- Acheson–Yoshida notes. See U.N. operations in Far East under Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan.
- Adachi, Tadashi, 270, 401
- Adair, C., 398, 402, 403
- Adenauer, Konrad, 212, 280, 291, 322
- Afghanistan, 265–266
- AFL–CIO, 215
- Africa, 267
- Algeria, 16
- Amory, Robert, Jr., 315
- Anderson, Robert B., 317–318, 319, 323, 413
- Arabian Oil Company, 406–407, 412–413
- Argentina, 318
- Arms control, 262
- Asakai, Koichiro, 74, 218, 221, 259, 268, 278, 280, 333, 401, 404
- Asanuma, Inejiro, 303
- Atomic Energy Commission, U.S., 540
- Ayub Khan, Mohammad, 265
- Bacon, Ruth E., 681n
- Baldridge, Capt. Elwood, 64
- Bane, David M., 164n, 167n, 170n, 184n, 196n, 214n, 221n, 268, 398, 401, 404, 410, 498n, 499n, 514n, 515n, 556n, 599n, 606n, 615n, 624n, 627n, 634n, 645n, 653n, 656n, 662n, 665n, 670n, 672n, 676n, 679n, 687n
- Baran, Saul, 403
- Barbis, George M., 425n, 435n, 436n, 440n, 457n, 471n, 496n, 497n, 498n, 503n, 515n, 522n, 529n
- Becker, George H., Jr., 403
- Becker, Loftus E., 64, 67, 68, 90
- Beech, Keyes, 607–608
- Berlin, Germany, 262
- Blankinship, Byron E. 224, 231n, 238n, 249n
- Blaser, Arthur F., Jr., 226, 229n
- Boggs, Marion W., 160, 324, 483, 554, 610, 665, 710, 713
- Bohlen, Charles E., 140
- Bonins. See Ryukyus and Bonins.
- Booth, Lt. Gen. Donald P., 161, 224, 389, 392
- Bourguiba, Habib, 266
- Brazil, 209
- Bureau of the Budget, U.S., 311, 313, 708
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A.:
- Burns, Lt. Gen. Robert W.,
92, 161, 169, 175n, 224, 290, 357, 389, 391, 392
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 96, 99, 100, 106, 107,
108, 111, 113, 116, 119, 121, 125,
126, 131, 139, 140, 153, 156, 163,
176n, 177, 181,
184n, 187n, 188, 191,
193, 194, 196, 198, 201, 204, 231n, 232,
236, 238n, 244,
245, 246, 249n,
250, 251, 252, 283
- Air defense arrangements, 168n
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 96, 99, 100, 106, 107,
108, 111, 113, 116, 119, 121, 125,
126, 131, 139, 140, 153, 156, 163,
176n, 177, 181,
184n, 187n, 188, 191,
193, 194, 196, 198, 201, 204, 231n, 232,
236, 238n, 244,
245, 246, 249n,
250, 251, 252, 283
- Calhoun, John A., 306n
- Cargo, William I., 687n
- Carmody, R. J., 493n, 499n
- Cassilly, Thomas, 58, 64, 74
- Catholic Church (ROK), 466–467, 607–608, 629–630
- Chang Myon, 524, 525, 621, 661
- Eisenhower, meeting with, 672n
- Exchange rate, 690
- Korean (ROK)
political situation:
- Assassinations of government officials, possible, 466–467
- Consultation with McConaughy re, 689–690
- Crisis of 1960, 629–630
- National Assembly elections of 1958, 465–466
- National Assembly elections of 1960, 666, 673n, 674, 677
- National Security Law, 541–542
- Presidential election of 1960, 596, 599, 603n, 605n, 607
- Prime Minister, election as, 681
- Resignation as vice president, 633–634
- Stable political environment, efforts to achieve, 693–696
- Korean reunification, 464–465
- Personal safety, fear for, 466–467
- Police forces, 695
- Chang T’aek-sang, 512
- China, People’s Republic of (PRC), 76–77
- Cho Bong-am, 433–434, 461–462
- Cho Chae-ch’on, 605, 677
- Cho Chong-hwan, 428, 507n, 556, 557, 558
- Cho Pyong-ok, 512, 513, 516–517, 533, 542, 596, 600n, 607
- Choi, Duk-Shin 631, 632, 633n
- Chon Song-ch’on, 555n
- Chong Un-gap, 547
- Chou En-lai, 440n, 448
- Chu Yo-han, 548–549
- Chun Taek-po, 648n
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 311, 313, 323
- Congress, U.S.:
- Cummings, Gen. Emerson L., 619
- Cutler, Robert, 432n, 463, 464
- Cyprus, 16
- Daniels, Paul C., 443n
- de Gaulle, Charles, 267, 280, 281
- de la Mare, A. J., 447n
- Decker, Gen. George H.:
- Defense, U.S. Department of (see also Joint Chiefs of Staff):
- Deming, Olcott H., 100, 106n, 107n, 108, 111, 116, 119n, 161
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 280, 333n, 596n
- Eisenhower’s visit to Japan, proposed (1960), 327, 354, 355
- Japan, 73n, 221, 412
- Japanese-U.S. economic relations:
- Korea, Republic of:
- Korean (ROK) political situation, 664
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 165, 254
- Administrative Agreement, 170–174, 176–177, 229–230
- Constitutional issues, 166–167, 185, 196–197
- Consultation formula, 167–168, 248
- Draft treaties, 164–167, 184–185
- Mutuality issue, 197
- Pacific area issue, 165, 184, 196
- Ryukyus and Bonins and, 249–250
- Signing in summer of 1959, proposed, 159–160
- U.N. operations in Far East and (Acheson–Yoshida notes), 187–188
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 175, 249–250, 320, 321
- Douglas, James H., 316, 319–320
- Dowling, Walter C.,
- Consultations in Washington, 529–531, 532–534
- Korea, Republic of:
- Korean (ROK) Armed Forces:
- Korean (ROK) political situation:
- Assassinations of government officials, possible, 466–467
- Legislative deadlock, 547–549, 586
- Moderate coalition, possible, 586–587
- National Assembly elections of 1958, 465–466
- National Security Law, 508–509, 511–512, 513–514, 516, 518, 519, 520, 522n, 523–525
- Presidential election of 1960, 589
- Rhee government’s determination to retain power, 532–534, 535, 536, 585–587
- Rhee’s decision-making system, 580–581
- Suppression of opposition forces, 462, 533
- U.S. program to influence political developments, 534–540, 587–589
- Korean reunification, 464–465
- Draper, William H., Jr., 319, 543, 545–547
- Dulles, Allen W., 610, 651, 664
- Dulles, John Foster:
- Japan, 1–2, 14, 73n, 74–84,
- Korea, Republic of (ROK), 474n, 498, 532–534
- Korean (ROK) political situation:
- Korean peninsula, proposed withdrawal of foreign forces:
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 8, 10, 14n, 22,
34, 37,
59, 100
- Administrative Agreement, 89, 120–121
- Consultation formula, 90–92, 107
- Duration period of, 239–240
- Fujiyama meeting re, 74–81
- Japanese objectives, U.S. concerns about, 36–38
- Mutuality issue, 79–80
- Negotiations, 84, 88–89
- Soviet nuclear threat and, 76–77
- Treaty area, 78, 119–120
- U.S. base rights in Japan, 90, 91, 121
- U.S.-Japanese alignment and, 61–63, 80–81
- Okinawa, 16n, 21–22
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 4n, 31, 37, 82
- Soviet nuclear policy, 76–77
- Dunnigan, Thomas J., 387n
- East-West relations, 262–263
- Eda, Saburo, 366
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.:
- Arms control, 262
- Asian problems, U.S.-Japanese consultation on, 264
- Development assistance programs, 267–268
- East-West relations, 262–263
- Japan, 316
- Communist political offensive against, 260–261
- Kishi’s U.S. visit, 220n, 259–268
- Korea (ROK), relations with, 669, 671
- MacArthur’s briefing, 407–409
- U.S. economic policy toward Japan, 322, 323, 324, 336
- U.S. military assistance, 317, 318, 319, 320
- Visit to, proposed (1960), 261, 301, 302–303, 309n, 315, 327–328, 335n, 355, 363, 367–368, 408
- Korea, Republic of, 534n, 665, 712
- Korean (ROK) Armed Forces:
- Korean (ROK) political situation:
- Korean reunification, 712
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 160, 222, 375
- NSC consideration of economic matters, 322–323
- Okinawa, 16–17, 21–22
- Eisenhower, Lt. Col. John S. D., 371, 407, 409, 522n, 634, 644–645, 672n, 691n
- Eisenhower’s visit to Japan, proposed
(1960), 223, 261, 291, 315, 327, 361, 408
- Communist-inspired violence preceding, 362–363, 364, 365
- Demonstrations, potential for, 325, 329–330, 359, 361
- Effect of visit, MacArthur’s assessment of, 223–224, 361–362
- Eisenhower’s apprehensions about, 327–328
- Political cooperation in Japan for, 351–352
- Postponement/cancellation of, 330–331, 334–335, 352–353, 355–356
- Security-related concerns, 333–334, 335, 349–351, 355, 362
- Elang, W., 91n
- European trading blocs, 280
- Export-Import Bank, 339, 406–407, 417
- Fedorenko, 210
- Felt, Adm. Harry D.,
92, 169, 221, 224, 290, 356, 389, 391, 392, 400
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 59n, 96, 99, 100, 106n, 107n, 116, 119n, 121, 125, 126, 130, 131, 139, 140, 153, 156, 163, 176n, 177, 181, 184n, 187n, 188, 191, 193, 194, 196, 198, 201, 204, 231n, 232, 236, 238n, 244, 245, 246, 249n, 250, 251, 252, 283
- Consultation formula, 55–56
- Mutuality issue, 53–54
- Treaty area, 102
- U.S. base rights in Japan, 55
- Forman, Douglas N., 440n
- Fujiyama, Aiichiro, 2n, 335n, 386
- Eisenhower’s visit to Japan, proposed (1960), 307–309, 363–364
- Japanese-U.S. economic relations, 214–218
- Kishi’s U.S. visit (1960), 219–220, 259, 268
- LDP presidency, interest in, 386
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 6n, 111n, 202, 204, 206,
225, 358,
- Abrogation issue, 79, 191
- Administrative Agreement, 112–113, 121–126, 128–129, 140–153
- Collective security issue, 136, 178
- Communiqué on, 255–256
- Constitutional issues, 169–170, 178, 179–180, 181–183, 192, 193–194, 198–200, 201–202
- Consultation formula, 78–79, 102–103, 127, 200, 202, 225, 250–251, 255–256
- Diet debate on, 204–205, 296
- Draft treaties, 136, 137, 177–180
- Indirect aggression issue, 234, 252–253, 255
- Japanese interest, announcement of, 34, 43–45, 58
- LDP factionalism and, 111–112
- New treaty, Japanese preference for, 75, 79
- “Pacific area” issue, 177–178, 191, 198, 200, 201–202
- Review of treaty, provisions for, 236–237, 245
- Ryukyus and Bonins and, 101–102, 225, 234, 251–252, 255
- Signing in summer of 1959, proposed, 130, 195, 205
- Signing of (January 1960), 205–206
- Treaty area, 78, 127
- U.N. operations in Far East and (Acheson–Yoshida notes), 163–164, 189, 190, 244
- U.S.-Japanese alignment and, 81, 375–376
- U.S. package proposal on several issues, 200, 201–202
- Nuclear weapons issue, 78–79, 83
- Okinawa, Japan’s commitment to, 81–82
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 6n, 44, 276
- U.N. membership for Korea and Vietnam, 276
- U.S. visits, 73–84, 221
- Fukuda, Takeo, 111, 130, 304–305
- Fulbright, J. W., 127, 139, 328
- Funada, Naka, 204, 289, 293–294, 297–299, 327n
- Gates, Thomas S., Jr., 249n, 256, 712
- General Accounting Office (GAO), 534n
- German reunification, 262
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 63, 158, 221, 222, 322, 323, 324
- Gilstrap, Sam P., 541–542, 543, 544
- Gleason, S. Everett, 559n, 570
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 31n, 259n, 301, 306n, 331, 333n, 355, 362, 364, 368, 373, 374
- Gray, Gordon:
- Green, Marshall, 14n, 38n, 64, 471n, 672n
- Gregory, John M., Jr., 521n
- Hagerty, James C., 329, 349, 371
- Han Hui-sok, 544
- Harada, 392–393
- Hare, Raymond A., 656n
- Harr, Karl G., Jr., 159, 463, 552–553
- Harriman, W. Averell, 565
- Harrison, Capt, 126, 131, 139, 161, 163
- Hashimoto, Ryogo, 375–376
- Henderson, Gregory, 433n
- Henderson, Loy D., 645–646, 651
- Herter, Christian A.,
276, 281, 282, 446n
- Eisenhower’s visit to Japan, proposed (1960), 223, 280, 327, 363
- Japan, 273, 279, 312
- Japanese political situation, 284, 387–388
- Japanese-U.S. economic relations, 269, 270, 271
- Korea, Republic of, 464, 567, 708, 712
- Korean (ROK) Armed Forces:
- Korean (ROK) political situation:
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 126, 256, 284, 292, 375
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 51n, 274, 400
- Territorial waters issue, 282
- U.N. membership for Korea and Vietnam, 276
- Herz, Martin F., 213n
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 127, 139
- Hillyard, H. L., 69n
- Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 367n, 371
- Ho Chung. See Huh Chung.
- Ho Jung. See Huh Chung.
- Hong, 620, 621, 622
- Hoshina, Adm. Zenshiro, 101
- Howe, Capt. Thomas, 64, 398, 401
- Huh Chung, 581, 648, 651, 653n, 659n, 663
- Hull, Gen. John E., 543, 545
- Hyon Sok-ho, 605
- Ichimada, Hisato, 3
- Ikeda, Hayato, 186, 208, 214n, 218,
290, 291, 299, 390, 393, 394
- Eisenhower’s visit to Japan, proposed (1960), 309, 408
- Kishi’s resignation, 300, 357
- LDP president, election as, 385–386
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 288, 296, 299–300, 358n, 399–400
- Political background, 385–386
- Prime Minister, election as, 358, 376–377, 385n
- Repatriation of Koreans in Japan, 393–394
- Soviet Union, Japan’s relations with, 392–393
- U.S.-Japanese relations, policy on, 389–390, 393, 417
- Ikeda, Teiji, 295
- India, 7, 265, 266
- Indonesia, 7, 209, 264
- Inter-American Bank, 208–209
- International Development Agency, 281
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 227
- International Press Institute (IPI), 558
- Iran, 266
- Irwin, John N., II, 20n, 90, 268, 398, 424n
- Ishibashi, Tanzan, 277, 288, 290, 294, 296, 386
- Ishii, Mitsujiro, 109, 291, 298–299, 300, 358, 392
- Isoda, Yoshisuke, 226, 410
- Italy, 265
- Iwai, Akira, 325, 366
- Japan (see also
Eisenhower’s visit to Japan,
proposed; Japanese political situation;
Japanese-U.S. economic relations; Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan;
Okinawa; Ryukyus and
Bonins; Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan):
- Asian problems, U.S.-Japanese consultation on, 264
- China (PRC), relations with, 115, 263–264, 277–278, 287, 342, 387–388, 390, 391, 392, 406, 420–421
- Communist aggression in Far East, 115
- Communist political offensive against, 260–261, 331–332, 359–361, 366, 369, 380–381, 384
- Defense buildup, 271–272
- Defense expenditures, 1–3, 32–33, 318, 340–341
- Development assistance programs, 6–7, 208–209, 267–268, 280–281, 339
- Dillon’s visit (1959), 226–230
- Economic situation, 287, 319, 410, 412
- U.S. assessment of, 338–340
- F–104 program, 272–273
- Fujiyama’s U.S. visits, 73–84, 221
- Hagerty’s visit (1960), 325, 330, 331–332, 333, 350, 359–360
- Indonesia, policy toward, 7, 209, 264
- International position and orientation, 114–116, 286–288, 341–343
- Kishi’s U.S. visit (1960), 219–220, 259–282
- Korea (ROK), relations with, 208, 275–276, 408–409, 546, 648–649, 650, 669–672, 688, 698
- Korean peninsula, proposed withdrawal of foreign forces, 444
- Koreans, repatriation of, 264n, 275–276, 388, 389–390, 393–394, 669–670
- Kosaka’s U.S. visit (1960), 398–407
- Kuriles and South Sakhalin issue, 17, 18, 345
- Labor movement, 399
- Neutralism in, 25, 115–116, 288, 342, 380, 387–388, 391, 417–418
- NSC 6008:
- Nuclear weapons issue, 27, 41, 56, 71, 78–79, 83, 94, 115, 287
- Oil supply, 406–407, 412–413
- Overseas dispatch of troops, 47
- Regional security role, U.S. policy on, 310, 312–313, 315–316, 323–324, 345
- Reparation payments, 7, 204–205, 264
- Scientific cooperation with U.S., 279
- Self Defense Forces, 75, 340
- Soviet Union, relations with, 115, 342, 345, 392–393
- Strategic importance to U.S., 337
- Strikes and civil unrest (1960), 326, 331–332, 333, 362–363, 364–366, 381–382
- Sunagawa case, 182n
- Territorial waters issue, 282
- Trade and trade policy (see also Japanese-U.S. economic relations), 4, 7, 279, 339–340, 404–405
- U.S.-Japanese relations, 186–187
- U.S. military assistance, 271–272, 419–420
- U.S. military presence, 182n, 273, 287, 341, 419n
- U.S. policy toward (see also NSC 6008 above), 671
- War criminals issue, 83
- Japanese-American Committee on Security, 27–28, 43
- Japanese political situation (see also
Diet debate
Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty,
- Cabinet changes by Kishi, possible, 289, 290
- Communist Party, 338, 352
- Complacency problem, 394–397
- Crisis atmosphere of 1960, causes of, 379–382, 398–399
- Diet dissolution, possible, 283, 284, 285–286
- Elections of 1958, 43
- Elections of 1959, 185–186
- Elections of 1960, 298–299, 393, 410
- Future prospects, MacArthur’s assessment of, 384
- Ikeda’s election as LDP president, 385–386
- Ikeda’s election as Prime Minister, 358, 376–377, 385n
- Kishi’s resignation, 289, 298, 300, 315, 357–358, 359, 377, 382
- LDP factionalism, 108–109, 110, 111–112, 288–289, 290, 291, 296, 338
- National constituency system, 186
- Police law affair, 108
- Socialist boycott of Diet, 296–297, 298, 299
- Socialist Party, 186, 338
- U.S. assessment of, 337–338
- U.S. policy on, 344–345
- U.S. public perception of, 387–388
- Japanese-U.S. economic relations, 418
- Dollar discrimination, 226–229, 269
- GARIOA settlement, 260, 270–271, 317, 413, 421–422
- Japanese exports, 208, 215, 260, 268–269, 404
- Japanese import restrictions, 207–208, 212, 216–218, 226–229, 401–403, 405–406, 410, 411–412
- Japanese investment restrictions, 216–218
- Private economic initiatives, 270, 400–401
- Soyabeans, trade in, 405–406
- U.S. economic policy toward Japan, 322–323, 324, 336, 347–349
- U.S. import restrictions, danger of, 214–216, 228, 269
- Jenkins, Alfred, 589n, 656n
- John XXIII, Pope, 265
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS):
- Japan, 1, 71
- JCS 2180/120, 69–73
- Korea, Republic of, 474n, 708
- Korean (ROK) Armed Forces, 429–430, 560, 562, 711
- Korean peninsula, proposed withdrawal of foreign forces, 443–444
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 69–73
- Okinawa, proposed introduction of nuclear weapons, 30–31
- Ryukyus and Bonins:
- Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1951), 52, 72
- Jones, Howard P., 425–426, 433, 436
- Jones, William G.. 509–511
- Judd, Walter H., 522n, 525–526, 538
- Kamba, Michiko, 366n
- Kashiwagi, Yusuke, 410
- Kashiwamura, 333
- Kasuga, Ikko, 295
- Kato, T., 398, 401
- Kawashima, Shijiro, 111, 295n, 296, 385, 386
- Kaya, Okinori, 253, 366, 376n
- Kearns-Preston, D., 403
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 76, 262, 263, 565, 669, 692
- Kim, Helen, 529–530
- Kim Chu-yol, 614, 615
- Kim Chung-yul:
- Kim Il-sung, 436, 440n
- Kim Tal-ho, 433
- Kim To-yon, 681
- Kira, Hidemichi, 404
- Kishi, Nobusuke, 3, 271, 279, 282
- China (PRC), Japan’s relations with, 263–264, 277
- Communist political offensive against Japan, 260–261
- Development assistance programs, 267–268, 280–281
- East-West relations, 262–263
- Eisenhower’s visit to Japan, proposed (1960), 261, 330
- F–104 program, 272–273
- Indonesia, policy toward, 264
- Japanese political situation, 386
- Japanese-U.S. economic relations:
- Korea (ROK), Japan’s relations with, 275–276, 669
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 11, 37n, 59, 92, 95, 109, 204, 292n
- Administrative Agreement, 121n, 122, 128–129, 246n
- Communiqué on, 255–256
- Communist attitude toward, 109, 283
- Constitutional issues, 181, 192
- Consultation formula, 202, 247, 248, 250–251, 255–256, 260
- Diet debate on, 290, 296, 358–359, 369–370
- Exchange of ratifications, 369–370
- Indirect aggression issue, 234, 252–253, 255
- Japanese interest, announcement of, 34, 58
- LDP factionalism and, 108–110
- Opposition in Japan, 261, 369
- Review of treaty, provisions for, 236, 240, 241, 245–246
- Ryukyus and Bonins and, 110, 234, 251–252, 255
- Signing in summer of 1959, proposed, 130, 195
- Signing of (January 1960), 219–220
- U.N. operations in Far East and (Acheson–Yoshida notes), 189, 190
- U.S. package proposal on several issues, 201–202
- Popular attitude toward, 298, 357, 380
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 274–275
- U.S.-Japanese relations, 186–187
- U.S. visit (1960), 219–220, 259–282
- Kitazana, Naokichi, 389n
- Kiya, Masao, 409
- Kiyose, Ichiro, 293n, 295
- Klemstine, James A., 589n, 600n
- Kondo, S., 398, 401
- Kono, Ichiro, 111, 162, 186, 210–211, 224n, 288, 289, 296, 298, 300, 358n, 376, 386
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (DPRK):
- Korea, Republic of (ROK) (see also
Korean (ROK) Armed
Forces; Korean (ROK) political situation):
- Communist renewal of hostilities, U.S. policy re, 704–705, 707–708
- Economic situation, 697
- Eisenhower–McConaughy meeting re, 691–693
- Eisenhower’s visit (1960), 617, 632, 664, 668–672
- Future prospects, U.S. estimate re, 697–698
- Hijacking incident, 444–445
- Japan, relations with, 208, 275–276, 408–409, 546, 648–649, 650, 688, 698
- Police forces, 588, 593, 648, 649, 695
- Reform and development, U.S. policy objectives re, 702–703
- Religious persecution in, 607
- Repatriation of Koreans in Japan, 264n, 275–276, 388, 389–390, 393–394, 669–670
- U.N. membership issue, 276, 703
- Unilateral actions against DPRK, U.S. policy re, 490, 551, 553, 568–569, 570, 578, 705
- U.S. Country Team relationship, 534n
- U.S. economic assistance, 464, 539, 610n, 612, 653n, 665, 688
- U.S. military assistance:
- U.S. policy toward:
- U.S. press in, 538
- U.S.-ROK relations, tensions in, 529–531
- Korean (ROK) Armed Forces:
- Air Force, 454, 506
- Budgeting for, 454, 458–459, 470, 507
- Combat readiness issue, 550–551, 559–560, 563, 569, 573
- Coup attempt, possible, 697–698
- Dual-capable weapons issue, 435, 596–598
- Logistical support, 453
- Marine Corps, 454, 506
- Modern military equipment for:
- Navy, 453–454, 506
- Pay scale, 459, 692
- Reduction of forces:
- Agreed Minute on, 446–447, 450, 451, 452–455, 458n, 463, 468–471, 477–478, 505–507
- Budgeting and, 458–459
- Delivery of modern equipment and, 481–483, 493–494, 496, 497–498, 501, 502, 503
- Gradual reductions after 1959, proposed, 551, 560–567
- Hull’s proposal for, 543, 545–546
- Mutually agreed reductions with Communists, proposed, 565, 566
- Negotiations, status report on, 478–480
- Proposals for reductions, U.S. policy on, 705, 711–712
- ROK counterproposal of September 1958, 496–501
- 630,000
- strength ceiling, 431–432, 438–439, 446–447, 449–450, 452, 455, 463, 469, 551, 562
- 720,000
- strength ceiling, 425–426, 427–429
- “Smaller modern force” option, 583–584
- Strength figures used in negotiations, 429–430
- U.S. funding cutbacks and, 582–585, 594–595
- U.S. long-term planning re, 473–474, 475–476
- Reserve components, 453, 469, 506
- U.S. policy objectives, 486–487, 575, 705
- Korean Armistice Agreement, U.S. policy re, 488–490, 577–578, 703–705
- Korean peninsula, proposed withdrawal of foreign forces:
- Communist-Allied communications re, 455–456, 457–458, 467
- Communist criticism of Allies’ refusal to withdraw, 503–504
- Communist proposal (1958), 436–437
- Allied response, 442n, 447–449
- U.S. response, 440–442
- Elections issue, 436, 440–441, 455–456
- Japanese position, 444
- State–JCS discussion re, 443–444
- U.S. position, 440–441
- Korean (ROK) political situation:
- Assassinations of government officials, possible, 466–467
- Chang–McConaughy consultation re, 687–690
- Chang’s election as Prime Minister, 681
- Consensus lawmaking, need for, 466
- Crisis of 1960, 647, 451
- Broad-based opposition to government, 615–616
- Communist exploitation of, 628–629
- Four-point program to end, 639–645
- Martial law, 619–620
- Resignations of officials, 633–634
- Rhee’s interpretation of events, 620–621, 629–631
- Rioting, 605–606, 614–615, 618–620, 627–628
- Student demonstrations, 618–620, 627–628, 638
- U.S. public statements on, 620n, 622n, 629n, 632–633, 639n, 643n
- U.S. response to, 621–622, 623, 634–637
- U.S.-ROK discussions re, 620–622, 627–633, 640–644
- Democracy, U.S. support for, 567–568
- Democratic tradition, 535–536
- Future prospects, U.S. estimate re, 697
- Huh caretaker government, 660
- Legislative deadlock, 541–542, 544, 547–549, 586
- Moderate coalition, possible, 586–587
- National Assembly elections of 1958, 456, 465–466
- National Assembly elections of 1960, 598, 640n, 641–642, 644, 655, 659, 668
- National Security Law (see
Legislative deadlock above):
- Amendment of, proposed, 541–542
- Crisis situation due to, 518, 519, 520, 525n, 527
- Legislative debate on, 508–509, 511–512, 513–514
- Passage of, 518, 520
- Press, impact on, 509, 513, 514
- Repressive intent of, 516–517, 535
- Rhee’s position, 515–516, 524–525
- U.S. protests to Rhee, 521, 522–526
- U.S.-ROK discussion re, 513–515, 516, 526–528
- U.S.-ROK relations, impact on, 529–530
- Newspaper closings, 555, 556–558
- Parliamentary (cabinet) system, 668
- Presidential election of March, 1960, 571, 589,
- Campaign incidents, 600–605, 607–608
- Electoral manipulation by government, opposition concerns re, 509–511
- Opposition candidates, 596, 599, 600
- U.S. expressions of concern to ROK officials, 606–608
- U.S. public reaction, 608–610
- U.S. response to, 624–626, 627–629, 631–633
- Vice-presidential contest, 571, 600
- Presidential election of July, 1960. See National Assembly elections of 1960 above.
- Regulation of political parties, 554–555
- Rhee government’s determination to retain power, 509–511, 532–534, 535, 536, 585–587
- Rhee’s decision-making system, 580–581
- Rhee’s resignation, 638n, 639–645
- Stable political environment, efforts to achieve, 693–696
- Suppression of opposition forces (see also National Security Law above), 433–434, 461–462, 533, 555
- U.S. policy objectives, 487–488, 575–576, 701
- U.S. program to influence political developments:
- Yun’s election as President, 681
- Korean reunification (see also Korean peninsula, proposed withdrawal of foreign forces):
- Kosaka, Zantaro, 390, 394, 417
- China (PRC), Japan’s relations with, 391, 406
- Eisenhower’s visit to Japan, proposed (1960), 398
- Japanese political situation, 398–399
- Japanese-U.S. economic relations:
- Korea (ROK), Japan’s relations with, 408–409
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 399–400
- Neutralism in Japan, 391
- Oil supply, 406–407
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 400
- Trade barriers used against Japan, 404–405
- U.S. military presence in Japan, 419n
- U.S. visit (1960), 398–407
- Kuriles and South Sakhalin issue, 17, 18, 345
- Kwak, 580–581
- Kwak Sang-hun, 668, 694
- Lacy, William S.B., 530
- Lane, Samuel O., 440n, 447n, 463, 471n, 478n, 502n, 503n, 515n, 521n, 550n, 554n, 596n, 599n, 615n, 618n, 624n, 634n, 653n
- Lang, William E., 68, 175n
- Lansdale, Col. Edward G., 545
- Latin American economic development, 208–209
- Law of the Sea Conference (1960), 282
- Lay, James S., Jr., 310, 336, 474–475, 484, 559n, 570n, 572, 700
- Ledovski, Andrei, 442n
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 449n, 468n
- Leonhart, William, 214n, 350n
- Little, Charles J., 50n
- Long, Edward T., 594n, 596n
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 409
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 38n, 444, 650n,
- China (PRC), Japan’s relations with, 390, 391, 420–421
- Communist political offensive against Japan, 359–361, 366, 369, 380–381, 384
- Defense expenditures in Japan, 2–3, 32–33
- Development assistance programs, 6–7, 208–209
- Dillon’s visit to Japan (1959), 226–230
- Eisenhower, briefing for, 407–409
- Eisenhower’s visit to Japan, proposed (1960), 354, 361, 408
- Fujiyama’s U.S. visit (1958), 74
- Hagerty’s visit to Japan (1960), 325, 330, 331–332
- Japanese political situation, 384,
- Cabinet changes by Kishi, possible, 289, 290
- Complacency problem, 394–397
- Crisis atmosphere of 1960, causes of, 379–382
- Diet dissolution, possible, 283, 285–286
- Elections of 1959, 185–186
- Elections of 1960, 393
- Ikeda’s election as LDP president, 385–386
- Ikeda’s election as Prime Minister, 358, 376–377
- Kishi’s resignation, 300, 357–358, 359, 377, 382
- LDP factionalism, 288–289, 290, 291, 296
- Socialist boycott of Diet, 296–297
- Japanese-U.S. economic relations, 418
- Kishi’s U.S. visit (1960), 219–220, 259, 268
- Kono’s travel abroad, 210–211
- Korea (ROK), Japan’s relations with, 408–409
- Kosaka’s U.S. visit (1960), 401, 404
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 36, 37n, 94, 106, 119, 204, 283, 286, 294, 360
- Abrogation issue, 68, 93–94, 138–139, 191
- Administrative Agreement, 6, 9, 49, 67–68, 93, 97–98, 112–113, 120n, 121–126, 128–129, 140–155, 156–158
- Collective security issue, 136, 178
- Communiqué, on, 255–256
- Constitutional issues, 138, 169–170, 178, 179–180, 181–183, 192, 193–194, 198–200, 201–202
- Consultation formula, 26, 60, 65–67, 91, 94–95, 97, 102–103, 107, 127, 139–140, 200, 202, 225, 246–247, 250–251, 255–256
- Diet debate on, 204–205, 244, 288–289, 290, 293–294, 295–299, 358–359, 369–370, 382
- Draft treaties, 8–10, 131, 134–139, 177–180
- Duration period of, 239–240
- Exchange of ratifications, 358–359, 369–370
- Indirect aggression issue, 225, 234–235, 252–253, 255
- Internal security of Japan and, 136–137
- Japanese economic objectives in Far East and, 134–135
- Japanese interest, announcement of, 34, 43–45, 58, 60–61
- Japanese pressure for, 46–47
- Kishi’s resignation and, 300, 359
- LDP factionalism and, 58, 108–110, 111–112
- Media coverage of, 244–245
- Mutuality issue, 64–65, 67, 97
- Negotiations, U.S. authorization of, 84n, 88
- Objectives issue, 96–97
- Opposition within Japan, 210, 211, 295–297, 369
- Pacific area issue, 177–178, 191, 198, 200, 201–202
- Pros and cons of, 48–49
- Public relations benefits, 27–28
- Public relations campaign re, 206, 210
- Review of treaty, provisions for, 236–237, 239–242, 245–246
- Ryukyus and Bonins and, 101–102, 103–104, 118, 127, 225, 233–234, 251–252, 255
- Signing in summer of 1959, proposed, 130, 195, 205
- Signing of (January 1960), 205–206, 219–220
- State–Defense discussion re, 64–69
- Treaty area, 8–9, 28, 35, 116–117, 120n, 137
- U.N. operations in Far East and (Acheson–Yoshida notes), 65, 69, 94, 99–100, 163–164, 188–190, 244–245
- U.S. base rights in Japan, 90, 91n, 97–98, 117–118, 138, 142–143
- U.S. commitment to Japan, 118–119
- U.S. initiative re, 5–6, 22–23, 28–29, 35–36
- U.S. intelligence missions from bases in Japan and, 292n
- U.S.-Japanese alignment and, 24–29, 34, 61–63, 117, 418–419
- U.S. objectives, 8, 24
- U.S. package proposal on several issues, 200, 201–202
- U.S. withdrawal of forces for defense of other areas, 118
- Okinawa, 4–5, 394
- Overseas dispatch of troops by Japan, 47
- Repatriation of Koreans in Japan, 389–390, 393–394
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 5, 19, 20–21, 50, 51n
- Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1951):
- Soviet Union, Japan’s relations with, 392–393
- Strikes and civil unrest in Japan (1960), 326, 331–332, 333, 362–363, 364–366, 381–382
- Trade, Japan’s reliance on, 4, 7
- U.S.-Japanese relations, 186–187
- U.S. military assistance to Japan, 419–420
- U.S. military presence in Japan, 381, 419n
- U.S. policy toward Japan:
- Macdonald, Donald S., 665n, 676n, 679n, 681n, 687n
- Macmillan, Harold, 280, 281
- Macomber, William B., Jr., 468n
- Magruder, Lt. Gen. Carter B., 639, 640, 664, 690n, 692–693
- Manhard, Philip W., 596n
- Mansfield, Mike, 127, 139
- Martin, James V., Jr., 58, 64, 74, 88n, 90n, 91n
- Martin, Gen. W. K., 449n
- Masutani, 204, 298, 309
- Matsukawa, Michiya, 226
- Matsumae, Lt. Gen. Misoo, 168n
- Matsumura, 277, 289, 294, 296, 300, 386
- Matsutani, 358n
- Mauer, Ely, 449n
- McConaughy, Walter P.,
276n, 588n
- Korea, Republic of, 649, 663
- Korean (ROK) political situation:
- Consultation with Chang re, 687–690
- Crisis of 1960, 614–615, 618–619, 620–622, 629–633, 638, 639–644, 647
- Huh caretaker government, 647–650
- National Assembly elections of 1960, 659–661, 673–674, 679n
- Parliamentary (cabinet) system, 658–661
- Presidential election of 1960, 599n, 603
- Rhee’s resignation, 639–644
- U.S. program to influence political developments, 611–613, 616–618, 667n, 674–675, 679n, 681, 686n
- McCone, John, 567
- McElroy, Neil H., 22, 37, 90, 474n
- Merchant, Livingston T., 400, 401–402, 403, 589n, 594–595, 596n, 600n, 634n
- Miki, Takeo, 186, 288, 293–294, 296, 298, 300, 358n, 376, 386
- Miller, Dudley, 503n
- Mizuta, Mikio, 409–413
- Moore, Gen. James E., 6n, 20n, 51n
- Morgan, George, 62, 64, 74
- Mori, Haruki, 74, 259, 268
- Moyer, Dr., 468n, 690n, 692
- Muccio, John J., 530
- Mueller, Frederick H., 322, 323, 404, 405, 406, 407
- Murphy, Robert D., 425, 430, 523, 526, 589n
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 168n, 202
- Abrogation issue, 68, 79, 87, 93–94, 138–139, 191
- Acheson–Yoshida notes. See U.N. operations in Far East below.
- Administrative Agreement, 6, 9, 42, 49, 67–68, 87, 89, 90, 93, 97–98, 112–113, 124,
143, 157, 195n,
198n, 246n
- Civilian components of U.S. forces, 141–142, 171
- Conscription of U.S. citizens in Japan into U.S. forces, 149–150
- Cost claims for facilities provided by Japan, 221–222, 229–230
- Customs examination of imported goods, 41, 257, 258
- Documentation of U.S. personnel, 146
- Duty determination in civil claims, 158
- Duty-free imports by U.S. personnel, 146–147, 153–155, 173
- Extraterritorial rights of U.S. firms, 156–157, 174
- Final agreement on, 258
- Interpretive understandings, exchange of notes on, 153–155
- Japanese diversity of opinion on, 121–126, 128–129
- Japanese proposed modifications, text of, 140–153, 156–158
- Japanese proposed modifications, U.S. response to, 170–174, 176–177
- Labor problems, 148, 173, 258
- Number of U.S. personnel in Japan, notification re, 145–146
- Procurement for construction work, 147, 154, 155
- Rights of way outside U.S. bases, 156, 172
- Substantive changes, U.S. opposition to, 120–121
- Yen payments to support U.S. forces, 150, 176–177
- Appropriateness of new treaty, U.S. concerns re, 10–14
- Changes in signed treaty, concerns about, 284, 286
- Collective security issue, 136, 165, 178
- Communiqué on, 250–251, 252, 254, 255–256, 257
- Communist attitude toward, 109, 283
- Congressional debate on, 284, 294
- Constitutional issues, 12–13, 138, 166–167, 169–170, 178, 179–180, 181–183, 185, 192, 193–194, 196–197, 198–200, 201–202
- Consultation formula, 26, 60, 65–67, 88, 102–103, 107, 127, 180n, 200, 202, 256n, 260
- Diet debate on, 204–205, 209, 213–214, 244, 283, 284, 288–289, 290, 291n, 293–294
- Draft treaties:
- Duration period of, 239–240
- Exchange of ratifications, 358–359, 369–370
- Far East issue, 225, 231–232
- Ikeda government’s policy on, 399–400
- Indirect aggression issue, 225, 232, 234–235, 238–239, 252–253, 255, 257
- Internal security of Japan and, 136–137
- Japanese economic objectives in Far East and, 134–135
- Japanese interest, announcement of, 34, 43–45, 58
- Japanese objectives, U.S. concerns about, 36–38
- Japanese pressure for, 46–47
- Japanese public opinion on, 109, 360
- Kishi’s resignation and, 300, 359
- LDP and cabinet approval, 204, 224–225
- LDP factionalism and, 58, 108–109, 110, 111–112
- Media coverage of, 244–245
- Mutuality issue, 53–54, 64–65, 67, 79–80, 97, 197
- Negotiations, 6, 100, 95, 111n
- New treaty, Japanese preference for, 75, 79
- Nuclear weapons in Japan, 78–79, 94, 97
- Objectives issue, 96–97
- Opposition within Japan, 210, 211, 213n, 220, 261, 291n, 295–297, 369
- Pacific area issue, 165, 177–178, 184, 191, 196, 198, 200, 201–202
- Pros and cons of, 48–49
- Public relations benefits, 27–28
- Public relations campaign re, 206, 209–210
- Ratification of. See Congressional debate and Diet debate above.
- Review of treaty, provisions for, 236–238, 239–243, 245–246
- Ryukyus and Bonins and, 12, 35, 97, 101–102, 103–105, 110, 118, 120, 127, 225, 231, 233–234, 249–250, 251–252, 255, 256
- Security Treaty revision as alternative to. See under Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan.
- Signing in summer of 1959, proposed, 130, 159–160, 195, 205
- Signing of (January 1960), 205–206, 258
- Socialist draft resolutions, 59
- Soviet nuclear threat and, 76–77
- State–Defense discussion re, 64–69
- Treaty area (see also Pacific area issue and Ryukyus and Bonins above), 8–9, 12, 28, 35, 127, 137
- U.N. operations in Far East and (Acheson–Yoshida notes), 65, 69, 85, 89, 94, 99–100, 163–164, 187–190, 244–245, 256
- U.S. base rights in Japan, 41, 55, 90, 91, 97–98, 114–115, 117–118, 121, 138, 142–143
- U.S. commitment to Japan, 118–119
- U.S. initiative re, 5–6, 22–23, 28–29, 35–36
- U.S. intelligence missions from bases in Japan and, 292, 293
- U.S.-Japanese alignment and, 24–29, 34, 61–63, 80–81, 375–376, 418–419
- U.S. military’s position papers, 38–42, 52–57, 69–73, 104–105
- U.S. objectives, 8, 12, 13–14, 24
- U.S. package proposal on several issues, 200, 201–202
- U.S. withdrawal of forces for defense of other areas, 118
- National Geographic Society, 232
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Actions
- Documents:
- Economic matters, consideration of, 322–323
- Meetings:
- 371st (July 3, 1958), 471n
- 375th (August 7, 1958), 480–483
- 404th (April 30, 1959), 159–160
- 406th (May 13, 1959), 552–554
- 411th (June 25, 1959), 559–570
- 437th (March 17, 1960), 610
- 442 nd (April 28, 1960), 651
- 446th (May 31, 1960), 314–324
- 447th (June 8, 1960), 664–665
- 469th (December 8, 1960), 707–710
- 470th (December 20, 1960), 710–713
- National Security Law. See under Korean (ROK) political situation.
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 266
- Nishihara, Naokado, 226
- Nishio, Suehiro, 186, 377
- Nishiyama, A., 398, 401
- Nixon, Richard M., 564, 565–566, 651
- Nogami, Susumu, 328n
- Nuclear weapons:
- Ohata, Tetsuro, 404
- Ohno, Katsumi, 300, 358n
- Okinawa, 4–5, 321, 394
- Onda, Tokuo, 366
- Ono, Bamboka, 298, 385n
- Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 159, 540n
- Organization of European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 280
- Ortiz, Frank V., 463n
- Ota, Seisaku, 371–374
- Paek Nak-jun, 680
- Paik Sun-yup, Gen., 427, 438, 446, 480
- Pakistan, 265
- Palmer, Gardner E., 545
- Paris economic conference (1960), 280
- Park Chan-il, 580, 581, 639
- Parsons, Howard L., 1n, 36n, 38n, 58, 64, 74, 440n, 447n, 449n, 464n, 499n, 503n, 525n, 526n, 532n
- Parsons, J. Graham, 64, 74, 91n, 194, 175n,
237n, 239, 248n, 249n, 254, 255, 259, 260n, 261n, 262n, 263n, 267n, 268, 284, 285, 299, 329, 330n, 333n, 354n, 356, 362, 364, 368, 371, 376, 497n, 498n, 499n, 514n, 521n, 525n, 545, 550n, 554n, 585n,
599n, 615n, 616, 624n, 627, 634n, 653n, 656n, 662n, 665n, 670n, 687n
- Eisenhower’s visit to Japan, proposed (1960), 355–356
- European trading blocs, 280
- Japan, 400–401
- Korea, Republic of:
- Korean (ROK) Armed Forces:
- Korean (ROK) political situation:
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 62
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 274–275
- U.N. membership for Korea and Vietnam, 276
- Passman, Otto E., 373
- Peoples’ Republic of China. See China, People’s Republic of.
- Persons, Wilton B., 373, 374
- Peterson, A.F., 600n, 656n, 681n
- Pfeiffer, Harry F., Jr., 14n, 84n, 107n
- Pletcher, Charles H., 50n
- Pyo Wook Han, 556, 558
- Quarles, Donald A., 481
- Quinlan, Bishop, 630
- Red Cross Societies, 264n
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 74, 443
- Rhee, Francesca, 580, 663
- Rhee, Syngman, 556, 648n, 650, 657n, 660n
- Richards, A. L., 463–464
- Rittenhouse, Adm. Basil N., 449n, 468n
- Ro, Bishop, 607–608
- Robertson, Walter S.,
1n, 4, 447n, 464n, 468n, 493n, 498n, 499n, 502n, 514n, 532n
- Japan, 14–15, 84
- Korea, Republic of, 534n, 546, 551
- Korean (ROK) Armed Forces, 498n
- Korean peninsula, proposed withdrawal of foreign forces, 440–442, 457–458, 503–504
- Korean (ROK) political situation, 513, 519
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1960), 8, 23, 38, 61, 62, 64, 106n, 107n, 119n, 126, 164, 167, 170, 187n, 188, 194, 196n
- Ryukyus and Bonins, 17, 19, 51n, 175n
- Rogers, William, 567
- Rostow, Walt W., 683
- Rowland, William F., 464–467
- Rusk, Dean, 413
- Ryukyus and Bonins (see also
- Closer relations with Japan, U.S. policy on, 311, 314, 321–322, 324, 347
- Compensation of islanders, 5, 50–51, 82–83, 274–275
- Currency conversion, 31–32, 50–51
- Duration of U.S. control, 6n, 311, 313, 320–321, 324, 346
- Japanese administration issue, 17–18, 19
- Japanese residual sovereignty issue, 161–162, 175
- Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan 1960), 12, 35, 97, 101–102, 103–105, 110, 118, 120, 127, 225, 231, 233–234, 249–250, 251–252, 255, 256
- Strategic importance to U.S., 29–31
- U.S. civilian administration of, 20–21
- U.S. economic assistance, 20, 373–374
- U.S.-Japanese cooperation re, 20, 82, 274
- Sakai, Toshihiko, 226, 227
- Sakamoto, Capt., 371
- Sandri, Henry J., 431n, 449n, 468n
- Sangjin Chyun, 627
- Sato, Eisaku, 223, 280, 290, 291, 309, 358n
- Scribner, Fred C., Jr., 564–565, 709, 712
- Security Treaty, U.S.-Japan (1951), 9, 25, 44, 75
- Seligmann, Albert, 206, 214n
- Shimanouchi, George, 398, 401, 404
- Shimanouchi, Toshiro, 78, 259, 268
- Shimoda, 17–18
- Shin Yong Lho, 606
- Shuff, Charles H., 449n
- Smith, Gerard C., 444, 471, 596n
- Sneider, Richard L., 106n, 119n, 164n, 167n, 170n, 175n, 176n, 184n, 187n, 196n, 221, 231n, 237n, 238n, 242n, 248n, 49n, 256n, 268, 271n, 274n, 275n, 277n, 278n, 279n, 282n, 284n, 292n, 312n, 387n, 398, 401
- Sohyo General Council of Trade Unions, 325, 326, 352, 359, 364–365
- Song Yo-chan, Lt. Gen., 619, 638, 646
- Southeast Asian economic development, 6–7, 208, 209, 281
- Soviet Union, 43–44, 329, 669, 692
- Sparkman, John, 390
- Sprague, Mansfield D.,84n, 90, 468n
- Stans, Maurice, 563, 564, 565, 566, 708–709, 711, 712
- Steeves, John M., 231n, 238n, 292n, 301n, 306n, 354n, 387n, 589n, 596n, 615n, 634n, 645n, 662n, 676n, 679n
- Stephens, John A., 329, 330n, 331, 356
- Stilson, Marian S., 302n, 623n
- Stump, Adm. Felix B., 27, 38
- Suk Sang-ok, 648n
- Sunagawa case, 182n
- Swayne, Kingdon W., 387n
- Takasaki, Tatsunosuke, 393
- Tanaka, H., 398, 401
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 443, 444, 445, 545
- Tibet, 266
- Togo, 74
- Top, Hideki, 298
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 311, 313, 317–318, 319
- Tsushima, Juichi, 3
- Tsutsumi, Yasujiro, 290n, 299n
- Tunisia, 266
- Turkey, 265
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 316, 443, 444, 664
- United Kingdom, 26, 318
- United Nations:
- U–2 intelligence missions, 292, 293, 381
- Van Fleet, Gen. James A., 327
- Vettel, Thelma E., 404, 410, 679n
- Vietnam, Republic of, 7, 276
- Warne, William E., 492, 494, 495n
- Waugh, Samuel C., 407
- Weil, T. Eliot, 427, 428
- Weiss, Seymour, 596n, 687n
- White, John, 58, 64
- White, Lincoln, 521n, 609n
- White, Gen. Thomas D., 482
- Wickel, James J., 259
- Wiley, Alexander, 127, 139
- Wilson, James, 545
- Won Yon Duu, Gen., 580
- Yamada, Hisanari:
- Yang. See You Chan Yang.
- Yasukawa, Takeshi, 74, 268, 398, 401
- Yi Chae-hak, 544
- Yi Chong-ch’an, 667
- Yi Kang-hak, 604
- Yi Ki-pung, 462, 513, 535, 542, 571, 581, 600, 604, 605n, 636, 640n, 642, 648n
- Yi Oh’ol-sung, 643
- Yi Pyong-do, 648n
- Yokomichi, 295
- Yoshida, Shigeru, 111, 211, 212, 288, 289n, 290, 291, 300, 301, 357–358, 376, 392, 393
- You Chan Yang:
- Yu Chin-san, 508
- Yu Jae Hung, Lt. Gen., 427, 438
- Yun, S.H., 526
- Yun Chae-sul, 542, 549
- Yun Ho-pyong, 648n
- Yun Po-sun, 677, 681
- Zengakuren student organization, 324, 326n, 330, 331, 332, 352, 360, 364, 365–366, 381
- Zurhellen, J. Owen, 58, 64, 74, 503n