329. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Korea0
152. For Ambassador from Parsons. In discussions with new Prime Min Chang before your departure, we would like following points made to him and his Govt if you have no objection. Recognize that you have probably made many of these points to Chang and other DP leaders before, and therefore leave form of presentation and emphasis to your discretion. Details of various topics, as covered in other communications, can be added as you see fit.
- 1.
- US regards new Govt as having unique opportunity to lead Korean people in historic record of real democratic achievement in political, economic, and social sectors, continuing in spirit of April revolution and providing wise, energetic, dedicated leadership and administration, free of corruption and internal dissension, and responsive to people through legislature and party. Success will elevate ROK in eyes of Free World and bring nation closer to goal of unification, peace, and political and economic freedom. Failure will disillusion both Korean people and those of friendly nations, including US, and might result in worse internal confusion than that of this Spring.
- 2.
- Prime requisite of effective administration, in US belief, is effective, dedicated, incorrupt career civil service, police force and military establishment. In this connection US hopes (a) that ROK will move promptly to make plans for thoroughgoing reforms these three services to achieve these objectives, (b) that in meantime new Govt will not destroy existing competence of civil service or jeopardize opportunities for reform by hasty purges of working-level personnel based on political considerations rather than evaluation of merit. US will be prepared furnish all appropriate assistance to ROKG in promptly realizing such reforms.
- 3.
- US will continue furnish economic and military support. However it virtually impossible that aid level will be increased by Congress, and possibility may have to be faced that aid level for Korea may therefore have be reduced. Therefore we hope ROKG will avoid undue public emphasis on increased aid, which might cause subsequent embarrassment to Govt before Korean people, and will rest assured that US will do all it possibly can to assist. Positive accomplishments by new Govt will constitute best possible argument for continued aid.
- 4.
- In view expressed intention Congress that ROK aid program procedures regularized in accordance worldwide practices, we hope new Govt will give highest priority to undertaking necessary reforms to make this possible, as well as to make most effective possible use available funds. ROK is only country in world enjoying special exception established immediately after cessation of hostilities. Congress continues express interest in progress toward early regularization procedures. Continuation of exceptional procedures likely generate Congressional criticism which would adversely affect ROK aid program.
- 5.
- We have been pleased to note that the Democratic Party recognizes need for basic exchange reform. US has long believed that establishment of a realistic unitary rate system is essential to sound development and stability of Korean economy. US Govt attaches so much importance to this that we expect discuss subject in detail with ROKG in near future. FYI: Message in preparation to serve as basis such conversation, which will summarize developments in connection recent IMF mission and outline representations which we may wish Embassy to make to ROK. End FYI.
- 6.
- US welcomes indications that ROK will work to improve relations with Japan, and we urge that ROK enter into early and meaningful negotiations with Japanese to settle outstanding issues and establish base for constructive and useful long-term relationship. In this connection we would hope new ROKG will recognize that Japan, like ROK, faces internal problems in connection repatriation issue, and that ROK will show all possible flexibility on repatriation issue, including arrangements for repatriation program to ROK. Continued friction with Japan in Rhee tradition, in US view, would be damaging to ROK both economically and from standpoint Korean international relations generally.
- 7.
- In connection forthcoming UNGA presentation Korean issue, US will give strongest possible support to established UN position on unification. In this connection, most effective possible presentation by ROK of own case by carefully selected high-level representatives can be of very great importance, especially in attracting possible support of new UN members for unification resolution. FYI: Text of such draft resolution now being worked out in Dept, and will be forwarded shortly to Embassy together with general lines our proposed presentation in UNGA. Membership question will be subject later message. End FYI.
In addition foregoing issues, which we regard as most important for immediate future, Chang may raise such questions as force reduction and status of forces agreement. We think best course on such topics will be to listen sympathetically to points Chang wishes to make and state you will bring them to attention your govt, but emphasize that [Page 689] premature public positions on these issues, which are of far-reaching consequence in terms ROK-US relations, may be embarrassing and cause needless difficulties in evolving such solutions as may ultimately prove desirable.
In general we hope you and Embassy staff will be able establish close and fruitful relationships with new Govt which will afford channels for both guidance and support during formative period, while at same time maintaining the splendid contacts you have established in the Korean community generally. An early understanding with Chang as to matters we consider important both for ROK and US would appear to be good point of departure for such relationships.
While short time before your departure1 hardly permits exchange views before your contacts with new govt, I would welcome any comments you have on this message, and would accept such additions or emendations in presentation to Chang as you may deem essential.