267. Telegram From the Embassy in Korea to the Department of State0

352. Refs Deptel 2971 and 299.2 Embassy officer had lengthy conversation Vice President Chang Myon January 31 and similar conversation with Cho Pyong-ok today on current situation stressing importance reaching compromise with LP leaders and restoring normal parliamentary relationship soonest. Particular stress laid on reasonable approach by DP in assembly session Feb 3 when LP members plan attend. Officer strongly suggested DP abandon insistence on public apology by Speaker Yi and confirmation invalidity Dec 24 legislation which impossible secure and concentrate instead on negotiation amendments to security act which in itself adequate apology and verification DP’s position. Emphasized continued hard position DP only serve strengthen position hard faction LP, defeat basic DP objectives, and work to disadvantage Korean nation.

Chang as in earlier conversations3 emphasized issue matter moral principle and insisted Speaker must make public apology for actions Dec 24. During conversation he amended concept blanket apology to “apology for methods employed;” only after such apology would it be possible discuss Changes in security act where minimum Change must be deletion 5 and 6 articles. Chang said DP must insist on complete reversal amendments local autonomy law made Dec 24. As third priority objective but still important–he cited reversal amendment House of Councilor’s law in order hold House of Councilor’s election. Chang insisted Yi conversation with Cho and meetings between DPLP floor [Page 542] leaders was “trick” on part of LP which had no intention agree any amendments. If LP sincere Chang insisted they should raise ban on public gatherings. Chang argued hard DP position imperative if DP “to keep faith with people” and in response Embassy officer’s emphasis on futility hard position said “must wait and see” but not DP intention hold position “forever.”

Cho professed take more conciliatory attitude in which he said he had support of the DP, including Chang. This particularly interesting view fact Chang had told Embassy officer Cho and other DP members fully supported position Chang outlined. Cho said compromise essential and must work out through amendments to Dec 24 legislation. In talk with Speaker Yi he had asked for “expression regret” not exactly apology; removal Secretary General Choe and resignation Vice Speaker Han; and guarantee LP would not take actions again similar to those Dec 24. He agreed expression regret probably impossible achieve, and seemed personally willing forego but pointed out strength feeling this matter among DP members. Cho said he met secretly with Yi a second time Jan 30 and Yi described great difficulty with LP “die hards.” Cho told YiDP not insisting on confirmation illegality acts Dec 24 but felt must amend certain articles. Cho also told Yi he might be able help in effort persuade President Rhee for moderate course.

Cho told Embassy officer Articles 4; 12; para 5, Article 17; 22; and 37 regarded as most damaging by DP but in his personal opinion para 5, Article 17 and Article 37 most important. Re local autonomy law Cho believes essential that power to appoint local executives be reversed to former election status although herein possible compromise by permitting Myon chiefs be appointed

When Embassy officer stressed importance moderate DP approach in Assembly session tomorrow and urged that DP spokesman’s statement re purpose meeting be constructive and not critical in tone, Cho said he had already recommended this but would see Spokesman Yun Chae-sul tonight and again emphasize importance moderation. Assembly session tomorrow important indication possibility early compromise. Embassy officer plans attend.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795B.00/2–259. Secret.
  2. In telegram 297 to Seoul, January 30, Dowling indicated that the paper on Korea that he prepared on January 23 (Document 266) had been approved as a basis for policy by the Secretary, and the Embassy could use the copy he sent by air pouch as general guidance in his absence. He was particularly concerned with what he saw as the “unreasonable and impractical stand Chang Myon faction against compromise solution to Assembly problem.” He concluded that he hoped the Embassy would continue to press Chang to accept a compromise. (Department of State, Central Files, 611.95B/1–2759) See Supplement.
  3. In telegram 299 to Seoul, January 30, the Department of State expressed continuing concern over the uncompromising position of the Democratic Party. The Department was concerned that if the Democratic Party maintained its intransigent position, it might maneuver itself into a position where it could be charged with obstructing the reestablishment of democratic processes in Korea. (Department of State, Central Files, 795B.00/1–3059) See Supplement.
  4. Memoranda of conversations between Vice President Chang Myon and First Secretary of Embassy William G. Jones on January 6, 16, and 31 are found in Department of State, FE/EA Files: Lot 63 D 168, Prime Minister; see Supplement.