 30
- Suspension of coup, option for, 35–36, 437
- U.S. forces, possible use of, 29, 62
- White House control of all communi-cations, 467
- Diem, letter to, 192, 200, 231–234, 287–290
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Congressional demands re, 166, 167, 192
- Endorsement of, 93–94
- Pressure on Diem, U.S. policy for, 191, 192, 193, 252, 254, 260, 262
- Suspension of aid to Diem regime, 104, 116, 271, 351, 368–369
- U.S. negotiations with Diem, 78, 95, 97, 120, 121, 128n
- U.S. package of sanctions and demands, 369, 371, 396, 423, 493, 575
- Krulak-Mendenhall mission:
- Lodge, congratulations for, 579–580
- Lodge’s appointment as Ambassador, 94–95
- Lodge’s U.S. visit at end of October, proposed, 397n
- Madame Nhu:
- McNamara-Taylor mission, 254
- Media coverage of Vietnam:
- Minh, Harkins’ assessment of, 274n
- Neutral solution for Vietnam, 81, 83, 94, 100, 389
- Nhu’s attempts to deal with DRV, 111
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 38n, 135
- Richardson’s transfer from Vietnam, 364n
- Strategic hamlet program, 237, 277
- Television interview, 78, 93–95
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 351
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Kennedy, Robert E, 13, 100, 118, 119, 161, 190, 199
- Kent, Col. J.R., 758
- Khang. See Le Nguyen Khang, Lt. Col.
- Khanh. See Nguyen Khanh, Maj. Gen.
- Khiem. See Tran Thien Khiem, Gen.
- Khuong. See Nguyen Khuong, Col.
- Kim. See Le Van Kim, Brig. Gen.
- Kleiman, Bob, 594–595
- Komer, Robert W., 146
- Korea, Republic of, 236
- Koren, Henry L. 1:, 130n, 358n, 523n, 527n, 565n, 593, 684, 695n, 719n
- Krulak, Maj. Gen. Victor H. (see also
mission), 1, 7–8, 14n, 26n, 53, 63n, 64n, 69, 89n, 90n, 92n, 100, 124n
169, 185, 190, 201, 220, 269n, 356, 456n, 457n, 583
- Buddhist crisis, 194
- Congressional visit to Vietnam, 446–447
- Countercoup operations, 36n, 39n
- Counterinsurgency operations, 607n, 653n
- Coup against Diem, 507n, 519
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for, 40n, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 488n, 503n
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward:
- Governmental reform in Vietnam, 235–236
- Lodge-Harkins relationship, 479n
- McNamara-Taylor mission, 284, 285
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 703, 721–727
- Media coverage of Vietnam, 216
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 214
- Special Group for Counterinsurgency, 704
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 684, 685n
- Krulak-Mendenhall mission:
- Ky. See Nguyen Cao Ky, Lt. Col.
- La. See Nguyen Van La, Gen.
- Lac. See Hoang Van Lac, Col.
- Lalouette, Roger, 58–59, 67, 89, 111n, 240, 326
- Lam. See Pham Dang Lam.
- Lansdale, Maj. Gen. Edward G., 163, 205, 241, 757
- Laos, 60
- Lausche, Frank, 111, 129, 141n, 391
- Le Nguyen Khang, Lt. Col., 45, 159, 428, 506, 508, 512
- Le Quang Trieu, Maj., 424–425
- Le Quang Tung, Col., 7, 19, 41, 45, 164, 188, 230, 292, 341, 570
- Le Thanh Nhut, Maj., 315
- Le Van Dong, 557
- Le Van Kim, Brig.
Gen., 42, 90, 355
- Arrest of, possible, 36–37
- Cambodia, 646
- Counterinsurgency operations, 607
- Coup against Diem, 420, 451, 461, 492, 512
- Diem-Nhu relationship, 213
- Government post under Diem, U.S. proposal for, 309
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 716
- Provisional government of Vietnam, 553
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, unity of commanders, 547
- Tri Quang, release from U.S. Embassy, 548
- Le Van Nghiem, Brig. Gen., 90, 144, 239, 247, 420, 544, 553, 570
- Leatherman, Mildred, 204n, 251n, 256n, 430n
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis, 194n, 535n
- Lippmann, Walter, 100, 695, 731
- Lockhart, Frank P., 706n
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 206, 209
- Agricultural situation in Vietnam, 622
- Ambassadorship, desire for, 94–95
- Assassination threats against, 394–395, 399, 443, 517
- Buddhist crisis:
- Bundy’s assessment of, 625
- Cambodian neutrality issue, 654–655, 661–663, 697–698
- Commodity Import Program:
- Communist insurgency, 323
- Congressional attitude toward, 447
- Congressional hearings on Vietnam, 113
- Countercoup operations, 68
- Counterinsurgency operations:
- Country Team role, 382
- Coup against Diem, 505
- Coup against Diem,
Generals plan for, 273
- Bui Diem, meeting with, 456–457
- Civilian involvement, 488–489
- Dissident elements support for, 477, 503–504
- Don, meeting with, 449
- Dung, meeting with, 457–459
- Postponement of coup (Aug. 31), 66–67
- Stalemate, possible, 488
- Success, chances of, 453–455
- U.S. to be provided with final plans before commencement of coup, 435
- Coup against Diem, U.S.
policy toward, 14n, 212
- Active encouragement of coup, 261
- Assistance for Generals, 16, 22, 487
- Assurances of support for Generals, 32
- Authority over operations, 30, 460
- Contacts with alternative leaders, 379
- Contacts with Generals, 106, 429, 430–431, 437
- Coordination between Saigon and Washington, 17
- Deniability concerns, 379, 393, 429, 435
- Evacuation planning, 2
- Inertia of Generals, concerns re, 38, 63
- Instructions to Lodge (Oct. 29), 473, 484–488, 500, 502n
- Lansdale’s involvement, request for, 205–206
- “Not thwart Generals plan” policy, 367–368, 393, 427, 435–436
- Suspension of aid to encourage a coup, 21, 32–33, 282–283
- Suspension of coup, option for, 15–16, 22, 35, 36n, 437
- Diem, assessment of, 442
- Diem, meetings with, 18–20, 140–143, 515–517
- Elections in Vietnam, 263
- Government of Diem and Nhu:
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Diem, meetings with, 140–143, 437–439, 441–446
- Diem’s acquiescence to, 517
- Evacuation of U.S. dependents and, 173
- Kennedy’s letter to Diem re, 287n
- Pressure on Diem, U.S. policy for, 195, 198, 202, 203, 225, 252, 260–264, 265
- Propaganda efforts by U.S., 300–301, 342
- Reconciliation policy of U.S., 222
- Structure and composition of government, 308
- Suspension of aid to Diem regime, 108, 141, 171–174, 176, 196, 215–216, 252, 261–262, 271–272, 275, 290, 299, 305–308, 414, 477–479, 482–484, 515
- U.S. negotiations with Diem, 67, 76, 78, 80–81, 95, 104, 107–108, 109–110, 128
- U.S. package of sanctions and demands, 371, 383, 384, 385–386, 396–397, 401–403, 409–413, 423–424, 437, 441–446, 493–495, 575–578
- Harkins, Gen. Paul D.:
- Harriman, meetings with, 633, 634, 665n
- Hilsman, meeting with, 632–634
- Honolulu meeting, 608–611, 617, 622
- Johnson, meeting with, 635–637
- Johnson’s letter of support, 744
- Johnson’s letter to Minh, 745–747
- Kennedy’s congratulations for, 579–580
- Krulak, interview with, 160
- Lalouette, meeting with, 58–59
- Lam, meeting with, 586–588
- Madame Nhu:
- McNamara-Taylor mission:
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 702, 703, 716
- Media coverage of Vietnam:
- Minh, meeting with, 645–647
- Minh’s inaugural address, 748
- Neutral solution for Vietnam, 67, 111n
- Ngo Dinh family, disposition following coup, 547, 560
- Nhu, assessment of, 259
- Nhu’sresignation offer, 84, 131–132
- Nhu’sremoval from power, possible, 16, 28, 33, 38–39, 141, 258–259, 386
- Provisional govenment of Vietnam, 575–576, 588–591
- Arrests, 547
- Assessment of, 436, 609–610
- Civilian administrators, 547, 578–579
- Discord among Generals, 557–558, 611
- Generals plan for, 489–490
- Meetings with Generals re, 546–549, 560–561, 587
- Military personnel, positions for, 579
- Political reform, plans for, 609, 611
- Public relations efforts, 587, 590
- Purges of Diem personnel, 548
- U.S. recognition of, 487–488, 519n, 526, 573–574
- Resignation, 692–693
- Richardson’s transfer from Vietnam, 205, 364
- Special Forces, Vietnamese, subordination to Joint General Staff, 403–405, 411, 424–426
- Strategic hamlet program, deterioration of, 687–689
- Tho’s meeting with McNamara-Taylor mission, 321–323
- Thuan’s meetings with U.S. officials, 137–140
- Tri Quang, release from U.S. Embassy, 136–137, 548
- U.S. commitment to Vietnam, 91
- U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission, selection of, 633
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam:
- U.S. Embassy building in Saigon, 632–633
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- U.S. visit at end of October, proposed, 397n
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, plan for neutralization of, 633–634, 656–659
- Long, Russell B., 391
- Los Angeles Times, 117n
- Lucet, Charles, 388, 389
- Luong. See Bui Van Luong.
- Luu Van Tinh, 558, 567, 578
- Ma Viet Bang, Capt., 508
- MacDonald, Adm., 64n, 194n, 555n
- Maechling, Charles, Jr., 704
- Mai Huu Xuan, Maj. Gen., 46, 91, 532, 533, 543, 589, 649
- Malaysia, 574, 675
- Maneli, Mieczyslaw, 89, 125, 126, 239–240, 264
- Manell, Abram E., 593
- Manning, Robert J., 185, 190, 218, 269n, 600n
- Mansfield, Mike, 167, 192, 391
- Mao Tsetung, 60, 642
- Marines, Vietnamese, 45, 159, 508
- Martial law, 273
- Martin, Edwin M., 514–515, 518
- Mau. See Vu Van Mau.
- McCloskey, Robert J., 430n, 706n
- McCone, John A., 166, 194n, 356, 358n, 368, 456n, 457n, 663n,
- Buddhist crisis, 199
- CIA Station Chief, selection of, 651n
- Communist insurgency:
- Counterinsurgency operations:
- Coup against Diem, 507n, 519n, 552n
- Assassination of Diem and Nhu, 537n
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for, 431n, 433n, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 488n, 503n
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward:
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Johnson-Lodge meeting, 635–637
- Lodge assassination threats, 395n
- Lodge-Harkins relationship, 733
- Madame Nhu:
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 718, 735–738
- Media coverage of Vietnam, 278
- Neutral solution for Vietnam:
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 31
- Provisional government of Vietnam:
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 571n
- Special Forces, Vietnamese, 424
- Special Group for Counterinsurgency, 704, 705
- Student protest movement, 218
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 684
- McDowell, Harris B., Jr., 378n
- McNamara, Robert S. (see also
mission), 12, 86n, 89n, 90n, 92n, 98, 114n, 117, 119, 124n, 161, 456n, 457n
- Agricultural situation in Vietnam, 616, 622
- Buddhist crisis, 199
- Cambodian neutrality issue, 718
- Communist insurgency:
- Countercoup operations, 36n, 39n
- Counterinsurgency operations, 607n
- Border security and surveillance, 702, 729–730
- Deterioration of military effort, 582n
- Financial concerns, 621
- Improvements demanded by U.S., 500
- Intensification in critical provinces, 702
- Laos, operations in, 702, 729, 734, 739
- Long An Province situation, 714n
- Mekong Delta situation, 717
- Sects, recruitment of, 733
- Coup against Diem, 507n, 519n
- Assassination of Diem and Nhu, 537n
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for, 40n, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 488n, 503n
- Coup against Diem, U.S.
policy toward, 14n
- Assurances of support for Generals, 56, 71
- Contacts with Generals, 103
- Contingency planning, 55–56
- Coup plan, advance notice of, 29
- Evacuation of U.S. dependents, 8, 29
- Inertia of Generals, concerns re, 55
- Instructions to Lodge (Oct. 29), 473n, 475n 484n, 499n, 500n
- Lansdale’s involvement, 241
- Meetings in Washington (Oct. 29), 469–470, 471, 472
- Pros and cons of supporting coup, 2, 4–5
- Suspension of aid to encourage a coup, 29, 176
- Suspension of coup, option for, 35n
- Diem-Harkins contact on military matters, 86
- Economic situation in Vietnam, 620, 628
- Government of Diem and Nhu:
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Evacuation of U.S. dependents and, 192
- Kennedy’s letter to Diem re, 287n
- Pressure on Diem, U.S. policy for, 191, 199, 200, 201, 252n
- Propaganda efforts by U.S., 359
- Reconciliation policy of U.S., 220
- Suspension of aid to Diem regime, 369
- U.S. negotiations with Diem, 70, 73, 95, 104n
- U.S. package of sanctions and demands, 356–357, 359, 371n, 496n
- Honolulu meeting, 608n, 616, 617, 618, 620, 621, 622
- Johnson-Lodge meeting, 636
- Krulak-Mendenhall mission, 119
- Lodge-Harkins relationship, 479n, 732–733
- Lodge’s resignation, 693
- Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, officers assigned to, 735
- Neutral solution for Vietnam, 734
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 27
- Provisional government of Vietnam, 732
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, command organization, 716–717
- Special Forces, Vietnamese, 424
- Strategic hamlet program:
- U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission, selection of, 628
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 351
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, U.S.
- Vietnam visit (Dec.):
- McNamara-Taylor mission, 251
- Diem, meeting with, 310–321
- Diem’s perception of mission as sign of
- Instructions for McNamara, 265–266, 278–279
- Instructions presented to mission party, 284–287
- Kennedy’s decision re, 254, 257
- Kennedy’s letter to Diem, 287–290
- McNamara’s interviews:
- Meetings in Washington re, 280–282
- Military appraisal as purpose of, 257, 278–279
- Report of, 336–346, 350–354
- State Department representative, 256, 266
- Sullivan’s interview with third country representatives, 325–326
- Taylor’s interview with Minh, 326–327
- Taylor’s letter to Diem, 328–330
- Tho, meeting with, 321–323
- Meagher, Ed, 117n
- Meany, George, 561
- Mecklin, John, 130, 199, 443
- Media coverage of Vietnam:
- Assaults on reporters, 444
- Censorship by Diem government, 142
- CIA assessment of, 278
- Congressional assessment of, 446
- Counterinsurgency operations, 216–217
- Country Team relations with press, 384–385
- Coup against Diem, speculation about, 25–26
- Diem’s assessment of, 19, 444–445
- Discussion in Washington re, 175
- Harkins, attacks on, 593, 594, 600
- International conference issue, 592–593, 595
- Kennedy-Diem communications re, 232, 233
- Kennedy’s displeasure with, 111–112, 116, 281
- Local press, 754
- Madame Nhu’s U.S. visit, 335–336
- Neutrality issue, 296, 695, 731, 754
- Nhu’s attempts to deal with DRV, 111
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 103–104
- Provisional government’s press relations, 548, 649, 712–713, 718, 754
- Richardson’s transfer from Vietnam, 364–365
- Strategic hamlet program, 237, 277–278
- Suspension of aid to Diem regime, 351
- Mekong Delta. See under Counterinsurgency operations.
- Mendenhall, Joseph A. (see also
mission), 199, 437n, 550n, 640n
- Countercoup operations, 49n
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward, 460n, 461n, 463n, 468n, 470n, 472
- Governmental reform in Vietnam, 290n, 308n
- Harkins, media attacks on, 600n
- International conference on Vietnam, proposed, 706n
- Johnson’s letter to Minh, 745n
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 248–249
- Provisional government of Vietnam,
- U.S. “braintrust” for, 758
- Special Group for Counterinsurgency, 704
- United Nations, political proposals re Vietnam, 331n
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, reiteration of, 592–593, 599n
- Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) (see also Harkins, Gen. Paul D.):
- Miller, Bob, 651
- Minh, “Big.” See Duong Van Minh, Maj. Gen.
- Minh, “Little.” See Tran Van Minh, Maj. Gen.
- Montagnards, 246, 612, 673, 683
- Montgomery, James M., 719n, 745
- Morse, Wayne, 391, 392
- Morton, Col., 147
- Murphy, William T., 378n
- Murrow, Edward R., I, 13, 53, 119, 149, 161, 199, 405
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 28, 103–104
- National Revolutionary Movement, 304
- National Security Action Memoranda: 263 (Oct. 11, 1963), 395–396, 273 (Nov. 26, 1963), 637–640
- National Security Council meeting (Oct. 2), 350–352
- National Union of Students, 399
- National unity government for Vietnam, proposed, 237–238
- Navy, Vietnamese, 46, 59
- Nes, David G., 733
- Neubert, Joseph W., 406–407, 719n
- Neutral solution for Vietnam:
- French position, 60, 67, 388, 389
- Media coverage, 296, 695, 731, 754
- Nhu’s attempts to deal with DRV, 55, 72, 89–90, 125–126, 184, 204, 214, 219, 297, 324, 326, 521
- Nhu’s “official” position, 85
- Partition issue, 264
- Rapprochement between North and South Vietnam, 295–298
- United Nations and, 332
- U.S. position, 695, 710, 734, 746
- U.S.-French discussions re, 59–61, 601
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, position, 297
- Vietnamese popular attitude toward, 270, 298, 754
- Vietnamese support, U.S. contingency planning for, 51
- World opinion on, 183, 210–211
- Neutrality for Cambodia. See under Cambodia.
- New York Times, 25, 75, 111–112, 175n, 216, 237, 277, 387, 581, 592, 593, 594, 637n, 652, 695, 697, 731
- Newman, Col. Ralph E., 36–37, 42
- Nghiem. See Le Van Nghiem, Brig. Gen.
- Nghiep, 19
- Ngo Dinh Can, 635
- Ngo Dinh Diem (see also
Government of Diem and Nhu):
- Assassination, 527, 531–533, 545, 559
- Buddhist crisis, 18–19, 319–320, 348, 349
- Cadres, political, 313
- Communist defectors, 316
- Communist insurgency, 314–315
- Countercoup operations. See Countercoup operations.
- Counterinsurgency operations:
- Coup, 513–514, 534
- Elections in Vietnam, 314
- Family, defense of, 18
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Harkins-Diem contact on military matters, 86
- Hoa Hao sect and, 597
- Kennedy’s criticism of, 93–94
- Kennedy’s letter to, 192, 200, 231–234, 287–290
- Lodge, meetings with, 18–20, 140–143, 441–446, 515–517
- Lodge assassination threa15, 443
- Lodge’s assessment of, 442
- Madame Nhu:
- McNamara-Taylor mission, meeting with, 310–321
- Media coverage of Vietnam:
- Mekong Delta region, attitude toward, 750
- Mental state, 18, 298
- Nhu:
- Provinces, creation of, 313
- Public works program, 315
- Strategic hamlet program, 311–313, 597
- Student protest movement, 318
- Taylor’s letter to, 328–330
- U.S. Information Service, criticism of, 142–143
- U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam, support for, 386
- Ngo Dinh family, disposition following coup (see also Ngo Dinh Can), 547, 551, 560, 570
- Ngo Dinh Luyen, 18
- Ngo Dinh Nhu (see also
Government of Diem and Nhu; Ngo Dinh family):
- Anti-American campaign, 122–123, 124, 213–214
- Assassination, 527, 531–533, 545, 559
- Buddhist crisis:
- CIA, attitude toward, 91
- CIA interview, 124–127
- Communist insurgency, contacts with, 85, 126
- Control of government, 138
- Countercoup operations. See Countercoup operations.
- Counterinsurgency operations, 139
- Coup, 512–513
- Diem, relationship with, 213, 293
- Diem’s defense of, 18, 141, 517
- Dinh and, 207
- Generals, meetings with, 90–92
- Governmental reform in Vietnam, edh:
- Hoa Hao sect and, 597
- Lodge assassination threats, 394
- Lodge’s assessment of, 259
- Martial law, 126–127
- Mekong Delta region, attitude toward, 750
- Mental state, 214, 219, 298, 394
- Military’s attitude toward, 156, 157, 158, 161
- Neutral solution for Vietnam (see also Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, attempts to deal with below), 85
- Power grab, possible, 9
- Rapprochement with U.S., 55
- Removal from power, possible:
- Diem’s rejection of, 141
- Discussions in Washington re, 27–28, 30–31, 54–55, 163–166
- Harkins’ position, 10–11, 23–24, 25
- Lalouette’s position, 58
- Lodge’s position, 38–39, 386
- Media reports on, 103–104
- Mendenhall’s position, 248–249
- Nhu’s rejection of, 258–259
- Nolting’s position, 120, 121
- Popular support for, 214–215
- Rusk’s position, 33–34
- U.S. campaign re, 163–164, 165–166
- U.S. position, 16, 135, 177, 254, 334
- Resignation offer, 84, 101, 127, 131–132
- Richardson and, 65
- Secret police force, 124, 213
- Special Forces, control of, 213
- Thuan threatened by, 140
- U.S. civilians in Saigon, criticism of, 125
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam, 84–85, 417
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, opposition to, 385–386
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, criticism of, 91–92, 416–418
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, attempts to deal with, 55, 72, 89–90, 125–126, 184, 204, 214, 219, 297, 324, 326, 521
- Ngo Dinh Nhu, Madame,
58, 131
- Anti-American campaign, 122–123, 124
- Assassination of Diem and Nhu, reaction to, 551
- Chuong’s attitude toward, 238
- Diem’s defense of, 18, 319
- Kennedy, comments on, 191n
- Lodge, criticism of, 283n
- Ngo Dinh family, disposition following coup, 551, 560n, 570
- Secret police force, 122–123, 124
- Silencing of, U.S. demand for, 191, 192, 208, 319, 335
- U.S. campaign against, 591
- U.S. military, criticism of, 281, 318–319
- U.S. visit, 84, 101, 104–105, 140–141, 167, 175, 198, 238, 283, 335–336, 387, 414
- Ngo Dinh Thuc (Archbishop of Hue), 143, 175, 273, 324, 635
- Ngo Trong Hieu, 366, 386
- Ngoc, Gen., 512
- Ngu Quang Truong, 428
- Nguyen Cao Ky, Lt. Col., 428, 509
- Nguyen Dinh Thuan,
27, 81, 117, 118, 122, 214, 268, 431, 615
- Assassination, fear of, 138, 140
- Countercoup operations, 139
- Counterinsurgency operations, 261
- Coup against Diem, 138, 507
- Assassination of Diem and Nhu, 559
- Diem-Nhu relationship, 213
- Government of Diem and Nhu, assessment of, 137–140
- Governmental reform in Vietnam, 309
- Madame Nhu’s U.S. visit, 414
- McNamara-Taylor mission, Diem’s meeting with, 310, 321
- Nhu, opposition to, 163
- Resignation rumors, 274
- Special Forces, Vietnamese, 403–405
- Nguyen Duy Bach, 713
- Nguyen Giac Ngo, Gen., 91
- Nguyen Huu Co, Col., 534, 544
- Nguyen Huu Duong, 428, 504
- Nguyen Huu Hien, Col., 46, 506, 529
- Nguyen Khanh, Maj. Gen., 91, 712
- Nguyen Khuong, Col., 419–420, 424, 432, 433, 454, 512
- Nguyen Ngoc Le, Maj. Gen., 512, 529
- Nguyen Ngoc Linh, Lt., 532
- Nguyen Ngoc Tho,
27, 117
- Cambodian neutrality issue, 697, 731
- Communist insurgency, 322–323
- Counterinsurgency operations, 596–599
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan re, 463
- Generals attitude toward, 40
- Governmental refonn in Vietnam, 309, 321–322
- McNamara-Taylor mission, meeting with, 321–323
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 718
- Popular attitude toward, 270, 681
- Presidency for, possible, 180, 458
- Press relations, 712–713, 718
- Provisional government of Vietnam, 524n, 589
- Strategic hamlet program, 322, 596–599
- U.S. suspension of aid to Diem regime, 495
- Nguyen Phuong Thiep, 547, 551
- Nguyen Than Cung, 558, 567, 578
- Nguyen Ton Hoan, 237
- Nguyen Tran, 303
- Nguyen Van Bieh, Maj., 503
- Nguyen Van La, Maj. Gen., 91, 512
- Nguyen Van Luc, 503
- Nguyen Van Mau, 567
- Nguyen Van Thien, Col., 44, 529
- Nguyen Van Thieu, Col., 48, 420, 428, 509, 534, 544
- Nguyen Van Tu, Lt. Col., 508
- Nguyen Van Tu, Maj., 428, 509
- Nhieu, Maj., 36
- Nhon, Col., 550, 553
- Nhon, Gen., 155
- Nhon, Maj., 42, 239
- Nhu. See Ngo Dinh Nhu; Ngo Dinh Nhu, Madame.
- Nhu, Madame. See Ngo Dinh Nhu, Madame.
- Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., 12, 26, 98, 117, 168, 199
- Buddhist crisis, 199
- Communist defections, 100
- Country Team role, 382
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward:
- Government of Diem and Nhu, popular attitude toward, 74
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Krulak-Mendenhall mission, briefing on, 162
- Nhu and, 517
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 27, 28, 30, 54, 120, 121, 164
- Oai. See Tran Tu Oai, Brig. Gen.
- Operation Hardnose, 728, 729, 734
- Peace Corps, Vietnamese, 672, 755
- Pelen, Pierre, 59, 388
- Perruso, Dolores P., 97n, 283n, 500n, 665n, 701n
- Peyrefitte, Alain, 551n
- Pham Dang Lam, 506, 578
- Pham Huy Co, 237, 504
- Pham Ngoc Thao, Col., 53, 54n, 65, 310, 400–401
- Pham Van Dong, 85, 89, 125, 239, 409, 601n, 658
- Pham Van Dong, Col., 420
- Pham Van Tung, 304
- Pham Xuan Chieu, 46, 90, 355, 461, 492, 512
- Phan Huy Quat, 453, 457, 458, 462–463, 524n
- Philippines, 675
- Phillips, Rufus C., 26, 130, 169, 199, 206, 241, 246
- Counterinsurgency operations, 165
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward, 249–251
- Departure from Vietnam, 445
- Generals, meetings with, 80, 86–88
- Minh, assessment of, 606–607
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 163–164
- Province chiefs, reorientation of, 605–606
- Provisional government of Vietnam, U.S. “braintrust” for, 758
- Strategic hamlet program, overhaul of, 596–599, 604
- Thuan, meeting with, 137–139
- Phoumi Nosovan, 69, 540, 607
- Phuoc, Col., 140, 291
- Poats, R., 704
- Province chiefs:
- Provisional government of Vietnam:
- Ambassador in Washington, 589, 590
- Arrests, 547, 551, 552, 558, 651, 673, 713
- Cabinet positions, 557–558, 567–568
- Chief of State, 717
- Chinese racketeers, policy on, 590–591
- CIA assessment of, 648–649, 680–681, 711–713
- Civilian administrators, 457, 512, 523–524n, 542, 546–547, 578–579, 636
- Complaints re, 579
- Confusion and paralysis in, 711–713, 732
- Council of Sages, 489–490, 609, 648–649, 681, 720
- De Gaulle’s assessment of, 568–569
- Decree on, 554
- Discord among Generals, 557–558, 611, 681, 718, 754–755
- Dissident groups and, 615, 681
- Dung’s recommendations for, 458
- Economic policies, 542, 613–614
- Executive’s role, 589
- Foreign relations, 538–540, 588, 630
- French recognition of, 601
- Generals plan for, 250–251, 489–490, 493
- Harkins, Generals attitude toward, 593, 594, 600, 602
- Inauguration of Minh, 748
- Jorden’s assessment of, 753–758
- Lodge’s assessment of, 436, 609–610
- Military personnel, positions for, 543–544, 553, 579
- Military-civilian relationship within, 588
- National Assembly, 489–490
- Police forces, 553, 587, 589, 613, 615
- Policy implementation, lines of, 649
- Political reform, plans for, 609, 611
- Popular support for, 575–576, 671–672
- Press relations, 548, 649, 712–713, 718, 754
- Promotions of Generals, 557
- Province chiefs and, 535, 550, 554, 564–565, 612, 613, 699, 711
- Public relations efforts, 587, 590, 718, 755
- Purges of Diem personnel, 548
- Tri Quang, position offered to, 514, 519–520
- U.S. assessment of, 629
- U.S. “braintrust” for, 646, 650, 669–670, 687, 690, 747, 757–758
- U.S. covert information on, 736
- U.S. recognition of, 519, 526
- Year-end assessment of, 753–758
- Quyen. See Ho Tan Quyen, Capt.
- Ranger Companies, Vietnamese, 425
- Rau, 640–641
- Rawlings, Francis H., 690n
- Raymond, Jack, 594n
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (RVNAF)
(see also
Special Forces, Vietnamese):
- Air Force, 46, 159, 509–510
- Army, 604–605, 712
- Budget, 621
- Command organization, 612, 716–717
- Communist infiltration, 645
- Coup against Diem and, 475–476, 508–510, 522, 530–531
- Government of Diem and Nhu, attitudes toward, 154–160, 171–172, 247
- Loyalties of units and commanders, 43–48
- Marines, 45, 159, 508
- Navy, 46, 159
- Paramilitary forces (see also Civil Guard; Civilian Irregular Defense Group; Self Defense Corps):
- Ranger Companies, 425
- Reorganization of, 570–572
- Troop strength, 682
- Unity of commanders, 547
- Weapons losses, 708
- Republican Youth, 259, 570
- Reston, James, 175, 581, 592
- Reunification issue, 332
- Rice, Edward E., 437n, 462, 600n
- Rice production, 616, 622
- Richardson, John H., 65, 228, 230, 276n
- Riley, Vice Adm. Herbert D., 62
- Rostow, Walt W., 266, 269n
- Rusk, Dean, 12, 26, 30,
64n, 68, 69, 86n, 89n, 90n, 92n, 118, 124n, 131, 194n, 218, 266n, 269n, 335n, 456n, 457n, 549n, 564n, 663n, 666, 719
- Buddhist crisis:
- Buu Hoi, meeting with, 347–349
- Cambodian neutrality issue, 695–696
- Congressional hearings on Vietnam, 113
- Countercoup operations, 36n, 39n
- Counterinsurgency operations, 607n
- Coup against Diem, 507n, 519n, 522n, 552n
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for, 40n, 431n, 433n, 449n, 450n, 453n, 456n, 457n, 477n, 488n, 503n
- Coup against Diem, U.S.
policy toward, 212
- Assistance for Generals, 16
- Assurances of support for Generals, 26, 32, 71
- Contacts with Generals, 103, 106
- Contingency planning, 55, 56
- Coordination between Saigon and Washington, 17
- Coup plan, advance notice of, 28, 29
- Evacuation planning, 32
- Inertia of Generals, concerns re, 55–56, 63
- Instructions to Lodge (Oct. 29), 473n, 475n, 484n, 500n
- Lansdale’s involvement, 205, 240–241
- Meetings in Washington (Oct. 29), 463n, 469, 470, 471, 472
- Suspension of aid to encourage a coup, 32–33, 176, 206n
- Suspension of coup, option for, 15–16, 35
- Diem-Harkins contact on military matters, 86
- Government of Diem and Nhu:
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Congressional demands re, 188, 192
- Evacuation of U.S. dependents and, 187, 200
- Failure, consequences of, 117
- Kennedy’s letter to Diem re, 287n
- Pressure on Diem, U.S. policy for, 183–188, 189, 190, 191, 195–198, 199–200, 202, 203, 221, 236, 252n, 265
- Reconciliation policy of U.S., 220, 221
- Suspension of aid to Diem regime, 118, 186, 196, 215, 275–277, 299n, 305n
- U.S. negotiations with Diem, 70, 72–73, 74, 76–79, 80, 97, 101–102, 104–106, 107, 108–109, 110n, 117, 119–120, 121, 128–129, 140
- U.S. package of sanctions and demands, 370, 371, 379, 396–397, 409, 441, 442
- Harkins, media attacks on, 600
- Honolulu meeting, 608n, 611, 613, 615, 619, 621
- International conference issue, 599–600, 706
- Johnson-Lodge meeting, 635
- Johnson’s letter to Minh, 745–747
- Krulak-Mendenhall mission, 130, 133–135
- Lodge, congratulations for, 579–580
- Lodge assassination threats, 394
- Lodge’s U.S. visit at end of October, proposed, 397n
- Madame Nhu:
- McNamara-Taylor mission:
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 690
- Minh, Harkins’ assessment of, 274n
- Neutral solution for Vietnam:
- Ngo Dinh Nhu family, disposition following coup, 551, 560n
- Nhu, problems caused by, 212
- Nhu’s anti-American campaign, 122
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 16, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33–34, 38, 54, 135
- Provisional government of Vietnam:
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 571n
- Special Forces, Vietnamese, 424
- Strategic hamlet program, 623
- Student protest movement, 218
- Tri Quang, exile for, 218
- U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission, selection of, 650
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam:
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Saigon-Cholon Waterworks, 341, 370, 373
- Saigon Electric Power Project, 341, 370, 373
- Salinger, Pierre, 81n, 96, 351
- Sarit Thanarat, 696n
- Sarris, Leo G., 122n, 133n
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 175, 533, 555
- Self Defense Corps:
- Sheehan, Neil, 218–384
- Sheldon, 206, 218–219
- Shoup, Gen. David M., 64n, 194n, 535n
- Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, 538, 539, 588, 641, 654, 655, 674, 696n, 731
- Silver, Solomon, 541, 618–620
- Smith, Bromley, 6, 13n, 31, 53n, 69n, 74n, 103, 120, 161, 171, 175, 190, 193, 195n, 357, 358n, 368n, 471, 473, 685n
- Smith, David O., 218–219
- “Smith,” Prof., 293–295
- Smith, Maj. William Y, 174n, 216n, 518n, 555n, 593n, 625n
- Solbert, 704
- Son, Col., 47
- Sorensen, Theodore C., 169
- Souvanna Phouma, 540, 607, 675
- Soviet Union, 60, 184
- Special Forces, Vietnamese:
- Special Group for Counterinsurgency, 704–705
- Staley, Eugene, 678
- Starkey, John, 444n
- Starnes, Richard, 390n
- Stevenson, Adlai, 335, 336, 348
- Stilwell, Maj. Gen. Richard G.:
- Stoneman, Walter G., 540n, 541n
- Strategic hamlet program, 5, 91, 322
- British operational plan, 311–312
- CIA assessment of, 683
- Communist attacks on, 165
- “Completed hamlets” issue, 698, 714
- Consolidation of, 376, 586, 590
- Deterioration of, 246, 687–689, 698–699, 712
- Diem’s assessment of, 311–313
- Elections and, 314
- Identification of Communists in ham-lets, 617
- Lodge’s assessment of, 422
- Media coverage of, 237, 277–278
- Medical services, 623
- Overextension of, 312, 751
- Overhaul of, 642
- Political aspects, 376
- Popular discontent with, 596–597
- Progress of, 99
- U.S.-Vietnamese disagreements re, 237, 277–278
- Strickler, Col., 42
- Student protest movement, 172, 174, 271, 273
- Sullivan, William H., 628, 650
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward, 459n
- Government of Diem and Nhu, 357–358
- McNamara-Taylor mission, 284, 285, 286, 325–326, 344n
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), re-port on, 728–731
- Provisional government of Vietnam,
- U.S. recognition of, 519n
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam, differing atti-tudes within, 380–383
- Year-end observations, 749–752
- Sylvester, Arthur, 286
- Szulc, Tad, 25–26, 111, 175
- Tam Chau, bonze, 333
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell
D. (see also
mission), 53, 69, 86n, 89n, 90n, 92n, 119, 124n, 161, 218, 368, 456n, 457n
- Buddhist crisis, 186, 187
- Chuong, meeting with, 268–269
- Communist insurgency:
- Countercoup operations, 36n, 39n
- Counterinsurgency operations, 607n, 659
- Coup against Diem, 507n, 519n, 522, 534
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for, 40n 449n 450n 453n 456n 457n 477n, 488n, 503n
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward:
- Governmental reform in Vietnam:
- Honolulu meeting, 611, 618, 624
- Krulak-Mendenhall mission, 119
- Lodge-Harkins relationship, 455–456, 479
- Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, officers assigned to, 651, 679
- Minh, Harkins’ assessment of, 274n
- Nhu’s removal from power, possible, 10, 28
- Provisional government of Vietnam,
- province chiefs and, 535, 564
- Richardson’s transfer from Vietnam, 364n
- Special Group for Counterinsurgency, 704
- Strategic hamlet program, 99, 618
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam, military man as Ambassador and military commander, 739
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 684
- Tenant Farmers Union, 672
- Thacher, Peter S., 347
- Thailand, 210, 574
- Thanh, 507
- Thao. See Pham Ngoc Thao, Col.
- Thien. See Nguyen Van Thien, Col.
- Thieu. See Nguyen Van Thieu, Col.
- Tho. See Nguyen Ngoc Tho.
- Thompson, Robert G. K., 119, 204n, 294, 575
- Thomson, Vernon w., 379n
- Thuan. See Nguyen Dinh Thuan.
- Thuc. See Ngo Dinh Thuc.
- Tien Khiet, bonze, 333
- Times a/Vietnam, 123, 124, 398, 405, 410, 415, 445
- Timmes, Maj. Gen. Charles J., 206, 564, 621
- Ton That Dinh, Maj.
Gen., 2, 48, 148, 240, 366, 571
- Cambodian neutrality issue, 697
- Countercoup operations, 507n
- Coup against Diem, 355, 451, 453, 461, 534
- Krulak’s interview with, 156
- Multiple military responsibilities, 716, 718
- Neutral solution for Vietnam, 710
- Neutralization of, U.S. plan for, 673–674
- Nhu and, 207
- Provisional government of Vietnam, 524n, 544, 553, 557–558, 567, 587, 653, 661, 755
- Tran Chanh Thanh, 640–642
- Tran Cuu Thien, Maj., 147
- Tran Kim Tuyen, 40, 292, 503, 507, 509, 558, 561
- Tran Le Quang 524n, 558, 578
- Tran Ngoc Oanh, 558
- Tran Ngoc Tam, Gen., 91, 512
- Tran Quoc Buu, 214, 399, 477, 551, 561, 590
- Tran Sanh Buu, 304
- Tran Thien Khiem, Gen., 7, 32n, 48, 90
- Tran Trong Dung, 453, 457–459, 463, 503
- Tran Tu Oai, Brig. Gen., 91, 512, 524n, 553, 558, 567, 574n, 649
- Tran Van Chuong, 122, 237–238, 268–269, 318, 386, 524n
- Tran Van Chuong, Madame, 237–238
- Tran Van Don, Maj.
Gen., 91, 404
- Buddhist crisis, 147
- Cambodian neutrality issue, 697, 718
- Counterinsurgency operations, 554
- Coup against Diem, 366, 461,
492, 509
- Assassination of Diem and Nhu, 531n, 546, 559, 560
- Conein, meeting with, 450–452
- Contacts with U.S. military, 433
- Initiation of, 505
- Lodge, meeting with, 449
- Oct. 26 attempt, cancellation of, 423–424n, 427
- U.S. to be provided with final plans before commencement of coup, 424n, 434
- U.S. updated on planning progress, 354, 450–452
- Governmental reform in Vietnam, 66, 309
- McNamara’s visit to Vietnam (Dec.), 717, 718–719
- Minh and, 65
- Nhu family, disposition following coup, 547, 560, 570
- Popularity of, 545
- Provisional government of Vietnam, 524n, 543, 553
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces:
- Self Defense Corps, 718–719
- Special Forces, Vietnamese, 426
- Strategic hamlet program:
- Tri Quang, release from U.S. Embassy, 548
- U.S. suspension of aid to Diem regime, 495
- Tran Van Huu, 298
- Tran Van Khiem, 122–123, 124, 140, 303
- Tran Van Ly, 524n, 589
- Tran Van Minh, Maj. Gen., 90, 512, 524n, 532, 557
- Tran Van Nhan, 142
- Tran Van Nhut, 508
- Tri. See Do Cao Tri, Maj. Gen.
- Tri Quang, bonze, 142, 180, 400
- Truce in Vietnam, Mansfield’s proposal for, 691–692
- Trueheart, William C., 42, 90, 162n, 206, 354, 666
- Tu, 506
- Tung. See Le Quang Tung, Col.
- Tunisia, 211
- Tuyen. See Tran Kim Tuyen.
- Tyler, William R., 388, 389
- U Thant, 112, 333n, 349n
- Unger, Leonard, 700, 728, 739–740
- United Front Party, 503
- United Kingdom, 696
- United Nations:
- Unna, Warren, 241n
- U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission, selection of, 628, 633, 650, 665–666
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam (see also
Commodity Import Program):
- Fertilizer credits, 616, 622
- Joint U.S.-Vietnamese policies, management of, 541–542
- Lend-lease program, proposed, 417
- Loans, 84–85
- P.L. 480 program, 340, 361–362, 370, 373, 540–541, 614
- Reductions, possible impact of, 417
- Resumption of aid following coup, 540–541, 546, 551
- Suspension of. See under Coup against Diem, U.S. policy re; Governmental reform in Vietnam.
- U.S. policy toward, 638–639
- Vietnamese requirements, 614
- U.S. Embassy building in Saigon, 632–633
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 175, 193–194, 300–301
- U.S. Information Service (USIS):
- U.S. military assistance to Vietnam:
- Suspension of. See under Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward; Governmental reform in Vietnam.
- U.S. policy toward, 638–639
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam:
- U.S. policy in Vietnam (see also
Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward;
Honolulu meeting):
- All-agency review (Dec. 6), 684–685
- Conflicting viewpoints within administtation, 235, 390–391
- Congressional hearings on, 113, 390–392
- McNamara-Taylor mission recommendations, 339
- Nhu’s criticism of, 91–92, 416–418
- NSAM 263, 395–396
- NSAM 273, 637–640
- NSC-endorsed policy, 350–354
- Objectives (Sept. 1963), 177–180
- Phase-out of programs, dates for, 610
- Reiteration of, 581–582, 592–593, 599–600
- Vietnamese popular attitude toward, 270
- World opinion on, 210–211
- Van Thanh Cao, Gen., 91
- Vann, Col. John Paul, 516
- Vien. See Cao Van Vien, Col.
- Viet Congo See Communist insurgency.
- Vietnam. See:
- Agricultural situation in Vietnam
- Amnesty (Chieu Hoi) Program
- Buddhist crisis
- Commodity Import Program
- Communist insurgency
- Countercoup operations
- Counterinsurgency operations
- Coup against Diem
- Coup against Diem, Generals plan for
- Coup against Diem, U.S. policy toward
- Crop destruction program
- Defoliant operations
- Economic situation in Vietnam
- Government of Diem and Nhu
- Governmental reform in Vietnam
- Martial law
- Media coverage of Vietnam
- Montagnards Neutral solution for Vietnam
- Province chiefs
- Provisional government of Vietnam
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces
- Self Defense Corps
- Strategic hamlet program
- Student protest movement
- Truce in Vietnam
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam
- U.S. military assistance to Vietnam
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam
- U.S. policy in Vietnam
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of
- Vietnam, Republic of
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of (DRV) (see also Neutral solution for Vietnam):
- Vietnam, Republic of (see also
Coup against Diem headings; Government of
Diem and Nhu; Governmental reform in Vietnam; Neutral
solution for Vietnam; Provisional government
of Vietnam):
- Agricultural situation, 616, 622
- Cadres, political, 313
- Cambodia, relations with, 538–539, 588, 630, 641, 646, 674
- Can Lao Party, 223, 253, 264, 482–484
- Cao Dai sect, 597, 612, 680, 717, 733, 736–737
- Censorship of press, 142
- Chinese racketeers, 590–591
- Council on Religious Affairs, 264
- Economic situation. See Economic situation in Vietnam.
- Elections, 253, 263, 303–305, 314
- Emergency Planning Ministry, proposed, 484
- Foreign relations, 675–676
- French economic assistance, 615–616
- Hoa Hao sect, 597, 606, 612, 646, 680, 717, 733, 736–737
- Land reforms, 376, 671, 748
- Laos, relations with, 539–540, 630, 675
- Martial law, 9, 126–127, 273
- National Revolutionary Movement, 304
- National unity government, proposed, 237–238
- Political action campaign, 672–673
- Province-level situation, 616–617
- Provinces, creation of, 313
- Public works program, 315
- Reunification issue, 332
- Secret police force, 122–123, 124, 213
- United Front Party, 503
- Women’s Solidarity Movement, 304
- Vo Van Hai, 213, 214
- Voice of America (VOA), 300–301
- Vu Quoe Thue, 144, 244, 245
- Vu Van Mau, 114, 181, 213, 317–318, 322, 524n, 558, 710n
- Vu Van Thai, 114–115
- Wallner, Woodruff, 331n,
- Walther, Herbert K., 495
- Warner, Denis, 122
- Washington Daily News, 352, 390–391
- Washington Post, 217, 241n, 295
- Whalley, J. Irving, 379n
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 64n, 194n, 535n, 583
- White, W Y, 387n
- Whiting, Albert L., 269n
- Whiting, Allen S., 49n, 122n
- Wilson, Donald M., 356, 358n, 684, 704
- Wolfhill, Grant, 444n
- Women’s Solidarity Movement, 304
- Xuan. See Mai Huu Xuan, Maj. Gen.
- Yost, Charles W, 347, 665
- Young, Earl J., 687–689
- Zablocki, Clement J., 378, 430