214. Telegram From the Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (Decker) to the Department of State0
UK 977788 CC. Joint Ambassador–CINCUNC message.
1. Reference: DEF 935870 (Jan 58).1
2. Meeting held 12 February attended by Ambassador, CINCUNC, Minister of National Defense, Kim Chung Yul, Chairman of the ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lt Gen Yu Jae Hung, and Chief of Staff, ROKA, General Paik Sun Yup, at which time following joint Ambassador/CINCUNC memorandum was delivered to MND:
“12 February 1958 memo for: the Minister of Defense, Republic of Korea. Subject: Reorganization of the ROK Armed Forces.
- “1. Your 8 January 1958 memorandum,2 subject as above, was forwarded to Washington following our recent discussions.
- “2. Washington has now replied to the effect that your proposals were given thorough and sympathetic study. As a result, some upward revision of ROK force levels which can be supported by the U.S. has been made, and the period during which reductions in these force levels are to be accomplished has been extended.
- “3. It has been determined, however, that four-service force ceiling of 630,000 is the maximum that the U.S. can support after the end of the current calendar year. This means that a real reduction of some 59,000 military personnel on active service will be the maximum required.
- “4. To provide for an orderly reduction program, and to permit proper planning for release of military personnel and their reception into civilian life, the U.S. will extend the period in which the reductions must be accomplished to 31 December 1958 from the date of 30 June 1958 as proposed earlier. Beginning January 1, 1959, therefore, the overall authorized ceiling will be 630,000 rather than 720,000 as previously fixed.
- “5. It is proposed that the ROKA portion of this new ceiling be fixed at 566,960, with the other services being continued at the strengths previously discussed. The new ROKA ceiling will thus make possible the desired increased ceilings for the ROK Navy and Air Force.
- “6. Promptly upon agreement on the new force levels, the U.S. will be prepared to transfer to ROKAF the aircraft earmarked for the second [Page 439] fighter-bomber wing. Action will also be taken to program for delivery as soon as practicable the other matériel that the United States has agreed to furnish. It must be emphasized, however, that these items can only be made available to the ROK Armed Forces upon agreement on the reduced ceiling.
- “7.
In our considered judgment, the strength ceilings which the United States is able to support, and the current condition of the ROK economy, make it obvious that the present ROK establishment cannot be continued. Considering the 566,960 ROKA ceiling, it appears necessary that ROKA reduce to a sixteen-division force. This size army will permit development of a more adequate combat and logistic support capability for the reduced number of divisions, and hence will result in an army capable of sustained operations, even though smaller in size.
[1 paragraph (2-1/2 lines of source text) not declassified]
- “9. It is hoped that early agreement on the program as outlined above can be reached in order that the additional matériel which the U.S. desires to make available can be programmed during the current U.S. fiscal year. Your views concerning the proposed reorganization are invited. “Signed ‘Walter C. Dowling, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea’ and ‘G.H. Decker General, United States Army Commander-in-Chief United Nations Command.’
3. In response to above memorandum, MND stated his conviction that psychological effect of 4-division reduction indicated in memorandum would cause great opposition by President Rhee and the public. He made a strong plea that ROKA reduce to an 18-division force, and that the overall authorized ceiling of 630,000 be met by establishing reduced peace time tables of organization for the 18 divisions and other supporting units. MND was advised that ROK Army and Eighth U.S. Army staffs would study feasibility of maintaining 18-division structure within Army ceiling and make recommendations along these lines for consideration at next meeting, which is tentatively scheduled for 20 February.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/2–1258. Secret; Priority. Also sent to OASD/ISA and the Department of the Army and repeated to CINCPAC, CINCUSARPAC, CINCPACAF, and Seoul.↩
- Document 209.↩
- See Document 206.↩
- On February 28 General Decker reported in UK 977867 CC from Seoul, that the Korean Government had accepted in principle the U.S. proposal to support 18 divisions for the ROK Army, within an overall strength ceiling of 630,000 for ROK forces. The Korean Government proposed that the understanding be underwritten by a revision of the Agreed Minute of 1954. (Department of State, Central Files, 795B.5/2–2858)↩