62. Editorial Note

On July 1, 1960, the Somali Republic became independent, uniting the former U.N. trust territory of Somalia with the former British protectorate of Somaliland, which had become independent on June 26. For text of a message dated July 1 from President Eisenhower to President Aden Abdulla Osman, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960–61, page 550. Secretary of Commerce Frederick H. Mueller, who represented President Eisenhower at the independence ceremonies, delivered the message. The Department of State announced on June 30 the elevation of the consulate general at Mogadiscio to an embassy on July 1, with Consul General Andrew G. Lynch as Chargé d’Affaires; see Department of State Bulletin, July 18, 1960, page 118. Lynch presented his credentials as the first Ambassador to Somalia on July 11.

The United States did not extend formal recognition to Somaliland, but Secretary of State Herter sent a congratulatory message dated June 26 to the Somaliland Council of Ministers; for text, see ibid., page 87. An Operations Coordinating Board report of July 13, 1960, entitled “Report on the Horn of Africa (NSC 5903),” states that formal recognition was not extended because Somaliland’s period of independence was to be of such short duration and was timed to permit it to unite immediately with Somalia when the latter became independent. (Department of State, S/PNSC Files: Lot 62 D 1, NSC 5903 file)

For further documentation concerning the Somali Republic, see Documents 4155.